Chapter 16: Soft
(A/N: I'm sorry but that pic is just so cute! Yoongi looks so proud that Jungkook is laying on him. He's got a look on his face that says,"Yeah he's laying on me. I am the one he chose. He chose ME. Now bow down peasants for the golden maknae has chosen me." It's just so funny and cute.)
Jungkook felt himself fill with happiness. He smiled brightly at his boyfriend before pulling him in for a hug. Jungkook nuzzled his head in Yoongi's shoulder and Yoongi just smiled and hugged back. They stayed there for a minute before they heard someone clear their throat. They both looked up to see Jin tapping his foot with his arms crossed and a nasty scowl on his face, Jimin pouting while huffing and Namjoon trying to look over the two since they were blocking the doorway. Yoongi realized they wanted to see Jungkook too and backed away with a sheepish smile on his face. Jimin immediately ran towards Jungkook and pulled him into a hug with Jin following behind. Namjoon came soon after and ruffled Jungkook's hair while the other two were jumping with glee.
"I'm glad you're okay Jungkook. Don't do stuff like that anymore though, okay?" Namjoon said. Jin had already filled him in on what happened, past and more present, and it not only angered him but filled him with sorrow. He didn't like his little Jungkook wasn't okay. Not a bit. Jungkook nodded his head before looking over to Yoongi.
The older had his head down while he rubbed his arm. He felt out of place. He didn't belong in this family. Not someone like him. He bit his lip as he felt the tears start to pool in his eyes.
"Yoongi?" Yoongi's head shot up, only to look down again so no one would see his tears. "Yoongi?" Then, Yoongi heard rustling and panicked voices telling someone a command. Yoongi looked up and saw Jungkook swinging his feet over the side of the bed. Yoongi's eyes widened and he ran over to Jungkook and tried to lay him back down again. Before he could, Jungkook pulled him into a hug and held him tight. Yoongi sat there in shock before pulling his arms around the younger. He snuggled as close as he could and felt Jungkook's steady breathing while digging his head into the youngers chest. Without Yoongi noticing, Jungkook motioned that the other three join the hug. They stood for a minute in shock but complied. Jin smiled lightly at the boys before engulfing Yoongi into a hug. Jimin grinned gleefully and snuggled close to Jungkook. Even Namjoon, a person not known to show affection wrapped his arms around all the boys, as best as he could.
"Yoongi," Yoongi looked up from Jungkook's chest and made eye contact with the boy. Jungkook's eyes were soft. A beautiful brown that swirled and calmed him down. "You are part of this family. You always will be. Don't back away when Jin and Jimin or Namjoon come in. You belong with us." Yoongi felt his face get wet and he smiled lightly at Jungkook. Jungkook pulled his arms from Yoongi and wiped the tears away. Yoongi for once felt like he belonged. Like he was part of something.
"Why are you crying, baby?" Jungkook asked quietly. Jimin's arms were still around him along with Namjoon's. Yoongi was still being back hugged by Jin.
"I've n-never felt p-part of a f-family before. Y-you remember that n-night I c-came over?" Jungkook nodded his head. "That w-wasn't totally unusual. M-my family..." Before Yoongi could continue he burst into tears. Jungkook pulled him close and Yoongi dug his head back into Jungkook's chest. Jin tightened his grip on Yoongi to try and soothe him while Jimin unlatched from Jungkook and came around to the older. He pulled him into a hug and Namjoon did the same.
"You don't have to tell us anything until you're ready baby. How about we just go home and snuggle, okay?" Yoongi nodded and pulled away from Jungkook with a red face and puffy eyes. Jungkook quickly brought his hands up and dried the tears and cupped his boyfriend's cheek. All the other boys pulled away and watched the two with a smile. It was nice to see Jungkook so happy.
Both Yoongi and Jungkook were lost in their own world though. They were looking into eachothers eyes with Jungkook's hand still on Yoongi's cheek. Jungkook caressed the soft skin as Yoongi nuzzled into the touch. He hasn't felt such affection in, well, since never. Jungkook just chuckled and Yoongi blushed a bright red. Jungkook leaned in and held his forehead against Yoongi's. They both closed their eyes and stayed there. Taking in each others breaths, feeling the presence of one another. They felt connected. Destined to be together. Maybe they were. Then the moment broke.
Jimin started to make gagging noise while putting his finger in his mouth. Jin and Namjoon giggled, they had thought it was cute. Yoongi blushed bright red as he pulled away from Jungkook and Jungkook just chuckled at his boyfriend's cute behaviour. Well, everything Yoongi did Jungkook thought was cute.
"You're cute when you're shy, you know that?" Jungkook whispered into Yoongi's ear. Yoongi blushed brighter and playfully hit Jungkook on the chest.
"I am not cute!" Yoongi exclaimed as he pouted and crossed his arms. Jungkook chuckled again and kissed Yoongi on the cheek. Yoongi was sure he would melt right then and there.
"Says the grown man that's pouting," Jungkook laughed out. Yoongi's pout intensified as he stood up and started to walk towards Jin and the other boys. He stood next to Jimin and huffed as he looked down at the ground. Jungkook laughed again.
"Aw baby. Come here. You know I love you." Yoongi's head shot up and he smiled. He rushed over to Jungkook and hugged him again.
"I love you too."
"You guys are sickenly cute. You know that right?" Jimin said as he fake gagged again. Jin hit him on the back of the head lightly and Jimin cried out in pain. He rubbed the back of his head as he glared at Jin.
"What was that for?!" Jimin shouted out. Jin chuckled and grabbed Namjoon as he pulled him close. He rested his head on the younger's shoulder and smiled.
"Let them be cute." Jin looked back to the other two boys. He saw a, once again, shy and embarrassed Yoongi and a chuckling Jungkook. "They are really cute," Jin said as he nuzzled close to Namjoon. The younger pulled Jin close and kissed his forehead. Jimin stared at the two couple before throwing his hands in the air.
"I give up! I'm not dating anyone you hear?! Not ever..." Jimin was interrupted with a knock from the door. He turned around to see two men, around his age standing at the door awkwardly. The blue haired male smiled at the boys and the other pink haired guy just looked around awkwardly. Jimin's mouth dropped open as he looked at the guy with pink hair and Jin laughed.
"Never gonna date huh?" Jimin closed his mouth and went to slap Jin on the back of the head but Namjoon's glare kept him from doing so.
"Um hi. I am Hoseok but you can call me Hobi," said the blue haired male. Hobi pointed at the pink haired guy, "and this is Taehyung." Taehyung brought his hand up and did a quick wave. Jimin was still in awe from the beauty of this man. His face was perfectly sculpted and his adorable eyes gave Jimin a happy feeling.
"Oh hey guys! What are you doing here?" Yoongi questioned.
"Well, we wanted to make sure that the only boy that can make Min Yoongi blush and go soft was okay." Hoseok chuckled as he explained and Taehyung just nodded. Yoongi just sent him a glare and he shut up.
"Okay. We were about to take him home." Hoseok nodded his head after Yoongi said that and they walked into the room a little farther.
"We can hang out with you guys. Might as well get to know my future brother-in law and his friends."
"Hey!" Yoongi yelled out. Jungkook pulled him close and nuzzled his head in Yoongi's neck.
"Please don't shout baby. It hurts my ears," Jungkook whispered out. Yoongi nodded and kissed Jungkook's forehead.
"I'm sorry Kookie. I won't shout anymore," Yoongi whispered. He looked up at all the boys and nodded.
"Well, let's get him home than."
Hey guys. I was so soft so I wrote a soft chapter. *whispers* Yoongi is only soft for Jungkook uwu. *giggles* I hope it was good. All these goofy dorks and their soft selves, *cough*Except Jimin *cough*. Love you all and thank you for 1,200+ views! I really am grateful for all the love and support I get. I love you all so much and I love seeing that people read my book. I hope it makes you all happy too. LOVE YOU! 💜💜💜
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