•Chapter 6•
Hello , it's been a while huh? Yeah well it's Saturday so I'll update an actual chapter ok well onwards,
•Back at Starbucks where Lexa met Mark • (Marks POV)
I continue to talk to Lexa till my phone rings "scuse me" I say nodding to Lexa answering the phone .
(On the phone conversation)
M: hello?
J: hey mark its Jack where are you?
M: I'm at work why was there a reason I shouldn't be?
J: not exactly no but...
M: Jack I have to get back to work or I'll get fired so this was a exciting conversation but I have to go- bye.
(Hang up)
I looked over at Lexa " hey uh Can I have your number?" I said giving a small smile "just in case you ever need someone to talk to" I said she smiled and gestured for my phone I handed it to her and typed in her number "well I'll let you get back to work but I'll definitely text you" she said and then left. I smiled to myself and went back to serve coffees.
Jacks POV at the park
"Hey Jamie can I talk to you real quick..... Alone" I said nudging her "uh yeah ok" she said following me behind some bushes "what happened to you guys last night?" I said gesturing to her and all the rest of the girls "well ok I trust you so don't mention to ANYONE "she said "ok so Jasmine slept with Keegan, Andy was with my friend Roman , Stacy is " she said before I stopped her "ya know what forget I asked its not my business, but are you serious that you're okay?" I said putting my hands on her arms to get her to calm down seeing that me asking upset her. "Yeah Jack I'm fine. I know you worry about me but I'm fine Jack I can handle myself." She said walking back to join the others "we should probably chill until school is out considering we all ditched " I said to the girls "ok" Jasmine said quickly "hey I heard the carnival is back we could head there to kill time" Danni said looking at me up and down I don't know what it is about her I just don't trust it though. " alright cool lets go" I said motioning them to get up Jamie got her keys out of her pocket and opened the door I sat in the back in between Danni and Andy. I felt really awkward between them because they seemed very agitated a specially when I spoke "so where's the carnival at?" I said to Danni "it's by the mall duh" she said at this point I realized what a mess we were they all had leftover makeup from yesterday and I smelled just like beer which I didn't mind but as a Irish men beer and alcohol was my natural sent but being around all these girls that were smelling nice just made me a little self conscious.
Jamie's POV
We pull up to the carnival and we all pile out I decided I didn't want to ride anything so I was just gonna chill in the car Andy didn't want me to be stuck here bored alone so she decided to stay with me. So she was in the passenger seat and just kind of laying there peacefully with her beanie on her face blocking the sun from her eyes it was quiet until she spoke up "I'm sorry" she said sitting up "for what?" I asked confused "for Amy hitting you she was always a little aggressive that's why we split but I didn't expect everything to happen so quickly as it did" she said facing me "it's fine " I said before she interrupted "No Jamie it's not fine your face has a giant ass bruise and you put up with so much other shit and just don't care about it you do what I wish I could do you don't care about what people think about you" she said "you think I don't care what people think about me? I always care about what people think about me I envy your confidence you always are so flamboyant and so sociable you always go talk to people and make new friends and are always helping people out I'm always in the back corner talking to Jack or someone that I'm comfortable with and I always wear like sweat pants or something because I don't have the confidence to pull anything else off and I'm to afraid of what people will think," I reply and at this point we're basically yelling at each other from like a foot and a half feet distance "what you would think..." I yell then it gets quiet almost silent in the car. "Wh- why would you care what I think?" She said in a calm tone "because," I sigh "because I love you." I say and there it was out in the open I had never really said it out loud just kept it to myself but when I told jack it was just that I liked her. Her silence stung a little but I could understand she didn't have anything to say so at that point I couldn't face her any more I got out of the car and started walking while she sat stunned in the fact her best friend said she loved her. I walked halfway to the bus stop until I heard a familiar voice shout my name I stopped hoping it would be Andy but it wasn't it was just Jack I turned to him after he caught up "what's wrong? Where are you going?" He asked I looked up to the slightly taller Green haired boy and he saw I had tears in my eyes he then pulled me in a hug I enjoyed his embrace he didn't ask any more questions he didn't let go ether he knew I need this hug so we stood in middle of the parking lot of a mall for a good minute until I let go I wiped my eyes and sat down on the empty lot I could see the Ferris wheels lights so me and jack watched it change colors and light up the parking lot.
Andy's POV
"Wh- why would you care what I think?" I said in a quiet voice "because," she paused "because I love you." She said I couldn't respond I didn't say anything I just let the silence build until she got out the car and started walking when Jack came over to the car and then seeing Jamie wasn't there he saw tears in my eyes he didn't question it he just ran after Jamie I wasn't cry because I was moved I was sad because I hate to know that I'm the reason she's crying I love her but not the way she wants me to so I got out the car an dialed a number it rang for a moment then she answered "Hello?" She said in a calm voice "Hey uh I know we just re met today but can you come pick me up there was a issue and I don't want to go home." I said into the phone "erm... Yeah where are you?" She replied "I'm at the carnival in the mall parking lot" "okay I'll be there soon" she said until she hung up I waited for a few minutes I looked into the far distance of the parking lot to see Jamie and Jack sitting down watching the carnival lights flicker colors Roman soon pulled up and I got in "Hi" I said shyly wiping my tears. "Hey" she said driving off into the night.
Hey potatoes this is my update and if you got anything you wanna say don't forget to vote and comment and I'll talk to you guys next time.
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