Chapter 36: Terminus
Wow. That last nights episode was intense! So much happened in such little time. Okay I cried like three times. I screamed when Carl lost his eye! This is by far my favorite episode of The Walking Dead. So emotional.
~Ashley's Pov~
Daryl held me close. I stopped crying but I'm still scared. He knew that i felt safe in his arms. He kissed my head "I'm gonna go talk to Rick alright" He said i nodded and he gave me his Vest. I looked down "You okay? I saw what he was going to to..." Michonne said as Daryl walked away. I Stayed quiet for a while "I don't know" I said not looking up at her. I didn't look up. Carl was sleeping.
After a few more minutes of Rick and Daryl talking. We started walking again, making our way to Terminus. But we don't know if it's still standing. Michonne and Rick were talking. I was looking at the train tracks, My head slightly down, Not really Listening to them, Just thinking. "Ashley?" I Hear Daryl's faint voice. I blink a few times and look at Daryl "What?" I asked "You alright? I saw" He said I stayed quiet for a few seconds "Ill be okay..." I said to Daryl and looked back down. Carl held my hand as we kept on walking.
"Were close" Daryl said. I looked up and Saw the poster of Terminus knocked down. "We'll be there before sundown" Daryl said "Now we walk through the woods. We don't know who these people are" Rick said "Alright" Daryl said and we started heading our way through the woods. Carl was by my side walking. "Are you okay?" He asked as he held my hand. I nodded "I'll be okay" Was all i said with the smallest smile.
~Arriving to Terminus~
We finally arrived. We Climbed over the fences. All of us with weapons in hand. Rick hid a few things just in case this place went south. As we went further and further into Terminus we heard a voice "Sanctuary for all. Community for all. Those who arrive Survive" A woman repeated into the microphone. "Hello" Rick said and everyone stopped what they were doing. "Well, I bet Albert's on perimeter watch" A man said dropping a paint brush and walking towards us.
"You here to rob us?" The man said walking closer to us "No. We wanted to see you before you saw us" Rick said "Well. Welcome to Terminus. I'm Gareth, Looks like you've been on the road for a good bit" Gareth said "We have. that's Michonne, Ashley, Carl and Daryl. Im Rick" Rick said looking at him. Gareth smiled a bit, raised his hand and waved, I was honestly a little scared. We don't know anything about these people.
"You're nervous i get it. We were too, We came here for sanctuary. That's what you're here for?" Gareth asked. He was in front of Rick."Yes." Rick said "Good, well you found it . Hey Alex" Gareth said and another guy from the back of the room walked to were Gareth was. "This isnt as pretty as the front. We got nothing to hide but the welcome wagon. This is Alex, He'll take you and ask you a few questions, but first" Gareth said. And of course there's a but. "We need to see your weapons, if you could just lay them in front of you" We all looked at Rick. He nodded "Alright" He said and we all started laying our weapons in front of us.
"Im sure you understand" He said "Yes i do" Rick said. Alex checked if we had any other weapons on us. "Follow me" He said. Daryl caught up to me and stayed by my side. "So how long has this place been here" Daryl asked "Almost since the start, All the camps started getting overrun the people started finding this place" He said. We walked to the front and we saw a woman cooking some kind of meat. "Hi, I'm Mary" She said "Hear you came through the back door, Smart. You'll fit right in" She said with a smile.
I saw something to familiar on Alex. I furrowed my eyebrows a bit and I swallowed nervously as i remembered what it was. It was Glenn's pocket watch. The watch that once belonged to Hershel. I looked at Rick. He was also looking at me. He knew it was Glenn's watch. I had my hand on my holster again. Rick walked up to Alex and knocked the plate off of his hand. Rick put him in a choke hold and pointed his gun at his head. I took out my gun and pointed it at Mary, Everyone also following along. Daryl pointing his crossbow at her too.
"Where the hell did you get this watch." Rick asked harshly. My heartbeat picked up. What if Glenn is dead? What if we were the only people that made it out of the Prison? "I see your man on the roof with the sniper rifle. where did you get the damn watch!" Rick yelled "You want answers? Okay, Put it down. I got this, Don't do anything. PUT IT DOWN!" Alex yelled. The man on the roof finally put the rifle down. "I got it off a Dead one. It didn't need it." Alex said "How about the riot gear? The pancho?" Rick asked "Got the riot gear off a dead cop. Got the pancho off a clothes line" I turned around pointed my gun. It was Gareth.
"Gareth we can wait" Alex said still on the choke hold that Rick had him in "Shut up Alex" Garth said "You talk to me." Rick said looking at Garth, "What's there to say. You don't trust us anymore" Gareth said as he raised his hand "Gareth. Please." Alex said scared "Shut up. It's okay. Rick what do you want" Gareth asked "Where are our people." Rick said "You didn't answer the question" Gareth said and his hand went to a fist. The people started opening fire at us.
"Cmon Move!" Rick shouted. As we ran people from the roofs were cutting us off. "Get them off B!" Gareth shouted. "Help. Get us out of here!" People shouted from these train carts. "What the hell?!" Daryl said "Keep moving!" Rick shouted. We entered a room. There were candles lit, writing on the floor and on the walls "What the hell is this place?" Daryl asked looking around. I looked around too. Scared. Confused. "These people. I don't think they're trying to kill us" Michonne said "They're not. They're aiming on our feet." Rick said "There" He said again pointing his gun at a open door.
We started heading for that door but it was closed by another man. "Here" Daryl said. We headed to a door that was marked A. As we headed out we were met by more gun fire. Great. We ran but didnt get far. We were cut off by men pointing guns at us from every direction. I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. I was so scared. I looked at Daryl terrified. Tears forming in my eyes. He looked at me. "Drop your weapons. Now!" Gareth said. We all dropped our weapons. "Ring leader, Go to your left. The train cart. Go" Gareth said. Rick didn't go. "Do as i say or i kill the kids." Gareth said Rick looked at me and Carl. He nodded the slightest bit and started walking.
"Now the Archer" Daryl looked at me in a way. That look that comforts me in a way, and he knows that. We always had a little code between us. When my father was drunk, My father always scared me. He would give me a look when my father would come home drunk, Daryl gave a look, that look saying 'It'll all be okay'. My father would sometimes come home and go up to his room and just lock himself in there, that would be so rare.
Daryl knew that I was scared he could see it, But honestly this scared me even more Than my drunk father. Wouldn't you be scared? But When he looked at me he wasn't positive this time. He was scared too. "Go! Or she dies right now." Daryl started walking "Now the Samurai" Michonne started walking "Now the Boy" Carl looked at me "Go kid!" Carl had tears in his eyes. He finally walked. "Stand at the door. Ringleader, Archer, Samurai and boy" Gareth said. Are they going to kill me? "My Daughter." Rick said. I tensed up a little, It was a little noticeable. Enough for Rick and Daryl to see me thence up slightly. My parents never called me their daughter. They were too 'Ashamed' to have me as a daughter. I was a 'Mistake of a daughter'. Rick calling me his daughter meant a lot to me.
I looked at slightly at Gareth, he had a smirk on his face. Looking me from head to toe...
Oops! Cliff hanger! What's going to happen to Ashley!
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