Chapter 51: Negan's Kill
Thanks for being so patient!!! I'm very excited to start writing for you guys again!! Love you guys!!💖
If you haven't watched The Walking Dead Season 7 episode 1 do not read!!
~Ashley's Pov~
My heart was racing. My eyes filled with tears. I was terrified. So many thoughts were going through my head. We thought that a hoard of Walkers was the worst thing that can happen to us. We were so wrong.
This is the worst that could happen.
Negan pointed the bat at Abraham. "Anybody moves. Anybody says anything I'll cut the boy's eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start." He said. A tear fell. He was going to kill Abraham.
"You can breathe. You can blink. You can cry." Negan said preparing his bat wrapped around in barb wire. Looking at Abraham. "Hell. That's what you'll all be doing." He said and took the first swing to Abraham's head. My mouth fell open as Abraham fell to the floor. There was nothing we could do to stop him. My heart ached. This is something no one should see in person. Abraham sat up with the strength he had in him and looked at Negan.
Blood running down his forehead. Dark red blood. "Look at that! Taking it like a champ!" He said laughing and looking at him. This man has lost his humanity. He has none left. He's enjoying this. "Suck.... My..... Nuts...." Abraham said to him. Negan took another swing to him. Abraham fell to the floor. Tears fell. I felt hopeless. Helpless. All we could do is kneel. Watch as this man killed one of of our own.
He laughed and looked at Abraham on the floor. No longer moving. He was dead. "He said- He said suck my nuts!" He said laughing. He stopped for a moment and kept on beating him. He was dead. He was doing this for fun.
He took many hits to Abraham. All we could hear now was the sobbing from people in the group. Abraham's head was no longer there. Just blood. Bones and skin. He laughed and backed away from Abraham. He laughed and looked at the bat covered in Abraham's blood. I looked at Daryl crying. He was scared. Crying. Last time i saw him like this was back when our father use to hurt us.... That was years ago. "Oh my goodness! Look at this!" Negan said laughing and swirling his bat. Some of the blood landing on Ricks face. I looked away from Daryl.
"You guys! Look at my dirty girl!" Negan said looking at the bat covered in Abraham's blood. He walked up to Rosita. "Sweetheart. Lay your eyes on this" He said holding the bat inches away from her face. She was in shock. We all were. She didn't say anything. "Oh damn.. Were- Were you two together?" He asked pointing the bat at Abraham's body.
"That sucks. But if you were, you should know. There was a reason for all of this." Negan said looking at Rosita. "Red- Hell. He was, Is and always will be red. He just took one for the team. Maybe even six or seven for the team! So take. A damn. Look." He said as blood dripped from the bat. My breathing was shaky. Tears were falling.
"Take a damn look!" He yelled at her. Daryl stood up and punched Negan. "Daryl!" I said crying. I stopped myself from getting up. I covered my mouth as I saw my brother being pinned to the ground by more of Negan's people. My heart was racing. "NO!" Negan said pointing the bat at Daryl on the floor. More tears fell from my eyes.
"Oh no!" He said and laughed. My heart was racing. It ached. It felt like i couldn't breathe. Negan looked at Daryl. "That. Oh my! That is a no no." He said bending down and looking at Daryl. "The whole thing! Not one bit of this Shit fly's here!" He said. Rick looked over to me but i didn't look at him. I wanted to cry out. My brother could die here and I can't do anything about it.
Dwight came over with Daryl's Crossbow and aimed it at him. My vision was blurry from the tears. "You want me to do it? Right here." He said pointing the crossbow at him. "no. no" I whispered. I was the only one who heard it. Negan pulled Daryl's hair back. "No." He said letting go. "No you don't kill them. Not until you try a little." He said. They pulled Daryl away. I covered my face and bent down a little.
"Anyway" He said. I looked up crying and rested my hands on my thighs. I was kneeling down. We couldn't move from kneeling or he'll kill us. "That's not how it works. Now I already told you people. First ones free; then what'd I say. I would shut that shit down!" He yelled.
"Now i don't know what kind of lying assholes you've been dealing with. But I'm a man of my word" He said smiling. "First Impressions are important. I need you. To know me. So...." There was a pause. "Back to it." He said and swung his bat hitting Glenn. I felt my heart break. "No!" Maggie cried. "Glenn!" I said crying. Blood was all over his face... His eye was sticking out. "I don't know! It seems like you're trying to speak. But you just took a hell of a hit! I just popped your skull so hard you're eyeball just popped out and it is gross as shit!" He said looking at Glenn. I covered my mouth as more tears fell.
"M-maggie. I'll f-find you" Glenn said. "Oh.... Aw hell. I can see this is hard on you guys. I am sorry. I truly am. But i did say it." He said as he took a swing. "No exceptions!" He said and Glenn fell to the floor twitching. He kept on taking hits. I Shook my head shocked. Glenn was like my dad. I cried even more as Negan kept on hitting Glenn. Beating him to his death. "You bunch of Pussies. I'm just getting started." Negan said as more blood fell from his bat.
"Lucille is thirsty! She is a vampire bat!" He said laughing. I chunk of flesh hanging from the bat. Negan walked over to Rick smiling. This man was evil. "What? Was the joke that bad?" He asked looking at Rick.
A small quiet sob escaped my mouth. Glenn was dead. Abraham is dead. Daryl might die from what he did.
Negan came back with Rick. It was morning now. He dragged Rick to the center. In front of us. "Here we are..... Let me ask you something Rick. Did you even know what that little trip was about?" He asked. Rick didn't answer Negan. "Speak when you're spoken too" He said. "O-okay" Rick said. His voice shaking. I've never seen Rick like this. No one has.. "That trip was about the way you looked at me. I wanted you to understand." Negan said looking at Rick.
"But you still look at me the same damn way. You're looking at me like i just took a shit in your scrambled eggs and that's not gonna work." He said kneeling down next to him. "So... Should i give you a second chance?" Negan asked him. "Yeah... Yes." Rick said. He stood up. "Alright! There it is. The grand prize game. What you do next, whether your crap day becomes everyone's last crap day or just another crap day." Negan said.
He gestured to his men. "Get some guns to the back of their heads." Negan said. A man came up behind me and aimed his gun at me. "Good. Now, leveled with their noses so when you have to fire It'll be a real mess." he said. Negan looked at me and Carl. He pointed his finger at Carl. "You. Right here." Negan said pointing next to Rick. He didn't move. "Kid. Now." He demanded. Carl finally stood up and walked over to Negan.
Negan took off his hand. "Are you a lefty?" He asked Carl. "No." Carl said. "Good." Negan said as he wrapped his belt around his arm. "That hurt?" he asked looking at Carl. "No." He said. "No? It should.. It's supposed to. Alright kid, Get on the ground. Next to daddy" He said. "Spread them wings" He said taking Carl's hat off and tossing it on the ground. "Simon... You got a pen?" Negan asked one of his men. "Yeah" He said and tossed him a marker.
He rolled up Carl's sleeve and dragged the marker across his forearm. "Giving you a little leverage." Negan said. Tears welled up in my eyes again. "No. No. Please don't." Rick said. "Me? I aint doing shit." Negan said. Negan stood up again. "Rick. I want you to take your axe and cut your sons left arm off. Right on that line. Now i know, You have to process that for a second. That makes sense." Negan said. My eyes were burning again. Carl was losing his arm. "Still tho. I'm gonna need you to do it. Or all these people are gonna die." Negan said looking at us.
"Then Carl dies, Then the people back home die. And then you... Eventually." Negan said. "Y-you don't have to do this. We understand." Michonne said. "You understand. Yes, But I'm not sure that Rick does." Negan said. A hot tear ran down my cheek. "I want a clean cut. Right there on that line. Now i know this is a screwed up thing to ask but it's gonna have to be like a salami slice. Nothing messy, Clean 45 degrees. Give us something to fold over. We got a gret doctor. The kid'll be fine.... Maybe" He said. I shook my head at the man.
He bent down to rick. "Rick. This needs to happen now. Chop chop.... Or I'll bust the little guys scull myself." Negan said. "It can be me. It can be me. Negan i can- I can go w-with you" Rick said. "No. This is the only way. Pick up the axe." Negan said. Rick shook his head a little. "Not making a decision is a big decision! You really wanna see all these people die? You will. You will see every ugly ugly thing." Negan said.
Rick started breathing heavily. "Oh my god! Are you really gonna make me count?! Okay Rick. You win! I am counting!" He said. My heart was racing again. "3!" Negan yelled. "NO! NO! Please! It can be me! It can be me!" Rick yelled out crying. "2!" Negan yelled bending down and holding Ricks face. "Please!" Rick pleaded. Negan nodded. "This is it." Negan said looking Rick in the eyes. Rick screamed out and picked up his axe.
I covered my mouth as tears fell. Negan walked over to rick. "You provide for me. You belong to me." Negan said. Rick just nodded frantically. Negan grabbed Rick's face and forced him to look at him. "Speak when you are spoken too!" Negan yelled making us jump. "You answer to me! You provide for me!" Negan said. "I provide for you." Rick repeated crying. "You belong to me!" Negan yelled. "I belong to you." Rick repeated. "Right?" Negan asked. "Right." Rick said breathing heavily.
"Right-" Negan said standing up. "-That." He said pointing at Rick. "That is the look i wanted to see." Negan said and took Rick's Axe. He looked at us. "We did it. All of us. Together. Hell! Even the dead guys on the ground they get the spirit award for sure." Negan said looking at us. "Today! Was a productive damn day! Now i hope for all your sake that you get it now. That you understand how things work." Negan said and paused. I looked at the floor as another tear fell. "Things have changed. What ever you had going for you. That is over now." Negan said.
I felt eyes on me. I looked up and looked at Negan. He was looking at me with a smirk and pointed the bat. I looked over to where he was pointing it. he was pointing it at Daryl. "Dwight. Load him up." Negan said. I shook my head a little. My heart skipped a beat. "no. please don't." I whispered. Dwight took Daryl by force and put him in a van. We looked at each other. A tear fell. He was looking at me. Dwight closed the van doors.
I moved a little and the guy pressed the gun to my head. "Ah ah, Don't move" He said. I closed my eyes as tears fell. "Leave the girl alone chris." Negan said. He removed the gun from my head. "Now. He's got guts. She does too... I can see it runs in the family" He said chuckling a little. I looked down. They took Daryl. They took my brother. "Not a little bitch like someone i know." Negan said.
"I like him. He's mine now. Now if you want to try something i will cut pieces off of.... What the hell's his name?" Negan asked. "Daryl." One of his men said. "Wow. That actually sounds right. I will cut pieces off of Daryl and put them on your door step. Or; better yet i will bring him to you and have you do it for me." Negan said. I covered my face and bent down a little. A sob escaped my mouth.
"Welcome to a new beginning you sorry shits! I'm gonna leave you a truck." He said i uncovered my face but looked down. "Keep it. Use it to keep all the crap you're gonna find. We'll be back in a week. Until now... Ta ta." Negan said. I heard the axe hit the floor.
The people started leaving us. Glenn was dead. Abraham was dead. Daryl was gone... I sat on the floor in shock. Looking at the rocks beneath me.
After a while of us sitting down... processing what just happened to us... Maggie stood up. I looked up. We all did. "Maggie. You need to sit." Rick said standing up. "no." She said. "We need to get you to the hilltop." Rick said. "No. you need to go get ready." She said. "For what?" Rick asked. "To fight them." She said. Rick stayed quit for a while. "They have Daryl.... They have an army. We would die. All of us." Rick said. "Go home. Take everybody with you. I can get there by myself." she said.
"You can barely stand" Rick said. "I need to go. You need to get back to Alexandria. You're out here for me." She said beginning to cry. "We still are." Rick said. Maggie started crying. "I can make it now. I can't have you out here anymore. I need you to go back." she said walking to Glenn. "Maggie. We're not letting you go." Michonne said. "You have to." She said. "That's not gonna happen." Rick said. Sasha stood up. "I'm taking her. I'm getting her there." Sasha said
I tried getting up. I felt dizzy from crying. From being on the floor for so long. From seeing what i just saw happen in front of me. I almost fell over but Aaron grabbed my arm. "Whoa whoa slow down" He said causing everyone to look over to me. I shook my head and walked over to Maggie. She was on the floor looks at Glenn's body.
I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Maggie let go.. Please let go" I said quietly. She let go crying and hugged me. Tears fell from my eyes too.
We lost people. We lost family.... And this was only the beginning.
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