Chapter 24:Scared
~Ashley's Pov~
I was happy that the people in the prison really care about me, I was outside with Carl he hugged me "Carl...I'm sorry but can i go inside I don't feel safe outside" I looked at him and he nodded "Yeah I need to talk to my dad" I nodded he kissed my cheek "Love you" He said. I smiled a bit. "Love you too" I said softly. I Headed inside "Daryl?" I asked. I looked at the Perch but his stuff wasn't there. Did he leave? "Over here" I heard his voice. I looked over to see him in a cell.
"How come you're in a cell?" I asked. He shrugged "You alright?" He asked. I looked at him and shook my head 'No' "Honestly no... Im scared Daryl, What if one of the governor's men come back for me. They didn't finish back at Woodbury..." I looked at the floor "Hey, don't think that alright. If one of the governor's men lay one finger on you. They'll get an arrow in the ass" He said. I smiled a bit. "Now come 'ere" He patted the spot next to him.
I walked over and i laid my head on his chest and he put his arm around me "They have people from the group that almost killed me" I said. He shook his head. "If anything happens to you i wouldn't forgive myself. I love ya and i won't let anything hurt ya." He said.
~Daryl's Pov~
Her breathing was steady, I looked down and she was asleep, I felt like such a bad brother. Seeing her like this. In pain and she's horrified. And what Merle said wasn't going to help her much, If it is true that he just started this and he's coming back, I won't let anyone hurt her. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I looked over and i saw Carol leaning on the wall "How's she holding up" Carol looked at her and sat on the chair "She's scared That the governor will come back and hurt 'er" I said
Carol looked at her "She's Beautiful" She smiled at her i nodded "Those scars... on her shoulder" Carol said looking at her, she looked at her some scars of my old man whipping her on her back were showing, she was wearing a crop top and her hair wasn't covering them "My old man did that to 'er back home" I looked down at her and traced the marks with my fingers and memories came flushing back. My old man beating her up, Her cries of pain. I frowned a bit and looked over to her.
"Listen your brother he's not good for you, Don't let him bring you down, After all look how far you got." We laughed "And now you have you sister, Take care of her she's precious" She smiled and looked at her and nodded i held her closer to me. "I heard Carl and Rick talking outside" She smiled and looked at her "What" She looked at me "i think they're cute together" She smiled, My little sister with Carl Grimes, I chuckled softly "That's my girl" I kissed her head,Carol smiled "They're cute together" she smiled and left the cell.
I let her sleep and i started cleaning my arrows and my bow.
~Ashley's Pov~
I was woken up by someone shaking me lightly "There's someone at the fence" I nodded i grabbed my weapons and and ran over to the front of the prison following Daryl "Are you alone!" I looked over to see Andrea holding a walker "Open the gates!" She yelled at Rick "Are you alone!" Rick asked She stared at him "Rick!" She yelled at him. Rick tossed the keys to Daryl and he opened the gates. Rick pushed her against the fence "Hands up" he said. A walker came over close to Andrea and Rick pushed her to the floor "I asked you if you were alone." Rick said.
"I am" She said on her knees, he took her bag away from her "Welcome back" Rick pulled her up and she looked at me "Oh my god" She started walking towards me "Are you okay i saw what they did to you back there" She hugged me, I tensed up and she let go of me "Im still sore, Jayson beat me up pretty bad Andrea" I said, She looked at me "I'm sorry" I nodded and went over to Daryl and we walked back into the Prison.
She went up to Carol and hugged her "Hershel oh my god, I can't believe this. Wheres Shane" Andrea asked looking at us. We all looked at each other Rick just shook his head "And Lori?" She asked. "She had a girl. She didn't survive" Hershel said. "I'm so sorry" She looked at us "Rick I-" She stopped herself "So you all live here" She changed the subject.
"In the cell blocks" Rick said. She pointed at the Cell block "There? can i go in" She started walking but Rick stopped her "I can't allow that" Rick said looking at her "Rick im not the enemy" Andrea said "We had that courtyard in the front until your boyfriend came in and shot us up" Rick said. She looked at Rick confused, "What? he said you shot first" Andrea said.
"Well he's lyin'" Someone said. I felt my head start throbbing, I squeezed my eyes shut and put my hand on my forehead trying to stop the pain. "Hey you alright?" Daryl whispered to me I didn't answer him but i left the room into the cell block.
I felt eyes on me but i didn't care i just kept walking. I sat against the wall holding my head, I heard footsteps coming but i didn't look up "What's wrong do ye need Hershel?" It was Merle "No Just a headache" I didn't look up "I'll go get ya some water" He left the cell block I don't know why i have head aches like this, I heard footsteps but it wasn't Merle only "Here" I looked up and say both of my brothers "Thanks" i drank some "You guys can go you know" I held my head again "Nah its boring out their anyways" Merle laughed "Yeah i bet it is" I stayed quiet "How come you get headaches so much?" "I don't know, ill be okay" I stayed quiet "Princess so i heard..." Ugh does he know? "Someones got a boyfriend" I stayed quiet "Hmm Wonder who..." I smiled at him and Merle they laughed a bit.
"Lets go back" They nodded Daryl held my hand and we walked back in, He sat on the table and i sat next to him, I saw Carl looking at me 'I'm Okay' i mouthed him he nodded, I rested my head on Daryl's shoulder. "I can not explain or excuse what Philip has done. But i am here trying to bring us together...We have to work this out" "We have nothing to work out Andrea" Rick told her "We're going to kill him. I don't know how or when but we will" Rick looked at Andrea "We can settle this, Their is room in woodburry for all of You" "Andrea i am not stepping one foot into Woodburry." I told her.Daryl hugged me and Carl looked at me.
"What makes you think that this man wants to negotiate?" Hershel asked andrea "Did he say that" He looked at Andrea "No" She said. "Then why did you come here" "Because he's gearing up for war, The people are terrified, They see you guys as killers. They're training to attack" Daryl and Merle looked at me i just looked down "I'll tell you what next time you see Philip tell him im taking his other eye" Daryl told Andrea "We've taken to much shit. He wants war he's got one" Glenn told her.
"Rick. If you don't sit down and work this out i don't know whats going to happen. He has a whole town. look at you, You've lost so much already, You cant stand alone anymore" Andrea looked at all of us"You want to make this right get us in" "No" "Then we have nothing to talk about" "Rick their are innocent people" Rick walked away Carl walked over us "Hey" "Hey" Daryl smirked and walked away with Merle "They know don't they" I nodded and smiled at him "Just get ready for the embarrassment that hes going to give me" He laughed and hugged me "Lets go" He held my hand and we walked to the cell block, I swear i heard Beth and Maggie 'They are so cute together'
I'll post another chapter today :)
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