Missing Musketeer
"Seems like this was a mineshaft" Leafy said while opening a empty crate. "Abandoned,probably" Leafy told herself. " I have no idea who your talking to" Gelatin said from a crate he was sitting on. "IM TALKING TO YOU" Leafy yelled pointing at Gelatin. "Haha and you say I'm hangry" Gelatin said rolling his eyes. "Whatever" Leafy walked around the little part of the mineshaft they were in. There were tunnels connecting to where they were at, It might probably be hard to find their way back if they went exploring so Leafy and Gelatin stayed back. "Now that I notice, where's Ruby?" Gelatin asked jumping of the crate while looking around for his familiar gem friend. " Huh? Isn't she over there?" Leafy asked pointing at a crate where Ruby was originally at. "Oh" "As you can see,she isn't here" Gelatin motioned to the spot Leafy pointed at. "Om- did she went into the tunnels??" Leafy asked "Probably" "I told her not to-" Leafy sighed "It's okay let's just look for her I guess" Leafy said looking at the tunnels. "But theirs four" Gelatin asked Leafy "Okay, then we split! We can find her easier like that" Leafy said. "I'll take the first two while you take the other two" Leafy said motioning to the four tunnels. "Okay, fine by me" Gelatin said while walking to one of the tunnels Leafy had assigned him to. "Maybe the second one?" Leafy mumbled to herself as the crate Ruby was originally at was beside the second tunnel. "I guess this one then" Leafy said while walking into the second tunnel..
"Ruby!! Oh Rubster!!" Gelatin called while walking through the tunnel. There was a lot of crates everywhere but almost all of them were empty. The other few had gold in it and of course Gelatin took them. "Ruby come out where ever you are!!" Gelatin called. Gelatin then saw a (I'm bad at explaining so just pretend he saw a those types of elevators in the mineshaft) "Oh,wait there's a bottom floor?!" Gelatin mumbled to himself while walking to the 'Cage' (Fun fact: If Google is correct, Elevators in mineshafts were called cages! And also idk how elevators back then worked so I'm probably wrong at this part) Gelatin stood on the platform making sure it's stable. " It seems fine..maybe it still works?" Gelatin mumbled while pulling on the pulley, surprisingly it worked and he went down. Gelatin jumped off the platform "okay, that's cool!" Gelatin said looking at the cage. "I should totally tell the rest about this later!" Gelatin then remembered that he supposedly trying to find his friend and not be in awe about a cage so he went back to his mission. Gelatin got back on the platform and was about to pull the pulley and get back up when he heard something. A distorted sound was echoed through the cave Gelatin was at. "What was that?.." Gelatin asked looking around him. "Maybe I should just leave" Gelatin said grabbing on the pulley. Suddenly something came out the shadows. It had eight fee- it's a spider.. but it doesn't look like a spider and not to mention it's bigger then Gelatin himself. "What in the.." Gelatin whispered looking at big threat in front of him. It looks like it brought some friends as well. One didn't have a leg while another was missing an eye they all didn't look like normal spiders... "Oh no.." Gelatin said holding out his wooden sword..
Sorry for not uploading! I forgot I had this story aha I'm back now! I'll try to not forget about this story and all my other stories :'l
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