Chapter 1: The Grade
A/N: To all my recent readers, this is a redo of the first chapter since I thought it sucked. 😁😁To all my new readers, I am redoing all my beginning chapters cause they suck. Enjoy!
The sunlight drifted through the window hitting Jungkook's light green cover which makes the room a almost unnoticeable shade of green. The lamp next his bed twinkled, lighting the room up. The sun finally reached Jungkook's face making him groan in exhaustion. Today, he didn't want to get up. He wanted to lay down in his comfy covers all day, not having to face any people from his school or grades. Stupid grades. He opened his eyes slightly, only to be met by sunlight that burnt his eyes. Jungkook squealed quietly and grabbed the nearest pillow and buried his face into it. He sat there for a few breathes, thinking about how his day would probably play out. He knew he would get a terrible grade on his test, which scared him. He knew Namjoon would not be happy and he would be yelled at but he tried his best. Ugh. If only he was smarter. He studies so hard only to get a F. He was even tutored once.
Jungkook smiled at that thought. He was tutored by the one and only Min Yoongi. His crush since, well, as long as he could remember. His face got hot and red thinking about it and he finally decided to sit up. Unfortunately, a little too fast. He pulled his hands to his head almost immediately putting pressure on his temples hoping to stop the ache in his head. His head pounded and he winced. Jungkook finally made most of the pain go away and shifted his body so he could get up from the bed. His feet touched the floor and retracted fast from the cold wood. He groaned in annoyance.
'Stupid school. Why do I even have to do college. I want to sleep. Not go to college.' Jungkook thought. Right now the only thing keeping him from laying in bed is Jin yelling at him for not going, the promise that he will be able to go back to bed when he gets home, and the one and only Yoongi. Jungkook smiled again but it diminished fast. He wasn't really in the mood for the weird stares Yoongi gave him, or the weird stares he would give back only to look down and blush. Jungkook slowly put his feet back onto the floor and stood up. He shuffled slowly to his dresser, still groggy from sleep and pulled out a somewhat nice outfit. A long sleeved light navy blue shirt. It was so long it went passed his arms but Jungkook loved it. It hid his body from the world and gave him comfort. He also brought out a black pair of jeans and set them on the dresser. He was dreading the moment of having to take off his shirt and see himself. He slowly pulled his over sized bed shirt off and looked up into the mirror. He could see his ribs from the lack of food he ate. His stomach grumbled but he knew what would happen if he forced down food. He quickly grabbed his shirt and slipped it over his head, pulling his sleeves far over his arms, hoping to just hide. He quickly pulled on his pants, not wanting to also see his imperfect legs that were marked.
Once he had all his clothes on he looked at his face in the mirror. He inched closer until he was face to face with his reflection. He touched his cheeks that were to bare. Then he touched under his eyes that had bags with purple. Lastly he looked at his lips and smiled. Not that he smiled often but he always had to inspect it. He saw the way his thin lips crept up his face showing his crooked teeth making him look like a bunny and retracted quickly. Tears started to form in his eyes but he wasn't in the mood to cry today. He wiped them away quickly before making his way to his bedroom door. He looked over his shoulder to see Jin's bed. He knew Jin was probably making breakfast or yelling at Namjoon. As he picked up his bag and opened the door, he smelled pancakes and heard yelling. Guess today was both.
Jungkook inched down the hallway slowly, trying not to disturb the fight, and approached the kitchen, nimble like a ninja. The closer he got, the more trouble he knew Namjoon was in.
"NAMJOON, HANDS OFF BUCKO!" Jin screamed. Namjoon was probably trying to steal some food. Jungkook rolled his eyes. Even he knew that was the worst way to die.
"Well, your cooking sucks anyway," Jungkook face palmed on how stupid Namjoon was being. He suddenly heard a slap from a wooden spoon and winced in pain for Namjoon.
"AISH! Why did you hit me!?"Namjoon screamed. He could feel the anger in the kitchen rising even though he was next to the entry way.
"BECAUSE YOU INSULTED MY COOKING! YOU THINK YOU COULD DO BETTER!!??" How had Jimin not woken up yet? Jungkook silently applauded his sleeping like a log skills.
"Well actually," Namjoon didn't get very far before Jin started chasing him out of the kitchen and down the hall with a wooden spoon in hand.
"For a person with such a high IQ, you think he'd learn better then to insult Jin in the kitchen," Jungkook mumbled to himself. He took the kitchen being empty though as a good way to get out of the house without having to grab food. He ran in to grab a granola bar, hoping to be able to get it down this morning, and ran to the door. He quickly slipped on his shoes (almost falling in the process) and dashed out the door and down the street. He ran for about 5 minutes till he though the coast with clear. Once he was convinced it was he bent over panting. He took in each breath with a gulp as if he would never breath again and took a minute to calm down. Once he did he kept walking. He looked up at the grey and cloudy sky that pushed the sun behind them. It was sunny this morning but Jungkook knew better then to believe today would be nice and not rainy. He sighed and looked down at the ground, running his hand through his messy hair. He didn't even bother to try and brush it. He didn't want to put in the effort of looking good for people he didn't like. He normally would ride with Jimin or take the bus but today was not a day he wanted to talk to anyone. He walked slowly for a few minutes before he heard footsteps behind him.
"Rough morning, huh?" Jungkook knew this voice. This deep rough voice. He pondered for a few moments before it clicked in his head.
"Go away Taehyung," Jungkook hissed out. It's not that Taehyung was mean to him he just wasn't in the mood. Jungkook walked a little faster but Taehyung just caught up.
"Come on Jungkook. Talk to me," Taehyung pleaded. Jungkook groaned. The only reason he knew Taehyung was from Yoongi being friends with him and he even helped with the tutoring. All Jungkook wanted right now was to be left alone though so he almost punched Taehyung in the face. He was this close to letting Taehyung have it. (Irrelevant A/N: But like this is me everyday at school. Lol, continue reading.)
"Taehyung, leave me alone," Jungkook said between clenched teeth. He glanced over to Taehyung to see him with his hands up, his pink bangs hanging slightly on his forehead. If Jungkook wasn't seriously into Yoongi, that would have been kinda hot. But right now, it just made Jungkook mad.
"Fine. I'll leave you alone. Jerk," Taehyung barely whispered the last word but Jungkook still heard it.
"Excuse me?!" Jungkook yelled. He stopped and Taehyung stopped with him.
"I was just trying to help!" Taehyung yelled right back.
"Did I ask for help?!"
"Well, there you go! Now, leave. Me. Alone!" Jungkook screamed. Tears were starting to build up in his eyes and he turned around, pulling his sleeves down, and wiped them away. He started to walk faster to school.
"I don't want help," Jungkook whispered out. But no one was there to hear him. And he wished he didn't push people away.
Time Skip
It was finally 6th period. Not that it was good thing but still. The day was almost over. Jungkook spent the whole day dodging loud college students and watching people stare at him for being so quiet. He would always glare back and make them look away. He didn't do it with Yoongi though. More like he couldn't do it with Yoongi. It made him sad to think of his crush hating him so he didn't glare at Yoongi. He just didn't look. It was History.
'Stupid history with stupid grades and stupid people and stupid tests. Why do we have to know about history? I came here to learn more about dancing and signing, not about our ancient ancestors.' Jungkook thought as he slowly slipped into his chair. His back ached slightly from his stupid backpack, and his legs were slightly sore from dance practice today. He glanced around the class a bit to see people laughing with their friends. He saw how happy they were. Jungkook's heart yearned for that happiness. The feeling of being around people that make you smile. The only place he had that was at home with Jin, Namjoon, and Jimin. He had moved in with them when he started college. But at school, Jungkook felt like the odd one out. The black sheep. The needle in the haystack. That's all he felt. Out of place, out of mind, and rarely ever in anyone's sight, unless he stepped out of line.
He kept looking around the class and spotted Yoongi staring at him. Today he was so emotionless that he just stared right back. Yoongi and him made eye contact, which caused Yoongi to furrow his eyebrows. Jungkook could see the confusion and just stared back blankly. Yoongi could see the look in his face. The lost look he gave him. He was confused by Jungkook's reaction. Normally he would blush and look down, but today he just stared back looking lost. Yoongi's heart ached and he wanted to run up and hug the boy but before he could even do anything the teacher cleared her throat. She neatly sorted some papers on her desk and picked up a pile of papers.
"OK class. I have the tests from Monday and I am going to pass them out. The worst score was 5 while the best was 97." She started to walk around the room, handing the papers back face down. Some people were murmuring about how someone could get such a low score. This made Jungkook sink down into his chair further. His stomach churned and the 1/4 of the granola bar he ate today rumbled around. A small ball of worry rolled in his stomach and pushes his insides around. Butterfly's formed, pushing Jungkook's stomach around even more. The teacher finally made it to him and looked down at him with pity in her eyes. Jungkook felt his heart drop down and he knew he did terrible. The lady put the paper down and walked to the next student and Jungkook flipped over his paper to see a big red 5 and a sad face. Jungkook tried to distract himself by thinking about why someone would put a sad face on a paper, but it didn't work. His stomach churned even more and his eyes started to tear up. He raised his hand slowly. The teacher nodded at him, signally him to ask his question.
"C-can I go t-to the r-restroom," Jungkook stuttered out. He cursed at himself for not saying the words clearly but just wanted out. The teacher didn't really notice and waved him out. Jungkook stood up quickly, his chair scratching the floor, and ran to the door. He didn't care if people stared he just needed out. He ran out so fast he didn't see Yoongi right behind him.
He ran as fast as his legs would take him to the bathroom. He held his stomach in his hands and tears streamed down his face. He bit his lip fiercely hoping to stop the tears, but it just made them come on harder. Yoongi was behind him. He couldn't run as fast and he got tired after a second and slowed down. He kept running though. No one knew but Jungkook was his crush. He wasn't going to let him cry without someone by his side.
Jungkook finally reached the bathroom and kicked open a stall, not even bothering to lock it, and feel down onto his knees. He heard the door open but he felt his insides churn and he put his head over the toilet as his small part of granola bar came back up. The rest was just bile since he didn't eat much ever. He felt arms around him and someone holding his black hair up so he wouldn't get it messy. He didn't even care anymore and just let them do what they wanted. Tears were falling down his cheeks in waves. He felt like his stomach was being thrown around and he was sweating profusely. Finally he finished throwing up and pulled his head up and laid down on the stall wall. He didn't care how dirty the floor was he just needed rest. The person that was sitting there pulled Jungkook into a hug and let him cry. Jungkook didn't know who this was but at this point he didn't care. He cried and cried for 5 minutes before pulling away. The person pulled him off the ground and led him to the sink. Jungkook heard the water running and the paper towel machine going off but before he could ask anything he felt a damp towel pressed to his mouth, wiping off excess throw up and then he felt it on his eyes, cleaning his tears away and then he felt a dry towel on his cheeks, forehead, and back on his eyes. He slowly lifted his eyelids and his mouth dropped open. The one and only Min Yoongi was standing in front of him. Yoongi had a worried look on his face and his hair was pushed back and he was sweating slightly. Jungkook felt tears come back into his eyes and his face get hot and red.
"No. I fixed you up. No crying. I will make you smile," Yoongi said. He started to make goofy faces and Jungkook felt a smile tug at his lips. He brought his arms up to his red face and Yoongi pulled them down
"Jungkook, smile for me. Please?" Yoongi begged. Jungkook nodded and bit his lip and made eye contact with Yoongi. His eyes were pleading for him to smile so he did. He gave the brightest smile he could. Bunny teeth and all and Yoongi just smiled back, full of happiness since he made his crush smile.
Time Skip
Jungkook was already done with school and skipped the bus. He decided to walk home, not in the mood for Jimin. He had some happiness after Yoongi helping him but he knew what would happen when Namjoon saw his score on the test. His feet dragged all the way to the door and he fumbled with the keys in his pocket. His hands were shaking and he barely was able to get the key into the lock hole. Once he opened the door he saw a small figure charge for him and he panicked. He put his arms up for defense and suddenly the small figure crashed into him, hugging tightly. Jungkook finally realized this small figure was Jimin.
"J-jimin w-why? A-also I can't b-breathe," Jungkook panted. Jimin was hugging tightly and Jungkook could barely breathe.
"Where were you pabo?" Jimin smacked Jungkook on the shoulder after pulling away from the hug. Jungkook winced in pain and rubbed his arm. For such a tiny human he sure had strength.
"Sorry. I just wanted to walk home today," Jungkook said. He walked down the hall hoping to get away from Jimin. He wasn't in the mood to talk but Jimin was Jimin. He knew something was wrong.
"What's wrong?" Jimin asked, tilting his head slightly.
"Nothing," Jungkook deadpanned. He was finally to his room and started to walk in, but Jimin just followed. Jimin closed the door behind him. He was going to make Jungkook talk.
"Come on Jungkook. Please," Jimin begged. He sat on Jungkook's bed and made pleading eyes. Jungkook groaned and ran a hand through his hair. It was either tell Jimin now or Jimin finds out himself. This little man had skills on finding out what's wrong with you.
"Promise you won't tell?" Jimin nodded his head. Jungkook took his bag off his shoulders and brought out his paper. He looked at the big red 5 on it before handing it to Jimin. Jimin took it with a smile on his face but it slowly vanished. But after a second it reappeared. This time more of a smirk then a smile though. Jungkook knew something was up.
"Wait till Namjoonie hyung finds out," Jimin snickered as he stood up from the bed and rushed to the door. Jungkook's heart raced and he started to sweat. God damn that little midget and his speed.
"Jimin, NOO!" Jungkook yelled. Right after that he heard Namjoon yelling but it was muffled from the living room. Suddenly he heard stomping down the hall.
"JUNGKOOK! YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD EXPLANATION WHEN I GET THERE!!" Namjoon yelled. Jungkook was now close to tears and crawled onto his bed hoping to hide. He gripped at his blankets and heard the door slam open.
"WHAT IS THIS!?" Namjoon screamed. Jungkook just pulled his legs close to his body. He was scared as heck.
"I-I d-d-don't k-now. I'm s-s-sorry," Jungkook stuttered out. By now he can't keep his tears in and they stream down his face. He hugs his legs close to his chest, like it will protect him.
"WELL, YOU HAVE TO BE PUNISHED NOW! HANDS AND KNEES!!" Namjoon barks out. Jungkook complies slowly, tears streaming down his face. He crawls over to the side of the bed. He is shaking so hard, he is surprised he can even stay on his hands and knees. Namjoon unbuckles his belt and walk towards Jungkook. His face is red and he was shaking with rage. A small voice inside him told him to stop and to not do this but it was clouded with anger he had never had before. This wasn't right, but Namjoon didn't realize it.
"PANTS OFF NOW!" Jungkook scrambled to do the command and got back into the positon he was in. Namjoon lashed out and hit Jungkook, hard. Jungkook cried out and the tears came down harder. His shaking intensified and he fell down on the bed only to be dragged back up by Namjoon.
"NEXT! TIME! YOU! STUDY! YOU! LITTLE! BRAT!" Each time Namjoon hit harder, making Jungkook cry in pain and try and crawl away. His face was red and tears were still on his face. He was sweating immensely and his hair stuck to his forehead. Namjoon pulled Jungkook back and hit 5 more times. Jungkook bit his lip and whispered out a sorry but Namjoon barely heard it.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Namjoon yelled out. He hit again and Jungkook cried out again. It hurt so damn much.
"I'm s-s-sorry h-h-hyung. I r-r-really a-a-am," Jungkook cried out. He crawled to the edge of his bed farthest from Namjoon, and curled into fetal position as he constantly mumbled a 'I am sorry' every 5 seconds. The tears wouldn't stop and his lower body ached. Namjoon's eyes softened and he tried to crawl up to Jungkook, only to be pushed away as Jungkook crawled farther down the bed.
"Please. Leave," Jungkook begged. Namjoon sighed and tears formed. He walked to the kitchen. What was he going to do now?
I know, I know, I suck but I hope you guys enjoy my book! Love you all! 💜💜💜
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