Chapter 11: Hide
Hey, I'm not a chicken!"
Later that day as Tully entered the sandwich shop for his usual, Ben had that extra layer of nervousness around him. He had come to terms and accepted that he was attracted to the therapist, but the idea that Tully somehow knew this was making it difficult for Ben to even look him in the eye. "Malroy, can you serve him today?" Ben asks with panic in his voice as Tully pushes against the glass doors, making them open.
"Me? Why?" Malroy looks at Ben who was now trying to dodge behind the milk frother before being seen.
"I can't look at him right now. What if he actually does know? I think I would die" Ben says, now completely concealed by the chrome machine.
Malroy shakes his head. "You're an idiot." Is all he says as he steps up to the counter.
"Hey, what can I get you?" Malroy says with a smile, with Tully looking at him rather confused.
"Is Ben not working today? I hope he's not sick." He again looked around to see if he could see the most challenging client he had come across so far.
"He...he's umm...just on an errand." Malroy replies, as he covertly tries to indicate Ben's whereabouts with a slight nod of the head.
Tully follows the direction being drawn towards the frothing machine. He smiles as he sees the toe part of a black canvas shoe poking out. He chuckles to himself. "Ah, it's a shame I missed him. Do you think you could give him a message?"
"Sure, what is it?" Malroy replies.
"Tell him the next lesson will have to be his last. I have a waiting list growing and I think he may have just beaten me and my methods… but I'm willing to give it one more shot." Tully again looks at the foot, hoping the words may coax Ben from his hiding place, but he just stays where he is."
"I will." Malroy says with a weak smile, before getting back to the matter in hand. "So, your usual, is it?"
"Please, but this time I think I'm going to take it away.'' Tully replies with a sigh.
"Coming right up." Malroy says as he gets the sandwich order ready. He hands it over. "Don't worry. I know he pays for it. That's why you have an extra cookie." He smirks, seeing Ben's fist clench in his peripheral vision.
"I will have to make sure he gets an extra 10 minutes for our final session, thanks." Tully now takes the paper food parcel and covered milk from the counter top. He graces Malroy with a smile before turning and heading out of the glass doors from which he had entered a moment ago.
"You can come out now, you chicken." Malroy says, still watching through the shop window as Tully heads back down the street.
"Hey, I'm not a chicken!" Ben protests as he steps out from his hiding place.
" about, wimp, pussy, fraidy cat…"
"Shut up Malroy!" Ben says looking fretful. "You heard what he said. My next session with him is gonna be my last. What am I gonna do?"
"Tell him you like him...please. Just tell him you like him then we can all get on with our lives." Malroy says almost exasperated by it all.
"I can't just say that Mal!" Ben replies, laughing at the ridiculous notion.
"Ben, he totally wants you to say it. He knows you like him. I'm not a therapist and even I know that he does! Plus, if you don't end this I'm gonna lose a valued customer. He didn't stay today because you weren't here. Just massage his ego like he massaged your back and tell him you like him, what a good therapist he is for helping you and finish it." Malroy grabs a hold of the counter's edge to catch a breath from his mini rant.
"Sounds like you need a therapist." Ben says, raising an eyebrow. Malroy just huffs once again. "But what if I say I like him and he doesn't like me back?"
"Then you'll know Ben and you can move on. You won't need to wonder anymore. Like he said. It's your last session and I imagine what happens in therapy, stays in therapy."
Ben looks over the counter at the vacant seat where Tully would have been sitting. He missed him already. But would he take this final chance to admit these feelings? And what would Tully do to get them out of him?
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