•Chapter 21•
Hey guys I figured that for chapter 20 we should have a chill chapter and then I thought to myself 'Wait a minute that's not how I write things' so I decided to spice it up sorry but if you haven't red the new and improved chapter 20 then go read it and come back anyway sorry for not posting as much I've been stressed with friends and moving ect. This weeks recommendation ties in to the story a little bit.: Antisepticeye by X-Ray_The_Writer But anyway onwards.
Stacy's POV after her "date" with Mark?/Dark.
"Hmm my head." I say waking with a pounding sensation in my skull. "where am I?" I question the unfamiliar surroundings. "Your in my playroom my sweet." My eyes slowly adjust to the figure leaning against the wall "Mark?" I asked confused did he do this? I can't remember. Before I could continue my thoughts Mark spoke up "first off it's Dark, as in Darkiplier but also you can't remember because I made you for get." I sat shocked (she was shook af) "h-how did-" once again I was cut off "how did I know what you were gonna say? I can read your mind, listen Stacy there are a few things you should know, first of all, there is a difference between me and mark," "what's that?" I asked scared but curious. "He is a sweet, kind, and push-over, I on the other hand don't have feelings , I turned those off along time ago, and am the how do people say it oh yes his 'inner demon' I'm the worst version of him , everyone has 'inner demons' but only few people trigger there's and certain emotions trigger us to come out, Mark specifically his emotion is love, and the more he feels it the more I come out to play." He said. "But I only get to come play with you Because you are the one he loves,but the catch is I'm only aloud out at night, and he won't remember a single thing about what he's done or anything." He walked in the some of the moonlight shining in from the small window to the left. He had razor sharp teeth and pitch black hair, but seeing his eyes scared me the most I was used to getting lost in his brown eyes but now staring at the new blood red ones felt unnatural like he wasn't himself and apparently he wasn't.
Lexa's pov
"Babe I'm fine you can go home now." I said to Roman gently nudging her to get door "I know but I just want to make sure your okay, especially with everything now." "I'm fine I promise, now please go to sleep." Roman sighed and kissed me goodbye before go inside her apartment. I unlocked my door and proceeded in. I smile at apartment looking the same since I left it. It feels like it's been forever since I've been home. I walk around looking at my pictures of family ,friends , towards the end of the table I see a picture with Roman,Jamie and I, at my 14th birthday. (the real Lexa's birthday wasn't that long ago January 11th she just turned 16 irl any way) We were all skating, that was the year I was obsessed with roller skating.
"You promise you won't let me fall?" Jamie said as She held on to my arm for balance. "Jamie, I promise nothing bad will happen to you as long, as I'm here you won't fall and get hurt." We slowly skated across the floor as people around us went differently speeds , but I was content to be going slow. "Hey Lexa?" "Yes Jamie?" "Do you think that when you get older and are in college you won't hangout with me anymore? Because you won't want to hangout with a kid?" My face went to shock but back to a comforting smile then I spoke, " Jamie I promise you I won't leave you, and I never will, I love you to much to not have you in my life dork." Roman then quickly skated around the corner "hey guys we need to take a picture to remember this." She said pulling out her phone. We all put on fake smiles and as she was about to take the picture Jamie fell bringing me down with her as she did I grabbed Roman and we all were on the floor laughing. As our natural smiles appeared on our faces Roman snapped the picture.
~Flashback ended~
I smile at the memories. Life wasn't complicated. When I just had to get good grades now it's wedding plans. I just wish life was simpler again.
Jamie's pov
"Hey Jack?" I said sitting up from my bed to face him. "Yes Jamie," "Do you ever think about just disappearing?" He pauses for a moment to think about his answer. "Why?" I shrugged "I donno I just feel like disappearing, like the world will go on better without me." He positioned himself so he could look at my fully. "Jamie, The world wouldn't be better without you. You are my world and without you it would be so empty and just dull. You are the color in my grey world. I love you so so so much Jamie please don't disappear." After Jack spoke the room fell silent. "Okay." I said.
After a while Jack left.
and this is his pov.
I hope Jamie is gonna be okay she's got me worried now after what she said earlier. I kicked a rock along the sidewalk while I thought when all the sudden I began to feel pain threw my body. I felt myself fall the the pavement. I blackout.
•The next day•
"Ngggh...ahh, what? Where am I?" I stood up to see my shirt covered in blood, I checked my body but nothing seemed to be cut. But my body just hurt like I took a beating. I walk out of the alley to see if I knew where I was, I didn't. I saw a business man walking by in his suit and I stopped him to ask where I was but by the time I tapped him he just ran away screaming 'monster.' I pulled out my phone to see '12 miss calls from Mark😎' what the fok? I thought. I listen to his voicemails not understanding what he meant. I decided to call him.
(On the phone.)
J:Hey umm do you know what happened last night.
M:No I was hoping you did. The last thing I remember was Stacy and I on our date then the next thing I know I'm in a stolen cop car.
J: Woah I just remember I left Jamie's then I'm waking up in an alley way covered in blood.
M: are you okay?
J:I don't know but I think so I mean it's not my blood I just am wanting to know who's it is. Anyway we can meet up later to talk.
M:Okay see you at the park at 4?
J:That's cool bye.
(End of conversation)
I hung up the phone and went threw my messages for clues.
I felt not only confused but lied to at the same time. Who's Anti? And who's Dark? What happened?
That's it for this chapter guys sorry for not updating but I've just been distracted by other things anyway hope you enjoyed it and add it to your lists' ect. Bye guys.
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