The Process - Ch.3
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Jin went back to his busy life after that night with Hwan. He was glad how he ended up things with him. The busy modelling schedule was exhausting, but he enjoyed every second of it. Sometimes he would travel with Jimin, but most of the time he would go alone. He travelled to Japan and China regularly, but pretty soon Europe started to open up since a lot of fashion agencies found out about him and his beautiful face.
He was parties and events booked for every evening, but he still allowed V to drag him to the parties and clubs of his choosing. He would always refuse to bring Jin's friends along. Jin hated it, but let V have him for his own on those evenings.
-'' I don't want your silly friends. I don't need them.'' – V said coldly one evening. They were preparing to go to some rich businessman's spoiled brat's 18th birthday party.
Jin knew all of this, but still, he fail to see why. He shook his head. -'' I still don't understand why you refuse them so much when you haven't even met them.'' – Jin sat on the sofa, watching V checking himself in front of the mirror. He had the front seat to a private fashion show while V decided what to wear. He tried so many different combinations, teasing Jin shamelessly, stripping in and out of clothes, showing his perfect body and Jin enjoyed the view, even though he was pissed at V's stubbornness.
-'' I know them enough not to want to meet them.'' – V didn't move his eyes from his own reflection as he tilted his head left and right to check if there is any flaws in his perfect appearance.
-'' That's bullshit!'' – Jin scowled at him, but V stayed unmoved. Jin snorted at his ignore. – '' Can you at least tell me why V?''
-'' How many times do I have to tell you?'' – V finally turned to look at Jin. – ''I don't need them.'' - He said in a soft matter. His voice was smooth and deep. -'' I need only you.''
Jin chuckled, but deep down he loved what V was saying. That means he's special to him, that he cares, even though he doesn't show it.
He let an exasperated sigh escape his lips. -'' I doubt you need anyone V, especially not me.''
V moved towards him instantly, straddling Jin's lap.
Jin groaned in annoyance. -'' No, don't do this again. You know I hate when you do this!''
He tried to move V from his lap, but the latter was like cemented in place and he couldn't move him an inch. He just smiled at Jin's unsuccessful efforts and placed both of his arms around Jin's neck, moving closer so they were chest to chest. Their breaths mingled together.
Jin felt the heat rising inside him as he always was when V was too close. His body became even more rigid in his struggles. - '' I'm not in a mood, V. You always tease me and then leave, I'm sick of it. Get off!''
-'' You don't hate it.'' – V's deep seductive voice purred in Jin's ear. – ''And I do need you Jin.'' - He repeats again, nuzzling his face into Jin's cheek. - '' More than you know.'' - He added, moving back to look Jin in the eyes. He caressed his jaw with a thumb. -'' You are the one that keeps me sane, Jinnie.'' - He whispers, his lips an inch from Jin's skin. - '' You keep me so alive.''
Jin moves to glare at him, not believing a word he said, even though it sounded honest. The thing is, you were never sure with V if he was telling the truth or not. He was an excellent actor. Another wasted opportunity career. Jin thinks. V's blank face was always clear of any emotion, and he was really hard to read. Jin was no exception.
-'' You are so full of bullshit V.'' - Jin says, squinting his eyes in distrust.
V burst out laughing. -'' Oh, my darling Jinnie, you learn so quickly. I'm proud of you. '' – He says sarcastically, rising from Jin's lap and going to his closet to pick the right shoes to match his belt.
Jin sighed deeply to calm his raising heart down. -'' Remind me, why do we have to go to this stupid children's party again?'' – He asked, feigning annoyance.
-'' Because her dear papa is a powerful man, Jinnie.'' - V says, not moving his eyes from his task.
Jin raised an eyebrow. -'' So? What's that gotta do with me? Why do I have to go?''
-'' You go because you are my plus one.'' - He says so easily. - '' Plus, you would go very far if you get into his company and his good graces.''
-'' I don't need his good graces, V. I'm doing good on my own.'' - Jin points out.
V shrugs his shoulders. - '' Sure, but you aren't gonna be a model for the rest of your life, Jinnie. Beauty fades, the smart brain is what keeps us on top when we are old and wrinkled. Really good connections are hard to find, and this man is one of those rare connections.''
-'' I'm in my 20s.'' - Jin points out. - '' I have time to find good connections for when I'm old. Besides, that man is gonna be dead when I'm, as you said, old and wrinkled.''
V grins at that. - '' Oh, he will be, but I'm not thinking of him then, but the connections he might pass on.'' - He says, straightening his lapels. - '' Connections are like a web, dear Jinnie.'' - He glances at Jin in the mirror to see if he has his attention, without having to turn to face him. -'' Some connections are weak and doomed to break, others are nicely webbed and strong. It could withstand a much bigger and stronger opponent. Now, those connections you need.''
Jin shakes his head, tired of this conversation. - '' Why? Why would I need them?''
V observes him with a calculated gleam in his eyes, thinking through what he should say.
-'' Trust me, Jinnie. You do.''
-'' Why? What do you know, V. Tell me.''
V chuckles. - '' I can't see the future, Jinnie. But I can tell you, you need all the help you could get to succeed and be satisfied.''
Jin snorts at that. -'' You mean to say, YOU need it to be more successful and satisfied.'' - He says, accenting the word ''you''.
V's brows furrowed at that, and his eyes grew cold and emotionless once more. Jin knew this would happen.
V's smooth voice was icy as well when he spoke next, in a much sharper tone. -'' No my darling, WE need it.'' - He arches an eyebrow. -'' If you want to speak plainly then you should say ''WE'', you and me. Together.''
And before Jin could protest, V was on once again. -'' And just so you know, your price tag appetite got very big in the past few months, and it's hard to keep track of the bills, I'll have you know.''
Jin's ears got hot. - '' I don't spend...that much!''
V arches an eyebrow at that. -'' Mhm, and what about a new Gucci collection, and Armani suits?''
Jin started to get irritated. - '' It was you who suggested them. You are a Gucci fan!''
-'' I showed you quality.'' - V cuts him. - '' I didn't say quantity. There is a difference.'' - And then, as he suddenly remembered. - '' And that brand new Jaguar.''
-'' Hey, I bought that car from my own pay when I worked overseas.'' - Jin hissed at him.
V huffs a laugh. - '' Sure you dId.''
Jin was about to retaliate when V's question stopped him. -'' Which card did you use?''
-'' My working credit card.'' - Jin answers.
V's brow arched some more. - '' You're sure about that?''
The question made Jin stop and wonder. He always uses his card nowadays. Yeah, but you also used V's card that he let you use. His mind supplies. Jin scoffs inwardly. That's silly, I wouldn't use his card when buying something big as a car. Unless I used it by mistake, instead of my own.
He was lost in his thoughts for a whole minute, and V's patience was at the end.
-'' Earth to Jin.'' - He called, and once he got Jin's attention again, V asked one more time. - '' I said, are you sure?''
And Jin knew he wasn't sure anymore. So he took his phone to check the balance on it, and sure, there it was, the sum he paid for the car was still there on his card. Well, shit. He curses to himself and looks up at V's eyes.
-'' I will transfer you the money this instant.'' - He was saying while V shook his head in a negative manner.
-'' I don't want you to transfer anything. I don't care that you bought a car. It's a very nice car, to be honest. I just want you to be aware of how much you spend, so you never find yourself in a situation to borrow or owe money. Do you understand me?'' - V says in a stern way. It was like he was years and years older and more experienced one, and Jin was just a young brat. Well, he is a young brat, but clearly, V wanted him to mature a little.
Jin cast his eyes down, feeling slightly embarrassed and scolded.
-'' I'm not doing this to make you feel bad, Jinnie.'' - V says, his tone gentle again. - '' I'm just saying that in order to have an extravagant lifestyle, you need money, and you also need to know how to make them, so if going to a boring 18-year-old birthday party, to make her father happy will help, then you will do it, Jinnie. Understand?''
Jin just nodded.
V chuckles. - '' Trust me, there are many worst ways in which to earn money and connections than a birthday party. At least there's gonna be free booze and a cake.''
It was then, that thought occur to Jin. He just never asked before, but in truth, he had no idea where V got all of this money from, nor what does he for work. It was always business corporate or something boring like that, and Jin never really cared to ask. He was always too preoccupied with lamenting over his own difficult life. That made him scowl at himself. He does sound like a spoiled brat, and V, his parent, cold but patient.
-'' V?'' - He calls. - '' What is that you do for a living? For real?''
V huffs a laugh, amusement back in his eyes.
-'' I invest time and patience in carefully planned connections with important people with whom do I do various business later on when the right opportunity comes. I also invest and never let my money stay still for too long. Market stocks, fashion, food industry, I'm everywhere.'' - He says, turning to lean against the closet. -'' I've been trying to teach you this but you never wanted to learn. I mean, I get why.'' - V nods in understanding. - '' All those things are so boring for someone young and attractive like you.''
The next sentence escaped so fast from Jin's mouth before he even registered what he was saying. -'' You are young and attractive, too. How come is not boring for you?''
V's wicked grin widened, and his little pointy teeth were showing. He looked dangerously delicious if that was even a word.
-'' Oh, but I don't find those things boring.'' - He answers. - '' And thank you for the compliment.''
Jin felt the heat rising to his neck and his cheeks. V pretend not to notice but instead went on talking. -'' You see, I love the power surrounding it.'' - Seeing that Jin doesn't really understand, he explains. - '' All those old fucks there wants power and they think they are entitled to it. But power is made, not inherited or earned with a new position. You can be a strong Alpha male while still working in a gutter, while a totally weak one, is sitting in their luxurious office at the top of the skyscraper.''
He tilts his head slightly, grin widening, eyes shifting somewhere in the room, gleaming with icy fire as he spoke. -'' It's the mind game, you see. It's not the power of who's strongest, or who's richest. It's a game of wills, wits and ambition, and I love breaking their wills.''
His grin is chilling, wicked.
-'' I love to make them do stuff I want without them even knowing.'' - His eyes find Jin, and Jin shuddered when the full force of his stare hits him. The deepness of V's voice is what quickens his breathing thought. - '' I want you to learn that Jinnie.'' -He continues. - '' I want you to learn how to play mind games, and how to bend them to your will. Go amongst powerful, popular and influential people and observe them, learn their mimics, their way of speech, and their characteristics and you will soon see a pattern between all of them. And once you know the patterns, you know people as well.''
Feeling a little overwhelmed by V's words and his attention, Jin shifts a little, feeling the heat warming up his body, becoming jittery. He shakes his head and answers. - '' I'm not like you V. I do not have the same effect on people full of respect and admiration borderline with fear as you do.'' - Jin huffs a laugh. -'' When I show up, all they see is a handsome face and cute ass to fuck, nothing else. They think me shallow and easy to manipulate.''
-'' Shallowness could be fixed by learning.'' - V answers easily. - '' Manipulation becomes harder to perform when the subject you try to manipulate grew more observant of your tactics and suspects what you try to do. That also can be fixed by learning about people and their character patterns. But if they underestimate you, then use that to your advantage. They will see how wrong they were soon enough.''
He made a slight pause to take a big breath, exhaling it long and slow before continuing.
-'' People affect one another. The circle of friends have one pattern, for example. If they accept a new addition to it, that individual becomes a member of the pack and starts using their pattern, otherwise, they are out.''
The images of Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok came suddenly into Jin's mind. Do they have patterns as well? Jin wondered. Probably. It's their lively and cheerful dynamics. Jin remembers he became much happier with them. He laughed and joked more, and he started looking at the world in a more positive way. I entered their pattern. He realizes, and V's next words confirmed it.
-'' Once you accept the pattern, you start acting a certain way and soon you are convinced that you were in this pattern your whole life. That's how society works.''
Is that why you dislike my new friends so much V? Jin thought. Is it because I'm different now, much happier, you bastard? Jin hissed inwardly. He wouldn't dare say this to V, though. He knew that a huge discussion would be led and in the end, V would convince him that V is right and Jin is wrong.
V didn't notice this inner exchange. Thank God. Jin thought.
-'' As for the fucking part.''
Jin whips his head at this to stare at V, not really sure if he heard correctly. V's grin widens the most this time, and it scares Jin a bit. -'' Fucking is a powerful tool. Women use it all the time. All the famous rulers in the history of the world, had intelligent women by their side who used their brains and body to whisper in their ears at night in bed after a good fucking to get what they want. They are the true manipulators. Men are easy, stupid and proud. Their egos were 80% of their undoing in the past.''
V chuckles but grows slightly serious, the smile disappearing as he places his hands in his pants pockets. - '' These modern men learn a thing or two about manipulation, from women. They just call it chess now, since manipulation is such a sly skill of the weaker sex. But say you are playing chess and all of a sudden you are a manly and experienced player in the game of power. It's all schematics.''
-'' I, on the other hand, admire women very much.'' - V says. He raises a finger to make a point when Jin opened his mouth to speak. -'' She-wolves, to be exact, not sheep.''
Jin grumbles at that and closes his mouth. V continues speaking. -'' Sex is just another weapon, Jinnie. The one that could be used to get you what you want or need. It doesn't have to mean anything. But what's important is, that you use your body in your own way, and never allow them to use you.''
Jin blinked at that. - '' Is this why you fuck so many people, V?''
V furrows his brows. - '' I wouldn't say that many, but yes, I have no trouble with it. As long as you are in control during the sex, you will get what you want, and you will get their attention.''
Jin snorts, turning his head when V's gaze and all the talk of sex became too much for him.
-'' What is this, sex class 101.''
V narrow his eyes. - '' I don't know. Do you need one?''
The images of Hwan and him from a few nights ago filled Jin's head and he felt his ears turn red yet again. - '' No, I don't.''
-'' Are you sure, Jinnie?'' - V's voice was purring.
Jin looks at him in irritation. - '' You know I don't need it, V.''
-'' Do I, now?''
The teasing is what ticks Jin the most. He was starting to lose patience. - '' Yes, V. You know it perfectly well I don't need any damn sex education! - '' He finally exploded. -'' You've watched me many times in the past, you perverted fuck! I saw you watch me!''
V just grins mischievously, not saying or denying anything. He watches Jin jumping on his feet from the sofa and taking a few steps to stand in front of him, still very angered.
-'' I know you like to watch me! Your annoying barging into the bathroom while I shower is one thing, it could pass as an occurring accident, but leaning against the wall and watching me have sex with strangers at those weird private parties you love to drag me to while jerking off is way different, V! You think you are hidden from me, but I see you! I see you all the time! ''
Jin drew even closer to V now, almost body to body, as V straighten his posture and pulls out his hands from his pockets. He lets them hang next to his body, not daring to touch Jin at this moment.
Instead, Jin does it for him. He brushes his palms from V's elbows down to his forearms and then grabs his hands gently, pulling them so they could hold Jin's waist. He left them there and goes to touch V's neck and shoulder, drawing him nearer, their lips an inch away.
V inhaled sharply, lust showing in his cold blue eyes. He darted his tongue out to lick his lip, the habit Jin was so fond of. -'' Careful now Jinnie, you know I don't like when you tease.''
-'' Well, now you know how I feel all the time.'' - Jin says breathlessly. -'' But unlike you, I do not run away.''
V's brows narrow. - '' I do not run...''
His sentence was cut by Jin's lips on his. He gasps into a kiss, letting a delicious hum at the back of his throat. Jin almost shuddered at that, deepening the kiss with his tongue, and suddenly he was losing control. V took over again, but instead of breaking it, as he normally does, he flips their positions and it was Jin's back hitting the wall. He let a throaty moan as V's thigh slipped between his two.
Soon their hands were everywhere, grabbing at each other, mouths latching at every available spot of skin the clothes didn't hide. They were humping one another, totally lost in their lust. It was a bit uncomfortable, but Jin didn't dare say anything about it for fear that V would pull away.
V, however, seem to think the same thing, because he reached down to grab both of Jin's things and pulls him into the air. Jin yelped, wrapping both of his legs around V's waist, mouths latching at one another again in a bruised and passionate kiss. The first roll of V's hips against his clothed erection felt like heaven, and Jin tossed his head back, hitting the wall behind him. V used that opportunity to mouth Jin's neck and lick the skin, tracing small kisses along the way, stopping only to suck at his collarbones.
Jin's body was on fire. He was so hard, and if the mismatching rhythm of their thrusts is anything to go by, they were both very close. Jin sneaked his hands into V's hair and pulled him up for a kiss, tongues twirling together.
Everything was so raw and lustful. The heat that was quickly building inside Jin's stomach ever since they start talking about sex, took him by surprise with brute force, making his entire body shake from pleasure, and he scrunched his eyes as his head and body arched back. He could feel V's lips at his neck, his thrusts increasing as he kissed down and towards Jin's shoulder where he bit him hard as he came. They both groan loudly, one from deep pleasure, the other from pleasant pain.
As it quickly begin, it also ended so suddenly. Both men were panting hard, their muscles tensed and wrapped around each other for a few short moments, before V put Jin down to stand. His knees buckled and he would have fallen if V didn't catch him.
Jin nuzzled in V's neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent, feeling happy and relaxed. Oh, how much he wanted this. Waiting for this, waiting for V to finally admit that he wants him the same way Jin wants him.
It was like a bucket of icy water was poured over him when V uttered the next words. -'' We must never do this again, Jin.''
Jin leans back so he could look at him. -'' Why?'' - He asked incredulously, the annoyance returning. - ''You enjoyed it as much as I did.''
The cold mask of indifference was back on V's face, and Jin hated it. Oh, he hated it so much.
-'' Never again.'' - V repeated.
Jin growled and pushed him away. - '' So, that's it!? We help each other off and that's it?''
V just watches him like an unmoving statue.
-'' V! This is not... You want me! No, don't shake your head at me! You know as well as I do that we have this strange thing going on between us that we can't deny it. You want me, don't deny it, you just hump at me like a dog in a heat a minute ago! And I want you!'' - Jin says, stepping closer, grabbing at V's lappels, to pull him closer. -'' I want you! I need you!''
V just looks at him with a strange soft look, almost like sadness. He shakes his head. - '' No. You just think you need me.''
-'' Don't tell me what I think!'' - Jin growled, bringing their faces closer, but V moved away.
-'' No, Jin. You think you need me, but you don't. Not yet!'' - V says.
-'' What the fuck is that supposed to mean?'' - Jin was confused, and angry. - '' What do you mean, not yet?''
-'' You are not ready.'' - V says calmly.
-'' Stop speaking in riddles, V! Stop acting like you know everything because you don't!'' - Jin was screaming at him. - '' You have no idea how I feel! Nor what you do to me!''
-'' I know, Jinnie.''
-'' No, you don't! If you did you won't be doing this shit to me!'' - Jin felt his tears obscuring his view. - '' You would kiss me, and be with me, and love me, and you would not reject me!''
-'' I do love you, Jinnie.''
-'' You love no one, V!'' - Jin screamed at him. -'' You only love yourself!''
V grabbed and yanked Jin on his hair, causing him to cry in pain. His voice was ice cold.
-'' You have no idea what I've been through just to keep you safe.'' - He said in a quiet and menacing voice. - '' You don't have any clue how much I have suffered because of you, what I've endured because of you! So, don't you dare tell me that I don't love you Jin, because it's far from the truth!''
Jin was speechless. His eyes were so wide from shock and slight fear.
-'' You are the one that keeps running away as soon as I drop my guard down, Jin, not me.'' - V's eyes were cast down as if he was in a pain. -'' You are the master manipulator, not me.'' - His eyes flashed up to bore into Jin's. - '' You manipulated me so many times in the past, and I was such a fool.''
-'' I... I don't... I don't remember.'' - Jin stuttered.
V made a mocking face. -'' Aw, how convenient.''
The irritation was back again, and Jin hissed through his gritted teeth. - '' Then tell me! Tell me what I did! Tell me what I did so wrong! Tell me, V!''
-'' No.''
Jin was struggling right now, and the mess in his pants did not help the matter at all. - '' You son of a bitch, tell me! I have the right to know!''
-'' You have right to now shit!'' - V was growling in his face. His natural eyes flashed so dangerously that Jin instantly froze. There was a growling sound coming from the back of V's throat. He was pissed, like really pissed. - '' I will not tell you anything until you grow up and stop acting like a spoiled and weak brat!'' - He leans closer. - '' This will never happen again, do you understand.'' - And when Jin didn't give any answer or nod, V yanked him harder on his hair. - '' Do you understand what I'm saying, Seokjin?''
-'' Yes, yes, I do.''
V let him go, pulling away from him. He runs his hand through his hair and looks down at his own pants. He groaned in irritation. The stickiness in his briefs was uncomfortable as well. He looks at Jin, still leaning on the wall, barely standing. -'' Go get changed, we are leaving in 15 minutes.''
-'' I'm not going anywhere with you tonight.'' - Jin spat defiantly.
V stepped closer again, face rigid, with one eyebrow arched.
Jin shuddered and curl into himself more, whining. -'' I don't want to go, V. Please don't make me.''
V's brow arched more as those eyes bored into his without a word, and Jin knew he was fucked. He was so fucking weak, a sheep. That's what he was, a fucking sheep. The tear fell from his eyes and onto his cheeks as he cast his eyes down, biting his lower lip to stop the sob that wanted to come out.
He took a deep calming breath and nodded, more to himself. - '' I'll get ready.''
-'' Good.'' - He heard V's cold voice, and then heard his footsteps walking away, probably towards the bathroom.
Comes to think of it, he needs one as well.
-'' Jinnie.''
Jin raises his head realizing that V was watching him silently as he stood at the door.
-'' Don't think that I didn't enjoy this.'' - Jin was silent and hurt, but he listen to V's lies. - '' I will always want you, Jinnie. But that doesn't mean that I should in this way, at least.''
Jin didn't understand what he meant.
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