Chapter 25:The Meeting
Hi luvs!! Happy Sunday! Don't forget to smile today, Your smile can make someones day:)
~Daryl's Pov~
I was up early with Rick, We have a meeting with the governor today. "Listen we have to be prepared. We know how this man is. We have to take precaution, We leave in an hour" Rick said. I nodded and went to get ready, I went over to the cell that me and Ashley were staying in and she was still sleeping, I sat down my back facing her, I started cleaning and sharpening my arrows, Ashley jumps up breathing heavy "Nightmare?" She holds her head in her hands and she nods "It was dad" she whispered but i heard it.
I went and sat next to her i pulled her into a hug "He won't hurt ya anymore" I said. She nodded "Why are you up so early" She changed the subject "I'm going to a meeting with the governor with Rick and the others" I said. she looked at me "I don't want you to leave, Hes dangerous, you saw what his men did to me. I don't want you getting hurt." She said. "That's why i have to go. To protect the group. To protect you." I said. She looked at me and stayed quiet for a while. "Just be careful. Please..." She said. "We will i promise ya" I said. She nodded. "Merle is going to stay here, and Carl's staying too" I said.
I gave her a smirk and she smiled a bit at me "What time are you guys leaving" She said smiling and dodging the question. "An hour or less" I said smiling at her. she nodded and looked down "Can i ask you something?" She asked. I nodded a bit. "Shoot" I said. "Why does Merle hate me?" She asked. I looked at her confused.
"He doesn't hate ya. Hes just an ass" I said shaking my head, looking at her. She shook her head "When dad.... Abused us." She stayed quiet "Why didn't he stop him?" She asked looking at me. "I dont know why.." I said. Flashbacks of my old man came in him beating us, Merle watching, Laughing. And i saw red. "If i could've stopped him i would have, You know that" I said. She nodded. "Yeah" she whispered.
"Daryl Lets Go!" I heard Rick "I gotta go" I said. She nodded, "Be safe" She said. I nodded and gave her a hug "Love ya" I said. "Love you too" She said and I headed down to find Rick and Hershel standing by the door, I nodded and we headed out.
~Ashley's Pov~
I headed out to where the group was, We were preparing guns and ammo just to be safe. I stayed quiet, the nightmare repeated in my head. How my father beat me and Daryl up, and Merle not doing anything. I slowed down and put the gun down and looked over at Merle, He was watching us, Watching me "Carl come over here" I looked up at Glenn "You load take these over by to the loading dock alright. Beth put more of these on the catwalk. If any of us get pinned down we need to make sure we have lots of ammo." I looked at him and nodded
"What we should be doing is loading some of this firepower And loading it up on the truck and pay a visit to the governor, I Mean we know where he is right now" Merle said to us i gave him a 'Shut up' Look "So your saying we go in and kill the governor" Glenn looked at him "That's exactly what i'm saying" Merle looked at me "Merle just be quiet They got it" He laughed "They don't we should pay them a visit" Merle said to me "We told Rick and Daryl we'd stay put" Michonne said to him "I changed my mind sweetheart, being on the sideline with my brother out there, aint sittin' right to me" he said to her.
"Look the three of them are in the middle of it. With no idea that were coming, They can get taken hostage or killed. A thousand things can go wrong" Glenn told Merle "And they Will" Merle looked at him "My dad can take care of himself." Carl was getting annoyed i can tell "Sorry son but your dad's head could be on a pike soon" I looked at Merle. Carl walked away "Don't say that to him" Maggie told him. "I forgot what a total ass you are Merle" I said and looked at him and laughed "He just lost his mother" He looked at me "Aww Princess you've gone soft." He said laughing i began to walk away "Go cry to your boyfriend" I turned around and flipped him off and he laughed i closed the gate and went over to Carl.
"I'm sorry" I told Carl he looked at me confused "About my brother. Hes a total ass" I said looking at him. "Its okay" He hugged me "Hey...Can i ask you something" He asked me, I nodded "How come you and Daryl sometimes don't like being around him? If it isn't too personal to ask" I let go of him "Back home... My dad abused us. he would hurt us." I said. He looked at me "You don't have to tell me If you're not comfortable with it" I looked at him "You're my boyfriend right? i think you should know about my past" I said. He smiled and pecked my lips quickly. "My dad, He use to beat either me or Daryl... and Merle just stood their and watched, He didn't stop him or even tried. He just watched" I said. He looked at me shocked "We all have scars from our dad" I said. He pulled me in for another hug. "I'm sorry about your dad" He said.
I looked at him "Its okay" I whispered to him, He looked into my eyes, He started leaning in and i did the same, Our lips touched closing the gap between us, I felt Carl smile into the kiss, I did the same. He rested his forehead on mine we looked each other and smiled "Cause that's my brother out there that's why!" I heard Merle. We let go of each other and went in the cell block, quickly.
I saw Merle in front of Glenn "Merle back off!" I yelled at him a bit. He chuckled "Don't hurt him." I said walking to him. He walked towards me too. "Your brother is out there. With the governor. and the men that shot you." He was in front of me, I crossed my arms. I knew what he was doing, He was getting in my head.
"Stop i know what you're doing." I said. He looked me in the eyes. "He's out there alone. If something happens to him... Its on you, Your fault because you didn't let me go. Just like back home with mom" He said. I let go of the position i was in (Crossed arms) I felt eyes on me but i didn't care. Back home when my mom died. My dad use to beat me saying it was my fault that she died, But it wasn't. She died in a fire because she didn't put her cigarette out, the house caught on fire she died in bed. Its not my fault. "That's not on me." I said. "You sure about that princess.?" He asked. I looked him dead in the eyes. "Don't you ever bring up mom. Ever." I was mad at my self for letting him get me to me like this.
I started walking away from everyone i went in my cell and buried my head in my pillow 'Don't cry. Dixons don't cry. Don't cry Ashley' The voice in my head told me and repeated in my head 'It wasn't your fault don't cry' I heard footsteps coming up the stairs but i didn't bother looking up.
~Carl's Pov~
"He's out their alone. If something happens to him... Its on you, Your fault because you didn't let me go. Just like back home with mom" Merle said to Ashley, She lost her mom too, I remember Daryl telling me this, She held her tears in, She rarely cries in front of people, the last time i saw her cry was back at the farm when Daryl was holding her back at the farm. "Don't you ever bring up mom.Ever." She pushed him and left over to the cells "Whats your problem?." Maggie told him. He just laughed and shrugged. "Carl go check on her" Maggie told me and i nodded, Beth, Maggie and Ashley are like sisters. They really care about her.
I went up to the her cell and she was laying down, her face buried in the pillow, "Are you okay?" She didn't look up but she moved positions her back facing me "I want to be alone...Please" She said softly. I frowned i don't like seeing her like this. I went up to her and kissed her cheek "Okay call me if you need anything" I said. She slowly nodded and i left the cell, I went over to the gates.
I heard a car engine. i saw Daryl in his bike and My dad In the car with Herschel, I opened the gates "Let's get inside" My dad said. I ran inside and went over to get Ashley. "They're here" I said.
She sat up and i held out my hand she took it and we walked out to meet the others, We were all together, Merle gave a glare at Ashley and she looked down, I stood close to her. Daryl looked at us and back at Merle he just smirked and Daryl gave him a stare. My dad went over and grabbed the sniper riffle "So i met this governor, I sat with him for quite a while" My dad looked at all of us "Just the two of you?" Merle asked "Yeah" Merle started to walk away "Should have gone when we had a chance" He said to Glenn and walked away.
"He wants the prison, He wants us gone...Dead. He wants us dead." dad said. Merle stood behind me and Ashley. "For what we did to Woodburry... Where going to war." My dad walked away. Ashley let go of me and walked back up to he cell. I looked until she went in and i walked away.
~Daryl's Pov~
Me and Merle were in the cell that me and Ashley were staying in, We sat down, I sat on the bed and he sat on the bench in front of me, I heard footsteps coming up, I saw Ashley she was about to walk in but she saw Merle and stopped. I looked at Merle, She turned around starting to walk away "Hey hey where ya goin'" He asked laughed. "Away from you." She mumbled and Merle got up to follow her, I followed Merle "Hey!" Merle yelled at Ashley she turned around "What do you want Merle." She sounds mad "What the hell is wrong with you guys" I went over to Ashley "Look i'm sorry alright" Merle said to Ashley but she just stared at him.
"No you're not" She walked away and he grunts. Maggie came in "Merle you need to apologize to her" I looked at her "What did he do?" She looked at me "He said something about your mother" He said. I nodded "Check on her will ya?" I mumbled. She nodded and walked away "I didn't mean ta. I was mad" He said. "What did you tell 'er" I said. He sighed "I told her that if anythin' happened to ye it would be her fault, Just like our ol' lady" he said. I shook my head. I went off to look for Ashley. He knows that she hates when people bring up our ol' lady.
"Maggie where did she go" I asked. She pointed at the guard tower, I nodded and i went up. Her feet on the edge of the tower dangling off, I sat next to her "Ya know he didn't mean that right" I said. She didn't answer but she looked down at the floor. "Feels like he did" She whispered, Merle gets in her head like this. Then she feels guilty. "Its not don't listen to em" I said. She looked at me and nodded i hugged her, "Lets go back inside" I said. She nodded, I waited for her to stand up and i picked her up she giggled "My legs work Dare" She said. "I know" We went inside and we went to sleep.
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