Well, first read the description, it'll tell a lot. XD Here...
Okay, Animal, get serious. Got ya. :>
As you know, there are three packs... WolfPack, DogPack and FoxPack.
All packs despise each other. They HATE each other, at least most dogs. (When I say dog, I'm referring to a canine ;3)
WolfPack Info
WolfPack, is the most strong and powerful. They are the highest ranking pack, and usually win battles. They may seem all-mighty and fierce out at gatherings and battles, but at camp, they have the hearts of a lion. They are very protective off their pups, mothers, and elders, and feed the weak. They hate getting proven they are wrong, and are very head-strong. They are devious for power, and hate to lose.
WolfPack Territory
The WolfPack territory is in the heart of the deep forest, filled with luscious undergrowth and bountiful prey. They choose that territory first, and claimed it. The camp is located in a grassy glade in the middle of the forest, with dug out dens lining the outside, and the Alpha and Beta den is in the middle, underneath a fallen tree. It has a high tree stump, in which that is where the Alpha addresses orders. The Omega den is a little bit away from camp, which is a shallow hole lined with moss.
WolfPack Customs
The customs in WolfPack is...
Wolves aren't born with their names, they are simply Pup 1, Pup 2, and so on. Although mother-wolves will give them small callings, consisting of small barks and whines. Once a pup reaches three moons/months, they will get there names, chosen by the Alpha. The names they get are decided from pelt coloring and strengths. If a pup was black and smart, it would have names consisting of Crow, Raven etc. Not all names need to be that, for example, if a pup's loyal grandmother was named Maple, the pup could be called Branch, for he is kin, and that is apart of the tree. Naming customs are huge. And for a litter of pups, it usually takes the whole day. Although, for unworthy (bad mom etc) pups, it'll only take about a minute for each pup.
On the Full Moon, the pack will go and bury their whole supply of prey into the ground, as giving thanks to the dead spirit wolves. (Crazy, right?! O.o) Then they will roll around in berry juice (to attract 'spirits') and howl to their dead brethren. Then, they will soak in the crisp river, losing the berry juices, cleansing their souls. For the rest of the night, they will hunt, as the 'spirits' gave them better prey. It goes on and on.
That is most of the info for them! XD
DogPack Info
Dogs of DogPack are extremely loyal. They think deeply and purely. They can be fierce when they need too, but usually act good-natured in gatherings. In their pack, they actually plot and plan, which gives them an advantage. They like to have fun, and joke around with their packmates. In DogPack, they are still very orderly, and want to run a clean, efficient pack. If a dog disobeys the rules, they will have a punishment.
DogPack Territory
The DogPack territory is a more open forest surrounded with aspen, maple and birch trees. It has a warren of rabbits, deer and other small mammals. A murky pond is near by, covered in reeds and other long grasses. The camp is simply a small hill, over looking the forest. The Alpha and Beta den is a hollowed out stone. Inside the den is a moss bed. The dens around are simply dug out. The Omega's den is under a bush, lined with a pelt of some animal.
DogPack Customs
DogPack has many rituals, that really fulfill this pack as a whole.
First, naming. Pups are born with a name, things that are small, actions that are small, etc. For example, in the series Survivors, there were pups named Nose, Fuzz, Snail, Tumble etc. But once a pup reaches six moons (months) of age, they get to choose their sacred name, in which they will have forever. But the naming ceremony is more than just choosing a name. First, you need to sit on a white rabbits pelt, and then at midnight, you say your name. Your name needs to be special, and have meaning. Names such as Storm, Thorn, River etc work. When a dog chooses their name, they need to take on their name... Like... If a dog's name was Zephyr, they would most likely want to be fast, but soft and sweet. Idk. XD (Like Survivor naming)
Next in the pack rituals, if a dog becomes someone's mate, they will have a little ceremony, as a celebration of new life. Usually, mates means new pups, which gets the pack excited. During this time, dogs are at peace, and usually eat some prey, all ranking forgotten. Meaning, an Omega can become mates with a hunter, and no dog will despise her/him. It is a very enjoyable moment. <3
More customs will be added later ;3
FoxPack Info
FoxPack is very cocky, and sly. They are normally fearless, and hardy. Most foxes will fight to their last breath for there pack and family. In battles, they fight in numbers. They use speed to their advantage, and are very agile. They are resilient, and if you do anything to them, they will have revenge. They do get taken down pretty quickly, but because of how caring foxes are to other packmates, most foxes can survive. Foxes are witty and act slightly insane, but they just want to be threatening, and prove their worth to the forest.
FoxPack Territory
The FoxPack territory is a meadow filled with flowers, giving them little coverage. The prey is just enough to keep them alive, but it's not the best. The camp is nice, however. It is a small grove of trees, inside the forest. It has a bunch of fallen trees and holes, perfect for dens. Their is a bramble wall surrounding the trees, that takes a while to get through for bigger canines, making it easy for intricate foxes. The Alpha and Beta den is a huge dug out den, and is lined with lichen. The other dens are just smaller variants. The Omega den is made of scratchy brambles, and is literally right next to the bramble wall.
FoxPack Customs
FoxPack customs are very time-rewarding and have great values.
First custom. Naming.
Naming is simple. A mother-fox simply names the kits when they are born, and that is their forever name. But it is not that simple. *gasp* A mother-fox and her mate, on the night before birth, go to a place called Dream Pond, which is a little way away from their camp. They lay down and fall asleep by the pond (Moonpool?! XD Idk) and ancient spirits talk to the mother, telling about the names the kits must receive. If the mother disobeys, the kit will have a 'bad future.' Example, the spirit tells the mother-fox to name her kits Frost, Yarrow and Iris. (Idk XD) She obeys and names the kits that, for that is who they are. If she doesn't like the name, and just randomly names one of her kits Flame, in replace of Frost, the kit will have a 'bad future.' The father-fox, is told the destinies of each kit, even if it is not a big one, they will still have one. It doesn't explain all of it, but just a little somethin'. XD
The next custom they have, is where they test a new hunter/patroller, that just came out of kithood, to see if they are ready to fulfill and help the pack. They first, give the new hunter/patroller sleeping berries, where they fall in a deep sleep. They place the young fox by the riverbed, head out of the water, but the rest of the body in. If the young fox stays asleep and by the riverbed all night, they are worthy. If they wash into the river, they are not worthy (as said by 'spirits') and need to spend a week as a kit, until they are ready to try again... >;3
Welp, I hope you survived the info of the packs! There is still more to be told. 😁
The pack rankings are...
And I hope NONE of you all just join one pack because it's most active or its most powerful, and none of that crap. :I Give all packs a chance. 😅
So, ranks...
There is, for all packs...
(Highest to lowest)
*Third Dog (only when a pack needs it. Don't make a form saying you want to be Third Dog. Alphas choose.)
(*Not always there)
So, yeah. There is NO medic, and I don't want anyone trying to take on the 'medic role.' Almost no dog has any knowledge on herbs and cobwebs and stuff. XD
~~~~~~Pack Laws~~~~~~
In the packs, sometimes females have a tough time, and aren't always treated fairly. Pack law says only males can be Alpha or Beta. (This law will soon change)
Another law is, you can't have a mate with a dog in the other packs. If you do, whichever mate gets killed first, the other mate gets to live.
If you have half-pups, meaning fox and wolf mate, dog and wolf mate etc, they will be killed, along with only the mother. The father will stay alive, knowing he caused lives to die. The father will be omega and scarcely tortured until he learned his lesson. Then he will be put into patrolling jobs, and the former omega will take his place.
You must not ignore a rouge, and must kill it immediately.
You must protect your pack with every last breathe, even if it costs you your life.
Do not disobey your Alpha, Beta or Third Dog.
Respect your elders.
Eat in order of rank, and have respect for those higher than you, and meeker than you.
Don't ignore a pup/kit in distress.
You can't eat, unless it's time for eating.
Don't sabotage your pack or play against them.
~~~~~~Other Info~~~~~~
Packs have a gathering every Slit Moon, aka every quarter moon. They speak and talk about necessities and other important things. There doesn't need to be peace, but hopefully no major fights break out.
Pack canines can fight another dog for rank.
Rogues and loners can join, but you will need to prove yourself.
I'll add more later XD *dies*
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