The seduction mission
He could not do it. He had tried, but he was not able to take the first step. He knew that this man was his only chance of succeeding in leaving this country. He had spent time watching him and had even memorized his schedule. This man often came to visit the employees and spent time with them. He had a frank look and a communicative smile. People loved him and enjoyed chatting with him. Some even went so far as to give him gifts, especially girls who rivaled herself to offer him dishes, chocolates and even letters. Ken accepted everything and always remained friendly to them. Hakyeon liked this kind of person because he could interact with them without shyness, yet he could not take the first step. He saw Ken arguing with some of the candidates. Chul and Sia spent a lot of time with him. It was enough for Hakyeon to come to him to get his attention. After he could implement his plan of seduction. But for several days, he had turned back before completing his mission. He had managed to get close to Ken, and when he was time to talk to him, Hakyeon had run away. This had happened several times. He did not think Ken noticed his behavior, but he was certain someone else had seen him. The man in black. This dark-eyed man stared at him each time, then disappeared without saying a word. Hakyeon had become afraid of him. He did not want to deal with this man, he just wanted to seduce Ken.
Hakyeon tried again, he had to become friends with Ken to accomplish his mission. He had taken care of his appearance and had used his best smile. Ken was there. He was chatting with one of the candidates and trying to give her advice. Hakyeon thought it would be an excellent topic of conversation. He was going to be like this girl and ask Ken for advice on how to win the competition. He took courage with both hands and stepped forward. A black form came to block his passage. Hakyeon stared at the man standing in front of him. A shiver ran down his back. This man had a threatening look and the expression of his body scared him. Was he going to hit him? Hakyeon wondered. But the man stood before him staring at him. After a few seconds, he walked up to him saying, "respect the property of others." Hakyeon was surprised by this comment, but he did not have time to answer or ask a question. The man was gone. What did he mean by this sentence? Hakyeon wondered. He did not understand the situation. He shook his head and continued on his way. But Ken was no longer there. Because of the man in black, he missed an opportunity to get to know Ken. Hakyeon was disappointed. He had made a lot of effort to look good in Ken's eyes.
Two days later, an opportunity arose and Hakyeon decided that nothing, this time, would make him lose his motivation. He was going to accomplish his mission. He absolutely wanted to go home. He started following Ken who was walking quietly along his way. Hakyeon initially thought that talking with him in their home would be the best option, but the presence of the other candidates was an obstacle. Ken knew a lot of people so he could not talk to him alone. So, Hakyeon followed him. He was no longer obliged to stay in his house. Since the ceremony, he was now allowed to walk around the royal house. So he followed Ken hoping to find a quiet place where he could talk to him alone. More Ken was walking and more Hakyeon was wondering if he should not announce his presence. But he took pleasure to this spy game and continued to follow Ken without him noticing. Ken took a path that Hakyeon did not know. Should he stop here? Yet he continued to follow his target. Ken went to a place more and more isolated from the castle. After a moment, Hakyeon heard sword blows. People were fighting. What should he do? Was Ken safe?
Hakyeon ran to protect Ken, but he stopped short as soon as he saw what was happening. His gaze could not come off the stage. Two men were fighting. One was Ravi. A Ravi with a bare chest streaming with sweat that made his skin shine. He was flexible and agile. With each movement, his muscles showed a perfect shape: his beautiful abs, the firmness of his buttocks. Hakyeon could not take his eyes off this show. He never saw that side of Ravi. The prince kept an animal smile while defying his adversary. He let his sword go to his opponent's chest and narrowly missed him. He avoided an attack and made a pirouette while directing his blow towards the throat of his adversary. The man in black stepped back a few steps, then tried to unbalance his prince. Ravi dodged the attempt and gave his opponent's arm another sword. " I got you," he shouted. "Are you sure?» His opponent asked. Ravi cocked his head and saw his opponent's sword on his thigh. "Why can not you ever let your prince win?» Ravi asked angry at losing the fight. "Because you do not pay me enough to do this favor. Besides, you do not pay me at all, "answered the man. "If I had to pay you, you would not be my best friend," Ravi replied. "What good is it to be the friend of the future king?» Asked his opponent. Ravi looked at him with big eyes, then turned to Ken. "What have you done yet? He's in a very bad mood, "Ravi accused. Ken made the innocent. "Fix your problems between you, I do not feel responsible," he says. Then he approached the man in black and kissed his lips. " Where were you ? Still to seduce the people around you? »The man asked. "Seduce? No Leo. I was just walking, "Ken replied. "Ken, I'm not blind. I see the girls running after you. If I was not one to keep my cool, it would be a long time since I had murdered someone because of you, "said Leo. In front of Leo's statement, Ken gave him a big smile. "Do not worry because i'm only interested in you," Ken said, kissing his lover. "Pity, do it in a room not in front of people," Ravi begged. Ken glared at him. "You're just jealous, Kim Ravi. But be happy, soon it will be your turn. You're going to get married, "said Ken. For any answer, Ravi glared at him too. Ken pointed to where Hakyeon was hiding. " Speaking of marriage, one of your suitors has followed me so far. He thinks I have not seen him but he is wrong. I have an eye for that. Have fun, " says Ken. He took Leo's arm and dragged him with him to another place. Ravi followed Ken's gesture and noticed it. In fact, someone hair were protruding from behind the wall. Someone was hiding there.
Hakyeon could not believe it. He did not know that part of Ravi. So this prince was not only beautiful, but he was also able to laugh and have fun with his friends. He had also just realized something. Ken was caught. He was in a relationship with this black-robed man named Leo. His plan had failed. He had to find another way to leave this country. Hakyeon felt a hand grab his arm and forced him out of his hiding place. "Does the show please you ? Do you have fun ? » Asked a voice. Hakyeon raised his head and his eyes met those of the prince. Ravi did not seem happy. "I did not know you were a spy too," Ravi asked. Hakyeon tried to free himself, but Ravi pulled harder on his arm and Hakyeon landed on his chest. He was in direct contact with this bare skin full of sweat. He was so close to Ravi that he could feel the scent of his body and his breath on his face. "I thought you wanted to leave. What are you still doing here?» Ravi asked. With some effort, Hakyeon finally manages to break free. "I already explained to you that I am a prisoner here. Do you think it makes me happy to see your face? No. If my plan had worked, I would have left this place for a long time, "yelled Hakyeon. "Your ... your plan?» Ravi asked. He remembered Leo's words. According to his friend, one of the candidates fell in love with Ken and tried to seduce him. This person was trying to get closer to Ken every day, and that made Leo angry. Besides, Ravi had agreed to train with him to help him calm down. Was this candidate that person? he wondered. The observation made him burst out laughing. "What?» Hakyeon asked, glaring at him. "If you think you're the first to have this kind of plan, you're wrong. By the way, your chances of succeeding are very slim. Ken is of the faithful kind. And if I can give you some advice .... "Ravi said as he approached Hakyeon. He leaned over and whispered in his ear "... Leo is very jealous, you would not want to die before the end of the competition? ". He left a Hakyeon in the shock of revelation.
Hakyeon was angry. Not only could he not seduce Ken, but he had ridiculed himself in front of Ravi. It was the worst situation. Yet he could not give up. He had to leave this country. He motioned to Nyen. "Apart from seducing someone other than the prince, what can also annul the participation of a candidate? » He asked. Nyen looked at him like he was crazy. "To marry the prince is the greatest achievement. If you destroy your reputation, you will lose the respect of the people here.» Nyen said. "It does not matter to me. I am not from this country. I just want to go home, "answered Hakyeon. Nyen looked at him with sad eyes, then after a few seconds he gave him an answer. "The prince participates in the next selection. If you do not want to stay here, then make sure you get eliminated at the next selections, "he says. Hakyeon gave him a big smile and took him in his arms. Why did he not have this thought? Ravi was going to choose his future wife, so it was enough that Ravi hated him to the point of eliminating him. He could go home if Ravi decided not to make him his future wife. Hakyeon was certain that Sia or Chul would win this competition, so he did not have to pretend. He would have no pity for Ravi. He was going to make the life of the prince a real hell to the point that Ravi would send him home.
Hello my fireflies, a new chapter published quickly after the last one. Hakyeon has taken a new resolution: to make Ravi's life hell. But will Ravi let him do? You will notice that in this chapter, Hakyeon fell madly into the handsome abs of the prince. Sexy Ravi. «33333 Leave me your comments and votes. Next chapter will come soon.
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