Chapter 32:The Run
Let's take a moment. I do not think Glenn is dead. Omg I screamed when Nicholas dragged Glenn down I was crying my eyes out. Omg Glenn!!! Why!!!
~Ashley's Pov~
Its been a day since the whole Cell Block D situation happened and I haven't been coughing or feeling sick. I'm really grateful about that, I haven't seen Carl either which made me worried and sad, Right now I'm going on a run with Daryl, Michonne, Bob and maybe Ty if we can find him, I was still shocked about the awful death of Karen and David... I mean who would do that. Just burn their bodies like that, Karen was such a good person, it wasn't fair.
I sat in the car and played around with my Bracelet. I've been quiet lately not talking much only if I'm asked to. I know Daryl knew something was bothering me at this point, The way he looked at me, he wanted answers. "Alright what's botherin' ya?" I looked up to see Daryl, I shook my head as if I'm saying no. "Nothing" I said in a hushed voice.
He leaned against the car "Really what's up?" I sighed "Just...Tired of losing people" I said he nodded "Yeah me too Cmon" I got out of the car and helped him pack the bags in the trunk. I saw Maggie and went over to her but kept my distance "Maggie can you let Carl know I'm going on the run with Daryl... I don't want him to worry" She smiled "Sure thing, be safe out there" she said and walked away.
I went back to Daryl and saw Ty there, I sat in the back with Ty and Bob. Daryl was driving and Michonne is next to him. We left the prison and we headed over to the college.
~Carl's Pov~
I haven't seen Ashley in a day or two. I don't know if she's sick or not. I hated being here with all the kids, I have Beth and Judith with me. "Carl Maggie is looking for you." Beth said my heart rate picked up. What if its bad news, I went over to her "Yeah?" She looked at me "Ashley wanted me to let you know she's going on a run with Daryl and some others" I nodded "How is she...?" I asked "She's okay she isn't showing any signs of it" I smiled "Ok thanks" she nodded and walked away.
At least I know she's not sick and she's safe with Daryl and the others. I sighed and went back with Beth and Judith.
~Ashley's Pov~
We were driving, Daryl going through the radio to see if he found anything. "-inus..... -ve..... -vive..." A voice!!! Oh my god!!! "Is the a voice?!" Bob asked I nodded and looked back up to see a walker in the middle of the road "Daryl!" I yelled he looked up and the he lost control of the car. He hit the breaks trying to stop it. Finally the car came to a stop. But we realized it wasn't only 5 walkers but a whole Hoard of them.
'Oh my god' I thought to myself as they surrounded the car. "Grab something" Daryl said. We all grabbed on to something, Daryl started driving in backwards. Running over the Walkers. We pulled to a stop "Go to the left!" Michonne said, Daryl Put the car in drive and gave it gas but it didn't move forward, "Its Jammed! Make a run for the gaps right there. Whatever you do don't stop running. Ashley please stay close." I nodded "okay...Now!" He said He went through the roof I went out after Bob. Shooting walkers and using my knife. Ty was still in the car not moving. "Ty!" Bob yelled I shot a walker getting close to him "Ty! Please!" I yelled he got out of the car. Daryl came back for us. "Cmon!" Ty yelled Michonne grabbed my hand and we went running in the forest.
I stabbed a walker and ran to Daryl. I ran by his side. We ran to a semi open place, Michonne behind me. "You alright?" He asked catching my breath "Peachy" I said also catching my breath "Hold up" he said I held my gun up, we all heard rustling. Daryl stepped forward and loaded his crossbow. Two walkers came out. Daryl was about to shoot it but it fell. Behind it was Ty. I smiled a bit. He was alive. Michonne shot the other. Daryl ran over and picked him up.
We started running again. More walkers coming towards us.
~small time laps~
We stopped at a gas station. There was a huge tree on top of it. Daryl was looking at something I looked at it too. "You guys see something?" Bob asked. "I don't know maybe." Daryl said we all started pulling branches off it. It was a van. Daryl went inside it a s started hot wiring it. Nothing happened the battery must be dead "We gotta find us a new battery" Daryl said.
We walked to what looked like the entrance of the gas station "Alright let's clear a path" Daryl said, we started pulling and cutting off branches of the fallen tree. Ty was going a little too rough I looked over to him everyone did the same "Hey Ty go easy man we don't know what were de-" I felt something grab onto my shirt I cut him off I screamed a bit. Michonne cut off the walkers hand from me. The same thing happened to Daryl. Michonne helped him out.
I started hearing more growls, a walker attacked Bob. Michonne helped him out. I stabbed a walker and helped Daryl take out more. "Ty Let it go man!" Daryl yelled I looked over to see Ty pulling out a walker "Ty!"I called out but he didn't listen to me. He pulled the walker out and it landed on top of him. Daryl pulled it off him and i stabbed it in the head.
I saw Bob pulling out his gun but I couldn't risk it, Noise attracts more walkers. "Why didn't you let go?" Michonne asked he didn't say nothing.
"Ya alright?" I looked over to see Daryl I nodded "Yeah just scared me a little" i said as we walked in the store.
~A few minutes later~
We finally found a new battery for the car outside and some water, Daryl put the new battery in, I was sitting down leaning against the car, "Hey" I looked up to see Daryl holding the small Gallon of water Towards me, I drank some and gave it back to him. "Try the Car Ash" He said I got in. I gabbed the Red and Green wires and gave the car gas.
He clapped his hands "That's my Girl" He said smiling at me I smiled back. He taught me how to hotwire cars a while back before the world went to total shit, He called Ty and Michonne and we started driving.
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