Chapter 8: Promise
'Ugh, morning time.' is all Jimin could think at the moment. Jimin was not a morning person and most likely would stay up late instead of waking up any type of early but Jungkook needed him more than his bed did.
Jimin slowly started to roll of the bed since he didn't wan to get out in the first place. He didn't want to leave his soft and warm covers and go out into the harsh world of reality.
'Damn that hurt.' Jimin thought as he slowly stood up rubbing the back of his head. Of course he fell. The day had to start off with disruption of his sleep and then a nice headache from the floor. How wonderful.
The sunlight was creeping into the room through the not all the way closed curtains. It lit the room up in a beautiful color reflecting on Jimin's bed covers that were a light shade of blue.
Jimin walked up to his dresser hoping to find something to wear but heard the door creak open slightly.
"Jungkook, what's wrong," Jimin asked softly. He knew what these days were like. Things could go wrong if not taken care of properly. Jungkook finally poked his head in with still puffy eyes from last night and a bare face that was still red from sleep. His hair was up in all different directions and his shirt was hanging off his shoulder.
"I heard a thump and thought you were hurt. Are you ok hyung?" Jungkook asked hesitantly knowing Jimin not to be a morning person.
"Yeah, I'm fine Jungkook. Thank you for asking. Are you ok?" Jimin responded. Jungkook needed him today so he was going to try and do his best.
Jungkook pushed the door open halfway so Jimin could now see his whole body. Jungkook looked down at his feet and stared intently trying to avoid contact. He felt ashamed for still being upset and having days like these. He also felt guilty his hyungs had to deal with it in the first place.
Jimin looked at him with worried eyes wanting to know why he wasn't talking. He stared at Jungkook for a minute before speaking.
"Jungkook, what's wrong?"
As soon as Jungkook's head came up Jimin could see the tears in his eyes and his lip swollen from biting it trying to hold back the tears. He looked back down quickly felling ashamed for being so weak and vulnerable. Jimin was surprised for a second but then strode to Jimin and pulled him in a tight hug. At that point Jungkook couldn't hold it in any longer and let out a muffled cry that was almost a scream because he held his tears in for so long. That made Jimin hug even tighter and Jungkook just sobbed for a minute soaking Jimin's shirt but Jimin didn't really care. Jimin forgot about hating mornings. He forgot about wanting more sleep. He forgot about hitting his head on the floor. Right now all that mattered was his precious Kookie and making him better.
"Jungkook, why are you crying," Jimin asked tenderly after Jungkook had cried for a few minutes. Jimin led Jungkook to his bed and sat him down rubbing his back.
Jungkook didn't speak for a moment and almsot started crying again but he wanted Jimin to know why he was upset.
"I-I... It's just...Urgh!" Jungkook responded. He didn't know why it was so hard to tell Jimin everything and just let all of his worries off his shoulders. It's like he was scared to tell anyone his problems. Afraid he would drag them down with him.
"Jungkook you can tell me anything. I'll always be by your side. Always here to guide you. Don't worry about telling me anything. Let it all out."
Jungkook took in a deep breath before continuing.
"I just feel so guilty I have these days. Days you and Namjoon and Jin can't do anything just because I'm messed up. I feel ashamed to be like I am, so lost and broken. You guys shouldn't have to deal with that."
Jimin stared in awe at the boy questioning if he just heard that. He lightly hit Jungkook on the back making him jump a little bit and stare at Jimin. He slowly closed his eyelids not fully but enough to give off a glare.
"What the heck was that for!" Jungkook pretty much yelled.
"You pabo. Don't ever think we don't want to help you. We are here for a reason and we care about you. You know that right?" Jungkook slowly nodded his head as Jimin continued. "We want to be here helping you through your worst. You are like our family Jungkook and we love you so much. Don' let anyone tell you different. Promise me." Jimin looked at Jungkook and Jungkook just nodded slightly. "Promise me," Jimin demanded.
"I promise. I promise I will always be here for you guys too," Jungkook finally said. Jimin nodded before he hugged Jungkook again and just held the hug for a little bit. "We will always be here Jungkook. Always," Jimin promised will slowly standing up.
"Now I have dress and you need to shower. I will make breakfast today ok?" Jimin asked but pretty much was telling Jungkook. Jungkook stood up too and started to walk out of the room before he asked one last thing.
"Can it be pancakes?" Jungkook put on his best puppy expression and begged Jimin.
Jimin rolled his eyes and ruffled Jungkook's hair not being able to resist the cuteness.
"I guess so. Now go wash up you filthy bunny. You stink," Jimin complained but still laughed anyway with smile on his face.
"Hey! I'm not a bunny and I don't stink."
"If you say so," Jimin laughed as he shut the door on Jungkook. He finally was able to get on some real clothing. He sighed as he put on his sweatpants knowing all today would be is cuddling with Jungkook and watching movies.
He looked at the pictures on his dresser and smiled. It was a picture of him and Jungkook playing with smiles on their faces. His cute little Jungkook who he would never stop loving.
Yoongi slowly walked out of the hospital with a smile plastered to his face. After Jin had left he sat at the chair for awhile thinking about Jungkook and how he could like him back.
Yoongi had liked Jungkook for awhile now. All his cute little features and how talented he was. Jungkook didn't know but one time after music class ended Yoongi had forgotten his bag in the class and opened the door to Jungkook singing passionately. Jungkook didn't see the door open so Yoongi just watched in absolute awe and amazement for how beautiful Jungkook sang. That's when Yoongi started to fall for him.
Over the next few weeks Yoongi would notice little things Jungkook did and would catch himself smiling at Jungkook. One time Jungkook caught Yoongi and just blushed furiously before looking down.
Yoongi thought he never had a chance with Jungkook, the one boy that could make him smile. Yoongi wasn't very open about himself so he never could find courage or the will to go and fess up to Jungkook.
Yoongi got into his car and started to drive home. As he arrived at his family's house (that he had to live in due to the fact he was broke) his smile started to slowly disappear. He saw cars int the driveway.
His dad's friends cars. He pulled up and locked his car. The closer he got to the door the louder the laughing was.
'Please don't be in the living room' Yoongi prayed. He just needed to make it past his dad and his drunk friends and he would be in the clear.
Yoongi slowly opened the door letting the smell of alcohol drift into his nose. If he wasn't trying to be stealthy he would have gagged. He closed the front door quietly and started to tip toe up the stairs. When he made thought he was in the clear he was pinned against his door.
"Well hello man whore," the man whispered in Yoongi's ear, the alcohol evident in his breathe. Yoongi started to shake but forced himself to stop. He can't let this stupid jerk know he was scared.
"What do you want?" Yoongi hissed back surprised he didn't stutter.
"Isn't it obvious boy? You like men right? Well," the man flipped him over so his chest was against the wall, "let's have some fun then."
Unexpectedly the man grabbed Yoongi's butt and squeezed. Yoongi yelped in surprise and flipped himself around again.
"Leave me alone," Yoongi tried to demand. He was trying to sound stern but it was hard keeping in a stutter and trying not to cry.
"Who's gonna make me, huh?" the man questioned. Yoongi almost started to cry and felt tears start to form in his eyes.
"Me," someone behind the man replied. Wait, Yoongi recognized this voice.
"Dad?" Yoongi finally said.
"Get off my son you asshole." Yoongi"s dad pulled the man back and glared at his son.
"Leave. Now," Yoongi's dad demanded.
The man just slightly smirked at Yoongi watching him down the stairs. Yoongi ran as fast as he could to his car. He quickly unlocked it and got in barely even minding to buckle and drove off as fast as he could. Yoongi's eyes started to blur but he bit his lip harshly trying not to cry. He didn't know where he was going since it was already 5 at night. He really didn't have friends and no family was nearby. He then thought of something and quickly pulled out his phone to find the address.
He pulled up to the apartment building. It was a nice apartment building in some ways. Partly new but old enough to be comfortable. Yoongi parked his car and slowly walked up to the lobby. He looked for the apartment number and got into the elevator to go up to the floor.
He walked slowly to the room he was looking for and was about to knock but hesitated. His palms were sweaty and he didn't know if he should be doing this but where else would he go?
He finally let himself knock and heard faint footsteps coming to the door. As the door opened Yoongi looked up to see the most beautiful person alive.
Yoongi immediately broke down in right there crying his eyes out. He almost fell down but was caught in strong arms.
"Jungkook who's at the..." Jimin started to ask as he walked up to the door but stopped when he saw a crying Yoongi and a panicked and worried Jungkook. Jungkook started to lead Yoongi to the couch and sat down with him as Yoongi clung to his shirt and cried. Yoongi was a mess.
His hair was all messed up and his lips were red and swollen from the biting. His cheeks were wet with tears and his shirt had some drops still on it but Jungkook didn't mind. In fact Yoongi still looked amazing to him.
He gently rubbed Yoongi's back and tried to calm him down. He hummed to Yoongi trying to soothe him knowing that worked on him. Once Yoongi had calmed down a little and was able to breathe normal again Jungkook spoke up.
"Yoongi what is wrong and why are you here?" Jungkook said trying not to sound rude. Yoongi pulled away and started to stand up feeling guilty and ashamed but was pulled down and into a hug by Jungkook. Yoongi looked up at Jimin like he wanted to only talk to Jungkook and Jimin finally took the hint and walked to his room.
When Yoongi finally gathered the courage to speak he looked up at Jungkook who was patting his hair and staring intently at him.
"I-I'm sorry Jungkook. I didn't mean to burst in, I just had no where to go and I thought you could help me," Yoongi replied quietly.
" It's ok Yoongi. Now who made you cry?" Jungkook asked like he wanted to beat up the person that hurt Yoongi.
"My dad's friend. H-he almost r-raped me Jungkook. I c-couldn't do a-anything and h-h-he almost r-raped me," Yoongi started to cry again and held Jungkook close.
"What bastard tried to do that. I will hurt them," Jungkook replied. Yoongi shook his head and looked at Jungkook.
"I need to tell you something," Yoongi whispered.
"What is it Yoongi? Tell me," Jungkook replied.
Yoongi took a deep breathe before saying, "Jeon Jungkook I like you."
Jungkook look surprised and taken aback and just kind of stared at Yoongi. Yoongi put his head down and blushed embarassed he even said it.
"I'm sorry that was uncalled for. Forget I said anything." Yoongi shook his head before Jungkook lifted up his chin and replied, "I like you too Min Yoongi."
Yoongi felt his happiness rise as he looked at Jungkook smiling and hugged him tight.
"You do?" Yoongi asked.
"I do and I have for months now." Jungkook snuggled close to Yoongi.
And so they were as they layed there with each other until they both fell asleep happy as could be.
Hey guys. Hope you liked this chapter as much as I did. Vote and comment and thank you to those who have stayed with me throughout this book. Call me noah because the ship has sailed. A new chapter will come out soon i promise. Purple you guys!!!!!
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