-I'm gonna get the car. Come when you're ready, May said and sent me one last supportive look before disappearing behind the lake house.
I took a shaky breath and nodded. It's alright. He's dead but never really gone....right? I almost threw up at my own thoughts. Without taking my eyes of my feet I turned around....and walked right into someone.
-Oh I-I'm so sorry, I said.
The boy who seemed to be in my age, maybe slightly older than me just smiled.
-It's no problem, he said.
I looked at him a bit curious. Everyone else here I seemed to recognize, but this guy was a total stranger. He had dark hair just slightly lighter than mine and we both had the same hair style, not to mention we were about the same height.
-I don't think we've met. I'm Peter....Peter Parker, I said and reached out my hand.
-Harley Keener, the guy said and shook my hand.
-Wish we maybe could've met under better circumstances, I said and wondered how I hadn't broke down in tears yet.
-Yeah....Can't believe he's gone....I-uh...I met Tony when I was a kid. He broke in to my garage with his Iron Man suit. The suit was broken or something....but he fixed it I think. And then he left. He kept in touch though. We called or massaged each other at least once a month. It was nice....especially since my dad never was there....Tony was instead.
-Yeah....Tony helped me to. He built me something....something I never could've built myself.
-The Iron spider suit?
-It's fine Peter. Tony talked a lot about you.
-H-he did?
-Yeah....most of it was complaints of how irresponsible you were....but...I know he didn't mean any of those things. Ms. Pepper....she....she um...she told me that Tony saw you and I as sons....and I never....I never got to tell him I saw him as my father
We both teared up but put my hand on Harley's shoulder. I sent him a supportive smile. There's always light in the darkness. We started talking about stuff we used to do with Tony. It was nice to talk to Harley. Everyone else here is As we walked down towards the lake I spotted a girl. Wasn't she the one ms. Pepper was holding hands with earlier.
-Hey. Who's that? I asked.
-That's Morgan. His daughter. After the first battle against Thanos Tony wanted a new life. That's her, Harley explained.
What is she doing all alone on the bridge? She doesn't seem to be older than seven. Both me and Harley shot each other a glance before walking up on the bridge. We both stood on each side of her before sitting down. The gir-Morgan's feet wasn't even close to the water. I couldn't say the same for me and Harley. If any waves had been on the lake then our feet would be wet.
-You knew my dad? She asked and looked down on our reflections.
-Yeah. I'm Peter.
-And I'm Harley.
-You're the lost boys?
-What? Harley asked.
-My dad always told me bedtime stories. Most of them was about two young boys. One was a mechanic and the other was a superhero. Both of the boys were sad because they had been through a lot. Then one day the two boys meet. They start making the world to a better place. Even though they weren't adults. But one day the boys was lost. And the whole world mourned the lost boys.
-You like that story? I asked.
-Yeah. It's my second favorite story.
-Why do you think we're the lost boys? Harley asked.
-Who else would it be?
I smiled and glanced over the lake. It was beautiful. I understand why mr. Stark choose to live here.
-Do you miss him? Harley asked.
-No. He's still here.
We all smiled and fell silent for a while. This people. Morgan and Harley. I didn't know them an hour ago and still it feels like I've always known them.
-I think he would've like this, Harley said.
Both me and Morgan looked up at him. What did he mean by that? Harley's eyes didn't meet ours. Instead he looked out over the lake.
-He would've like the three of us together.
-I think you're my older brothers, Morgan blurted out.
Both me and Harley looked down on her in shock. What???
-I once asked dad for an older brother. But he said I already had two. But that they went to heaven before I was born. But he brought you back. Didn't he?
I smiled and nodded. He sure did.
-Everyone's left! A voice half yelled from behind.
The three of us turned around and saw ms. Pepper standing with crossed arms in the middle of the yard. Her arms were crossed and she didn't look the slightest bit sad. She starred towards the lake. Me, Morgan and Harley turned our looks towards the lake aswell. Soon something flew right out of the lake which created waves to both of mine and Harley's feet got wet. But we didn't care. The thing that had come out of the water was an iron man suit. It landed in front of ms. Pepper. My eyes widened as the suit detransformed. It was mr. Stark.
-Phew I was getting bored, he said and turned around to face us. "Oh hi kids!"
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