Chapter 10: College
Yoongi and Jungkook walk down the halls together still hand and hand while people continue to stare at them in disgust and anger. They both try to ignore it but they can't ignore the ball of worry crushing them on the inside as butterfly's try to fly out and burst their stomach. They just continue to walk and walk waiting for the bell to ring and for this day to be over with never letting go of each other.
Jungkook looked around the hallways that he's seen a million times before. This is only his 2nd year but it feels so much longer and everything seems untouched and remaining as though it's been there for centuries. The hum of the school as everyone walks and the screams of over hyper students. The smell of the food in the cafeteria drifting through the air while the rain trickles down the large windows making the school surrounded by droplets. Even the peeling of the walls in the corners and around the speakers seems like it will never fade away. Jungkook sighs and runs a hand through his hair. The ball of worry makes him want to through up because he feels so weak. He feels like he should stop these people and force the ball of worry away but it's to difficult.
He glances at Yoongi to his side who is trying to have his head up high but Jungkook can see the worry in his eyes. He can see how the little ball is churning in Yoongi's stomach also and the butterfly's that want out. He sees how much Yoongi wants to be strong so he squeezes his hand tighter. Yoongi looks up to him and they exchange a look of understanding.
"You ok Yoongi?" Jungkook bends down and whispers into Yoongi's ear. Yoongi isn't much shorter then him but he did it anyway.
"Yeah. I just feel so worried and scared for you. I don't want anything to happen to you. I can't have anything happen to you," Yoongi whispers back. Jungkook tightens his hand making Yoongi whimper and he widens his eyes and stops walking for a minute. He wraps Yoongi into a hug.
"I'm sorry Yoongi. I'm just kinda scared too," Jungkook says in a delicate tone. Yoongi nods and looks down at his hand. It still kinda hurts because Jungkook is strong. Jungkook looks up from Yoongi and sees the bathroom behind him and leads him in. They shut the door behind them that leaves a small creaking noise in it's wake. As soon as the door closes Jungkook pulls Yoongi into the biggest hug possible and starts to play with the blonde locks. Yoongi was left dis-oriented for a moment but gained his composure back and hugged tightly digging his head into Jungkook's shirt. He breathes in Jungkook's scent which is slightly coconut and smiles. It's calming to him.
"Yoongi I'm sorry. I wish we stayed home today. I hate the looks they give us." Jungkook sniffles slightly and Yoongi looks up to see him crying very softly and grabs his head and kisses him. Jungkook pauses for a second and then kisses back. After a minute they break the kiss and look into each others eyes. Yoongi moves his thumb and wipes off Jungkook's tears while kissing his nose softly.
"Jungkook, I know you're scared and I am too. But we are the Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook. No one can tell us different and I promise I will always be there by your side. I will make sure they don't hurt you," Yoongi says softly. He means his promise and he always will keep it. Always. Jungkook nods and pulls Yoongi back into a hug and Yoongi wrap his arms around him.
"I will always be here for you too. I know I am not the strongest or toughest person but I will always be by your side. I promise with all my heart," Jungkook whispers back.
They stand there for a few minutes until the ear piercing bell sounds. Jungkook jumps slightly making Yoongi giggle and Jungkook hit him on the shoulder lightly.
"Yah yah. Laugh it up," Jungkook mumbles to himself making Yoongi laugh a little harder causing people to stare at them as they walk down the halls. The laughing wasn't the only thing causing the stare though and Jungkook knew it. It was the sign of affection but it isn't as bothersome anymore. The ball of worry that was making them both feel nauseous slowly goes away seeing each other smile. They walk through the hall to their first class with smiles on their faces and not a worry in the world as the butterfly's fly away and the ball rolls into nothingness.
The day had been going good so far. They got the stares and looks of disgust but they knew they had each other so they made it through the day. Until 7th period. Jungkook and Yoongi didn't have that one period together. The one wretched period of physical education. This period sucked enough just by itself but people that saw Jungkook and Yoongi throughout the day are now bullying Jungkook.
Jungkook is backed up into a corner with three boys surrounding him. Jungkook was shaking in fear but tried to hide it and was almost crying. He doesnt even know how he got here. One minute he was running around the track with everyone else and the next he was getting shoved into a corner and punched a little to hard.
His lip was trembling and he was losing feeling in his knees. He was scared out of his mind and didn't know what to do. Yoongi wasn't here and he needed his Yoongi. The boys started to punch Jungkook in the gut. He doubled over in pain and let out a small whimper only to be yanked back up again by his hair. His face scrunched up in pain as he was pulled up. His tears couldn't be held back any longer and one finally escaped and rolled down his cheek. He felt the stabbing pain come back to his stomach and tried to bend back over again but was still held by the hair.
"Aw look at the little baby. You gonna cry wimp," the guy that held him by the hair hissed those words at him.
"Aw poor baby. How 'bout we toughen you out?" the shortest guy of the group says in a taunting tone. Jungkook whimpers slightly which only make them laugh harder and Jungkook can feel the tears in his eyes pooling and everything is blurry. He tries to blink back the tears but it's no use because more just come on nonstop. Jungkook feels another punch to his gut and he falls in pain as they let go of his hair. He falls to the ground with 'thump' curls up in a ball while kicks keep flying at him over and over and over.
Finally the boys decided they've had enough fun and leave Jungkook there lying on the floor, bruised, crying and broken. He knew this would happen. He knew he would be bullied. He knew he would be to weak to fight back. Jungkook cried hard from anger and pain while shaking. Suddenly a pair of hands start to lift him up but he tries to fight back and hit. The arms hold him down though and he's to tired and in pain to even try so he lets himself get picked up and expects to get hit but instead is pulled into a hug. Jungkook makes a noise of confusion and tries to push away and get a look at the guys face. After pushing finally the man lets go and he can see his face.
It's Jung Hoseok. Jungkook s eyes widen in surprise and he is confused for a few seconds before he is being walked to the front of the school. The last bell rings signaling that everyone can go home and people start to shuffle out from the school happy that it's finally the weekend. Jungkook looks to his other side not being held as another pair of hands slip around him and help him limp to the front gates. Kim Taehyung.
He can see they are looking for someone in the crowd and sees the worry in their eyes. When did these people care about him? When did they even learn he exsisted?
"W-why..... are you guys h-h-helping me," Jungkook manages to stutter out. His voice is dry from crying and his throat is sore. His hair is up in different directions from being pulled and his stomach and chest still hurt from being kicked and punch. His shirt is hanging off his shoulder slightly and he is covered in dirt.
"Because, we know who you are. We're Yoongi's friends remember? Yoongi would kill us if we didn't help you," Hoseok said very cheery like and Taehyung just grunts in agreement.
Out of the crowd Jungkook spots Yoongi and tries to get out of the grip to limp to him and thankfully they let him go and he stumbles toward his sweet little Yoongi. Yoongi didn't notice him till he was almost right next to him and when he saw Jungkook a mix of emotions went through him. His eyes widened and he picked up Jungkook and held him tight in a hug. Jungkook winced slightly from the pain in his chest but tried to hug back as much as he could.
"Oh my god, who did this to you?" Yoongi scowls and Jungkook can hear the anger in his voice. He's never seen Yoongi so mad and it scares him a little bit he speaks up.
"I-I-I don't k-know," Jungkook somewhat mumbles out. Hoseok and Taehyung finally walk up and look at Yoongi. They start talking and Yoongi looks pissed out of his mind but once he sees he's kind of scaring Jungkook he pulls him into a tight hug and helps him walk to Jimins's car.
Once they make it Jimin is already there tapping his foot looking angry but after seeing Jungkook his foot slows down slightly and runs to Jungkook and says something but Jungkook doesn't pay attention. He's to tired. It hurts to much. Jungkook can feel the world start to slip away and blackness engulf him as he goes limp in Yoongi's arms.
Heyyyyyyyyyy. Sup peeps. That was weird don't ask why I did that. Well I hope you liked this chapter and liked the cliffhanger. 😏😏😏 A new chapter will come soon I promise. Thank you for 550 views. I'm so happy people like my book and I hope it makes people happy. Have a good morning evening or afternoon wherever you are. Purple you all!! 💜💜💜
Edit: So I don't know how college's work so bare with me because I'm not fully sure how to do it. Also with kissing, I have never done that before soooooooo just kinda go with it.
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