Chapter 35: Daryl
Ashley's bracelet (Moon)
Cassie's bracelet (Star)
~Ashley's Pov~
Earlier we saw a poster. It said that there was a Sanctuary called Terminus. Rick decided that we should go take a look at this "Sanctuary". We've been walking for some time now. Carl and Michonne have been talking more now. We still haven't heard anything from the group... i really hope they're safe. I was looking down slightly thinking about the others, Still listening to what they were talking about. "We'll stay another day or two, get some rest" Rick said.
"Finish healing up?" Michonne asked Rick "I'm almost there" Rick said in response "We're close now, Right?" Carl asked "To Terminus?" Rick asked "Yeah" Carl asked "We are" Rick Said "When we get there, are we going to tell them?" Carl asked I looked over to him "Tell them what?" I asked He looked over to me "Everything that's happened to us" He said and looked at Rick "All the stuff we've done. Are we gonna tell them the truth?" Carl asked
"We're gonna tell them who we are" Rick said looking at Carl "I mean how do we say that...? Who are we?" Carl asked but was soon cut off by the snarling of a walker. We look forward to see it was only one. We took out our guns. Michonne took out her Katana. Michonne swings her Katana and the walker hits the ground with a thud.
"There we go" Rick says we look down to see a small rabbit caught in Rick's trap he set up earlier. "It's a small one, that'll do" Rick said taking the rabbit off of the trap and putting it in his bag. "So.. It's a simple slip knot, Now.. you see how the ground here is sort of like a funnel shape" He said gesturing towards the ground "It's a trail?" Carl asked a little unsure about himself. "That's right-" Rick was cut off by screams.
"Help! Somebody Help Me! Please!" A man screamed. Carl took off towards the direction of the Screaming. "Carl!" Rick shouted but Carl didn't stop. We took off after him. "Carl!" I yelled trying to get him to stop. Finally Carl stopped. We saw he was holding a gun up. I looked over to see a man being surrounded by a group of walkers closing in on him. Rick pulled Carl and Michonne pulled me behind a tree. The man screamed in pain as walker started Biting and ripping chunks of flesh off of his face and body.
"We can't help him now" Rick said. I remember only seeing movies about this kind of things. Playing video games. But seeing this in real life. Happening right in front of you is scary. Two walkers got a glimpse of us and started walking towards us. "We have to go. Now" Michonne said. we started making our way to the train tracks only to be greeted by more walkers feasting on a body. Great. My heart began to race as we looked back to see the walkers that were back there were now here. Shit.
We took out our weapons again and started taking out the walkers that are blocking the trail. We took them out and started moving again "I thought there would be some houses up here, Maybe even a store" Michonne said "Hey look" Carl said. We looked over to see an old abandoned beat up truck. We looked around to see if it was okay. It was empty "We set up camp here for the night, It'll be getting dark soon" Rick said We nodded "We'll go get some firewood, Stay here" Rick said and Michonne went with him into the woods.
I sat down and looked t my bracelet. It's a gold bracelet with a moon jewel on on it. Cassie gave it to me on my birthday. Cassie is/was my best friend. I smiled slightly at the memory.
~Ashley's Birthday~
I'm walking home from school. My phone started ringing "Hello?" I asked "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Cassie yelled into the phone laughing "Well. Thanks for killing my ears" I said laughing "Thanks" I said "Yeah, hey can you come over?" She asked "Yeah. Be there in five" I said "Great" She said and hung up. I dialed Daryl "Yeah" He answers "Is it okay if go over to cassie's?" I asked "Yeah. Be home by six" He said "Okay Bye" I said and hung up
My dad usually gets home at 6:30 from the bar... I don't think there's one day he never drinks... Anyways, I opened the door to Cassie's place. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY!!" Cassie and my friends scream out "Oh My God guys! Thank You" I said smiling. I hugged everyone and Cassie pulled me up to her room. "What" I said laughing as she pulled me up the stairs. "Sit" She said and looked through her closet.
She pulled out a small black and silver box and handed it to me. "Happy Birthday" She said smiling "You didn't need to get me anything" I said smiling at her. "I know, Open it" she said smiling. I opened the small box to see a Gold bracelet with a moon jewel. "It's beautiful Cas" I said smiling, "Thank You" I said hugging her. She held her hand out "I Have the star" She said.
~flashback over~
~Carl's Pov~
"Ashley?" I asked. She was looking down at her bracelet. I got a little worried because when she played around with her bracelet she's either scared or worried, "Ashley, You okay?" I asked again. She blinked a few times, I bent down in front of her and put my hands on her knees "Ashley? You okay?" She didn't look up but she nodded "No you're not, What's wrong" I asked sitting next to her and wrapping my arm around her.
She let out a quiet shaky breath and rested her head on my shoulder, "Just... Remembering that's all" she said We hear rustling and we stood up, Pulled out our guns. But It was only my dad and Michonne. We lowered our guns.
~Later that night~
~Ashley's Pov~
Rick was right, It got dark fast. Rick and Michonne were outside. By outside i mean that me and Carl were in the car. He was sleeping, I smiled a bit at him. He's so adorable, My smile quickly faded as a saw a group of men approached us. One man pointed a gun at Rick's Head and another man pointed another at Michonne. There was a tap on the window. I looked over to see a man smiling creepily at us with a knife.
I shook Carl awake "Carl" I said he opened his eyes. There was another tap i looked over to see another man with a knife looking at me with a smile. I looked at Carl to see he was looking at the guy with a knife. My heart was racing. "Joe!" I hear a voice too familiar. A man with an angel vest appeared. "Daryl" I said looking at him. He walked towards the man holding a gun to Rick's head.
"Hold Up" he said taking a look at Rick and Michonne. "You're stopping me at eight Daryl" Joe said "Just hold up" He said walking closer to them "This is the man that killed Lou we have nothing to talk about" Another man said "The thing about nowadays is that we got nothing but time. Say your piece Daryl" Joe said "These people, they're good people... You're gonna let them go" Daryl said
"Now i think Lou would disagree with you on that" Joe said. I kept my eyes on Daryl. My heart was beating so fast. "You want blood i get it" Daryl said dropping his bag and his crossbow. No Daryl. I know what he's doing. I felt like crying now. "Take it from me" He said "Daryl" I said softly even though i know can't hear me. Carl heard the worry and sadness when i called out his name. He held my hand, He was scared too. "This man killed our friend. And you're saying he's good people. That right there is a lie" Joe said
Daryl's arms dropped. He looked scared. "Its a Lie!" Joe said again. A man hit Daryl with the end of his gun. "Daryl!" I called out. The man opened the door and started pulling me out "Ashley!" Carl called out trying to hold on to me but only to be pulled away by the other man. "Carl!" I called out "You let them be!" Rick yelled "Oh Ashley. That's your name... Daryl's baby sister. Your only family left." The man said holding me. He forced me to watch as the men beat up Daryl. "We're gonna beat your brother to death." He whispered.
I felt tears in my eyes. "Stop!" I said crying as i looked at my brother being beaten right in front of me. He pushed me down. He looked at me and laughed. His hand went to my upper inner thigh "No! Stop Please!" I yelled crying trying to get out of his grip. "It'll all be over soon" He said and chuckled. Suddenly Joe lets out a scream. The man lets me go and looks up. I look over to see Rick bit a chunk of flesh off of Joe.
Michonne killed the Men that were beating Daryl up. The man holding me was ripped off of me. I was crying and i felt like i never would stop. I saw Daryl hit him a few times and the man fell to the floor unconscious. Daryl took his knife and stabbed him. I backed away from the man on the floor. Daryl looked at me, he came over and picked me up. He held me close to him. I cried on his chest. "Its okay, I'm here" He said kissing my head."Im here." He said hugging me tight.
Hey Guys!! Sorry about not uploading soon, Something happened when i uploaded this Yesterday. So I added some things and made it longer. Love you guys!
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