The new chapter for Morgan Stark
A/N this chapter may be a bit unrealistic even for a marvel fanfic but please just roll with it.
-Are you sure you're all gonna be okay? Dad asked.
-Yeah we'll be fine dad, Harley said.
-Kids we may be fighting an army. But if you need us just call. We'll answer any time, dad said for the hundred time.
-Yeah yeah. Dad we'll be fine. I'll take care of these two idiots, Morgan said.
-There's food in the fridge. Friday can cook for you. And please don't be out past 9 pm.....You know what? I can't, dad said and aunt Nat walked up to him.
-Tony they're gonna be fine. The whole tower has cameras you can see from your suit. Happy will be in town and Thor can always open up bifrost if that would be necessary. It's fine. We need you at the field. And as long as you don't wanna bring the three monkeys with you, you have to go. Besides Morgan has everything under control, Aunt Nat said and winked at me.
-She's the youngest of us. Why does she get boss around? I asked.
-Because if anything would happen Morgan wouldn't panic and run into a wall, mom said who had sneaked up on dad and aunt Nat from behind.
-It happened one time! Both me and Harley said.
-We have to go. Kids family hug right now! Mom ordered.
We all hugged each other and even aunt Nat joined the hug. Then we let go and they finally left. They should've left two hours ago. But dad So it didn't quite go as planned.
-I'm gonna prepare some food with Fri. She'll tell you when it's done, Morgan said and walked towards the kitchen.
-Is a 13 year old even allowed to use the stove!? Harley yelled after her teasingly.
-So you don't want my lasagna? It's fine! She yelled back.
-No Morgan I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry! Harley yelled and ran after her.
I just chuckled. Really it's not that big of a deal that Morgan's in charge. She's not a control freak. She kinda acts like a lazy extra mom. But still it's pretty funny she's five years younger than me and eight years younger than Harley.
I was watching a movie in my room. But it was very hard to concentrate. My stomach had been sore/hurting since yesterday. I didn't know why and I didn't wanna bother my family with a little stomach ache. But now it hurt a lot. So I decided to go to the infirmary. Maybe we had something that could help. When I entered Harley were wrapped Peter's arm in bandage. He was wearing his suit half way up.
-What happened? I asked and walked up to the lockers to see if we had something that could help my stomach ache.
-Just a scratch. It will heal in a few days, Harley said.
-Looking for something? Peter asked as he probably heard I was looking for something in the lockers.
-I've had stomach ache since yesterday. So I was hoping we had something to help me with that, I said and closed the locker since I didn't find anything.
Then I thought I could help Harley to patch up Peter.
-I don't know if we have any. Maybe we could.... Oh my god! Morgan what happened to you!!? Peter yelled when I came into his eye sight.
-What do you....?
-Morgan your legs are covered in blood!! Harley yelled.
I looked down on my legs and saw all the blood. Oh my god what was happening to me? Is this why my stomach hurt like a mother fucker? I tracked the blood with my eyes and it seemed to be coming from my...."reserved area".
-Morgan lie down! Peter ordered and got up from the bed.
I layed down and saw that I had even dripped some blood on the floor. What the hell? Of course my brothers couldn't function with this stress. So while they were freaking out I just sat there. Was I bleeding out? But how and why?
-We need to call dad, Peter suddenly said.
-Call him then! I said.
Peter picked up his phone and called dad. After a while he answered. In the background we could all hear fighting. Probably because they were earlier going out on a mission.
-Dad we have a situation at home, Peter said.
-What happened? We can't be there until an hour. Maybe Morgan....
-Morgan is bleeding out from her lower area, Peter interrupted.
-Avengers I retreat I have to get back home! Dad yelled. "Kids try to stop the bleeding, keep her hydrated and calm. I'll be there as soon as possible!"
Then Peter ended the call. We all looked at each other. How the hell where we supposed to stop a bleeding from my vagina!?
-Okay I'll get some towels and you get some water. Morgan you tell Fri if there's anything you need while we're gone, Peter said nervously and swung of even though mom and dad had forbidden him from doing that.
Harley ran out through the other door and I just layed back. What was happening? I decided that since the boys were gone I could have a look and.....OH MY GOD IT'S SATANS HOLY RIVER OF BLOOD!!!!!
Peter gave me a new towel. It was the third time we changed my "dipper". Both Harley and Peter had been super helpful. But we were still freaking out a bit. Suddenly the doors flew opened and our parents came running in along with aunt Nat and uncle Bruce.
-Banner tell me what's going on!? Now! Dad ordered and snapped impatiently before he got behind a screen.
-Okay Friday give me a full body scan. Morgan are you in any pain right now? Uncle Bruce asked and got behind a screen aswell.
-My stomach hurt a little.
-Where is the bleeding coming from exactly? Dad asked.
-Down there, I answered and pointed
Both my mom and aunt Nat looked at each other and then nodded. I looked at them weirdly. They actually seemed to be a bit....relived?
-Boys out! Mom suddenly said.
We all looked at her confused. I was bleeding out every single drop of blood I had in my body and she wanted the doctor and genius to leave? said.
-She's fine. But you four need to go, Nat said strictly.
-But she's....
-Out! Mom yelled and pointed at the door.
The boys shrugged back for a second. Then they all quickly left the room. I looked over at my mom and my aunt. What was going on? The two of them slowly walked up to the bed and sat down on each side. I just starred at them.
-Morgan I'm sorry I didn't have this talk with you earlier. It even seems like I have to talk with your dad about it, Mom said.
-What are you talking about?
-Morgan we've been really busy lately and we didn't think that maybe while we weren't watching you were growing up, aunt Nat said.
-You guys are talking like I'm gonna die! If I am then get uncle Bruce back here please!
-Sweetie you're not gonna die. This is totally normal.
(A/N I'm gonna skip the rest if this conversation. If there's any of you who hasn't understand what is going on. I'm just gonna make it clear. Morgan just got her first period.
*P.S* I might write this conversation sometime if you guys really want it. So just leave a comment)
I walked out of the lab with aunt Nat and my mom. My stomach still hurt. But they had given me new pants, a pad and a leg wash. It wasn't as terrifying now. Still a bit since they told me this is gonna happen often now. We walked into the corridor outside and saw my whole family. Did they finish the fight already? Everyone looked really worried. Then they looked up. Oh man I don't think I have ever seen theese many happy people in one place at the same time at once.
-Morgan!! They all yelled and gave me a group hug.
I tried to hug them back. But I was a bit squished. Finally they all let go and I could finally breathe. Then they all started asking questions if I was okay and what happened and all that stuff. My mom saved me from it all and cleared her throat.
-Listened up everyone and especially you boys. Morgan is totally fine. Her bleeding is completely natural's her first period, mom said.
Everyone started talking again. Saying I'm already becoming a beautiful young woman, it's a start of a new chapter, warning it's a downhill now, I have chocolate if you need it, just ask if you need any help. I talked with everyone. That's how our family was. A big mess, but a big loving mess. Mom said that a lot of girls is embarrassed about this. I don't know if I will be. But if I will, it will not be in front if my family. I looked over at dad who now slowly were approaching me. He looked so serious. I met his glance and then I realized, he was about to start crying.
-Hey dad I'm fine! I said and hugged him.
He hugged me back.
-I know Morguna. I'm just so damn proud of you. And know that you can always count on me. I'll always stay by your side. Whatever it takes. Okay?
-Morgan you scared the shit out of us!! My brothers' voices yelled from behind
Oh shit!
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