Mom (olives Version)
Olives POV
It was 5pm and I was hanging out by myself at Chick-fil-A before I had to go and perform at a concert ,I ordered a spicy sandwich, chicken nuggets and a soda after I payed for the food I got up and left with my food to go home while I was walking home I saw someone following me and i don't mean like just trying to go somewhere I mean they had their eyes on my
Every turn I made they followed I did a couple laps around and to make sure they were following me I started to speed up and they also sped up I would have asked someone for help but strangely the streets were empty in the city!
The person started to get closer so I started to full on run until I heard a voice I thought I would never hear again
''OLIVE WAIT PLEASE'' I knew that voice I stop running and cautiously turned around
It was my mother i was shocked and started to panic
I started to run faster until I reached the house
I started frantically looking for my key card but I couldn't find it I realized I must have dropped it
I turned around only to see my mother holding my only way in the house
''Looking for this darling?'' she teased holding the key card
I tried to grab it from her but she was to fast
''Ah ah ah'' she spoked, i then yelled at her, ''GIVE IT BACK'' I said on the verge of crying
She looked at my tears and sigh she put the card in her pocket
Iyana's POV
I got close to her and wiped her tears
''Shhhhh don't cry darling'' I said trying to calm the poor thing down, I could tell she was scared and I knew why "please darling calm down and listen to me"
Olive still with tears running down her cheek nodded her head "Otay..." she said softly and I wanted to reach out and hug her but it probably wouldn't be the best idea "here darling how about you sit down" I told her leading her to the steps and helping her sit down
I wiped her tears "ok I guess I should start by apologizing.... I know i wasn't the best mom, who am I kidding I probably wasn't even a decent mom, I put a lot of unnecessary pressure on you..." I saw olive cross her arms and look away "I thought you hated me.." she muttered and I gasped "no, no I could never hate you.... I did all of those things because I thought it was for the best... that it would help you in the future I never once thought that what I was doing is wrong" I said and slammed my hand against the concrete "and that was the problem I thought 'hey these things are going to help her grow in to a responsible and respectable young woman'..... but it only lead to you running away from home... to thinking I didn't love or cared about you...." I said as a grazed her face gently "but that is not true! I love you and cared about you and I still did" I said and I say her face retort in to anger "Then why did I get punished for everything! Everything I liked, wore, and wanted to try were All wrong! You once yelled at me for spilling water! I WAS SEVEN" she said as she started crying "you were mean" she said sniffing and I sighed and pulled her in to a hug "I know baby I know... you were small and didn't know any better" I heard her grumble and I chuckled "don laugh! It not funny!" She said "I'm sorry hun it's just that you sound so small" I chuckled and I saw her cross her arms "I'm not small! Ima big girl!" She retorted and I chuckled "Awh sure you are hun your the biggest girl" I said and she giggled and I smiled
"Here baby why don't we go inside?" I said and she looked hesitant and I thought for a moment "you know how about we just fun day?"I asked and I saw her face light up "yes please!" She said enthusiastically
"Alright let's go" we walked across the street to an arcade once we were near the arcade olive shock her head "no, no, no!" Olive said shaking her head and I looked at her confused "you don't wanna go to an arcade" I asked and she shook her head "no arcade!"
"Well where do you want to do my dear?" I asked and I saw her think about it before responding "park! Park!" She yelled happily and I chuckled "alright my little hatchling" I said and she crossed her arms
"I'm not a hatchling" she muttered "oh nestling then, that better for you?" I asked sarcastically with a laugh, and she crossed her arms pouting
"Alright alright I'm sorry hun" I said and she giggled
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