Chapter 12: Save Me
Jimin was the one who had pulled Yoongi up off the floor. Dragged him to a chair and let him cry. Jimin himself couldn't stop crying but someone needed him more now. Someone needed his comfort and love.
When Jimin dashed into the doors the first thing he saw was Yoongi on his knees. He was shaking and holding his head in his hands. Jimin was in there in time to see as they rolled Jungkook away though and all he wanted to do was lay there and cry right next to Yoongi but he couldn't do that. People stared at Yoongi like he was a mad man.
'Guess emotion is bad now.' Jimin burned with rage and guilt. It surged through his veins and he felt the tears come on stronger now. Why was no one even trying to help Yoongi? Did no one see him run in with somone in his arms unconscious? Could you blame him for being upset? No, upset was under statement. Could you blame him for feeling heart broken?
His eyes still blurred with tears and he wiped them away angrily. These people were serious jerks and it really pissed Jimin off. He strode over to Yoongi and crouched down next to him rubbing his back. He stared at this broken looking man in front of him. Jimin wondered if he felt like he did. Guilty and worthless. Like they should have been there. Like they should have been able to help.
Jimin looked up from Yoongi to see people still staring. It disgusted Jimin in so many ways and he had to stop himself from scrunching up his face and slapping all of these people. Jimin turned back to Yoongi and lightly lifted him from the floor so he could pull him to a chair. Yoongi just stood up willingly and shuffled his way to a chair. Jimin had to hold Yoongi up. If he didn't Yoongi would have just fallen on the ground again.
Once they reached a chair Jimin sat Yoongi next to him and let Yoongi cling on and cry. Jimin just patted and rubbed his back and tried not to cry as much either. One lady had been looking at them the whole time and it made Jimin mad but he didn't say anything. He just continued to comfort Yoongi. The lady had on a black jacket that looked expensive. Well at least in Jimin's eyes. She also had on a pair of jeans that looked like it came straight out of a model magazine. Her hair was all up in a messy bun and her face had to much makeup on it. Her glare made Jimin want to scream but he didn't because it wouldn't do anyone any good. Jimin looked back down to Yoongi and saw how he had fallen asleep. His breathing was more steady now but his face still a mess. He had never seen Yoongi cry before. He always put up a strong exterior. Walls as high as the eye could see. Seeing Yoongi so weak was........ well, frankly, weird. It wasn't a bad thing and proved how much he cared but still. Jimin wondered if Yoongi was really a sweet heart just deep beneath the surface. He quizzically looked at Yoongi, deep in thought, but before he could get very far someone cleared their throat.
Jimin looked up from Yoongi to see the woman still looking at them with disgust evident on her face. Jimin just stared at her for a few seconds and started to look back down to Yoongi.
"Can you not? Like, can you leave? This is disturbing to look at," the lady says in a very disgusted tone making Jimin flinch with anger. Rage that was calm only moments ago, boil to the surface like a pot of boiling water. Jimin starts to shake with anger while he gently pulls Yoongi off him. He lays Yoongi down gently in the chair so he won't disturb him and then glares daggers at the woman.
"Excuse me?" Jimin said in a very uneasy tone. His mother raised him to not hit girls or really anyone at all, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't about to slap this clueless woman with no heart.
"You heard me. Can you like, not do that. It makes me uncomfortable. Why is he crying anyway? His stupid boyfriend dying or some shit?" Jimin was now shaking with anger. His fists clenched tightly almost making himself bleed as his nails drag deeper into the skin. His heart beat is in his ears, pounding with anger. He looks around the room for a second trying to calm down to see looks of anger, sadness, and disgust. Normally Jimin would wonder if it was meant for him or the girl but his thoughts were too clouded with rage to do so.
"Actually, yes. Here's the story if you would so kindly listen," Jimin hisses the word kindly and looks the woman dead in the eye. He knows his face is probably red as a tomato and he feels a slight sticky warm liquid in his palms but he ignores it, "His boyfriend, yes boyfriend," He drags out boyfriend as much as he can, trying to emphasize it, "was beat up at college. He came to me limping with this man right here. This man helped him get here. Now that poor boy, a poor little young boy, my bestest friend I would do anything, I repeat anything for, was beat brutally by people like you. What right do you have to judge someone else's love? What right do you have to judge this man because he care's for another man? My friend is in that other room dying and you have the audacity to speak that way?! People like you are what corrupt this world! I would slap you but I was taught better! Take my kindness and either leave or shut your mouth about this poor heart broken man or I'll do it for you!" Jimin breathes heavily after letting his thoughts out. He is still looking the woman in the eye as her face turns red from either anger or embarrassment. Jimin couldn't tell though. His suspicions were proved right when the lady mumbles out something incoherent from his distance.
Jimin lifts up his palms to see crescent shaped marks that burn deep into his skin from his nails. The warm red liquid oozes out of the wounds and runs down his palm but it doesn't really hurt for Jimin. He is still slightly shaking from his outburst and looking down at his hands, examining the marks until he hears a slow clapping sound ring through his ears. He tilts up his head slightly and looks around the room. All he sees is people either silently cheering him on with a smile or glaring at him with disgust but he just ignores it. He has no energy left to fight. The adrenaline once streaming through his body starts to run dry and his shoulders slouch as he looks back to his hands. He still hears the clapping and he can't see anyone doing so and for a moment he thought he was losing his mind until he looks towards the hallway that leads to other hospital rooms. There, standing proudly, with tears in his eyes is, "JIN!" Jimin screams and runs to Jin and wraps him in a hug as tight as he could. Jin just looks down at Jimin proud of him for speaking against someone. Jin hugs back even tighter and feels his shirt dampen with tears from Jimin as he breaks down. Jimin had to hold himself together for Yoongi but seeing Jin made him let it all go. Jin himself started crying right against Jimin and they stood there for a minute until Jin slowly pushes him back.
"I am so proud of you Jimin. So very proud. You are so strong and brave. My brave little one. But, Jimin, what happened to Jungkook?" Jimin takes a deep breath and releases Jin. He looks back to his hands with blood still slightly oozing out. Jin looks down to see what Jimin is looking at and looks back to Jimin's face with wide eyes. He grabs the younger's wrist and drags him over to the woman at the front desk. Her eyes are also a little wide from seeing how Jimin just had a outburst and she just looks at them a little confused until Jin explains what happened with Jimin. The lady nods and rushes down the hall and comes back with a small wad of bandage for Jimin's hand. Jin nods and mumbles a thank you and starts to drag Jimin back to Yoongi but the woman grabs Jimin's wrist gently and looks him in the eye.
"That was very brave of you. Thank you," the lady smiles at Jimin widely and he stares at her for a moment before giving her a gentle smile. She slowly releases her grip and Jimin can see the happiness in her eyes. It makes him smile wider knowing he made some people happy. Jin made it back to Yoongi and gave the woman who Jimin yelled at a glare before sitting Jimin down. He gingerly wrapped up Jimin's hand as Jimin was still deep in thought. His face was still red from crying and screaming and his throat hurt but he didn't mind. A few stray tears rolled down his cheeks. Once Jin finished wrapping up his hands he wiped the tears away. Jin held his face in his hands and looked him in the eye with kind eyes.
"Jimin, please tell me what happened." Jimin took a deep breath before letting it all out. He told Jin about Jungkook and Yoongi on the night he was gone. He told him about how he had never seen Yoongi so kind. He even told him about how Yoongi had dropped the milk carton this morning making him laugh bitterly. He told him about how he saw Jungkook go limp in Yoongi's arms. He told him about how fast Yoongi drove.
He told him how much Yoongi broke while Jungkook was wheeled away.
Jin just stared and listened with his hands holding Jimin's face as Jimin let out some tears. Every time a tear would drop though, Jin wiped it away as fast as he could. It was like he was trying to make the sadness vanish. Jimin wish he could. Jin nodded and pulled Jimin in but Jimin didn't cry anymore. He felt like his tears had dried up. His heart ached but not just for Jungkook, but for Yoongi also. He glanced at the broken man laying soundly on the chair with cheeks still slightly wet with tears and pushed Jin back. Jin looked surprised and his eyes widened with hurt and sadness but he saw Jimin go in for a hug with Yoongi and his look softened. He thought about all Jimin had told him and his heart broke little by little. He was happy though. Happy for Jungkook and Yoongi. But he was worried that something might happen.
Yoongi stirred slightly only making Jimin squeeze tighter. His eyes opened slightly in curiosity and the he felt a warmth on him and saw Jimin. He lifted his arms up and squeezed Jimin back. He still felt the voices screaming at him and tears blurred his eyes.
"J-jimin?" Yoongi questioned with a dry, scratchy throat and he gulped trying to gain some saliva to wet his lips. Jimin hummed in response as if a way to tell Yoongi to keep talking.
"I-i-i'm s-s-scared," Yoongi whispered. He normally didn't like to seem weak but for Jungkook--- he didn't really care. Jimin nodded and looked at Yoongi.
"Me too."
Jin hugged Jimin from behind and whispered to both of them, "I promise you both, he will be ok. He is strong and whatever happened to cause him to pass out he will fight. You guys are so strong also. I know you can both be strong for him also." Yoongi started to cry slightly but screamed mentally at himself to be strong.
"For Jungkook," Yoongi whispered to them,
"I'll do anything. He saved me."
Heyooooooooooo. How you guys doing? I hope better then me. You know, boys at my school suck. Like it seems only at my school. Can any of you relate? Well I hoped you liked this chapter. Oh my gosh. I was looking for pictures of when Jungkook passed out during the Wings tour and had to just find one as Yoongi 'cause it made me cry to look at. Like poor baby Jungkook. He needs to relax and sleep. I hope right now they all relax during this tour. We don't want them to get sick or hurt so they better rest. I hope you all liked this chapter! Purple you and also here is a reallllllyyyyy cool piece of art I found while looking for a Yoongi picture. Enjoy and live happier then me fellow humans!
Oh also today I was talking to a friend and couldn't think of the word saliva so guess what I called it?
Mouth lube.
I am not even joking. It was hilarious though and I hope it made you laugh. Ok goodbye now. Love you!!!
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