Chapter 3: The Seizure
After Jungkook had fallen asleep Jin decided to go check on Namjoon. Ugh if only he could find a way to help Jungkook and Namjoon. If only he could get them together to work it out. There has to be some way.
As Jin got closer to the kitchen he could just see Namjoon on the floor shaking vigorously with his eyes rolled back into his head.
"NAMJOON!" Jin screamed.
He rushed to him and crouched down. He's never seen this happen before. He didn't know what to do. He tried to shake him and get him to talk but couldn't. All of the sudden Jimin walked in.
"Hey hyung why did you scream... OH MY GOD NAMJOON!" Jimin didn't know what was going on. All he could see was Jin with a tear stained face and Namjoon on the floor.
"We need to call an ambulance now!" Jimin yelled. He's never seen this before but he's heard if it.
Jimin frantically pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed 119.
"Hello this is 119 how can we direct this call."
"Hello my friend is on the floor shaking and his eyes are rolled back in his head and we don't know what to do."
"Sir can we have your address. We will send an ambulance over immediately."
"Um yes it is 509 Laugh Ln."
(That is just a random address I thought of.)
After Jimin had hung up the phone Namjoon had stopped shaking. Jin was still crying and cradling his head.
"Good thing--Jungkook sleeps-- soundly. I don't--want him--to see this," Jin said in between sobs.
Finally after a few minutes they both heard sirens. The paramedics came through the door with a gurney. They put Namjoon on it and started talking about things Jin and Jimin didn't understand. Jin was crying hard now and Jimin crouching next to him trying to comfort him. They both walked out with the paramedics and got in the ambulance.
Jungkook could hear noise but didn't mind it much. He was trying to think about what had happened. Namjoon had never been so harsh or mean about it. He always just gave him a lecture and maybe a few slaps but nothing to bad. It made his tears water again just thinking about. He didn't know what to do so he made himself stop thinking about. He could hear his stomach growling so he got out of his bed and ruffled his hair. It was such a mess and he really didn't want to deal with it right now.
Once he made it downstairs he didn't see anyone. He decided they might have gone to get dinner. After all it was 6 in the evening on a Friday so why not.
Jungkook didn't know what to eat so he just got out some macaroni and cheese to boil. When getting it down he saw a paper in the corner of his eye.
'Huh Jin must have wanted to tell me that they left.' He thought.
He went and picked it up and read it.
Namjoon had a seizure and it was pretty bad. We are at the hospital. I understand if you don't want to come but I wanted you to know. I hope you know he's so sorry.
- Jin'
The paper started blurring as Jungkooks eyes filled with tears. He should've let Namjoon hug him. He knew deep inside he didn't mean it. He started to run towards the door and throw his shoes on. He had to get to the hospital. He had to apologize.
He had to get there before it was possibly too late.
Ok hi. That was ok I hope. I know it was long but I had alot of ideas and the next chapter will probably come out real soon. So ya. Like I said before my stories take dramatic turns.
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