Chapter 7: New Sights
This chapter takes place after Daryl finds the doll and gets shot by Andrea
~Daryl's Pov~
I finally got out of bed, My head hurts like a lot. I felt bad for not checking on Ashley, She doesn't know about Merle yet. I don't know how I'm going to tell her or how she's going to react. I walk up to her room to see her still sleeping, I walk up to her and hold her hand, her eyes flicker open. A smile is on her face instantly as she looked at me, i smile back. "Hey Princess" I said. She was about to say something but she throws her head a little back and winces. "Are you okay?" She gives me a small nod "Do you want me to go get Hershel?" I asked. She shakes her head her eyes closed.
"Just hurts a little.. I'll survive" She said softly Struggling to talk a little. "Where's Merle?" She asked looking at me. The one thing i didn't want her to ask. I looked away. "Daryl?" She asked. "I don't know.. we went back for him he wasn't there." She looked at her lap i swear. "What do you mean he wasn't there? You went back for him?" She asked confused. "He cut off his hand, he was handcuffed to a roof" I said. She puts her head in her hands and stays like that for a minute, she sighs.
"He'll be alright.. No one can kill Merle but Merle remember." She gives me a smile. i smile back, she always finds out a way to make me smile. "Do you think i can get up now?" She asked. I can tell that she's fed up with it now. "I'll go get Hershel" I said. She nods and Hershel comes in. What a coincidence, good timing. "I see you're awake now. How are you feeling?" He asked. "A little sore but i'll be okay" She said gave him a a small smile. "Thank You for helping me, I'm Ashley but i'm sure you know that by now" She said "I'm Hershel" he says shaking her hand.
"Do you think i can get up now?" she asked with a giggle. "Yes, but don't strain your self, Don't want to pop your stitches little lady" He says then walks out. Ashley sits up but she grabs her head i ran over and she fell in my arms "Not too fast Princess, You alright?" I asked "Light headed, can we get some water?" she asked me trying to balance herself as she stood up. "Yeah cmon, let's go for a walk outside so you can meet the group" I said. She nodded and held onto my arm as we walked outside to the group, we were greeted by smiles after i got her some water. The group was happy once they saw Ashley on her feet.
~A Few hours later~
Ashley and I headed back to the group, Rick said we were going to eat in a while. Ashley sat next to me, "You sure you aint hungry" I asked "I'm fine" she was looking at the fields when Carol came up to her "You're not hungry sweetheart?" Carol asked again. "Not really but thank you" Ashley was about the same age as Sophia i feel so bad, I've only found her doll "What's your name sweetheart, I'm Carol" Carol introduced herself "Ashley" she said.
"Um.. Guys" we all look up to Glenn "So.. Barns full of walkers" we all stop what we're doing and look at him, We all headed over. Shane looks in the barn and walks back to Rick "You can not tell me you're alright with this" Shane asked Rick. "No, i'm not but were guest here, this is not our land" Rick said to Shane as he walked away. "We either got to go in there make things right or we just got to go." Shane started to get mad, Ashley's grip on my arm got a little tighter, i know this brings her memories of my old man.
"We can't go" Rick sounds mad now. "Why Rick why" Shane is pissed "Because my daughter is still out there" Carol says to Shane, we all know that she won't leave until we find Sophia. "Okay, okay, okay, I think it's time for us to start to see that other possibility" Shane said. "Shane we can't leave Sophia behind" Rick really wants to find her too i do too. I let go of Ashley and make my way to Shane "We're close to finding this girl i just found her doll" I said
"You found a doll Daryl, that's what you did. You found a DOLL" Shane said, i was mad a him now
"You don't know what the hell You're talking about!" I yelled "Thats enough!" Rick yelled at us and i know Ashley was getting a little scared "Let me tell you something else Man, If she was alive back there And she saw you comin' all methed out with your roger neck she would run the other Direction!"Shane got me pissed now. "Don't you dare talk to my brother like that!" Ashley yelled at Shane. Shane looked at her and went up to her.
"Stay out of this Punk you don't know shit" He pushed Ashley to the ground as she held her stomach in pain, she moved her shaking hands out of the way to reveal a patch of dark red blood. "Don't you ever lay a finger on her again!" I yelled angrier than ever. Rick was holding me back i wanted to kill Shane right now. Glenn went running up to her and bending down to his knees and looking at her. "Okay. Okay. You're okay. Cmon." Glenn said picking her up.
I ran up To Shane but Rick stopped me again. "Hey! Calm down! Both of you" Rick said to us and Lori went up to Shane "You keep your hands off me." Shane said to Lori. "Just let me talk to Hershel, Let me figure it out." Rick yelled at Shane "What are you going to figure out!" Shane yelled back at Rick Lori holding him back.
"If we're going to clear out this barn i'm gonna have to talk him into this this is his land" Rick told Shane. Hard to believe that they were best friends "Hershel is crazy to believe that he thinks these things are alive!" The barn door rattles and we all hear the moans and growls of the walkers.
I had enough i ran back to the farm to see Hershel finishing up the stitches on Ashley, Carl was waiting outside while she was sleeping, I had a feeling they were going to get along. "She out" Glenn said sitting on the bed. "That's a good thing. This would have been hurting her more, She was scared when she saw the blood." Hershel said.
I decided to make this chapter longer because i didn't update yesterday (:
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