•Chapter 9•
I don't have anything to say for once except the the recommendations is: When We Crash And Burn by FanficsByDelta it's really sad but good anyway onwards
"Keegan was kidnapped."
My heart sunk and a million thoughts were running through my head,
what if we can't find him?
What if he's hurt?
Or worse dead?
All I could do was Panic(! At the disco Ik it's not a good time but as the author I have to ruin moments) One of my best friends' is gone for who knows for how long. "Jamie calm down we are all worried too but we have to remain calm" he said putting his warm hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me, I looked up into his big brown eyes and I hugged him tightly, he didn't say anything because he knew I needed that after a second he hugged me back and it felt nice I was the most fragile over Keegan disappearing because I've known Keegan longer than anyone else I've known him for almost 9 years this is gonna be our 9th year being best friends he was my first friend at elementary(or grade school if you aren't in America) school and we've been together ever since. I wiped the tears welling up in my eyes as Jack came out of Ms.Oliver's room His face was bright red and he was all smiley,That fucking bitch! I thought as I saw Ms.Oliver wink at me. I can't deal with this right now I walked to the bathroom and just stood with my hands on the sink for a minute I looked into the mirror hoping that my reflection wouldn't be there I splashed water on my face in an attempt to wake up from this god awful dream, but I didn't I went back to where they were and I just stood there quite "so what's the plan?" I asked trying to collect myself "uh, we kinda don't have one" Mark said trying to not be loud but I couldn't respond quietly so I didn't respond at all instead I just went to the library across the hall to be somewhere without having to censor my voice they soon followed and shut the door behind them as soon as I knew it was closed I went off "How The Fuck Do You Guys Not Have A Plan Did You Just Expect For Him To Turn Up As Soon As We Got Together I Hate To Burst Your Bubble But This Isn't A Movie or a Fairy tale Mark!"(Yet hopefully) I yell at Mark, everyone else had just sat down at the table in front of us Mark was on the exact opposite side as me."Don't Be Mad At Me Its Not My fault If Anything It's Your Fault!" He yelled back "Really? And How Might That Be?!" In a sarcastic but serious tone "Because You Were To Worried About Andy To Notice He Liked You! And Hang Out With Him!" As soon as those words left his mouth he covered his mouth with his hand "...what?" I say and my voice cracks a Little in shock Mark sighs then he speaks "He liked you But you were to busy obsessing over Andy you blocked him out," then it hit you, you have been blocking out Keegan, you and him haven't talked one on one since I don't even remember, "Your right," I said putting your head in your hands You got a hug from behind I didn't bother looking at the person's face I recognize those hands all to well but I need to see her, you turned around and Hugged Lexa back (btw irl and in the book Jamie and Lexa are cousins ok continue) She gave you a Caring smile as you guys let go "Mark?" She asked surprised "Lexa?" Mark said "wait you guys know each other? How?" I spoke up "I got Starbucks one day," I fake cough in between words "*cough* Basic *cough* white girl *cough* sorry I had something in my throat continue" I say giving her a smile "well I was upset because Roman was with some chick and I was naive (666 words) and was carrying about her and I was upset and Mark saw I was sad and comforted me we exchanged numbers and here we are." She said I nodded but I wonder what girl Roman is with now? (No offense 'Roman') I noticed Andy was trying to hide her face then it clicked "Lexa when were you at Starbucks?" "Uh Wednesday why?" Lexa said sitting down in the chair next to Jack I'm surprised he's not checking HER out too I mentally rolled my eyes "Lexa, Roman wasn't sleeping with the girl she was being a knight in shining armor." I said Mark,Jack, and Stacy looked bored out of there minds but Andy on the other hand looked terrified she had most over face hiding in her beanie with one eye looking at me. "Would you care to elaborate?" Lexa asked "basically I went to a party got knocked out and Roman took home Andy to her house so she didn't do anything stupid" I said explaining quickly "oh..." Lexa said "well back to the bigger issue on hand Keegan is still in a trunk, any ideas?" I ask sitting down at the table "can't you go to the police?" Andy asked uncovering her face "I don't know Mark thinks it a bad idea" I said turning to Andy at my right "you" Lexa said giving her a uncomfortable death stare "what about me?" Andy said fixing her beanie "Your The girl with Roman?" "Yeah I'm Andy nice to meet ya" Andy said with a smug smile tipping her imaginary fadora , Jack couldn't take it he bursted out laughing Mark was still holding in laughter and Stacy was asleep or just bored bc she was arms crossed with head on the desk. "Jack, " I said holding in laughter "What? It's not my fault Andy is a Sassy person I just enjoy it." He said shrugging "are you Scottish?" Lexa asked and I was dying laughing Jack hates when people confuse him with Scottish "no actually I'm Irish thanks for noticing" he said with a fake mad expression " Are all your friends weird?" Lexa asked turning to me wiping tears of laughing from my eyes "uh yeah," I said smiling "hey" Mark said butting in "no offense" she quickly said afterward "I bet Jack to offense to his SCOTTISH pride" I said laughing more Jack just threw a pencil at me from the table Mark giggled a little too "don't you start now" Jack said turning to Mark. Me and him locked eyes for a minute then we started laughing again. "Keegan wouldn't have laughed" Jack said under his breath I felt sad again thinking about him "well we should really find him." Stacy said sitting up adjusting her eyes to the lights "Yeah but how do you expect us to do that?" Jack said as I reached for my phone because it buzzed Jasmine🌺: 'Hey I don't know how I can help but Danni has a cop that owes her money I can see if she'll trade money for a favor.' I read it a Jack must've been behind me looking at my phone too because he spoke up "That's great Jamie , Jasmine is so nice but let's hope Danni is feeling nice today too." *BRINNNG!* the bell rang "Shoot I gotta go I'll see you guys at lunch by guys, bye Mark." Lexa said grabbing her stuff and leaving. "You know she likes you right?" I asked looking at Mark "who? Me nah I just being nice plus I'd rather date someone who likes video games so we can be competitive over who's gonna win and stuff." (Septiplier away)Mark said rubbing the back of his neck as he said that Stacy perked up a little a blushed. "We should go to class and talk during lunch because then Danni will be there." Andy said standing up "yeah I guess I just hope Keegan can wait that long"
Guys there is another chapter and if these seem very close together it's bc I wrote chapter 8 and 9 in the same day so yeah. Don't forget to vote, comment, and add to your lists' but as always I will write to you next Saturday
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