The mistake
"Who do you intend to choose? ". Ravi looked at the picture of the remaining eight candidates. He had not made a decision yet. He did not feel ready to share his life. This test would have been easier for him if he had found a person he could sincerely love. But he was not in love with any of the candidates present at this competition. Of course, he knew Sia and Chul since childhood. He got on well with them too, but was he ready to marry one of them? "I do not know," he answered Ken's question. His friends who were sitting next to him looked at him reproachfully. "There is not much time left," the man with dimples said. "I know Hongbin. Believe me if I had found the ideal person, it would be a long time since I asked for her in marriage, "Ravi answered. He looks at one of his friends, the youngest one. "Yes Hyuk, do you want to tell me something?» Ravi asked. "Um ... I was wondering if it would not be easier for you to pick someone you already know. Sia and Chul come from a good family. Your alliance with one of them will be able to offer you more power. As a future king, you must have a woman who can support you politically.» Hyuk said. Ravi shook his head. "I understand what you mean, but I do not just want to think about politics. I also want to find a person that I will sincerely love and with whom I could start a loving family. How could I rule this country and make my people happy if I'm not happy myself? "Ravi replied. His friends understood the content of his words. Leo pointed to a picture. "This one's been chasing you a lot lately. Do you think to choose him? "Leo asked. Ravi looked at the designated picture and got angry. That man ? No, he was never going to choose him. What was his name again? Cha Hakyeon?
No, for a week, this man pursued him everywhere. His behavior had completely changed. Ravi did not understand anything anymore. He knew from the beginning that this man did not want to participate in the competition. Besides, he had tried to run away several times. Ravi would have liked to help him but it was against the rules, and as future king he had to set a good example. He thought he could help by giving advice or eliminating him in the next assessment. But this man had gone too far. He had told him at once that he wanted to join the competition and win Ravi's heart. Too funny. Ravi did not believe it for a second. This man, this Hakyeon did not like him, he wanted to make fun of him. So Ravi had ignored him. But the man had become more insistent. Ravi had to spend more time with the candidates during the week as he was going to eliminate two of them. He had tried to get to know them and to find out if he was attracted to some of them. But Hakyeon had sabotaged all his attempts. Whenever Ravi was chatting with a candidate Hakyeon appeared next to him and tried to divert the conversation. He was worse than a leech. Ravi kept seeing him everywhere. Wherever he went, he could see that man's face. One day when he was bathing, he had seen this man open the door and say hello. "I spent a good day with my prince," said Hakyeon before closing the door. Ravi was shocked. How did this man get around the security? One thing he also hated lately, the word "my prince". This Hakyeon called him "my prince" at any time of the day. Ravi wanted to strangle him. His only peaceful place was near Sia or Chul. Ravi had noticed that Hakyeon did not dare approach him when he was with these two people. So Ravi was spending more time now with them, or with his friends.
Ravi took the picture of Hakyeon and folded it in half. Then he threw it on the ground. "No, I would never choose him," said Ravi. "So he is one of the two candidates who will be eliminated today," Leo asked. Ravi shook his head. "No, he'll go to the finals. His goal is to be eliminated to finally be able to leave this country. But he chose the wrong technique. A week ago, I would have pitied him and I could have eliminated him today. But he has tried so hard to annoy me that now I only want revenge. I want him to suffer by staying here. I want to see him continue to make efforts and fail miserably. I'll keep him here as long as possible, "Ravi said with anger in his voice. "Do you realize that the longer he stays, the more his chances of winning the competition will increase? You may have to marry him, "says Ken. Ravi shook his head violently. " Never. I would never marry him.» Ravi replied. "In this case who are you going to eliminate today?» Hongbin asked. "I have some ideas, but this Hakyeon stays in the competition," said Ravi. His friends laughed. Ken tried to titillate his prince. " Are you in love with this man? You're just talking about him lately, "Ken asked. Ravi picked up the photos on the table and threw them in his friend's face. "It's not because you're in love that everyone should be in love too. I'd rather marry Chul than put a finger on that Cha Hakyeon, "Ravi yelled. His friends laughed at him. They laughed all except Hongbin who seemed concerned. He turned to his prince and wanted to ask him a question, then he changed his mind. Ravi saw his gesture. "What?» He asked. "Nothing," Hongbin replied. "You have something in your head," Ravi said. Hongbin hesitated a few seconds before asking his question. "Um ... I was wondering if you could do it," he said.
" Do what?» Ravi asked. "Able to sleep with a man. Even if everyone thinks you're a sex-experienced man, we know that the farthest you've been is kisses and caresses with courtesans, "says Hongbin. Ravi got up and put his hand in front of his mouth. " Are you crazy ? I remind you that we are not alone. Pay attention to your words. A prince must not have the image of a virgin.» Muttered Ravi. Hongbin was silent but it was Leo's turn to speak. "No Ravi, we have to discuss about it. It's for your own good. In the competition there are men and women. You will not be able to change your mind after your marriage. You will have to live with the person you have chosen for the rest of your life. So, you must be sure that you are able to feel something for a man. Have you once held a man in your arms? Have you once kissed a man?» Leo asked. Ravi felt uncomfortable. "I ... I," he began. "Do you think you can sleep with a man?» Ken asked. Ravi could not answer his question. "Does it hurt?» Ravi finally asked. "A little in the beginning but after that passes. But only if you're submissive, "Ken replied. He felt Leo put his hands on his waist. "I would not be submissive," said Ravi. " You can not know it yet because you have never tried. It has nothing to do with your status as a future king, "Ken replied. "I think you should try before making a final choice. If you can not sleep with a man then you should eliminate all the men from the competition, "said Hyuk. Ravi knew that his friends' speech made a lot of sense, but was he ready to venture into this situation? " I know someone. A man named Seun. He is quite experienced. I think you should try to do it with him. I can organize a meeting for you tonight. Do you agree ?» Hongbin asked. Ravi thought for a few seconds, then nodded. He was going to cross the line. He was going to find out what he was capable of.
Hakyeon did a good job. He had run his plan all week. He felt Ravi was at the end. Soon, he would agree to eliminate him with joy. He made a promise to change the life of the prince and turn him into hell. He had succeeded. Ravi had to hate him. One more effort and he could go home. He continued to follow Ravi. He did not know where the prince could go in the middle of the night, but Hakyeon was motivated to sabotage all his plans. An angry Ravi was the key to his release from prison. He saw Ravi enter a room and Hakyeon followed him.
Ravi felt his heart beating fast in his chest. Why did he accept this appointment? He heard the door open behind him. Seun must have arrived. Ravi gave himself courage and faced the man. But it was not Seun in front of him. His face expression darkened. Again this Cha Hakyeon. " What are you doing here ?» Ravi asked in a cold voice. "I'm looking for a one-on-one moment with my prince," Hakyeon replied with a seductive smile. Ravi was not fooled. This man was trying to make him angry. "I'm waiting for someone so leave me alone. We'll talk later, "says Ravi. " Why not now ?» Hakyeon asked. "Because I'm waiting ..." Ravi began, then changed his mind. This man had been trying to annoy him for a week, it was the perfect time for revenge and for discovering the truth behind Hakyeon's words. "Do you really want to win my heart?» Ravi asked. Hakyeon nodded. "So come near and kiss me," Ravi challenged. He saw Hakyeon's astonished eyes. He was sure, it was a ploy. Hakyeon did not move. Ravi took confidence in him. He was going to have fun at the expense of this man. It was his turn now to take pleasure in this game. He approached Hakyeon. "If you love me the way you pretend, you should be able to do that .... and that," Ravi said, placing his hand on Hakyeon's face. He let his hand slip gently over his skin and go down lower. He felt Hakyeon step back, but Ravi pulled him by the arm and tipped him to the bed. Hakyeon's body crashed into the bed, making a thud. Ravi did not waste time and straddled his prey. Hakyeon seemed to be scared, and this fear excited even more Ravi. He pulled his face closer to his and sniffed his scent. Then he let his tongue slip on his cheek. The taste was sweet and Ravi found himself getting dangerously close to Hakyeon's lips. The kiss came naturally. Ravi felt the sweetness of his prey's lips coming into contact with his. It was a new sensation for him. He found himself loving this contact. When his mouth fell away from Hakyeon's, they stared into each other's eyes. Something had changed in his opponent. Something invited him to continue this exchange. He eyed Hakyeon. Could he kiss him more ? Could he give him a real kiss? It was Hakyeon this time who seized Ravi's lips. He thought he was going crazy. He deepened his kiss and let his tongue explore this new territory. It was warm and inviting. Ravi then put his hand on Hakyeon's waist and slid it under his shirt. His skin was soft and silky. He began to give him caresses and Hakyeon answered without restraint. This thing was pure pleasure, Ravi thought. He felt his body react to this situation. He wanted more. Much more. " I'm here. Dessert has arrived, "said a man's voice. Ravi and Hakyeon froze. When the prince turned his head, he saw a man stand near the door. He was naked and blindfolded. Ravi felt uncomfortable. He turned to Hakyeon to justify himself, but the latter who had examined the scene was angry. Hakyeon pushed Ravi away and ran out of the room. "Wait Hakyeon, I can explain everything to you," Ravi yelled. But Hakyeon was already far away. "Then my prince, when do we begin?» Asked the man who had not yet understood the situation. Ravi got up from the bed and walked past him. " I changed my mind. In fact I do not need your services anymore, "he said as he left the room.
Hello my fireflies. I spoil you these days. Three publications in one week. I hope you enjoy my efforts to please you. So, Hakyeon and Ravi discovered something mutually. They had their first kiss. The first time for each of them. A door has just opened, we hope it will be the one that will bring them to a great love story. Enjoy reading and leave me comments and votes. Lots of love.
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