Chapter 2: Delectable thoughts
Rachel watched as Trina and the stunning man spoke with each other. She leaned forward on her counter watching the man; the man could definitely fill out the suit. He oozed of masculinity. She was highly tempted to touch those muscles touting her underneath his jacket.
With a heavy heart filled with feelings of unnatural jealousy and yearning, she turned her back to them and pretended to focus on managing her cash counter.
Rachel was lost, how could a man affect her mind in that offending manner. Her eyes on their own were pulled to the man again. As she lifted her eyes, she was met with his magnetic stare which pulled her towards him in a hypnotic trance. He seemed to overwhelm her senses, his curious stare almost made her run towards him.
A bewitching laugh from Trina distracted her from the man as she watched Trina walk back to the kitchen with a smile beautifying her face. She turned back to the man and saw him engrossed on his laptop, no longer paying any attention to her.
Trina after delivering the man his order came and stood by Rachel.
“He is so hot; you wouldn’t believe who he is?” Trina exclaimed as her eyes glazed with pure lust.
“Who?” Rachel asked pretending to be indifferent as she glanced over the man taking a sip of his coffee. She watched captivated as he gulped the coffee, his muscles stretching from the action making him all the more enticing. His body language screamed of power and authority.
She was aroused watching the man drink, the way his hands engulfed the cup; so sure, confident and possessive. She could almost feel his hands on her body, caressing her with a need she wasn’t aware existed.
The man had to leave before she did something uncharacteristically reckless and embarrassing. She couldn’t believe herself, she was lusting after a man; nevertheless a man, she had never officially met.
It must be those late night working hours, Rachel thought.
Maybe, it was time to go out with her friends and loosen up. This uncontrolled behavior of hers wasn’t healthy.
She looked over to Trina as she babbled away seemingly unaware of Rachel’s current very hot predicament.
“Did you even hear me?” Trina asked her raising her beautifully sculpted brows.
“Ah! Sorry. What?”
“I said, he is the Christopher Evans,” Trina gushed giddily.
“The reputed handsome, billionaire steel magnate,” Rachel furrowed her brows as she once again openly ogled the man.
God, he was delectable.
“Yes. Isn’t it awesome? I mean- he is him. Wow! Who would have thought? He is definitely more than handsome,” Trina giggled.
Rachel tilted her head. She had read so much about him. He was said to be a ruthless businessman with an enlightening, sharp business acumen and equally witty mind. Rachel was almost a fan of his management expertise. It was a surprise that she wasn’t able to recognize him here. Maybe her mind wasn’t anticipating bumping into him here- ‘The Pri’, a small café.
Though she did agree wholeheartedly with Trina-he was much more than handsome, attractive with an intelligent appearance and definitely very alluring.
Christopher glanced over at the cash counter. The sole reason for his entering this café was the girl standing behind it. One look at her via the window and he jerked his car to a stop. Christopher had always trusted his instincts, now honed by experience he wasn’t the one to go against them. They had served him well.
He was moved looking at the girl standing in front of the cash counter. The way she leaned on that table as she spoke with the woman who had served him coffee made him tingle with anticipation of something sweet.
No woman had ever moved him this way. Her aura of loveliness made the floor tremble. There was a serene confidence surrounding her that attracted him to her. She was poised and graceful and so very beautiful. Her smile seemed to light up the entire room and he loved the way the sunlight coming in through the windows bounced off her glorious red locks.
He wished she would step away from the counter so he could see her legs. He was sure; they would be as appealing as the rest of her. His body clenched with desire and something more that he wasn’t able to pin point. He was a self-made man, and here he was acting like a teenager.
He ran his hand through his hair and decided it was better for him to leave this place; a place inhabited by that red haired, blue eyed goddess.
Rachel looked at him and watched as he gathered his laptop, dropped few pounds on the table, threw a glance over where she and Trina stood and elegantly walked out.
“Wish he had asked me out,” sighed Trina, eyes focused on Christopher.
That comment made Rachel turn her head, “He didn’t?”
“No, maybe he is just wary or you know taking his time,” Trina said wistfully as she pointed at the table and went on to pick those bills.
Rachel did not think much about him. It was clear to her that Trina was very much interested in him and he even glanced at her before leaving. Rachel was no competition and anyways, Trina had attracted him and it was prohibited territory.
Rachel sighed and took out her diary trying hard to take that ruthless businessman out of her mind and system.
Christopher sat in his office his mind zooming on that red-haired girl. He did not understand why he was so undeniably mesmerized by her. She was just a waitress and he had seen, met countless of them before.
But, her- she was something else. That twinkle in her eyes, the way she carried herself; had him hooked. He was sure; she was some kind of an enchantress and definitely had him under her love spell.
Those eyes, thinking about them made him want to run out of his office to that café. He had to see her again and figure out the hold she had on him. He had to meet her, talk to her. Maybe her unintelligent banter would take away this insane one way attraction.
For, Christopher measured beauty with brains. He always found rightful intelligence highly striking. He vowed to go back again as he focused on the ‘Performance Appraisal’ report lying on his desk.
During the entire next week, Rachel longingly watched the attractive man walking gracefully into the café, Trina rushing forward to serve him coffee in a very low-cut blouse that definitely gave him an eyeful of her smooth cleavage and more; it even managed to raise the eyebrow of their managerial team. He seemed to be always engrossed in his work and then would walk out without as much as a glance thrown over her.
Rachel wanted to lose herself in his blue-violet eyes. Those eyes that made her feel alive, made her feel more like a woman than a simple girl.
Trina was nonplussed, her charming ways were failing right and left. “Cassandra, I am telling you either he is committed or gay. I wonder why I have never read reports of him dating countless women. I mean, I would love to make a booty call on that one. You know what I mean, right?” she winked at Rachel and went back to coloring her nails.
Only the mighty Christopher Evans seem to interest her to work.
Rachel did not know how to reply to that. She almost did not register Trina’s words as ‘Cassandra’ still sounded alien to her ears. Her entire life she had been Rachel, now only for a few hours she got be the sheer waitress- Cassandra Morgan.
She allowed herself reprieve from her work as being Cassandra she could definitely indulge in some naughty thinking. And that is what she did. Her thoughts revolved around one important object- an object that was driving her crazy with need.
Rachel was ready to go back to her flat in a bus. The bus always took a toll on her. She missed the feel of the car beneath her, the way the wheels moved owing to her one touch, the thrill of the speed, the maneuvering; driving always gave her a high. As much as she loved her Ferrari, Cassandra Morgan could not be seen in it. But, that did not mean Rachel Whitaker did not take it for a spin. She did fulfill her wild urges late night when the streets were blissfully empty.
But, for the past one week- she had not been in a mood to go anywhere. Her mind, hell; even her senses were responding to only one man.
What would it feel to be in those arms? Those muscular arms tight around her, holding her close, never letting her go as she wanted to bury her head on that yummy chest.
Rachel shook her head. She had definitely lost her mind. She needed a shower, a freezing cold one at that.
Just as her thoughts loomed on him again, she braved herself for the rain that was mercilessly pelting outside making the evening cooler than normal.
Her clothes were slick against her body as she desperately tried to hold them away; the pounding rain making her actions futile. She ran down the pavement and literally jumped under the bus shelter.
As Rachel stood there waiting for the darn bus, she felt very wet and sticky. She loved the rain, really did but only when she was wearing her loose pajamas not these form fitting, body-hugging waitress uniform; purple shirt and a short black skirt.
She walked onto the lighted area and ran her fingers through her hair trying to dry them. The movement of her fingers was having a soothing affect on her mind. She was totally lost in the action when she heard a deep, seductive, very familiar voice jerking her out of her senses.
“Ma’am, you seem you could use my help.”
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