Chapter 70: Goodbye
If you guys haven't checked out my last chapter, Take a quick read! I posted it yesterday day! ❤️
~Ashley's Pov~
Rick and Michonne were taking Carl out. "Take our cover. Just in case." Rick said. I nodded taking out my gun. We made it out so see flames. Anywhere we looked there were flames. "We need to stop." Michonne said. "Theres a house up ahead. We can make it." Rick said. "its okay.. It's okay, just put me down here. It's okay." Carl said. "We'll make it." Rick said. "Please.." Carl said. "There." Michonne said.
We made it to the building and they set him down. "Can i talk to her alone. Please." Carl said looking at Rick. He nodded and stood up. Taking Michonne with him to the other side of this building. Leaving us alone. This only place that wasn't up in flames. I looked at him sadly. I held his hand. I looked at our hands. Another tear fell. I looked at him and it was like i forgot how to breathe.. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you.." he said as a tear fell. I wiped it away and rested my hand on his cheek. "It happened when we were out. Getting Siddiq. When i was pinned by the walkers... against the deer.." He said softly. Another tear fell and i covered my mouth a bit. That's when I realized. "I didn't get them on time?" I asked softly as my voice cracked.
Was this my fault? "It was my fault?" I asked out loud as more tears fell. "No. No- no don't." He said. I took my hand off of his face and put my head in my hands. "Don't you dare blame yourself Ashley. Please don't it wasn't your fault.." He said. I shook my head. It was the only thing that was on my mind. "no.." I whispered closing my eyes. "Look at me." he said. I slowly looked at him. He reached out for my hand. "This was not your fault.. You have to promise me you won't blame yourself." He said. I shook my head. "I can't do that Carl." I said my voice shook.
"Please Ashley. Promise me.." He said as another tear fell. "Just promise me please..." he said looking at me sadly. I stayed quiet and closed my eyes. I rested my head next to his arm. He put his other free hand on my head. "Promise me.." He said as his voice cracked. "I promise.." i said. That lie made me feel worse. But if that's what he wanted. I'll git it to him.. I looked back up at him. I bit my lip and looked at him. I shook my head. He looked at me sadly. "I love you so much.." He said shaking his head as another tear fell. "I love you too." I said softly. "That pictures we took." He said nodding sadly. "Can you promise me you'll always have that close?" He asked softly.
I nodded. "I will. I promise." I said. He nodded. "Keep Judith's too.. Show it to her every day... Until she's old enough to take care of it on her own.." He said. I nodded swallowing the lump in my throat. He nodded a bit looking at me. "Take care of her too." He said nodding. "I will." I said. he stayed quiet for a bit. "Before this all happened... The day we had." he said as he looked at me. "I'm glad we had it. Me- me you and Judith." He said. "Why didn't you tell me Carl?" i asked tilting my head sadly. "Because i didn't want you to be sad, Or anyone. I just wanted to spend the day like any other in Alexandria and I got it.." He said softly.
"That picture. Might be my favorite out of the two we took, Do you have yours with you?" he asked. I nodded taking it out of my pocket sniffling. "yes." i said softly. "can you check if mine is still in my pocket? I hope i didn't drop it back there.." He asked softly. I nodded and looked in his pocket and it was there. "You still have it" i said softly. He nodded. "Can you put it in my flannel pocket..?" he asked. I put it in the flannel pocket and buttoned it up for him. Resting my hand on it. I was still holding his hand. I couldn't do it anymore..
I rested my hand on his chest. "I love you so much Carl.." I said, a small sob escaped my mouth. "I love you too Ashley. I love you so much." he said shaking his head. He put a hand on my back with the strength he had in him. Holding me in a way. "Don't forget this day okay? Don't remember this moment.. Remember all we did before this happened. Before you found out.. Before Negan did this.. Remember the pictures, the time we spent with Judith okay?" he said softly. I took my head off his chest and looked at him.
I bit my lip and looked at him. Wiping my tears away. I nodded a bit. He nodded too. "I'm glad i got stuck with your group." i said smiling sadly at him. he smiled softly. "Me too.." He said and his smile faded. he licked his lips and looked at me. "I'm going to tell you the same thing my mom told me. I remember the words." he said looking at me. He smiled a bit. "You're strong. You're incredibly brave. Do what you think is right." He said softly. I nodded a bit. "okay" i said softly as another tear fell. "okay." he nodded looking at me. "Get my dad. i want to see him again." he said looking at me. I nodded a bit. I stood up holding his hand and leaned down.
I kissed him and rested my forehead on his. Closing my eyes. "I love you okay?" he said. I pulled away. "I love you too." i said softly. I stood up and quickly went to go get Rick and Michonne. "Rick.." i said softly. His head shot to me. "He wants to talk to you" I said looking at them both. We headed back over to him.
Michonne held Carl's hand and Rick held Carl's hand. Rick held my hand too. "Thanks for getting me here." Carl said struggling to talk.. He was worse now.. "I'm sorry, I didn't want you down there.." Rick said still in shock. "No- no. for getting me here. For making it- so i could be who i- who i wound to be.... Back at the prison, when we got attacked.. There was a kid. A little older than me. He had a gun.. He was- he was starting to put it down. And i- I s-shot him. He was giving it up and I just shot him. I think about him. What i did to him and how easy it was to kill him." he said sadly.
"No- No. Carl what you lost. All those things you had to do. You were just a boy." Rick said putting a hand on his head. "And you saw it. What it did. How easy it got. That's why you changed. Why you brought those people from Woodbury in. You brought them in and we all lived together. We were enemies. You put away your gun. You did it. So i could change. So i could be who I am now. What you did then. How you stopped fighting. It was right. It still is. It can be like that again. You can still be like that again." Carl said. "i can't be who i was It's different now." Rick said.
"You cant kill all of them dad. There's gotta be a something after. For you. And for them. There's gotta be something after.. I know you can't see it yet. How it could be. But i have. You have a beard. it's bigger. And grayer. Michonne's happy. Judith's bigger. And she's listening to the songs that i used to before. You.." he said looking at me. "Beautiful as ever. Even more if that's even possible." he said smiling as tears fell. smiled at him and more tears fell. He looked back at Rick. "Alexandria's bigger. There's new houses. Crops. And people working. Everybody living. Helping everybody else live. If you can still be who you were. That's how it could be." Carl said looking at his dad.
"It could." he said. "Carl.. It was all for you. right from the start. Back in Atlanta. The farm. Everything i did it was for you. Then at the prison it was for you and Judith. It still is It's gonna be. and nothing is going to change." Rick said. "I want this for you dad..."Carl said. "I'm gonna make it real... Carl I'm sorry.. I'm sorry i couldn't protect you. A father's son is to protect his son." Rick said. "Love... It's just to love." Carl said. He reached for a gun. "No." i said. "No. No." Rick said. "Carl. It- it should be-" Michonne said but he cut her off. "I know. I know.. Somebody you love. When you can't do it yourself. But i still can... I grew up. I have to do this. Me... I love you." Carl said to Michonne. "I love you too." She said crying. I was in tears once again.
My eyes burned. "I love you Dad." Carl said as his voice cracked. Looking at Rick. "I love you Carl. I love you son." Rick said sobbing and kissed his head. "I'll make it real." He said to Carl. They let go and he looked at me and smiled weakly. "I love you, Ashley." he said as more tears fell. "I love you too Carl." I said sadly as my voice cracked. I hugged him and he hugged back with the energy he had in him. "I love you. Don't ever forget that. I'm so sorry." he said. I kissed his cheek and he did the same to me. Rick and Michonne walked out. I looked at him. "I didn't want it to be like this but it happened." He said nodding. "i know.." i said softly and kissed him one last time. He took his knife and his holster off his belt and handed it to me.
"Keep it for me." he said. I nodded a bit. "Go outside.." he said sadly. Looked at him sadly. "go, It's okay" he said smiling softly. I shook my head. He nodded. "It's okay." he said softly as another tear fell. I slowly stood up and let go of his hand. I walked outside meeting up with Michonne and Rick. Rick came to me and pulled me in for a hug. There was light. it was morning now.. He held me close to him and about a minute or two later there was a silenced gunshot. My heart broke And i hugged Rick tighter. He did the same. A sob to escape my mouth. Carl was gone.. He held me up. i wanted to get on the floor but Rick held me up crying.
Carl was gone.
{Guys! This book is probably done, Im gonna be continuing this book on the other one (Picture above) I hope you guys take a read!! thank you for all the support! I love you all.}
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