Chapter 21: Merle
Smileeee!!!! :)
~Ashley's Pov~
We headed out we were by the door leading to the streets, My head was killing me, I think Daryl noticed because he walked up to me "Ye alright?" He asked. "I think so" I said nodding a bit, "Ya sure?" He asked "Yeah" I said. He nodded and went over to Rick. I touched my head my hand covered in blood. Rick looked over to me and he looked at my hand "From where" He said "My Head" I said. He looked out the window "Can you run?" He asked. I nodded "I'll be fine go" He went over to Daryl "On 3 stay tight" Daryl threw a smoke bomb to the street.
"Lets go" We ran and started shooting. I shot one and ran over to the small group that we had with us "You alright" I looked over to Rick "Just a headache i'll be fine" He nodded "You guys go ill cover you" Daryl told us "No we have to stick together" Maggie said as she shot another one. I looked over to see how many people are in the streets. I saw a woman with a blue shirt and blond hair 'Andrea' I thought. Wow im going crazy. I shook my head and Pinched the bridge of my nose. I closed my eyes.
"Hey hey really are you okay" Rick put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded staying in the same position. I looked up and saw Daryl staring at me with a worried expression on his face, I nodded and he nodded back. He threw another smoke bomb in the streets "Smoke!" It sounded like Jayson. We all ran out.
We started running towards the gates "Daryl!" He looked back "Go! I'll be fine!" he yelled at me i nodded, he started shooting again. As soon as i turned around I felt a stinging sensation on my shoulder I screamed i knew i was shot I started to run towards the gate but a hand went over my mouth. "Shhh be quiet" I tried freeing myself but it was no use against his grip. "haha lookie here the princess got shot" Jayson whispered in my ear as he laughed.
He hit me in the back of my head, My vision went blurry, I felt more blood running down my face and everything went black.
~Daryl's Pov~
I had a sack over my head and i was being pushed by two men. I tried getting away but it was no use my arms were tied together "This is one of the terrorist" someone took the bag off my head i saw Merle standing in front of me "Merle's Brother" I looked over to my right. My brother standing their. We looked at each other. I looked around and saw another familiar face Andrea in the crowd of people "What should we do with them?" The Governor asked the crowd "Kill them" I heard the crowd yell.I looked over at Merle. He looked over at me, The Governor walked over to Merle"You wanted your brother now you have him" He walked over to me "We have a surprise for you."
~Ashley's pov~
I woke up my head hurts even more i opened my eyes but it was still dark i tried yelling but i had a rag over my mouth and my hands were tied together. Memories started flooding back, I whimpered. I heard a chuckle "Just like old times huh" I heard a whistle and Jayson pulled me up "Start walking or i'll kill you" I started walking i heard people screaming "This is another terrorist" The bag was taken off "The sister of these terrorist"i looked around till i met eyes with Daryl. Next to him... Merle. I looked at him confused with tears in his eyes i looked down to see that he had something silver where his hand use to be. I felt more blood run down my face but i didn't really care.
"Oh my god" I heard Merle say he started walking towards me Jayson forced me to a kneeling position and held a gun to my temple i made a noise behind the rag. "Ah ah, step away" i looked at Daryl he looked like he was about to cry, Merle stepped back a little "Jayson man don't hurt 'er" Merle said. Jayson laughed and looked at him. Merle looked over to the Governor "What if i don't fight" He nodded at Jayson. He pulled my head back and i felt something cold against my neck.
~Daryl's Pov ~
The blade ran across her neck leaving a trail of blood she cried in pain the gag/rag made it sound like muffled noises. The crowd screaming for more,it wasn't deep but deep enough to draw blood "Okay! I'll fight don't hurt 'er" Merle told the Governor "That's more like it" Ashley's head dropped looking at the ground. The man beside her pulled her hair making her look at us, He went close to her ear and whispered something to her. More tears forming in her eyes, She looked at Merle, a tear escaped her eyes, The tear mixing with blood, then she looked over to me. She closed her eyes, He whispered something else in her ear causing her to open them and look at him. He made her face us again.
The governor looked at the crowd "Brother against brother winner goes free" I looked at Merle "What about my sister if either of us win she goes free too" He walked over to Ashley he rubbed her cheek with his thumb "That's not part of the deal" Ashley closes her eyes and lets tears fall he smirks evilly. Merle looks over to me "You know me i'm gonna do what ever i have to do to prove" He punches me in the stomach i groan I hear Ashley scream behind the rag.
"That my loyalty is to this town" he kicks me in the stomach i grunt and stare at Ashley shes crying. Looking at me I look at the Governor, he pushes his finger on her shoulder and she makes a painful noise behind the gag she falls to the ground, The Governor looks at his finger its covered in blood. She probably got shot or something. The man picks her up and makes her look at us again. Men come back holding Walkers with poles. Merle looks over and i punch him He yells in pain and he pins me to the ground "You think this asshole is going to let you go?" He looks at Ashley then us "Follow my lead little brother we'll all get out of here" He picks me up and we stand back to back.
I punch the walker making it go into the crowd a little. A gun shot goes of and we both look over to Ashley but someone shot the walker.
~Ashley's Pov ~
A smoke bomb goes off smoke fills the crowd. People started screaming. I felt someone pick me up. I look over to see Jayson. He smirked and started walking away from the smoke. Out of nowhere a arrow pierced his head and he falls to the ground i fall on my bad arm and scream in pain behind the gag. A figure appeared from the smoke. It was Daryl, he runs towards me and picks me up bridal style, I make a noise behind the gag my body still hurts from the beating i got from Jayson.
I shake in Daryl's arms i was so scared he hugs me tighter. "Rick take my cover my arms are kind of busy" he nods. We head out of the town the sun was up now i kept my head in Daryl's chest not wanting to look up "Glenn" Rick called out to Glenn"Rick Rick" "Oh thank god" i heard Maggie, we walked "What the hell is he doing here" Glenn pointed the gun at Merle "He tried to kill me!" Glenn said.
He sat me down. Merle untied the rag from my mouth and Daryl unties my hands I jump into Daryl's arms crying and trying get my breathing back to normal. He hugs me tighter "Ahh" I said as i touched my head. My hand stained in Blood again. I turn around. Merle standing there, I got up but failed i fell in Merle's arms i hug him more tears come "Slow down don't want ye cracking your head open now do we" He said. "I missed you so much Merle" I said and hugged him, He hugs me "I missed ye too Princess" A feel a horrible pain shot through my body.
~Daryl's Pov~
Ashley was hugging Merle but out of nowhere her body goes limp in Merle's arms "Ashley!" I ran towards Merle Everyone follows. I take her from his arm. I felt something on my arm i move her head from my arm and i see the dark shade of red covering my arm. I look over to Rick he had a worried expression on his face. Glenn and Maggie looking at Ashley too. Both with worried expressions on their faces.
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