Chapter 10
So i decided to completely scrap the original chapter 10 since it was so rushed, enjoy.
Kouta's pov
Waking up next to someone wasnt something he was use to, especially not someone like ryou. "Do you like staring at sleeping people?" Staring kouta in the eyes was a sleepy ryou, "not normally but i just couldnt help but look" kouta blushing he couldnt believe ryou saw him be creepy. Ryou puts his hand and places it on his face, then kissing him "good morning, bunny" bunny?? Kouta found his new nickname quite unusual "so why bunny?" "No idea you just remind me of one, kinda like the one i had as a kid. Soft, sweet, loving, and likes attention from me" ryou chuckles, getting up and walking to the bathroom.
Kouta could only blush harder then he was before, his phone starts to ring. Its his brother kohaku "oh yeah i never called him back.." Picking up the phone the first words from his brother "WHAT THE FUCK YOU HAD ME WORRIED!" "Yeah sorry im fine, i have a place to stay so dont worry."
Kohaku told kouta he wants to meet him at a coffee shop, and wouldnt tell him why. "Who was that?" Ryou walks back in from the bathroom dressed in a suite, "my twin brother he wants me to meet him some place today" he started getting up and looking through his boxes of clothes. "Alright well i have some business to attend anyways, dinner after we both come back?" Ryou wanted to spend more time with kouta even though they just met not to long ago. "Yeah" smiling back at ryou he too wanted to spend more time together, kissing kouta he then had to leave since he was already late as is.
Small time skip
Kouta now at the coffee shop waiting for kohaku to show up. "Yo, im suprised you came actually" kohaku pats his shoulder "well you wouldnt tell me what you wanted so" kouta really hated going out in the mornings since its the time people would most likely be up for work. "So its about father" kohaku had a serious face which is rare "Alright what happen? He die or something?" Kouta didnt expect for kohaku to tell him that their father was looking for them. Having the mind set to bring them back home and make one of them a heir.
Past kouta
When kouta and kohaku were living under their father, he had strict rules for the boys and the main one was. One of them will become the heir and there's no way out of it. Kouta use to blindly follow his father as he didnt know what else to do kohaku even did too both running strictly on their fathers rules and will. No one will stop him not even satan himself. Thats why when kouta had the chance he would leave and he did but of course he knew one day his father would get him.
Kouta back then looked way different and acted completely opposite to what he is now. Kouta didnt speak at all when he was a child kohaku was the energetic child instead, kouta was also known as to most likely be the heir. He was well trained in being a fit for a boss, the heartless cold stare his navy blue would give, his hair was shorter back then. But his heartless cold stare would become a soft stare towards one individual he'd seen often at parties he would attend to for his dads closes friends childrens party. Back then he only knew the boy as the silver pretty boy...
Back to the present
When kouta got back to ryous home he still was having a hard time wrapping his head around the whole thing, he really couldnt believe it was happening and now out of all the time, when he finds someone. Why now is all he could think.
Weee woo
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