Chapter 59
Ashley and Carl are 17 :)
~Ashley's pov~
Rick and the rest were back but earlier i saw him going towards Rosita's place. Carl was inside with Judith. I was debating if i should go to the Hilltop so I could see Daryl and Maggie... I needed to talk to talk to Daryl and I miss Maggie. I want to see Sasha too, I want to Visit Glenn and Abraham... I was sitting on the porch waiting for Rick so i can talk to him.
I was looking at the pocket watch that Maggie gave me. This watch was once Hershel's, Hershel gave it to Glenn... Maggie took it and she gave it to me. Glenn didn't deserve to die... "Hey" I looked up to see Rick. "Hey" I said looking up at him "Cmon, Let's get inside" He said walking up the first step, "Wait, Can I talk to you?" I asked softly. He looked at me and sat down next to me. "Everything okay?" He asked. Looking at me, He saw me looking at the watch.
"Yeah, I just need to see Daryl and Maggie... I need to talk to my brother.." I said looking at him. He looked at me. "is it about what happened with your father" He asked. I looked away for a little. "Um... Part of it, Yeah" I said. "What's the other part" he said. "I miss him" I said looking at him. He nodded a bit. "I get it. But it's getting late" he said. "Rick please... This is the only time i'm asking for something... Please" I said looking at him.
I really wanted to talk to him. I need to tell him what happened. I have to. "I have no one to take you over there." He said. "I don't need anyone to walk me, I know how to talk care of myself" I said looking at him, Trying to convince him. "I don't want you getting hurt out there Ashley" He said shaking his head. "I'll be okay. I got here on my own today. nothing happened to me.. On my way here" I said.
"Please.." I said softly. He looked away a little and and nodded slowly. "Yeah.. Okay" He said hesitantly.
>>>Here's a little Rick Grimes gif (: Guess the season?<<<
"Really?" i asked. I thought he was going to say no, He nodded. "Yeah... But I'm gonna get you your gun. You're not going out just with a knife... I'm gonna try to get someone to go with you." He said. I nodded. "Thank you..." I said looking at him. He nodded. "He's your family. I can't keep you from him, Even if i tried i know you'll find a way to get to him" He said standing up. I just smiled a bit and looked down. "And i know you want to visit Glenn" He said helping me up.
I nodded. "Cmon" he said opening the door. I put the pocket watch away and we walked in the house. Michonne was in Judith's room with Carl. Rick and I walked upstairs and Rick opened a drawer and pulled out my gun. He handed me my gun and i checked for Ammo. It was still full. Negan's men reloaded the gun. I looked at the mark on the gun. I nodded. "Thank you" I said looking at him.
"Where are you going?" We looked over to see Carl looking at me. Rick put a hand on my shoulder and walked out of his room closing the door. Carl walked up to me. "I'm going to the Hilltop.." I said looking at him. "What? Why? When? Are you going along?" Carl asked. I walked closer to him. "I'm going to see Daryl and Maggie. I need to talk to Daryl" I said. "Are you going alone?" He asked looking at me. "I don't know yet, Maybe." I said. He shook his head. "When are you going?" He asked. "In a bit" I said. He looked at and frowned a bit. "Please don't be mad at me..." I said shaking my head a little. "I'm not... I'm just worried. You can't go alone." He said looking at me.
"I'll be fine." I said. "You don't know that.." He said sadly. He looked down a bit.
"Carl.." I said holding his hand. "I'll be okay." I said. He looked up at me. "I just don't want to lose you. when they took you i thought i wasn't gonna see you again" He said shaking his head. "You did." I said. He just looked at me. I knew he didn't want me to go. "Look, I have my gun. I have my knife. I'll be okay. I know how to handle things out there.. I was out there alone. For months when i was 12. I taught myself how to use a gun and kill walkers. I'll be fine" I said looking at him.
He sighed and nodded. "I don't want to lose you" He said again. "you won't" i said looking at him and i swayed his hand a little. I let go of his hand and held out my pinky. I smiled. "Pinky Promise" i said giggling a bit making Carl laugh a little and held out his hand. "Fine" he said smiling. "You promised. You better not break it" He said. I nodded a bit. "I promise i will get there safe" I said. We let go and He hugged me. "I love you okay?" I said. "I love you too" He said kissing my cheek.
~Arriving at the Hilltop~
"Open the gates!" One of the men yelled. The gates opened and i walked in to be greeted by Jesus. "Ashley, What are you doing here?" He asked walking up to me. "I came to see Daryl and Maggie" I said. "You came alone?" He asked. "Yeah. Rick was gonna find someone to walk me but I came alone" I said.
"What happened?" He asked looking at the cut on my neck. I brought my fingers up to it and traced it. "That's why i'm here, I just- I don't know. I felt like i needed to talk to Daryl..." I said looking at him. I guess it's an instinct.. When my father use to hurt me and Dary was out. I use to wait until he got home so i could talk to him... I never really spoke to Merle because he was doing drugs. I hated it.. So i use to wait until Daryl came home so i can talk to him..
So he can hold me and hug me. I blinked a few times. "You okay?" He asked. I took in a breath. "Yeah, How's Maggie" I asked changing the subject. "She's okay. Everything okay" he said. "That's good" I said. "She's over at the graves" He said. "Can i go?" I asked. "Yeah. You know where they are right?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah." I said. "It's good to see you again Ashley" He said. "Good to see you too" I said smiling a little. "You want me to take your bag?" He asked. "Oh, yeah sure. Thanks" I said. He took my bag and I went to the graves to see Maggie there. A hand over Glenn's grave...
I saw Enid there. She looked up. "Ashley" She said. Maggie looked up and i saw her eyes were glossy. "Hi" i said softly. She stood up and walked over to me. "Did you come alone?" She asked. "Yeah" I said. She nodded. "I'll leave you too alone" she said. I smiled a little. "Thanks" I said. She nodded and left.
I walked over to Maggie and she stood up. She hugged me. I hugged her. "I missed you." I said. "I missed you too" She said sniffling a little. We let go and we bent down to the graves. I put a hand on Abraham's grave and i looked over to Glenn's. My eyes became glossy... This was never an easy thing to do...
I placed a hand on his grave. "I came to see you guys" I said looking at is graves. "I really miss you" I said sadly looking at Glenn's grave. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat... a tear fell from my eyes and i wiped it away. Maggie put a hand on top of mine which was on the grave and she held my other hand. "Don't cry... He doesn't like to see you cry" Maggie said looking at me. I looked at her. "I miss him..." I said sadly as another tear fell. Maggie wiped away my tear. "I do too. I come here everyday" She said sadly. Her eyes even more glossy now.
"I talk to him" she said. "How's the baby?" I asked. "It's coming along" She said smiling and putting a hand on her stomach. I smiled. "We still don't know if its a girl or a boy" She said. "I'm happy for you" I said smiling. She looked at me. "I need to go see Daryl" I said. He face expression changed. "What happened?" She asked. "I'm okay.... Um.. My dad-" I cut myself off. "Your dad?" she asked. "Yeah... He's part of Negan's group.. He hurt me again" I said looking at her sadly.
She looked at me. "that's why you're here? To talk to Daryl?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah" I said. "Go talk to him" She said shaking her head. I nodded. "Where is he?" I asked. "I'll take you cmon" She said. I kissed my hand and placed it on Glenn's grave. We walked to a mobile home. "He's in there" She said "Thank you" i said. She nodded and hugged me. I kissed her cheek and she did the same. She walked away. I knocked on the door.
a few seconds later the door opened and i saw Daryl. "Ashley?" He asked. I smiled sadly. "Hey" I said. I walked in and he closed the door hugging me. I hugged him and my heart was racing... I closed my eyes. I let out a shaky breath. "What's wrong?" He asked rubbing my shoulder a bit. We walked to the bed and i grabbed a pillow, hugging it. He looked at me and put a finger under my chin making me look up a bit. "What is that." He asked.
"Don't tell me it's a hickey 'cause it ain't" He said making me smile a little. He knows how to make me smile. "That's why i'm here..." I said looking at him. He looked at me. "Remember when dad use to hurt me... I would wait until you came home and i told you..?" I asked. "Ya... What does this- Did someone hurt you?" he asked angry. "Daryl- Please" I said putting my hand on top of his. "Who hurt you. Tell me now." He said shaking his head.
I closed my eyes and looked down for a second. "Ashley." He said. I removed my hand from his knowing it wasn't helping he's still angry and i haven't told him Michael was the one that hurt me. "Negan's group came to Alexandria... dad-" He cut me off. "Michael hurt you?." he asked. "Daryl he took me.." I said. "He took you?" He asked. I nodded. "He took me to Negan's place... When i woke up i saw the cut" I said looking at him. "when you woke up? What the hell did he do to you?" He asked angrier than ever. "He hit me and i woke up in a bed- Negan was there" I said as my eyes turned glossy again.
"And." He asked. "He-" I cut myself off. "The only way i was able to leave. So i can come back to Alexandria i had to show him my scars..." I said looking at him. "The ones on your back?" He asked. I nodded. "He didn't believe that Michael was my father. That he use to hurt me- So he told me i had to show him my scars to i can leave. I showed him." I said looking at him sadly. He stood up and paced. "Next time i see Michael Imma stomp his ass. I'm gonna kill him." He said shaking his head.
I licked my lips and put my head in my hands trying to calm myself down and get my heartbeat back to normal. I shook my head. "I got back Yesterday. it was close to dark. I told Carl.. But i wanted to come to see you. I had to tell you. I wanted to see you." I said as my voice shook. He came over to me and i looked at him. He shook his head and hugged me. I hugged him back. "I wish i could have stopped him." He said. I shook my head having nothing else to say, "I'm glad yer here" He said. His accent came out strong
"Me too" I said.
I guess i'm gonna leave Ashley here with Daryl. I don't know what's gonna happen because in the cuts i saw that the saviours were coming to the hilltop. So i don't know how this is gonna go.
Should i leave her with Daryl and Maggie at the Hilltop? What do you guys think?
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