Chapter 8: Sophia.
Hi Luvs! Please let me know how you guys are liking the story so far :) Hope you guys are having a wonderful Day:)
~Ashley's pov~
I woke up with the sun in my eyes, I had a horrible pain in my stomach i looked over and saw the boy that was looking at the deer sleeping in the chair. I think his name is Carl, i'm not sure. We weren't really talking, I got out of bed but didn't get too far, A wave of pain hit me, i and grabbed on to the counter and tried to steady my breathing i put my head down on the counter. Carl was by my side.
"Are you okay?!" He asked worried and scared. I shook my head not looking up at him, i couldn't speak. My side was killing me. "I'll go get Daryl" and with that he ran off, I find it strange. These people don't know me, some of them don't even know my name. But they're still helping me. I haven't had that in what feels like forever. I was loosing my grip on the counter my hands and legs are going weak. My hands and my legs gave up. I lost my grip before i could fall i felt someone's arms catch me.
Picking me up off the ground. I looked up and saw that Rick had me in his arms "Slow down, I'll go get Hershel, Carl keep an eye on her till i'm back" Rick said to Carl. He helped me back in bed, Carl nodded and turned his attention to me. "Sorry i took so long no one was in the house" He said.
"It's okay. Don't worry about it" I said and looked over to him. "I never got you name, I'm Carl" he said holding his hand out i shook it "Ashley" I said. He smiled then let go. Daryl came in "You alright? I'm going to kill Shane next time i see him." Daryl said. I could tell he was furious, I can see it in his eyes.
"Daryl, I'm okay i promise. It just hurts a little" i said softly. I gave him a small smile. He nodded a bit. "Can you go see if Hershel has any pain killers and can you give me my bag please?" I asked. "Yeah, be right back" he said and left, It was only me and Carl. "How long were you out there? Did you have a group before us?" Carl asked. Bad memories started coming back to my mind. I looked over to him and looked at my lap.
"I was alone at first" i said looking at him. "Did you have a group?" He asked. I stayed silent for a while "I'm sorry Carl... but can we please not talk about this" i asked. He nodded, "I'll tell you, I promise. But not now" i said. We heard footsteps and Daryl came back with my bag. Hershel came in with Rick, Rick had a sorry look on his face.
"Im sorry about Shane. Ill have a talk with him next time i see him" He comes up to me, I gave him a small nod. "Okay, But just don't blame it on yourself it wasn't your fault." I said, Hershel came up to me and gave some water and pills and checked on my wound, "Thank you" i said. He nodded and headed out, Rick and Carl followed him.
"Can I be alone for a sec?" I asked, Daryl nodded and headed towards the door, "Wait, Come here" he said and walked over, I gave him a hug. He hugged back and headed out the door, I changed out of my bloody clothes, and looked through my bag, I changed and I carried my gun and my knife with me. I was looking through my bag and i found a book and i headed out to the fields, I started reading to pass the time.
I sat down and leaned against the tree. In the distance i saw Shane looking at the barn, i don't know why he's looking over it. It's secure enough with chains and the doors are blocked, I saw Rick walking over to Shane, i kept reading my book, i'm not a person that likes to get into people's conversations.
"Ashley!" I looked up to see Maggie on the porch signaling me to go over i went over to her "Do you mind helping me around in the kitchen?" She asked. I shook my head a bit. "No" I said. "Cmon" She said. We went in the house Maggie was cutting some Vegetables and i was helping with the dishes. Hershel came in.
"Hi Girls" Hershel greeted "Hi" i said softly. Maggie was ignoring him."This group doesn't need anymore of our help." Hershel said. I turned to look at him but he didn't look back. Rude.
"So that's it." She said. I could tell she was annoyed. This wasn't my place to be right now, so i left them alone to talk. I grabbed my book and headed outside to the porch and a while later, I saw Hershel walk up to Rick, I think Rick and Andrea were going out to look for the little girl, i think her name is Sophia i don't really know much about her, but i think that she's the same age as Carl and I. I really like this farm it's peaceful, safe. Hopefully it stays like this for a while..
I haven't had this in a long time, were all enjoying this. This world isn't safe anymore. I think i had enough reading for today, i went to the mobile-home to talk to Dale but he wasn't there. I walked around the farm but he wasn't here neither was Shane. I checked how much ammo i had and checked for my knife. I headed in the woods. I knew how to protect myself. I heard voices and headed out to the woods. I hid behind a tree and heard a familiar voice.
"How about you just give me those guns" I heard Shane. I looked over and i saw Dale with the bag of guns "I'm not going to do that." Dale said. "Yeah you are Dale. You do have that rifle over your shoulder" Shake said. I kept my guard up. Ever since i met this group i never really had a good feeling about Shane.
"What. you're going to shoot me like you did to Otis?" Dale asked. I looked over the slightest so they won't see me. He shot Otis? "Man... you're pretty much dead already. Just give me the guns do it now" Shane said, He sounded mad. I stepped out from behind the trees. "Step away from Dale Shane, Now" I said pointed the gun at him. He laughed under his breath "You aren't going to do shit little girl." He said. I took the safety off of the gun out and shot the tree next to Shane. "Don't test me. Just take the Damn guns and leave." I said.
Shane gave me glare then a smirk. He took the guns and walked to the camp. I walked back with Dale. I can't lie. I am afraid of Shane, He reminds me of my father.
~Daryl's Pov~
I was talking to Carol earlier, we were heading back to the camp, "Where is everyone" Andrea asked the group. They were sitting on the porch but i didn't see Ashley. "Where's Ashley?" I asked "Where's Rick." Someone asked "He went off with Hershel a couple of hours ago" Andrea said looking a little worried.
"What the hell why isn't anyone taking this seriously." I told them. I saw Shane walk up to the group with the guns. Dale had the guns in the truck. "Hey Daryl. Your sister is pretty brave. She got guts." He said with a grin "Where is she." I asked angry. Somethings up and i don't like it. He ignored me. "Whats all this." "You with me man" He said still ignoring my other Question and handed me a gun. "Time to grow up." he handed guns out to everyone
"Wheres Dale?" Andrea asked "He's on his way with your sister" At least i know she's safe, she can handle herself. I know she can. "what is this" Lori said walking up to Shane "We aint leaving Carl" I said.
"Oh Shit!" T-Dog said i turned around to see Hershel and Rick holding Walkers With a pole. In the distance. I see Ashley running towards Rick. Dale was behind her. Not so far away. "Rick what are you doing!!" She yelled at him "Stand back i don't want you getting hurt anymore Ashley." Rick said.
~Ashley's Pov~
I can't believe what i'm seeing. "Dude what the hell you doing!" Shane and the rest running towards us. I ran to Daryl and he pushed me slightly and put a hand on my arm, Protecting me in a way. "Shane just back off" Rick was doing something that i never thought i'd see. "Why do your people have guns." Hershel said as he looked around. "Are you kidding me! Do you see what you're holding on to!?" Shane yelled at him "I see who i'm holding on to!" Hershel yelled at Shane.
"Nah man you don't" Shane said. "Shane just let us do this then we can move on." Rick said. "What do you want to talk about Rick. These things ain't sick. They're not people they're DEAD! They don't feel nothing." Shane yelled. "Shane Shut Up!!" Rick and Shane were yelling back and forth Daryl was aiming at the walkers.
"Hey Hershel. Man let me ask you something" Shane said taking out his gun. "Can a living breathing person walk away from this?" Shane asked and shot the walker that Hershel was holding. "That's its heart. It's lungs. Why is it still coming?" Shane asked. "Shane that's enough!" Rick yelled at Shane to stop.
"Yeah you're right man. That is enough." Shane said and walked up to the walker. He shot it in the head and it dropped dead. "Enough risking our lives for a little girl we all know is dead. Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us. Enough!!" Shane yelled to all of us.
Shane ran up to the barn hitting the lock on it with a pickax trying to open it. He finally broke the lock "C'mon" Shane said waiting for the walkers to come out and started shooting I ran up to Beth. "Beth" I asked and she nodded her head in tears "I'm Sorry." I took out my gun and stood next to Daryl shooting the walkers. I can feel him staring at me but i just kept shooting the walkers.
Soon T-Dog, Andrea and Glenn joined us. I can hear Maggie and Beth crying behind me even if i was only here for some days i felt a connection with them. I felt like they were my sisters. To hear then cry it makes me feel horrible. I shot the last walker that came out of those barn doors. All i could hear were cries that came from Maggie and Beth.
I heard a soft groan i think Daryl heard it too because he raised his gun too. "Sophia!! Sophia!!" I heard Carol cry and starting to run up to the barn Daryl dropped his gun and grabbed Carol before she could reach Sophia. I just lowered my gun put it away. This was the little girl that they were looking for.. She walked through the corps of the dead walkers. Rick walked up and pointed the gun at Sophia and finally shot her. I backed away a few steps.
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