Chapter 9
Meredy's P.O.V
We walked in the forest for who knows how long. We didn't talk, more like I didn't talk to him. How dare he, he saves me, then harms me.
"Look, Princess, I said I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me, but you should apologize as well." He said, I stopped, and turned my head.
"Apologize for what?" I asked.
"Hmm... I don't know, maybe for flipping me, and yelling at me for helping you!" He said, sarcastically.
"I flipped you, and yelled at you, because you were going to molest me!" I yelled.
"For the final time, I wasn't trying to molest you! You were in pain! I tried cleaning the wounds so they wouldn't get infected!" He yelled. "Look!" He then lifted up my shirt to the top of my waist. I blushed.
"H-Hey!" I yelled.
"Shut up and look." He said, I looked at my waist, there was blood and bruises. "You would have died if I hadn't saved you, Karen had the dagger in her hand and was aiming for your heart." He said. He put down my shirt. "I was helping you."
"Lyon..." I whispered. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it..." He muttered.
"I'm sorry..." I mumbled. "I was scared, please forgive me, I forgive you."
"I've been in worse situations." He said. He didn't say anything else
-Time Skip-
We were walking in silence, until a question crossed my mind, I accidentally said it out loud.
"Why do you steal?" I whispered.
"Huh?" He asked.
"Why are you a thief, you seem like a nice person... Saving someone you didn't even know... So why? Why do you steal?" I said.
"Well those are my reasons, not yours..." He said, and we stayed quiet once again.
A little later we came across a good opening in the forest, we walked over to it to see a Kingdom but not Sorcière...
The Celestial Kingdom...
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