The Process - Ch.15
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Shit! That was the first thing Jin thought when he woke up by a sudden loud noise... like someone shut the door carelessly. He groaned as he remembered where he was. He blinked a few times watching a small stream of sunlight peaking through the closed curtains when his eyes fell on the body next to him. It was Mingyu, naked and hot. The pleasant shivers spread in Jin's tummy and he smirked to himself. He reached for his watch... it was 7:22, still early.
-'' Shit...'' - Jin murmured quietly, cursing himself slightly for staying till morning, but the sex was too good to be left until they both reached their limits, which was rare since Jin almost never got to the edge of exhaustion. There were always "just one more time" moments last night, and Jin lost count of how long they have played. Who knew Mingyu was so exquisite and wild at the same time?
-'' Morning gorgeous... enjoying the view?'' – Came a deep and raspy sleepy voice. Scratch all exquisite and wild, Mingyu was an asshole, Jin thought annoyed at the cockiness.
-'' Call me like that again and you won't be able to sit and walk for a week.'' – Jin murmured. Mingyu laughed, sounding so hoarse and sexy.
-'' Oh, Hyung if that involves your magnificent cock up my ass, I'll take that gladly.''
-'' I'll shove everything but that... and it will hurt.'' – Jin said and Mingyu grinned wickedly.
-'' I think you enjoyed my ass way too much last night. I don't think you would want to ram anything else but yourself in it.'' – Mingyu's hand reached under the cover between Jin's legs, palming Jin's cock. Jin smiled.
-'' Well that's true.'' - He removed Mingyu's hand gently and stood up, searching for his briefs.
-'' It's sad you know.'' – Mingyu spoke. Jin turned slightly to look at him.
-'' What's sad?''
-'' We enjoyed each other so much last night...well, I did...''
-'' So did I.'' – Jin reassured him. – '' It's rare that I can enjoy fucking and be fucked by the same person in one night as I did with you. I still don't understand what's sad.''
-'' Well...It's sad that you made me promise that this will be only a one-night thing...'' - He ruffles his bed hair. -'' When it most definitely deserves to happen again and again...'' - He stretches with a lazy smile on his face.
Jin laughed at that.
-'' Well that was before things happened.'' – He admits, and Mingyu's eyes gleamed at this, mouth spreading wide like Cheshire's cat.
Jin, not paying attention to him, hopped in his jeans before he start looking for his shirt. He found it next to the bed and took his sweet time putting it on. He knew Mingyu was observing him carefully.
-'' I still don't want anyone else to know.'' – Jin said and Mingyu's grin vanished. He took a deep breath, resigning to his fate.
-'' But secretly...?'' – Mingyu asked hopefully.
He never got an answer because loud shouting from outside of the room stopped any further conversation.
-'' Jiminie!!! Jiminie wait!!!''
A loud bang and running footsteps echoed in the now quiet apartment. The party was long finished. Both Jin and Mingyu jumped to the door, Mingyu wrapping his silk robe to cover his naked skin as they rushed to see what was going on.
They found Yoongi kneeling in the middle of the floor, face to the ground, grasping for his mint hair as his body shook from sobs. He was dressed in a hurry. His shirt was turned upside out and his jeans were unbuttoned.
-'' Yoongi!'' – Both Jin and Mingyu jumped to him.
-'' Yoongi, what's happened?'' – Mingyu asked at the same time as Jin was saying. -'' Where is Jimin?''
-'' He...h-he left... m-me... we... I...'' - The incoherent words stumble out of Yoongi's mouth.
-'' What the fuck just happened?!'' – Vividly shaken and barely woke Hoseok shouted, running from the room, pulling his clothes on in the process.
-'' It's Jimin.'' – Jin answered, still holding his friend. He looks back at the mess in his arms and carefully asks. -'' Yoongi... have you told him?''
By the look on Mingyu's face, he knew exactly what Jin was asking.
Yoongi started crying louder, making both Mingyu and Jin look at each other with sadness.
-'' Told who? What's going on? Why are you crying Hyung? Where is Jiminie? Is he okay?'' – Hoseok was now kneeling next to Yoongi, his hands on Yoongi's back as he offered his support. There was fear, confusion and sudden powerlessness in Hoseok's eyes. -'' Hyung... tell me what's wrong... tell me so I can help you please...'' - Hoseok's voice was gentle, full of worry.
Yoongi was crying so much, unable to say anything. Mingyu however tried again.
-'' Yoongi where did Jimin go?'' – He asked, but the answer didn't come from Yoongi, but from someone else.
-'' Home.'' - Kyungsoo stood in the doorway, holding bags with groceries. All eyes fell on him.
-'' W-what?'' – Hoseok asked the question even though everyone knew the answer already. Kyungsoo walked to the near side table and put the bags on it.
-'' Jimin. I met him downstairs. He looked erratic and nervous. He barely looked me in the eyes.'' – His eyes fell on destroyed Yoongi on the floor and his brow furrowed, suddenly realizing. He looked him straight in the eyes and said. -'' He went home, Yoongi.''
Yoongi jumped on his feet so fast, gripping Kyungsoo's shoulders. - '' saw him? J-Just now?'' - Yoongi asked.
Kyungsoo look at him disapprovingly and said with venom in his voice. -'' I could pretty much guess what happened, and I'm not really surprised, but you better go and fix this before he does something stupid. Go!''
The last word worked like magic on Yoongi, who turned and dashed through the door in pursuit of Jimin.
-'' Will anyone fucking tell me what the hell is going on?!'' – Hoseok screeched with annoyance. No one answered him.
Jin and Hoseok rushed to their friend's home. Kyungsoo and Mingyu stayed to get the rest of the hangover guest's on their way.
-'' Here, Hyung, take my car keys, take Hoseok and go see if you can help...'' - Mingyu said, offering the said keys to Jin and adding. - '' I've never seen him like this.''
Jin nodded, gesturing to Hobi to follow before running off to Mingyu's car.
-'' Hoseok turned to Jin, brows worried and annoyed. -'' Hyung, speak, please. What's going on?''
Jin glances at him and then returns his eyes to the road. Taking a deep sigh he went on explaining, and by the end, Hoseok's eyes were wide and filled with tears.
-'' I never knew... I just... I always thought he just adored Jimin, like we all do.'' - Hoseok said, sniffling a bit. -'' He is our dongsaeng. I just thought that they clicked very well. Jimin was always a ball of energy and Yoongi was always calm, so I thought that they fill in each other perfectly, you know?''
Jin nods. He knew what Hoseok meant. Still, not noticing the longing stares and grumpiness of unreturned love was hard to believe. He told him as much.
-'' Hyung, I swear, I had no idea. I just never saw it.'' - Hoseok defended himself. - '' I mean, I act more flirty with Jimin, and you know I don't see him in that light, but Yoongi, he is just softer with him around. I just thought it was Jimin's power, you know he has it, right? I mean... well...I don't know what to think anymore.'' - The tear fell down his cheek. -'' I'm such a bad friend for not noticing.'' - His voice wavering. - '' My Hyung suffered and I had no idea, shit...''
He buries his face in his hands and lets out a sob.
Jin placed one hand on his friend's head. - '' Ah, Hobah, don't cry. It's alright, you didn't know because Yoongi didn't want anyone to know.''
Hoseok raised his red face to look at him. - '' But you knew. You, who knows them the shortest. And Mingyu, and Kyungsoo even... I mean...''
Jin nods. - '' Yeah, well, I am observant by nature and I have spent time with Yoongi when Jimin was away, so I found out about his moodiness. And as for Mingyu and Kyungsoo, you know as well as I did that Mingyu and Yoongi were really close.''
Hoseok nods at this, while Jin adds. - '' And Kyungsoo is a scary mind reader.''
That made Hoseok burst laughing while sniffling. - '' He is kinda scary.''
They allow a laugh to brighten the mood in the car for a bit before Jin grew serious again.
-'' Listen, I don't know what will happen once we arrive there, but I suggest not to meddle.''
Hoseok looks at him. -'' You mean, let them talk it out?''
Jin nods once, not moving his eyes from the road.
Hoseok looks in front of himself again, eyes unfocused. - '' Okay.'' - He agrees. - '' We do that.''
The rest of the ride was silent, either of them wished to be elsewhere, fearing the near future they are heading towards. What they found was a house in mess, broken Yoongi and fuming Jimin.
-'' Jiminie, please don't leave... I am so sorry... please...'' - Yoongi begged and try to catch Jimin's arm, but the young man was too fast, packing his clothes from the closet to the opened suitcase on the bed.
-'' Leave!? Leave where...?'' – Hoseok started, looking frantic, but Yoongi's voice overruns his question.
-'' Jiminie...''
-'' Stop calling me that!!!''
Hoseok was shocked. Jimin never raised his voice at Yoongi like that, even if they were fighting. He was about to say something, but Jin grabbed his hand and shook his head in silence, not moving his eyes from the pair in front of them.
-'' Jimini...Jimin, I am sorry... I'm sorry it happened. I never should have done it... I...''
-'' No! No, you shouldn't!! It shouldn't happen!!'' - The young man screamed, raking his hands through his hair. He was visibly shaking, not knowing how to calm himself. He was so confused and scared and it didn't play well with him. -'' And yet it did Yoongi!'' - He shouts again, turning around the room, in search of something he wasn't even sure what. -'' You knew... '' - He murmurs in a lost voice, and then suddenly his eyes snapped at the mint-haired man. - ''Yoongi you knew and yet you did...''
Not really now why he did it, he yells. -'' I've trusted you!'' - He gulps the air. -'' I fucking trusted you! I never thought you would... damn it!!! ''
Each word sent daggers into Yoongi's heart and he just shrunk more into himself. -'' I am sorry...'' - He says.
Jimin knew deep down that it wasn't fair to put all the blame on Yoongi, but he was too scared and hysterical to think rationally. He might have calmed down a bit if Yoongi didn't add.
-'' I couldn't resist... I... I was drunk....I...''
That did it for Jimin. -'' I WAS DRUNK!!!'' – He roared. Both Hoseok and Jin flinched and watched this exchange silently, not daring to move a muscle. Not daring to breathe either. Jimin was furious by now.
-'' I was drunk Yoongi!!! More than you...and you... you...!!!''
-'' I love you!!!!'' – Yoongi roared. – '' I have loved you for years, Jimin!!! I still do!!!''
Jimin was rooted to the spot. Yoongi stood in front of him, grasping his face between his palms, body shaking.
-'' I love you, God damn it!! I always did!!!''
Jimin was temporarily silent. Yoongi took that as his cue to continue.
-'' You have n-no idea how hard was for me to keep this a secret for so long! Do you know how hard it is to be in love with your best friend and know that he would never accept you!?! Do you!?!? You have no fucking idea Jiminie!!!''
-'' Stop calling...'' - Jimin protested rigidly at his nickname again, glaring at the elder, trying to ignore the weight of Yoongi's confession, but failing terribly. Yoongi cut him short.
-'' No. Fucking. Clue!!! And I was okay with that! I was ready to bury my feelings down and be your friend!'' - Yoongi was pissed right now. Jimin's words really hurt and he was angry. -'' I knew you would never like a man! I was ready to watch you go out with multiple hoes, eventually, marry one and have kids, because that's what your parents expect from you now, don't they?!''
-'' Don't you fucking dare, Yoongi!!! Don't you dare drag my parent's into this!! They have nothing to do with you and me!!!'' – Jimin removed Yoongi's hands from his face and pushed him far from himself.
Yoongi regained his balance again and screamed at Jimin, throwing the stuff from a nearby table in anger.
-'' They have everything to do with that!!! I know how they are looking at people like me!!! On men who lay with men. They find it disgusting!''
-'' They do not!'' – Jimin protested with less force because deep down he knew Yoongi was right. His parents disapproved of gay people and even though he himself had nothing against it, he was never prepared to be the object of one men's desire...even less of the thought of having feelings towards one... it was so unnatural to him.
-'' They do!! They spend years telling you it's wrong, that it's unhealthy. Years....and yet you seemed not to mind. So I hoped for a while that you might accept me being one and still be my friend, but you were always so damn straight and oblivious... trying to hook me up with random women!''
Jimin just gaped at him, lips parted, not knowing what to say.
-'' When I approached Jin.'' – Yoongi continued, and Jin was startled for a second. - '' He was so beautiful.'' - He said. - '' I was drawn to him...we clicked instantly...''
Jin was in shock. He never knew Yoongi approached him for personal reasons rather than professional ones as he claimed. He never got that vibe from him.
-'' I wished...'' - Yoongi kept talking. -'' No! I hoped that he might be the person who will help me to stop loving you...'' - He admits, watching Jimin furiously, and then shaking his head. -'' But he was not you...He is just a good friend...a good Hyung...I knew that right away. He could never be you...and it could only be you, Jiminie... no one else...'' - Yoongi's voice broke at that, tears falling from his eyes as he clutched his chest. Yoongi felt enormous pain. The rejection was too big. He will lose everything.
It was that fact that made Jimin lose his mind this morning. The very thought that urged him to pack his bags and leave...because he couldn't handle it. He couldn't handle his best friend being in love with him. He couldn't handle what he is.
-'' And you!'' - Yoongi continued through the sobs, pointing a finger at Jimin. – '' Why did you do it Jiminie!? Why did you give me hope!? Huh?!'' - He yells through tears. -'' Why did you have to give me a small piece of Heaven only to rip my heart out and stomp on it!?''
At the last question, he took a nearby chair and threw it across the room, breaking the mirror.
He rushed towards Jimin, pulling his shirt until their bodies collided with one another, faces so close that they could feel each other's breaths. Jimin was panic-stricken, eyes round in fear, but not from Yoongi, but from himself.
-'' Why, Jimin! Answer me!'' - Yoongi demanded, and Jimin wished he could escape.
-'' I...I was d....d-drunk...'' - He stuttered, his eyes filling with tears, but Yoongi growled again.
-'' You were not that drunk, Jimin! Stop making excuses!''
-'' I am sorry, Hyung...'' - He began fidgeting, trying to get away. -'' I...I can't... I can't...'' - His breathing was rugged, eyes searching for help. He croaked when he saw Jin and Hoseok.
-'' Hyungs... please... I can't...''
Hoseok was there in the blink of an eye, grabbing Yoongi and pulling him from rigid Jimin.
-'' I can't... sorry... I can't...'' - Jimin's high-pitched voice kept repeating. He was more and more panicked. - '' That's not me... I can't... ''
-'' Jiminah! Calm down!'' – Jin said, grabbing hysteric Jimin, but Jimin broke free.
-'' I can't!!! No!! I can't!'' - He picked up a few shirts that fell down from his hands when Yoongi came at him. He threw them on top of other clothes, ran around the room picking up things and shoved it into the suitcase. He closed the zipper, grabbed his jacket and turned to Hoseok.
-'' Hobi Hyung, can I stay at your place for a few days, please? Please...'' – He looked at him imploringly. Hoseok just nodded, still holding Yoongi around his waist, pinning his hands to his body.
-'' No, Jiminie!!! Don't leave please...we will work something out!!!'' - Yoongi sobbed. -'' Please!! We will pretend it never happened, just please, don't go...please Jiminie!!!''
He fell on his knees, dragging Hoseok with him.
Jimin stopped to look at him painful expression on his face was evident.
He was suffering as same as Yoongi, but there was a resolution in him. His voice was gentle and it shook while he spoke.
-'' I could never pretend it didn't happen, Hyung... never.'' - He whispers.
Yoongi's face scrunched in pain. - '' Jimin.''
-'' Sorry, Hyung.'' - Jimin says and walks out the door, dragging his suitcase with him.
Hoseok, which eyes were round as saucers, stood up, looking at Jin for a second, then at the door through which Jimin just left, then down at Yoongi, and then back at Jin again, not knowing what to do and whether to go after Jiminie or stay with Yoongi. Jin decided instead of him.
-'' Go to Jimin. I'll stay with him. ''
Hoseok nodded quickly and ran after Jimin.
The room suddenly turned quiet, despite Yoongi's painful cries. Jin's heart broke at the sight. He sat down next to him and pulled Yoongi halfway into his lap, hugging him tightly, trying to give him comfort and safety. To show him that he was not alone, that he was there. He held him in his embrace for a while, humming the same song V always used to calm him down. It worked. Jin never thought it will, but it did and Yoongi was calm, maybe a bit too much. He reached forward and took one broken mirror piece in his hand. Jin tensed for a moment, but Yoongi simply looked at his own reflection.
-'' And that's how the soul dies...'' - He murmurs more to himself, but Jin heard his weak voice anyway. – '' Only a shell...'' - He continues in the same broken, lifeless voice. - '' Without love....without happiness...without meaning...without a will... is left rot...''
Will you murder me? I feel you might... but I had to... it all makes sense in the end, I promise... it's just had to be this way...I still hoped you enjoyed though...stay tuned 💖
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