I did a triple fist bump with my Peter and Morgan. We had just stopped a robbery without having to call for help. It felt pretty great actually. Wait until Dad and the others hear about this.
-Hey guys what do you say we go and get ice cream before we head home? Morgan asked.
-Didn't you eat ice cream like just before the fight? Peter asked.
-Yeah but I'm still craving more.
-Well it was a pretty successful fight, I said.
-And we didn't have to call anyone, Peter said.
-I guess it wouldn't hurt with a little ice cream then, I smiled.
Morgan clapped her hands of happiness and put her iron mask back on. Both me and Peter just smiled. We then raced to our favorite ice cream shop. Since we were dressed as agent C-33, Spider-Man and Iron-girl we all got free ice cream. After that we went home. All of us hurried inside to tell our parents about the fight.
-No it's to early. Besides why does it matter? They are still family! My family! Dad yelled.
The three of us stopped and hid behind a wall. What was he talking about?
-Of course they're still family. But we have to tell them the truth!
-They are both my sons. Nothing could ever change that! Dad yelled.
-But we have to tell them, Mom said.
-Tell us what? I asked and stepped out of my hiding spot along with my siblings.
Mom and dad were speechless. Me, Morgan and Peter crossed our arms and licked on our ice creams. Dad sighed deeply and pointed at the chairs. We all walked over there and sat down. The room was still quiet until dad sighed deeply. Mom stood behind him rubbing his shoulder while looking at us a bit....worried.
-Look kids....there's something you have to know, dad said.
-What? Peter asked.
-The truth is.....Morgan is our only biological child, dad said.
We all dropped our ice creams and just starred at them. Were they for real? Was me and Peter not their sons?
-We were going to tell you sooner. But we just didn't know how, mom said.
-Maybe we did but it just was to weird. You see no matter what the papers say. You three are our kids! That's what made it even harder to tell you, dad explained.
-You're lying, Morgan suddenly said.
We all turned in her direction. Her voice sounded so different. She was starring at our parents with pure anger in her eyes.
-There is absolutely no way that Peter and Harley aren't my brothers! They have looked out for each other and me for as long as I can remember. Without them I wouldn't be the person I am today. Hell I probably wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for them! Morgan said.
We all were a bit shocked. Those were some pretty big words coming from a ten year old's mouth. But she was right. There was no way she wasn't my sister and Peter wasn't my brother.
-I know this may be a shock for you. But it's true, mom said.
-However that changes nothing. You three are my kids and you are siblings! Dad said.
-It changes a lot, Peter said.
-Yeah I agree. So what if it was tough for you. How long were you planning on keeping us in the dark!? I yelled.
-Don't we deserve the truth about who we are? Peter asked.
-But you are our sons. Our family! "Mom" said.
-No we're not. Real parents protects their kids from all the bad stuff in the world.
-That's what we were trying to do, "dad" said desperately.
-Lying and protecting aren't the same thing. A genius like you should know the difference, Morgan said.
-Let's go guys, Peter said and we all left the room.
While we were walking down the corridor I couldn't help but wonder, did Morgan secretly know about all this?
-M, did you know about any of this? I asked.
-No I had no idea Harls, she said and shook her head.
-What should we do? Peter asked.
-I don't know, I answered.
-We should find your real parents of course, Morgan said.
-How? I asked.
-Okay let's see. We live with the avengers in avengers tower, Harley has graduated from both MIT and sheild's training program. Peter got into Yale, I'm currently filling in an early resume to Harvard university and we have a super computer in like every room in the tower. Yeah I have no idea how we're gonna find your real parents, Morgan said sarcastically.
-We literally just found out that you weren't our biological sister. Can't you at least act nice? I joked.
-Well we could always borrow mr. Loki's knives and....
-Wow there! Peter interrupted Morgan. "Why don't we just get you some chocolate cookies and not do anything with knives?"
-You guys are no fun!
-No we're just your two overprotective older brothers, I said fake annoyed.
Morgan rolled her eyes at us and Peter quickly tickled her stomach a bit. She laughed and Peter sent me a devilish glance. I smirked and looked over at Morgan. She looked at us terrified.
-You'll never take me alive! She yelled and started running.
-Wanna bet! I yelled as both me and Peter raced after her.
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