Mrs. Humphry
It was the first day of school in 6th grade at Newchester Academy of the Performing Arts, where our protagonists October, Athena, Mae, and Victor are walking to school.
"This is so EXCITING!" Mae cheered. "Our FIRST DAY at this school!"
"I know!" Athena agreed, less hyped, "But Mae, can you like, chill?"
"Yeah, calm down you tater tot," Victor requested, without looking up from his latest sci-fi adventure book.
"I'm pretty excited, I mean this is a new school, after all," October said, writing something down in their notebook
"Yeah, but you don't have to be so EEEEK about it!" Athena grumbled. She picked at her sweater.
"Do you know me? I'm EEEK about everything!!!" Mae yelled thrusting her hands in the air.
Victor sighed and closed his book. "Yes, yes, we all know you. You need calm people like me in your life to make everything more chill, because around you is a bubble of no chill. It's treacherous."
Mae made a face at him. "Meanie," she muttered.
"We're almost there," October said pointing to the building across the street
Athena shifted her backpack on her shoulders and looked at the massive building. She was shy about everything, but especially about starting a new school.
"No need to be nervous," October reassured her "I mean, you know people who are going here"
"Yeah, I know," Athena sighed. "But. . .all the people! And how will I know where my classes are?"
Mae snorted. "My sister said the SAME THING when she started here, but when she came home after school, she couldn't WAIT to go back again. I'm SO EXCITED!!! All the teachers are supposed to be REALLY nice, and I CAN'T WAIT!"
Victor then pulled out a piece of paper from his backpack "We also all have the same homeroom, Athena. No need to be scared."
"Apparently she's called Mrs. Humphrey¨ October said, pulling out a similar paper.
"I heard Mrs. Humphrey is new this year," Mae gossiped Walking through the open door to the school.
October glanced inside. The hallways were packed with students wearing all different colors of clothes. It was also very loud, with sneakers squeaking against the floor, lockers slamming, and kids shouting over each other in order to be heard.
"Our class should be that way," Victor explained, pointing down the hall labeled '6th grade'.
"Then let's GO!" Mae said walking towards the hall, pulling the group behind her.
After a short walk down the hall, Victor walked up to the door labeled '8' "This is our class" he said, opening the door, and walking inside.
"Welcome, problem children, take a seat in the back," a rather short woman with gray hair in the front said to them as they entered, gesturing to the table in the back of the rather large room. They walked to the back of the room and each took a seat at the circular table.
Mae leaned in closer to the other three. "Do you think that's Mrs. Humphrey? I hope not. She seems pretty mean."
Athena nodded and peeked toward the woman again, who was "welcoming" some more students to the class. October thought the woman was a bit mean to be a teacher, but she might just be filling in for Mrs. Humphrey. They really hoped so.
"She should introduce herself to us when class starts," Victor muttered, "And Mae, you've calmed down!"
Mae glared at him. "I'm just WHISPERING," she whisper-yelled, cupping a hand to her mouth like she was sharing a secret.
"SILENCE!!!" The short woman up front shrieked, and all the students jumped. "Class will be starting now, well it's the first day of school so I should introduce myself, I am Mrs. Humphrey," She said writing 'Mrs. Humphrey' down on the chalkboard behind her "I will be your homeroom and History teacher" she explained. "And if you act out, I will not hesitate to contact the office and your parents. So, be on your best behavior."
The class cowered slightly, and October shivered. This lady was scary!
"Well let's get started," she said walking over to the desk and climbing onto the chair, which didn't seem to make her any taller."¨today is August 25th, and I will be your teacher for the rest of the year. Now, who would like to share their name first?" The way she said it made it seem like the first person who shared would also be the first person dumped into a steaming vat of poison.
Nobody moved a muscle.
Mrs. Humphrey's face contorted like she was trying to swallow a golf ball. "No one? Well then. I shall choose for you."
Everyone quivered, sitting on the edges of their seats in anticipation.
"Hmm. . ." Mrs. Humphrey said, savoring the air of frightened attention. "How about. . .you. The young man in the yellow shirt. Back there." And she pointed a gnarled finger at Victor.
"Oh um well I'm V-victor and I use He-Him pronouns," He said, stuttering slightly.
"Good, good. Next up: the girl with orange hair." She croaked, plastering a sickly sweet smile on her face. She now pointed at October.
October stood up and said "I am October, and I use They-them pronouns" They then sat back down
Instantly Mrs. Humphrey's forced smile disappeared. "You are either a BOY or a GIRL. Now, which one?"
"NEITHER, YOU JERK!" Mae shrieked. "They are NOT a boy, and NOT a girl! You do NOT talk smack about MY FRIENDS."
Mrs. Humphrey tut-tutted. "It's the first day of school, miss, and you already have detention under your belt. I will be calling your parents after class is over."
"Well they don't care if I was just standing up for my friend!" she screamed storming out of the classroom, A few seconds later the students heard a loud crash.
"great, she probably broke the window, again," Victor said sighing
Athena nodded morosely.
Mrs. Humphrey's face turned purple with suppressed rage. She pulled a walkie-talkie out of her belt and spoke into it urgently. "A student is on the loose. . .Talking back to the teacher. . . maybe broke a window. . .yes. . .6th grade corridor. . .no, not provoked. . .talking back to a teacher! . . .I see. . .no, nothing of the sort. . .why, that would be most welcome. . .unnecessary. . .yes, I do believe there was some damage done to the school. . .must be deranged. . .abused at home? No records of the like? Hmm. . .yes, yes. . .I understand. . .thank you."
The class sat rigid with fear as Mrs. Humphrey set down her walkie-talkie. "The student
Going over to where Mae was . . .
¨Don't smack talk my friends unless you want property damage¨ she muttered pulling out another rock and threw it at the window.
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