Chapter 13: Why?
A/N: This is the official chapter 13. Sorry I tricked you guys last time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Still love you all.💜💜💜💜
It had been 1 hour. One whole hour not knowing what went wrong. One whole hour of all of them awaiting news of the situation. One grueling hour for Yoongi, with tears constantly running down his cheeks. One hour of sitting there, with doubts running threw their minds. Until a doctor came down the hallway.
"Um, the people that brought Jeon Jungkook in?" Yoongi, Jimin, and Jin all lifted their heads and looked at the doctor. Yoongi bolted up to get the doctors attention. Jimin and Jin sat there with hope running through them. But that hope was also fighting with something else. Fear. The doctor cleared his throat and looked down at his board for a second before making eye contact with Yoongi.
"If you wouldn't mind Mr..." "Min. Mr Min." "OK. If you wouldn't mind Mr Min, could you please come speak with me in the hall. I have a few things to discuss with you." Yoongi nodded his head and looked back at Jimin and Jin. He held his hands out for them and they both grabbed one hand. Yoongi pulled them up and they walked towards the doctor. The man looked to Yoongi's sides before speaking again.
"And may I ask, who are these men?" Yoongi looked at Jin and then Jimin. He thought for a second before looking back at the doctor and answering.
"These people?" Yoongi chuckled," These are Jungkooks and my family. They come with me. Always." The doctor nodded his head and turned around, motioning Yoongi to follow. Jin and Jimin just looked at Yoongi, happiness in their eyes. This man cared about Jungkook. They both could see it.
They walked down the hallway. The smell of bleach filled their senses and made them slightly woozy but they marched on. The bright lights overhead glared brightly down the hallways and at their eyes. Sounds of screaming could be heard but from women. All the boys hoped it was from childbirth and nothing else. Every scream resulted in a flinch but they were here for Jungkook. That meant they weren't leaving until Jungkook was leaving with them. They finally reached a place where the doctor stopped. It was a door, just like all the others. A bright white type of color with a kind of bumpy metal rectangle on the bottom. There was a small window in the door and Yoongi was tempted to look but pulled himself back and looked at the doctor again. the doctor cleared his throat and looked at his board for a second. That second felt like eternity for the three boys. Their heartbeats were in their heads and fear along with hope ran through their veins. They stared at the doctor hoping the news wasn't totally terrible. Yoongi licked his dry lips and swallowed. The doctor looked back up and Yoongi tried to read his face but it was emotionless. If anything was seriously wrong, it sure didn't show. Yoongi was snapped out of his thoughts when the doctor finally spoke.
"Now, I need to ask you a few questions before I continue. How do you boys know Jungkook?"
"He is my boyfriend. Jin, this man here," Yoongi wrapped his arm around Jin's broad shoulders, "Is one of Jungkook's best friends. He has known him for years. Jimin, this guy," Yoongi then put his other arm around Jimin, "Is another one of Jungkook's best friends. These are his family." He hugged them both closer to him and waited for the doctor to continue. He tried his best to keep his head up high and not let his bad thoughts and all the voices get to him. The doctor nodded and continued.
"Did you men know Jungkook was beat up?" Yoongi nodded his head sadly. He looked down at the ground as more tears started to form in his eyes. He drew in a deep breath through his teeth and looked back up again.
"Yes. We did know. Some punks at college thought it would be fun to mess with my sweet boyfriend. H-he p-passed out i-in my a-arms s-so we brought h-him h-here." Yoongi stuttered with his words and tried to hold back his tears. Jin and Jimin held him close and tried their best not to cry either.
"Did you also know that Jungkook doesn't eat?" Yoongi's eyes widened and he looked to Jin and Jimin. They looked as surprised as he was. His eyes clouded with tears once more and his mouth went dry. He shook his head slowly and looked down. His shoulders slouched and he almost fell again but Jin and Jimin tried to hold him up.
"While I was examining him I also found marks from knives or some sort of weapon on his thighs. I also found internal bleeding which was probably caused from being hit many times and they hit a vein just right. He probably passed out from lack of food intake and the internal bleeding. Thankfully you brought him in time for me to catch his internal bleeding so he will just have to rest for awhile while he heals. Also make sure he gets enough food and water in his system. He will have to stay a night here but tomorrow you can take him home. You did good bringing him here," the doctor took a deep breath, "now take care of him. I trust you can do that just fine." Yoongi tried his best to keep listening. He tried to make eye contact with the doctor but he couldn't every word was like a knife to the heart. His tears dropped to the floor and his knees shook. He didn't know about the lack of food. He didn't know at all or he would have tried to help. Yoongi put his head in his hands and shook violently. He didn't know about any of this.
Especially not the marks. Yoongi knew that those were not accidents. Those were self inflicted. That fact was like a whole new knife cutting through his heart. A even larger knife that ripped through him with ease.
"You may go in but only one at a time." The doctor nodded his head at Jin and Jimin and walked away, disappearing down the dreaded hallway. Jin and Jimin looked down at Yoongi who still had his head in his hands and then back up at each other. They were also filled with pain and guilt because they never knew about this. Any of it. The marks were new and Jin always thought Jungkook ate.
'Well, maybe he did eat just didn't digest...' Jin shook his head before his thoughts could go farther. He didn't need to think about that. Not now.
"Jimin, you go first. I will stay with Yoongi. He needs someone by his side anyway," Jin said. He made eye contact with Jimin and nodded his head, telling Jimin he has Yoongi and Jimin slowly let go of Yoongi's side letting Jin catch him in his arms. Jimin hesitantly looked down at Yoongi and then back at the door.
'You got this Jimin. Just don't break down. You can do that.' Jimin thought. He slowly opened the door and walked in leaving Yoongi and Jin behind.
Jin dragged Yoongi to the wall next to the door and sat him down. Both of them were crying but Yoongi was worse. His sobbing filled the hallway, notifying every person close someone was crying. Jin sat down right next to him and pulled Yoongi into his chest. Though he didn't know Yoongi well he still felt like he was family. He knew very little about this broken man in front of him but he did know he put up walls. Showing this much emotion, just showed how much he cared for Jungkook. Jin smiled slightly through his tears knowing someone else was now there for his beloved Jungkook. Someone to get him through his rough times. He knew they could help each other through so much. Jin hummed as he rubbed Yoongi's back and ran his hand through the boys hair. He hummed Jungkook's favorite song since he knew it could make someone calm. Maybe it will work on Yoongi too.Yoongi just gripped tightly on Jin's shirt, ruining it but Jin didn't care.
Yoongi felt like everything inside him was being tossed around. His heart was being squeezed an stabbed, his stomach turned round and round like a carnival ride, and his eyes being drained of tears. Thoughts went through his head of why this would happen. How could this sweet little boy go through so much pain? Why couldn't he protect him from those bullies? Why was he so weak, that he cried in a hallway on the floor? The voices came back, screaming louder this time. The were dragging him into sleep. Somewhere that maybe his pain could go away. For just a few seconds. His wet eyelids closed slowly and his grip on Jin loosened as he was dragged down by the voices into sleep.
Yoongi awoke to Jimin shaking him slightly. He opened his eyes to see the bright hallway lights shining on him and he squeezed his eyes shut again. He continued to feel the shaking and looked over to his side to see Jimin and Jin crouched next to him. He rubbed his eyes and felt his hands get slightly wet from the tears still on his eyelashes. He swallowed, hoping to gain saliva for his dry mouth. He licked his lips and ran a hand through his messy blond hair. Then all that was happening hit him. The tears started to sting his eyes again but he wiped them away quickly.
"Yoongi, it's your turn to see Jungkook," Jin said softly. Yoongi nodded and stood up, holding the wall for support. He stumbled slightly but kept going. He nodded at a tear filled Jin and Jimin and walked towards the door. He kept his gaze on the floor and not the window and slowly opened the door. The scent of a type of cleaner hit his nose. Then the sound of beeping filled his ears. Thankfully the lights in this room were lamps and they weren't as bright. Yoongi looked around the room before it landed on his little baby Jungkook. He rushed over to the side of the bed to see Jungkook with closed eyes. He was covered in the bright white balnkets with water next to him. Yoongi sighed in relief that he was OK but the tears came one even harder. He grabbed Jungkook's hand and intertwined their fingers. The tears were now running down his cheeks and onto the blankets.
"Jungkook, I am so sorry. I should have been there for you. I-I s-should have b-been a-a-able to h-h-help. I am s-s-so sorry," Yoongi cried as he dug his head into Jungkook's chest. Jungkook stirred and opened his eyes.
He felt someone on him and looked down to see Yoongi. His head was in his chest, soaking him with tears and his hands were intertwined with the eldest's. He felt his eyes sting with tears and he squeezed Yoongi's hand causing Yoongi to look up. Jungkook wanted to cry harder seeing the sight. Yoongi's face was red and his hair was all over the place.
(A/N: To put a visual of Yoongi's hair, here is a pic. I also just really liked Yoongi's hair like this so ya. Win win.😊😊😊😁😁)
His lips were puffy along with his eyes from crying and it broke Jungkook's heart.
Yoongi, as soon as he saw Jungkook awake, wrapped his free arm around his face and buried his head in his neck. He took in the younger's smell of coconut and he calmed down slightly. Jungkook just squeezed his arm around Yoongi and pulled him close. His hand was still intertwined with Yoongi's so he gripped tightly.
After a few minutes of just sitting there taking each other in, Yoongi moved up and sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his thumb other Jungkook's hand and took his other hand and played with Jungkook's hair.
"Jungkook?" Jungkook hummed in response. He was also a mess and he looked about as bad as Yoongi but they both thought to themselves that other was still cute.
"Why?" Jungkook made eye contact with Yoongi and took a second to register Yoongi's question. When he still didn't understand Yoongi just sighed and poked lightly at Jungkook's thighs and stomach. It still took Jungkook a second to process but he finally understood.
"I didn't have a reason to live so why not?" Jungkook croaked out. His voice was hoarse and his throat was sore. He grabbed the water next to his bed and took a sip while Yoongi examined him.
"Do... d-do you still?"
"Still what?"
"H-have no r-reason t-to live?" Yoongi mumbled out. It broke Yoongi's heart to hear that Jungkook didn't have a reason to live. It broke Jungkook's heart to know that Yoongi thought Jungkook didn't want him and didn't care about him. Jungkook sat up against the wall and pulled Yoongi close to him. He held him tightly and ran his hand through his boyfriend's hair.
"No. I have you. And Jin along with Jimin and Namjoon. Now that I think about it, you four were the only reason I got up in the morning. I knew I would get to see you every morning so I got up. Every time I had a bad thought I tried to think about you. You kept me going for a long time Yoongi. It will probably stay that way forever." Yoongi looked up at Jungkook to see tears and he sat up closer to Jungkook. He took his hands and cupped Jungkook's cheeks.
"It's the same for me Jungkook. That's why I love you." Yoongi pulled Jungkook's face to his and they initiated in a deep and passionate kiss. They broke off panting and Yoongi ran his thumbs over Jungkook's cheeks. He pulled Jungkook close again and rested their foreheads together.
"Good thing I love you too Yoongi."
Erwo. That got weird I do apologize 👋🏼👋🏼. Hehe. Screenshot references. OK I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's kinda short but my ideas were running low so sowwy. 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ I started a new book called "Please Kill Me" so go read it. Also I found a really good author called StarlightNArmy so go follow her and give her love and support. She is going through some stuff I guess and needs the love. Ok, love you guys and have a great day. I will try and update again soon. Bye Bye💜💜💜💜
Edit: OH MY LORD! I FORGOT TO THANK YOU ALL FOR ALMOST 1K VIEWS! WE ARE AT 944 CURRENTLY! THANK YOU MY LOVELIES!! YOU ARE ALL SO AMAZING!!! STAY HEALTHY AND HAPPY! SANK U!!! I might do a Q/A for a celebration of 1K but I don't know. If you think I should then comment who the question is for (Jin, Yoongi, Jungkook, etc. You can even ask me something) If no one comments I won't do it. I need at least 2 for me to be able to do it. LOVE YOU ALL! BYE BYE OFFICIALLY!💜💜💜👋🏼👋🏼
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