Chapter 62: War?
You guys i was not prepared for this episode 😭😭
~Ashley's Pov~
It was the next day, People came. But they came in bikes and in trucks that pick up trash. Three of them came in and the rest came in bikes. I found out that Dwight came by last night.. He wants to "Help"
Carl and I were inside, Rick didn't want us outside yet. Daryl, Rosita and Aaron were outside preparing bombs.. We were going to fight. I don't know how this will turn out. No one really does. Rosita said that Sasha stayed back. We don't know if she's alive.
I was sitting down on the floor, Just thinking about what's gonna happen today.. I felt eyes on me. I looked over to see Carl sitting down next to me. I didn't hear him come in. "You okay?" He asked scooting closer to me. I nodded. "Yeah, I didn't hear you come in" I said shaking my head and looking down. "Hey... I'm sorry about last night...." He said. I looked slightly up but i didn't look at him. I looked back down and shook my head. Carl saw my scars.. He was the first after years. "You were the first to see my scars after... Years" I said softly.
"I'm sorry.." He said apologizing. "Don't be, You did nothing wrong" I said shaking my head a little as i looked at him. He looked down and held my hand. "But i shouldn't have, I know how you feel about them" He said. I shook my head. "It's fine.. Really don't think about it too much, You're thinking more about them than i am" I said smiling. He heard the smile in my voice making him smile. I placed a kiss on his cheek and rested my head on his shoulder. He placed a kiss on my hand still holding it. "Carl, Ashley lets go!" We heard Rick. "Get your ass down here or I'll go up there and get you myself!" I heard Daryl. "Oh shut up Daryl!" I said taking my head off of Carl's Shoulder and smiling.
"Alright let's go" I said shaking my head we both got up. We went downstairs and we saw Rick and Daryl with Guns. Big guns, Not pistols. Rick and handed a gun to Carl and Daryl handed me a gun. "Cmon" Rick said. We walked over to the front. Carl went up. Rick went up too. "Be careful alright" Daryl said. "I will, Don't worry. You too, Be careful" I said. He nodded. "Go" he said hugging me. I strapped the gun over my shoulder and climbed up the ladder. Carl gave me his hand and helped me up.
I took the gun off my back I took the strap off and took the safety off. The signal went off. Carl looked at his dad and i looked at my gun. We don't know how this is going to end at all. Carl grabbed my hand and kissed it again. I looked at him. "Ready?" he asked. I nodded. He nodded and we looked in the distance. We saw trucks coming.
"All points are covered." We heard a voice. As the trucks came closer we saw that it was Eugene.. "Every contingency is already met. I come armed with two barrels of truth. A test is upon you and i'm giving you the cheat sheet." He said. I looked at Carl. He looked at me then slightly down and back to Eugene. I looked at him too. "H-hello.. I come salved with the hope that it is my dropped knowledge that you need.. Options are zero to none. Compliance and Fealty are your only escape. Bottom lining it- you may thrive, or you may die. I sincerely wish for the former. For everyone's sake. The jig is up.. and it is in full effect." Eugene said.
Why did he join them... "Will you comply Rick?" Eugene asked. Rick stayed quiet for a while and looked back at Eugene. "Where's Negan." Rick asked, "I'm Negan." Eugene said. After a while Rick went down signaling us that Rosita pressed the button to the explosives. We all did the same but after a few seconds nothing happened.. It didn't work. Guns were all pointed at us..
All of Negan's men came out of the trucks. A while later Negan himself and Dwight came out. Mikael was here. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow tilting his head and smirking. I put my gun down a little more and just looked at him in fear. Carl looked at the him too.. This man won't leave me alone. I shook my head, He nodded. The doors to another truck opened showing the explosives.
Negan swung his bat around. I looked at Negan, We all did. "You ever hear the one about the stupid little prick named Rick, Who thought he knew shit but didn't know shit and got everyone he gave a shit about killed?-" Negan pointed his finger at Rick. "-It's about you. Ya'll are gonna wanna put your guns down now." Negan said. This wasn't gonna end good... "No one drops anything.." Rick said.
"You push me. And you push me. And you push me Rick!" Negan said leaning back. "You just tried to blow us up right? I mean, I get me. My people but- Eugene. He's one of yours. And after what he did? He stepped up. You people. Are Animals. Univers gives you a sign and you just shove your finger right up its ass." Negan said flipping Rick off. I looked at Michael again. My heart was racing, He looked at me and looked at Daryl. I looked at Daryl to see him looking at Michael.
Daryl's gun was down but he was clutching the gun tight. I looked back at Mikael to see that he was looking at me already. My eyes were glued to him. "Don't look at him." Carl said softly. I couldn't take my eyes off him though... "Ashley, Look at me" He said, He held my hand and i looked at him. "Don't look at him okay?" He said. I nodded looking at Carl. He nodded. Guns were pressed up against our backs and we let go..
We looked back down. "Simon. Dwight. Chop-Chop." Negan said. Dwight and Simon went to the truck ther Eugene was on and they uncovered a coffin... I looked at it in shock. "So you don't like Eugene no more. You guys gotta like Sasha. I do." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows for a second. I looked at Negan. "I got her right here packed up for your convenience. Alive and well. Now i brought her here-" I put my gun down and stood up not really caring about the gun pointed at me from behind. Carl and the rest stood up too. "-So i wouldn't have to kill any of you. And not killing all of you could get complicated." Negan said.
Sasha was in the coffin. We don't know if he's lying. "See i know you've got a lot of fire power left in there rick. So imma make this simple. I want all the guns you managed to scrape up. Yep. I know about those too. I want every last grain of lemonade you got left. I want a person of your own choosing for Lucille." He said. My heart skipped a beat. "Daryl. I gotta get me my Daryl back." He said putting his hand over his heart. I let out a small breath i didn't know i was holding in. He pointed the bat at me. "Maybe even you little Dixon" He said looking at me. I just looked at him and he looked at Daryl.
"I see you two." He said.
~Skippin all the talking because smh too much~
"Sasha you won't believe this shit." Negan said opening the coffin. Sasha came out but she was a walker. I looked at Sasha in shock. Carl took out his gun and shot the guy holding the gun to my back and the three others. We all started shooting at everyone. Negan's group and the others. We got down from the towers.
Soon after we all got stopped. Mikael being the dick he is tied my hands together with rope.. Just like everyone else.. Except for Rick and Carl that were kneeling on the floor. I don't know where Daryl was and i was scared. Mikael pushed me to where Carl and Rick were. He pushed me down to the floor. My hair covered my face. He picked me up roughly to my knees and made me face Carl and Rick. I was far away from Rick and Carl.
But close enough to where i can read Rick and Carl's expressions. Carl and I looked at each other. Returning the same fearful look to each other. "Take a good long look. I'm taking you back with me." He said. I don't know why he hates me so much. I just don't understand..
"You're not." I said. "What was that?" He asked. I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Y-you're not taking me back." I said. "Oh i am Darlin'. I am" He said against my ear holding close to him. Negan was talking to Rick. "I'm gonna-" I cut him off. "What are you gonna do huh?" I asked. "Oh just remember." He said. Carl was looking at me and him while Negan spoke to Rick. I laughed with tears in my eyes.
He pulled out a knife and held it to my neck. I closed my eyes. "What was that? You had something to say?" He asked. "Nothing." I said in a tone. Hiding the pain from the cut. It stung. The knife was sharp, If he put more pressure, He'd re-open the cut again. "Do it." I said not scared. I looked at Carl. Negan took his hat off. He looked at me. I looked at him Terrified and sad. he looked at me the same way. My heart ached. 'I love you' He mouthed to me. A tear fell from my eyes as i looked at him.
A tiger came out of nowhere and attacked the man behind Negan. I pushed Mikael off me. Mikael took off running once he saw that more people came, and they weren't on his side. They were on our side. I stood up too and I saw Maggie. She ran to me and cut the ropes off me and handed me a gun from the floor. "Let's go." She said.
Smoke hit Alexandria. They all started leaving. "Ashley!" I looked over to see Carl. He ran to me and Engulfed me in a hug. I closed my eyes and he held me. "I thought I lost you" I said sadly. "I'm still here. I'm okay. I'm not leaving you remember? We have to stay together" He said holding me close. I nodded and he kissed my head. I closed my eyes.
He nodded. "I love you" I said sadly. "I love you too." He said holding me. He didn't let go. I didn't either... I could have lost him today... It was so close.
Well that was was the season 7 Finale,
Rip Sasha 🤕❤
Do you guys think she really wanted to die or she did it for the group?
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