Part 3
Jack had never really spent a lot of time with Felix before. You wouldn't know that now if you spotted them on the street. Felix gave Jack a tour around Brighton and for the first time in weeks, Jack hadn't thought about Mark at all. Not only did Felix actually have a few things in common with him, but he was actually in his time zone. Britain was even similar to Ireland, making it easier for him to adjust into the type of climate and life style. After recording some Star Trek Bridge Crew with a few other friends, Felix took Jack out to a local sushi restaurant. For hours they conversed in small talk and enjoyed a few jokes over some Sake. The blissful day however came to a crumbling end with a single fan. The young man just had to curiously ask him if he'd ever do a live stream with Mark... and the pain came plunging back into his heart. Forcing a smile was the hardest thing Jack had ever had to do, politely telling him that it was something he couldn't possibly answer. To Jack's relief, Felix turned the attention to himself as a distraction. Not long after the fan moved away, Jack silently stood up fishing out his share of the bill and mumbling out to Felix quickly. "Thanks for the dinner. I'll meet you back at the house". Felix tried to grab his arm as he hurried past, but Jack had expected it and dodged it easily. Jack had to get out! The place had to many judging eyes and he hadn't expected the bandage to be torn off his heart so quickly. He just needed some fresh air. A place to let himself brake down and then gradually build his defenses back up. Quickly strolling out of the restaurant, Jack barely made it to the alley beside the place before he dropped to his knees. Leaning an arm against the brick wall, Jack pressed his forehead against his wrist, struggling to take in deep breaths. His ribs felt like they were shrinking around his lungs! Why was just the sound of his name enough to shatter him? It had to be a result of the Sake. He wasn't much of a drinker... but he wasn't even tipsy yet. He must of had just enough though to lower his guard and leave him this vulnerable. Rubbing his chest with his free hand, Jack mumbled to himself bitterly. "Just breathe, Jack. Don't do this now. Just breathe". Something slide over his shoulder, and Jack jumped flat back against the wall. Felix removed his hand away, asking Jack carefully. "Sorry. Can I help"? Jack let his head lightly drop back against the wall, before almost whispering out numbly. "I need a new heart... I think mine is breaking". Felix smirked down at him, saying comfortingly. "Come on. I'll take you home". Felix extended a hand toward him, but Jack pushed it away lazily. Snapping back at Felix. "I'm not good company to be around right now". Felix slowly crouched down to Jack's eye level, before answering seriously. "I asked you here to help you forget him, Jack. I'm not going to just let you stay here and sulk. Now get your drunken Irish ass up, and lets go home". Jack didn't even have the energy to flick him off. So he just turned to look away, grumbling out sourly. "I'm not drunk. Just... hurting". Felix smiled brightly, extending his hand back out to Jack, answering sweetly. "Then lets fix that. Walk home with me". Slapping his hand against Felix's, he let Felix pull him upright. As they started to walk home, Felix removed his phone from his pocket. Setting it up to record, he told Jack happily. "You wanna make Mark hurt? Then let's show him that we just had a great dinner and now are going home to watch a movie and shit". Jack smirked slightly. He didn't feel like Mark would even see it, but it perked him up to think he would.
Once they were home, Felix began to feed his dogs, while Jack slipped away toward the guest bedroom. Dropping lazily across the bed, Jack thought about curling up under the covers to hide away his pain... but he was much too hurt to move. Instead, he limply removed his phone from his pocket to browse Mark's new videos on youtube. He didn't know what he expected to see... but at the sight of Mark's new video that featured Tyler and Team Edge playing a live action version of super hot... Jack felt his heart beat dangerously slow. It was just another day for Mark. Mark didn't need him to have fun. To someone like Mark, he was... forgettable. Jack felt so numb that he didn't hear, or even see Felix walk in. He didn't even notice his presence, until Felix snatched his phone out of his hand. His voice becoming stern as he looked at the video playing on his phone, before snapping down at him. "How do you expect to move on if you are just going to keep dwelling on him? Except that he's not interested and move on". Now Jack was angry. Pushing himself up onto all fours in order to be closer to Felix's eye level, he loudly snapped back. "You think I'm putting myself through this on purpose?! I've tried to forget him! I've tried to except it and move on! I CAN'T! So, don't stand there and pretend you fuckin' know how I feel! Now give me back my phone and FUCK OFF"! Felix just stared back blankly for a long moment, before reaching out to brush a tear away from Jack's cheek. Jack flinched from the contact. He had expected Felix to yell or fight him... maybe he even wanted it to happen... just to release his pain in a more exertive manner. Instead, Felix stayed so calm and collected. Simply brushing away a tear that Jack didn't know he had running down his cheek. In a low soft voice, Felix told Jack gently. "You're wrong. I feel that same pain every day when I see you with Mark". Jack blinked in surprise, feeling his heart pound loudly in his ears. Felix wanted him like he wanted Mark? Had he heard that wrong? He must have. Felix barely knew him. Swallowing hard, Jack slowly sat back on his heels away from Felix. His brain had flat lined out of shock... while his heart fluttered with mixed emotions ranging from fear to admiration. Jack's body remained stiff as a board, as Felix slowly leaned in to press a hesitant kiss to his lips. Jack's brain wasn't sending commands to his limbs. Although, his heart was working just fine now. Switching off drastically from barely beating to running an intense marathon! It felt good to feel wanted. To be desired. To Be Continued...
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