Three girls sat down laughing on an electric generator that even though it says to keep away, they sit on it anyway.
"That was fun but I almost need to go home" said Olivia, who was seconds ago playing Oddeyssa. "I can't believe I'm the only one staying here, I mean first Tess (Joe) moved, now Ashley (Anastasia)"
"It's ok, we can still text each other" Tess said.
"But I won't be the same with out you two" she felt a tug at her heart. Olivia had transferred to a different school and now only a phone could keep their friendship strong, but she already felt more distant. "Your mom is probably here to pick you up Tess"
"Oh, I see her now. Bye!"
"Goodbye, Tess" Ashley and Olivia called. Goodbye Joe, goodbye three of the unknown.
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