P A R T 1
"I don't think this is a good idea.."
I cried.
I had my bathing suit on under my sweaty clothes.
It's been the hottest in years. Heat warnings, drought and dry ground has been the headline on all the newspappers.
"Yeah.. why don't we just go to the beach.. anywhere other than the swimming pool." Quivered Ashton.
"You guys scartey cats. Why wouldn't it be a good idea?" Smirked Genivive.
"Beeeecause no one has ever touched that pool in YEARS. Its unsupervised and plus, there's no signal. That means we can't call for help incase Ashton drowns from his inability to do anything sports related." Madeline retorts.
"Hey, I'm not that bad at spots. And I CAN swim." Ashton sighs, crossing his arms.
Genivive laughs.
"C'mon guys. If you don't want to swim, you don't have to. You people are way to paranoid." Trent says wiggling his eyebrows.
"I'm in I guess. I'm not swimming though. The waters gross, it hasn't been chlorinated in years." I huff.
"Okay, then I'll go too. And prove to Madeline I CAN swim." Ashton laughs.
"Well then I'll go. I won't be swimming as well. Adaline is right. The water is probably full of snake poop."
"Alrighy then, we all are going."
Genivive's older sister drives us to the pool. The pool is surrounded by a chain gate at the edge of town. It's been abandoned since a 16 year old drowned themselves in the pool. After that, everyone stoped going to the pool until there was no one left. The township didn't see the point of maintaining a pool that no one went to so, they just left it there to rot. Now, only stupid and the most daring teenagers go to Heaven Pool. The water is pretty gross. Dead animals and snails end up in it and such.
"You sure you guys want to swim in there? Might as well swim in a swamp!" Genivive's older sister says in a discussed look.
"Yeah. It can't be that bad. I think the pool is fine, it's just that people over exaggerated everything." Trent says scarating his head.
"Of course it's going to be over exaggerated, someone DIED here!" Genivive's sister scowls.
I laugh. Then stop. I don't think I should of laughed at that.
The windows are opened. Genivive's sister turns up the radio and moves her lips to the music. We start to see less and less cars as we drive by.
Genivive's sister drives pass a "Dead End Proceed with Caution" sign.
"Okay, here we are." Genivive's sister says, pulling up to an old parking lot. No cars here.
"Now, I know the signal and power line has been cut of from this place so, when you want me to pick you guys up, walk to that gas station over there. It's just a couple blocks ahead, turn left then right two times and you should see it." Says Genivive's sister.
We all jump down from the Jeep, I carrying the tote bag full of snacks and, a handy dandy "How To Save Someone From Drowning" book guide in hand.
Genivive's sister drives away. We all wave goodbye to her.
Grr, I forgot her name- Was it Shara or Tate?
"You guys ready for this?" Genivive says grinning and opening the gate at the same time.
"No.." blurts Madeline.
"Chicken butt." Whispers Trent into my ear.
"I am NOT a chicken butt. I just have too much respect for my body to be swimming in animal feces and corpse." Regards Madeline.
"She's right Trent. No way am I touching that water either!" I exclaim .
"Well at least I'm not-"
"Stop fighting you guys, we are here to have fun! It doesn't matter if your swimming or not." Genivive yells.
We all walk into the pool deck, being cautious. The small bathrooms have mold on the sides of the skinks. And God knows what's in the toilets. The garbage cans are knocked over by raccoons I guess.
"Nope, I'm outta here!" Ashton says running out of the bathroom after seeing a rat.
We all laugh.
Trent stands at the edge of the pool.
"I'm having second thoughts.."
"Yeah.. same." Genivive starts to pull off nervous laughing.
The pool surface is covered in gunk.
Algae, Gunk, leaves, and what seems like a t-shirt.
"Well.. YOLO!" Genivive jumps in.
Seconds later, Trent follows her. They both rise to the surface, their hair covered with green stuff.
"That was awful." Trent spits.
Madeline laughs.
"Well.. here goes nothing..." Ashton pulls off his shirt and does a messy front flip into the pool. He rises rubbing his eyes.
"Eww, that was gross!" Ashton gaggs.
I set everyones towels at the edge of the pool.
The three swim around, going underwater and diving.
"Can you stop touching me? You are touching me places that should never be touched!" Genivive yelps.
But Trent and Ashton were on the other side of the pool.
Far, far away from Genivive.
As soon as Genivive and I realise this, I tell her to get out of the pool. She climbs out, me helping her by pulling her arm. Her body is covered with plants and weeds.
"Oh my God, I swear someone touched me!"
"Hey, calm down. There's dead animals and weeds in there. Who knows what touched you." Madeline said, drying Genivive off with a towel.
"No! I felt a hand!" Genivive's sheiks.
"Let's get outta the pool man!" Ashton yelps. They both jump out quickly and wrap themselves with the towels.
"C'mon you guys are being paranoid. There's nothing in there besides mold." Trent smirks.
Anger builds up in Genivive's face.
The sun is starting to burn my back.
"Where were you?" I ask.
"Right there. I was just treading water next to the pink fabric gunk." Genivive points.
"There's a long stick in the bathroom I can poke it with." Trent suggest.
"Yeah, go get it." Madeline agrees.
Trent comes back with a long stick. He goes to the edge of the pool and stirs up the water around the pink Tee-shirt. He starts poking the fabric.
"Oh my god.." Trent says, continuing to poke around the leaves.
We all run up next to Trent.
"What is that thing?"
Laying face down is a dead body wearing nothing but a ripped, over sized pink Tee-shirt.
I'm sorry if this ruins pink Tee-shirts for you XD
Okay, so to clear some things up.
The 16 year old who drowned (as mentioned in the beginning of the book) is not the same person as the group just found now.
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