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A year pass since that day and everything was different for Jin. His life changed drastically after he got out of the hospital. He almost laughed after he was discharged because his parents were so surprised at how maturely and responsibly Jin went through with everything. But in his own mind, he was through much, much worse than this. Still fresh in his memory were all the horrors he went through in his imagined "past" or alternative reality, Jin wasn't sure what to call it. He just knew that he got a second chance to do things right this time, an opportunity that people usually don't get. Jin was happy enough that he had the horrid insight into what might happen if he wasn't careful enough and was thankful for that every single day. He got out of the hospital as a 16-year-old self again, something that he would have to get used to, but he held Tae's hand in his and everything was much easier.
Tae had no idea why his best friend changed towards him that much, but Jin was acting more protective and supportive of him than ever. Jin took his Hyung position more seriously and everyone was truly pleasantly surprised.
Jin became a great student too. A high school President and a person everyone wants to be friends with. His parents were so proud of him. He was charming, outspoken, polite, and smart, but with an odd sense of humour. He loved telling jokes that no one understood or laughed at, except himself, sometimes Tae and one or two lost souls that were of similar humour themselves, but no one really mind, because he was considered one of the popular kids and this quirkiness of his, was acceptable. His beauty and handsome body made him desirable to almost all the girls and even, secretly, some of the boys. Jin knew that and was on the edge of using that several times, but his future plans were planned carefully and he followed them through and through.
His sexual needs though, which he got used to being fulfilled in his alternative life were causing him serious troubles now, especially now because he was a virgin again. He preferred calling his "past" experience that way, instead of a coma or a dream because it felt more real to him than anything, so he opt for the alternative life. The frustration was serious and he felt purring urges several times to act upon his desires. Jin waited though, refusing girls and boys, older and younger. With his face, body and altitude, Jin could have them all, but he waited. He knew none of them could satisfy his needs.
Jin laughed secretly, that he is the only virgin who knows exactly what sex feels like and what he wants from it. Ah, where is Mingyu now when you need him? But seriously, where was Mingyu? Was he still with Yoongi and Hoseok? Did he meet his fiancée yet? He wanted to know, even though things now changed...Jin now changed. He had no idea if Mingyu would still want him now. Jin's thoughts were constantly buzzing and he already started to make plans in his head of how to reach Yoongi, Jimin and the rest of them....oh fuck, Yoongi and Jimin are not together yet...Jin hoped they will not go through the same shit again. What if Jin isn't here this time to save the young fool in love from burning himself and his apartment because Jimin got scared and acted foolishly by running away? Jin made mental note to slap Yoongi up front so no such crazy ideas would enter his mind....if he finds him that is...and he must...
So Jin started making a list, trying to connect the dots in gigantic destiny's web. He wanted to find all of them, to help them achieve the greatness they deserve. The first stop was Namjoon.
Since his family was alive and well now, Namjoon was still a happy and ambitious guy, a bit shy and still awkward sometimes, but with high hopes for the future. Jin was happy, but he waited for the opportune moment to introduce himself to him. He got his chance one day when they were both volunteering at the school library. The librarian introduced them and Namjoon smiled his dimples smile before bowing to Jin a bit. As it turns out, Namjoon wanted to meet Jin as well, since he heard a lot about him. They always saw each other in the school halls, but they never talked until that moment. They became friends quickly and pretty soon they were inseparable.
Jin was glad that at least didn't change. Taehyung who always admired the school basketball Captain was thrilled when Jin introduce them to one another.
Destiny sometimes works in mysterious ways, because one afternoon, Tae came, dragging behind himself a very shy and adorable Jungkook. Jin nearly bit his tongue as he caught himself from yelling: - '' Kookie!'' - At a very confused lad. Tae told them he found Jungkook wandering around the neighbourhood for several days and went to meet him because Tae simply couldn't let things be and had to interfere. He noticed that the youth had the same clothes day after day and conclude that he must have been sleeping in the park or streets. As it turned out Jungkook said that he went to visit his friend from Busan, but he entered the wrong bus and ended up right here. He didn't say anything else and no one could make him. Knowing the boy's history, Jin accepted his explanation and told him he could stay for a few days at his house until he managed to find his friend.
-'' At least tell me your friend's name, so I could help you search.'' – Jin asked and waited while Kookie thought carefully.
-'' His name is Jimin. He is my Hyung, but he is younger than you.'' -Jungkook explained. -'' I think he is around TaeTae's age.''
Jin's heart jumped. Could it be? Could the world be so small? He thought. Is this his Jiminie? He somehow managed to coax Jungkook into describing his friend to him and sure it was, it was Jiminie. Jin couldn't believe his luck.
-'' You will be staying with me, Kookie.'' – Tae said. –'' I already asked my parents and they said yes.''
-'' What did you tell them?'' – Jungkook asked him cautiously.
-'' That you are a friend from last year's summer camp.'' - He turns to Jin. -'' Remember Hyung when I went there last year?''
-'' I remember.'' – Jin confirmed. – ''Do you think they will accept that? What if they ask him where are his parents? And how he came here in the first place and not let you know up front?''
Taehyung thought for a moment or two quite seriously.
-'' I am sorry if I sound rude, but we don't know anything about you, boy. Why don't you tell us more about yourself first and then we will think about how we can help you?'' – Namjoon asked and Jin understood his concern. Jin would be the same if he hadn't known Kook already.
Kookie instantly shut himself up a bit. Namjoon's brows furrowed at that and Tae stood in Kookie's defence. Jin watched all three and then gently spoke.
-'' It's alright, he won't cause trouble.'' – All three of them looked at Jin.
-'' How can you tell?'' – Namjoon asked, still worried.
Jin just smiled reassuringly.
-'' Oh, just a hunch.'' - He says, smiling warmly at Jungkook, who returned the smile.
Weirdly enough, Namjoon believed him. Jin knew he would. The younger man quickly learned to trust Jin's hunches, since they always proved right. So, the four of them put their heads together to think of a good cover-up story for Jungkook to stay.
Kookie somehow managed to stay under the radar of suspicious adults and stay for almost two months. Staying first at Tae's for several weeks, until he went to Namjoon's and later on to Jin's. The explanation of why he doesn't go to school was easily explained that he was educated via online classes.
What both Tae and Namjoon found completely confusing, but Jin knew it perfectly well is how much adaptable and capable the young man is. Kookie always had money on him and would be away for hours. He will always return to sleep, exhausted and hungry as a wolf. Namjoon tried to lead a serious conversation with the boy, but Jungkook told him that he was at the arcade and was tired.
-'' How come he always has the money?'' – Namjoon asked Jin one day. – ''Hyung, you don't think he...he wouldn't..?'' - He stopped, not sure how to rephrase the word.
Jin turns his eyes to the tall boy next to him. -'' What, Namjoonie?''
Namjoon scratches his head. -'' Sell his body or anything?''
Jin remembered Jungkook's Noona's and shuddered at the thought. Kookie was still way too young...nearly turned fifteen...one year younger than Tae.
Still, he shakes his head. -'' I don't think so.'' – He answered. – ''He is too smart for that.'' – But after he saw Namjoon's worried expression, he promised him that he will talk with the boy. Junkgook grew on him and Tae adored him, just like Jin adored Tae. In a way, Jungkook always reminded Jin of his TaeTae and seeing them together now was so satisfying and weird that Jin didn't know how to react sometimes. He wanted to smother them with love.
As it turns out Jungkook was a vivid video game player. He was actually so good that he entered competitions and sold his high-ranked players online for real cash.
-'' You can get 7 thousand to 1 mil won per account Hyung and I play on several. It takes a lot of time, but I managed it somehow.'' - Jungkook explains, his mouth full of fries. The two of them were in the diner, eating burgers and fries. Jin thought that now is a good opportunity to ask the young man about his ''job''.
After hearing the explanation, Jin was astonished. -'' What? Are you trying to tell me that you manage to earn so much money in only a few hours a day?'' – Jin asked, having trouble believing that.
Jungkook chuckles, shaking his head. -'' No, Hyung. Those are my old accounts. The ones I played back at home. It took me about 200+ days to build up some, so I could sell them expensively.''
Jin leans back in his chair, staring at the boy. -'' Jesus Jungkook, is that how you spend your time?''
Jungkook shrugs, a smile disappearing from his face. -'' I used to, back at home. I didn't have anything else to do. My parents were never home, they probably haven't noticed I ran away and I...'' - He stopped, clapping a hand over his mouth after realizing.
Jin smirks, crossing his arms on his chest. -'' So, you did run away, I thought as much...''
Jungkook's eyes widened. - '' You... you did?''
-'' Yeah... your story is lame you know. You should learn how to lie better if you want to survive.'' - Jin says matter-of-factly. -'' But I must say Kookie, you are doing better than I thought.'' – He patted the boy's shoulder.
Jungkook swallows hard, his doe eyes round and worried. -'' You...you won't say anything to Namjoon Hyung?'' - He asks tentatively. He always had huge regard and awe for Namjoon, in both lives. Jin observed the fidgeting youth as he spoke. -'' He...he would send me back and I don't want to go back.''
Jungkook looked so innocent and so adorable, that Jin had to fight his urge not to hug him and kiss the boy's cheeks.
Instead, he asks. -'' Were you unhappy back there?''
The boy nods. -'' Very much, Hyung. They don't care about me.''
-'' Are you happy here with us or do you still wish to find your friend...Jimin was it?'' - Jin pretends that he couldn't remember Jimin's name for certain.
Jungkook's face brightens. -'' Oh, I'm very happy now. I want to find Jimin Hyung though, but I... I want to stay with TaeTae Hyung as well.'' – He said, bowing his head. He was struggling and Jin understood. Tae was extremely difficult not to love and Jin thought he saw a slight blush on Kookie's cheeks each time Tae gets too touchy, as it was his nature. Truth be told, his Tae is growing up nicely. He would be wonderful, similar to V, but much, much better. The purring began in his mind again Jin just smiled to himself, still looking at the young boy before him.
-'' There is a future before you Kook and I want you to get the best of it you could. I will help you achieve that, but first, you need to finish school. You already wasted two-three months of your education, we'll have none of that.'' - Jin spoke with determination. He will see this through properly. He will not fail Jungkook again. - '' Tell me, is there anyone from your family that you can ask for help?''
Jungkook's brows furrows. -'' Help with what?''
-'' With school papers.'' -Jin clarifies. -'' Is there a chance that your parents would allow you to transfer to school here?''
He shakes his head sadly. -'' No...my family would never agree to that.'' - The sudden thought occurs to him. -'' But... maybe...''
-'' But?'' - Jimin prompted patiently.
-'' Well, Jimin Hyung's parents are my Godparents.''
Now, this is interesting. Jin thought. -'' This World is so damn small.'' - Jin murmured to himself so quietly, that Jungkook couldn't hear him properly.
-'' What did you say, Hyung?''
Jin jerks from his musings. -'' Oh, nothing, nothing...'' - He turned his mind to the problem at hand. -'' The question is, could they help you?'' - He asks.
-'' Well, Jimin Hyung's father has umm... influence and If I manage to convince him to let me stay with Jimin and them and finish my school there, my father would never refuse him.''
-'' That influential, huh?'' – Jin asked, cocking his eyebrow.
Jungkook nodded. - '' Yes, they are members of the same Church. Plus, they do business together.''
Jin thinks this through carefully. Eventually, he nods. -'' Very well...let us contact Chim Chim and let him know of your plan.''
He realized his mistake as soon as he said it.
Jungkook's brows arch in question. -'' Chim Chim?''
-'' Umm...'' - Jin had to come up with something fast. - '' Umm, I sort off...gave him...a... nickname...already...yeah.'' - Jin dragged his words, buying himself time to fix his mishap.
Jungkook eyed him carefully. -'' Right... are you sure you never met Jimin? Because only his close friends call him Chim Chim.'' - He says.
Jin shook his head vigorously. -'' No, no, of course not. It's just a coincidence.''
Jungkook accepts this and they continue with their meal.
-'' Do you think he would help?'' – Jin asked after a while.
-'' Who? Jimin Hyung?'' - Jungkook asks and then nods. -'' Oh, yes, definitely.''
-'' Good, let's call him then...''
With Jimin's aid in convincing his parents to allow their Godson to stay with them, Kookie soon went back to Busan. His and Tae's farewell was so adorably painful to watch. They both hugged each other and tried their best not to cry promising that they will visit each other often and that he must meet Jimin Hyung.
Jin was updated about everything Kookie and Jimin do through Taehyung since the youngest trio created the group chat where they send info and pictures of their everyday life regularly. And sure, soon enough Tae was on his way to Busan for his spring break, to visit Kookie and Jimin.
Jin fought the serious urge not to lock the boy in his room, preventing him from leaving his side, so Jin could keep him safe, but he knew that he have to let him go to live his life. His overprotective nature towards Tae was evident and Namjoon asked him about it several times.
-'' I just worry about him.'' - Jin says, defensively. -'' He is young, naïve, charming, so beautiful and way too friendly for his own good. There are a lot of very bad people who can use him and hurt him and I might not be there to protect him.''
-'' You are overthinking, Hyung. – Namjoon said. – '' Tae is mischievous, yes, but smart and good and plus, strangely, Jungkook have a really good influence on him. In a way, he keeps him grounded. Sure they are walking double trouble, but at least Tae is much calmer with him than on his own. He'll be alright with Kookie. I know how it all began and I was a sceptic myself, but Jungkook proved me wrong and I trust him, you should too.''
-'' I do trust Kookie and Jimin too... but I know Tae...he could be a hell of convincing and I think he would find his match made in heaven with Jimin.''
-'' You speak like you know the boy, Jimin, yourself.'' – Namjoon said, looking at his elder and Jin had to remind himself yet again to be careful.
He chuckles amusingly. -'' Considering how much Tae keeps talking about him for half a year, I feel like I know him. ''
Namjoon chuckled. -'' He will be alright, Hyung. Do you know the date when will you go off to college yet?'' – He asked and Jin took a deep breath.
-'' No, not yet. I would try to stay at home as long as I can before the semester begins.'' – Truth be told, Jin had avoided this hole in his plan for a long time. College was always on his list, sure, but that would mean that he would be away from Tae and that was something Jin wasn't ready to be. Plus there was Namjoon here as well now.
As if he was reading his mind, Namjoon spoke. -'' Hyung. Don't worry about Tae please, I'll look after him.''
Jin gives him a warm and affectionate smile. -'' I know you will, but you will leave next year as well and...''
Namjoon places his hand on Jin's. -'' And he will be seventeen then, the same age I am now, Hyung.'' - He said and then pauses slightly as if thinking it through before he asks. -'' Are you worried about me as well? Even a little?''
It was asked almost timidly, showing off Namjoon's insecurity.
Jin intertwines their hands together, glancing at him lovingly. -'' I am, Namjoonie... I am, but you are smart and careful. You know how to take care of yourself. You don't need me as much as Tae.''
Namjoon clicks his tongue, turning his head to look in front of himself, the smile and the dimple coming to the stage, and he chuckles. -'' Hyung, let him breathe. He is not a baby for you to mother all the time.''
Jin was silent for a while, thinking about his other past and he involuntarily shuddered. He felt Namjoon's hand squeezing his.
-'' And I do need you, Hyung, more than you know.'' – Namjoon said so softly that Jin had trouble hearing him. But he did and the familiar tingle ran between their hands. Jin shifted closer so their bodies were glued shoulder to shoulder.
-'' I know you do and I will miss you when I go...more than you know.'' – Jin admitted. Namjoon huffed nervously, looking everywhere but at Jin. His cheeks were flushed and one of his dimples peaked under a shy smile.
-'' Hyung I...I...''
-'' You don't have to say anything, Joonie, it's alright you know.'' - Jin says knowingly. If old Namjoon is anything to go by, Jin knew the inner crisis the young man is having right now with his attraction towards him.
Namjoon shakes his head, growing slightly nervous. -'' Hyung, I don't know why I...'' - He paused, trying to speak the words without mumbling them too quietly. – '' I feel...weird...with you sometimes.''
Jin turned his head to look at him. -'' Do you want to kiss me, Joonie?''
Namjoon had a severe coughing attack at that moment and Jin just laughed, while Namjoon kept shaking his head and stuttering. – '' I'm not... I didn't...I...''
Jin patted their intertwined hands with his free one. -'' One day when you figure out what you want, let me know.'' – Jin with a smile.
Tae had amazing fun on his spring break.
-'' Jiminie is so cool, Hyung, but he is shorter than me, so Kookie and I tease him a little he gets angry, but he forgives us quickly.''
-'' That's not very nice, Tae.'' – Jin said looking at him seriously, but there wasn't sternness in his eyes.
-'' Oh it's just for fun, Hyung, he doesn't mind much. We always laugh afterwards.''
-'' I'm glad you had fun. I missed you.''
Taehyung hugs his favourite Hyung. -'' I missed you too. I wish you could be there with me. You would like Jiminie. Oh, yes and we met one incredible street dancer. His name is J-Hope and he is phenomenal.''
-'' J-Hope?'' – Jin's eyes went wide, but Tae didn't notice his excitement.
-'' Yes, he came to visit the dancing school Kookie and Jimin go to. He is from Daegu, but their dancing teacher invited him to show them a few good moves. He is so awesome Hyung. The way he dances is legendary. Here I record it, watch it.''
-'' He surely seems amazing.'' – Jin said appreciatively. Another name from the list was tracked. Jin thought with a smile.
The time for college arrived. Jin was all packed and ready. Tomorrow he will start a new chapter of his life and he was excited and worried at the same time.
Still, there was one person he wanted to visit before he left, so he located the tattoo shop. Jin stood in front of it, contemplating whether to go with the plan or simply turn back and leave. He had no idea whether Jisung would be there on not, but he wanted to see him again.
He entered the shop and look around. Pretty soon he met the person he wanted to see. He was hot as hell, all in black, tattooed, with a cigarette in his mouth, just like Jin always remembered him.
-'' Hello, how may I help you?'' - The man asked, stubbing the cigarette in the ashtray behind the counter.
Jin felt arousal enveloping his entire body. Jisung's voice and the touches from his previous life were still fresh in his mind and Jin had to stop himself not to grab Jisung by the neck and kiss him full on the lips. He would think I'm insane. Jin thought. So, instead, he said. -'' I would like a tattoo.''
Jisung nodded. -'' Sure. What would you like? Where and how big?''
The corners of Jin's mouth twitched as he enjoyed some naughty inside joke. Jisung noticed and smirked. -'' The tattoo, I mean.'' - He added and this time Jin smiled widely.
-'' I want a butterfly. Black and white.'' – Jin said and Jisung raised an eyebrow.
-'' A butterfly?''
Jin nods. -'' Yes, the small one, on the left side of my ribs.''
Jisung observed him in his prim clothes, the complete opposite of Jisung's dark attire. In the end, he nods and beckons Jin in the back. -'' Alright then, follow me.''
And Jin did.
-'' I'm Jisung by the way.'' - He says as they walked through a small hall.
-'' I know...I'm Jin.''
Jisung smirks. -'' I know.''
Jin stopped in his tracks and looked at Jisung. -'' You know? Have we met before?'' – He asked with one raised eyebrow.
Jisung gave him a seductive look and answered in his deep voice which gave Jin pleasant shivers. -'' It's an extremely small neighbourhood for a pretty little thing like yourself to be unnoticed.''
Jin felt the tips of his ears go hot. -'' Should I be honoured?'' – Jin asked, feeling a bit embarrassed, but glad nevertheless.
Jisung gives him a smirk. -'' You should, I don't give compliments that often.''
And Jin knew that was true. Jisung always meant what he said.
They share eye contact for a few moments, neither of them talking or moving. You can feel the chemistry between them, and Jin could already imagine the gossip. The tattooed troublemaker seduces a school president.
He knew he had to break this spell they fell under, so he put on his most alluring expression. -'' Umm, are you going to flirt with me some more or are you going to give me a tattoo?'' – He purred. It was so easy to go back to the old naughty self. Jisung grinned devilishly this time.
-'' We can do both, baby.'' – He said and Jin felt his dick awakening.
It will be too easy to give in to the urge. Jin knew. But he also knew that their lives are different now and that their paths would never cross again unless Jin wanted another tattoo. It's better if it stays this way.
-'' Call me Jin and let's just be professional, shall we?'' - He decides.
Jisung barks out a laugh. -'' As you wish, Jin. Let's get you a butterfly.'' - As if he couldn't resist, he asks mischievously. -'' Remind me again where, and how bad you want it.''
Jin groans at the choice of words.
Two hours later Jin walked out of the shop with a tattoo and a raging boner, his virginity still intact. No matter which reality, Jisung always managed to shake his cage and turn him on.
The same night Jin spent with Namjoon and Tae. The sleepovers were common by now, so they do as they always did - eat, laugh, played and talked until they fall asleep. Well, at least, before Tae fell asleep that is. Namjoon and Jin still sat and talked quietly, careful not to wake the youngling, when Namjoon suddenly asked.
-'' Hyung. Do you...umm...remember when...'' - He stopped, looking at his hands, then he raised his eyes to look at Jin and lost all of his courage to continue. – '' Umm...you know what, forget it, it's not important.'' – He whispered and smiled.
Jin raises his eyebrow. -'' Namjoon, for the person who is the top spokesman for the school you seriously have trouble expressing your thoughts lately.'' – He teases.
Namjoon grew serious again. -'' Hyung...'' - He groaned, twisting his fingers nervously. Jin noticed how uncomfortable he was.
It probably got to do something with that kiss he offered. Jin thought, so he goes straight to the point and asks him. He knew he was right when Namjoon blushed adorably.
This time though, Namjoon didn't try to deny it. He shifted slightly before he whispered back. -'' You know that I like Jisoo, right?''
Jin nods, he did know Namjoon's crush on his team's cheerleader. -'' Yes, I do, but it's not her that you want to talk about, right?''
-'' No.''
-'' Did you ever kiss before, Joon?''- Jin asks seriously.
Namjon huffs a laugh. -'' Yeah, I did, several times.''
Jin nods. -'' But you keep wondering what would be like to kiss a man as well, isn't it?''
Namjoon stares at him dumbfounded. -'' Your mind is scaring me sometimes, Hyung.''
Jin snorts. -'' Me too.'' - He jokes, but grew serious again. -'' So, are you... wondering, I mean?''
Namjoon nods slowly, his dimples showing up on his face, and he was so beautiful. Jin has serious time stopping himself from fucking him here and there, but Tae was in the room. Even though nothing could wake the young man up once he was asleep, it didn't felt right. Plus his parents were in the house as well and he will not do the same mistake again.
-'' Hyung.'' - Namjoon looks at him timidly. -'' Can I...can I kiss you?'' – He asked and Jin smiled.
-'' You can if you want.'' - Jin said, his eyes shined mischievously, V was purring deep in his subconscious.
Namjoon shifted closer to Jin, breathing unevenly. They were standing close. Namjoon kept looking at Jin's lips, but then he remembered who else is in the room and he look at Tae to see if he was still sleeping.
Jin reached to turn off the lights and they fell into darkness. -'' Is this better?'' – He asked.
He could feel Namjoon's breath on his face when the man whispered. – '' Yes.''
Jin cupped Namjoon's cheeks and drew him gently closer. He made Namjoon sit next to him on the sofa, and turned towards him. He kept caressing his cheeks and wait. Pretty soon the touch of Namjoon's soft lips touched Jin's and Jin felt the purring in his brain increase. His body reacted quickly and Jin deepened the kiss by kissing back more passionately, letting his tongue slip into Namjoon's mouth. Namjoon was lost, completely and utterly lost in Jin's embrace. They made out for several minutes before they hear the shuffling of the bed sheets. They broke the kiss and moved away from each other as Tae yawned. Just when they thought he was asleep again, they hear his voice from the dark.
-'' It was about time...''
They froze, and Namjoon asked, slightly panicked. -'' What are you talking about?''
Jin turns the lights on. Taehyung sat on the bed, with his dishevelled hair and sleepy face. His pout was adorable. He scratched his head and said. -'' You and Jin Hyung. I see you looking at him the same way I look at Kookie sometimes.''
Jin smiled widely, of course, Tae had noticed. He's the most observant guy than Jin knew.
Namjoon, on the other hand, wasn't ready to admit to that, so he acted confused. -'' I don't know what you are trying to say.''
He avoided looking at Jin, and instead glared at Taehyung. – '' Jin Hyung is my friend, Tae. Stop talking nonsense, you are dreaming.''
He glances at Jin finally, eyes full of embarrassment and remorse, but Jin knew it wasn't because they kissed but because they were caught and he wasn't ready for that.
Jin gave him a reassuring smile that everything is alright.
He found this funny. Funny in the way how he accepts that denial so easily now and remembers how it hurt him before. Jin knew this time, it will take Namjoon time to find and accept his sexuality for what it is.
The movement on the bed draws Jin's attention again. Tae spread his limbs like a cat and spoke without a worry in the world. -'' Of course, Hyung. Kookie is also my good friend, but I never made out with him.'' - He glances mischievously at Namjoon. -'' Yet anyway...''
Jin laughed, not able to resist. -'' Oh, TaeTae, you devil...go to sleep and don't you try to ruin Kookie's innocence.''
Tae smirks. -'' Hyung, if you only knew how perverted his little young mind is, you would be more worried about me.''
-'' Oh, God, are we really talking about this now?'' – Namjoon asked, quite embarrassed.
Taehyung was still looking at him. - '' Do you prefer if we go back to you and Hyung?''
Namjoon huffs. - '' No! I prefer you go back to sleep.''
Taehyung grins like a Cheshire cat. -'' So you and Hyung could make out again?'' - He wiggles his eyebrows.
-'' No!'' - Namjoon stood up to open the window for some fresh air. His cheeks were red.
Taehyung nuzzled in his hand. -'' Oh, Hyung, don't be like that. We know you are the worst pervert of us all.''
-'' Hey, show some respect Tae, we are your Hyungs.'' – Jin said with a laugh, and Tae's eyes twinkled.
-'' Oh yes, my deepest apologies.'' - Taehyung says in a playful tone. -'' Joon Hyung you are not the worst pervert of us all...'' - He says in good humour, looking from one man to the other. -'' It's Jin Hyung.''
Jin burst out laughing. - '' You devil. You know me too well.'' - The windshield laughter echoed throughout the room and all three of them were laughing.
-'' Now, let's go to sleep or my parents will burst in to quiet us.''
Jin boarded his plane for Seoul tomorrow afternoon. He and Namjoon awkwardly hugged but smiled at each other warmly. Namjoon was still slightly embarrassed that Tae caught them kissing.
-'' You'll never let this go, am I right?''- Namjoon asks.
Taehyung just shakes his head with a smile on his face. -'' Noup.'' - He let the last letter pop .
Namjoon groans and sighs.
Jin hugged his parents and Tae and waved them goodbye for now. He didn't let his tears fall until he was out of their sight.
He went to Seoul to study Drama and was approached by a few modelling scouts as well, but he refused them all. That part of his life was over, or at least, imagined and was not to be repeated again.
The year passed and Jin was doing perfectly well. He was at the top of his class and he met some new friends. He got steady updates from home from both Namjoon and Taehyung. Namjoon finally asked Jisoo out and Jin was glad for him. They dated for a while until he went to college himself.
Everyone thought Namjoon would enter the business career, but he surprised them all, except his mother and Jin when he turned towards his real passion, his music. He got a scholarship to a prestigious university in Seoul, which meant that he will be close to Jin again.
They met for coffee on the first week when he arrived. Namjoon talked about home and his excitement about coming into a big city, but he admitted that he's a bit concerned about his roommate.
-'' I don't think he likes me very much, Hyung.'' - He said that first day he saw Jin. -'' The guy is quiet and moody, a complete introvert. I mean, I don't mind the silence, you know, but I kind of love to talk to someone from time to time.''
Jin smiles reassuringly. -'' Just give him time. Some people need more to warm up to people.''
But after a few weeks, Namjoon called him, with another opinion. It turns out that his roommate is not that quiet at all, but on the contrary, very talkative, smart, and talented.
-'' He plays several instruments, Hyung, and he rocks how well he mixes the melodies. He is in the same classes as me, so we help each other out. He is so bloody cool, but sometimes I want to strangle him.''
Now, Jin couldn't wait to meet this cool roommate of Namjoon's, but it happened sooner than he expected. He was at their favourite coffee shop, reading some script for the play he was cast in. He expected Namjoon to arrive any time soon, but strangely he was late some fifteen minutes.
Jin arched his brows because Namjoon is very punctual. He was about to send him a message when Namjoon came from the corner, winded. -'' Hyung, sorry we are late.'' - He says. ''We got stuck at the studio. Are you waiting for a long time?''
Jin shook his head with a smile. -'' Oh, no, don't worry about it, I had things to do.''
Only then did Jin become aware of the word ''We'. His eyes slip from Namjoon to the shorter man, and his eyes went wide.
Namjoon smiles his dimpled smile and introduced the man next to him. -'' Hyung, this is my roommate, Min Yoongi. Yoongi Hyung this is Jin Hyung.''
Gotcha...Min Yoongi. Jin thought as he greeted Yoongi with a smile. His hair was black and he looked good. Happy.
-'' Hi'.'' – Yoongi said politely, bowing. -'' It's very nice to finally meet you, Joon talks a lot about you.''
Jin glances towards Namjoon, who blushed profusely. -'' Oh, he does, does he?''
Yoongi gives a wicked smile. -'' Yeah, he does.''
-'' Shut up, Hyung.''- Namjoon murmurs, nudging Yoongi.
Jin gives a mischievous smile. -'' Min Yoongi, I've decided.'' - He announced theathrically. Yoongi raises his brows in amusement. -'' We going to be good friends. Call me Hyung.''
Yoongi smiles one of his rare gummy smiles and Jin's heart melts.
-'' Alright, Hyung.'' - Yoongi says in his deep drawling voice. -'' Let's be friends.''
When Tae finally graduated from high school, he and Jimin talked about their futures and which university they will go to. Tae wanted to be close to Jin Hyung and ended up enrolling at the same University as Jin, only he choose the Arts. Jin was ecstatic that Tae will be with him again. Jimin went for the same, only Dance major. He nearly fainted when he saw his idol J-Hope.
J-Hope or Hoseok was here for almost a year. Jin met him through Yoongi and Namjoon but didn't mention anything to Tae. It was a surprise. What was the biggest surprise, however, was Jungkook.
Not wanting to be left behind, he throw himself at studying and finished two years in one, graduating at the same time as Jimin and Tae. Because of his high grades and outstanding achievements, he was offered several scholarships, but he took the ones closest to Tae and Jimin. Even though he was great at practically everything, Kookie took a quiet root, majoring in Photography and Art.
The three rented a spacious apartment for themselves and since it had four bedrooms, they offered one to Jin.
-'' Jin Hyung, you have to accept. It will be so much fun.'' - Tae jumped up and down ecstatically. Jungkook kept nodding next to him.
Jin didn't have anything against his roommate Ken, he was a great guy, but simply could not refuse his dongsaengs.
Jimin who met Jin for the first time in person was utterly enchanted by his handsomeness.
-'' Hyung, you are gorgeous.'' – Jimin said honestly, which made Jin laugh.
-'' Hey, I thought I was.'' – Taehyung pouted disapprovingly. His eyes sparkled in mischief while he looked at Jin and winked.
-'' Hah, dream on, Tae...'' - Jimin waves him off. -'' Jin Hyung is the most handsome and prettiest.''
Taehyung acted affronted. -'' How dare you?''
While they play their little skit, Jin heard Jungkook murmuring to himself, thinking that no one could hear him.
-'' You are beautiful to me, Tae Tae.''
Jin wanted to coo so hard at that, but he resisted.
He remembered the old Jungkook he knew in his parallel life. Jungkook, the ladies' man. He was glad that this was not the case this time because the whipped expression on Jungkook's face towards his Tae was so priceless.
And Taehyung, that rascal, knew exactly how to make him blush.
Jin and Teaehyung spent hours talking about everything and Jin was glad that his best friend had a similar view on life and love as he did. It made life easier.
-'' You know Hyung even before I met Kookie I always wondered what would be like to kiss a boy.'' – Taehyung admits.
Jin looks at him with interest. -'' Yeah?''
Taehyung nods. -'' Mhm. I mean I did kiss girls, but I always keep wondering what would be like with boys and you are my best friend, so naturally, you were my first choice.''
Jin was slightly taken aback. He thought for a little, wondering if he ever felt similar to Tae before. In the end, the answer was no. Even though V looked like Tae, his best friend lacked that utterly seductive power that V had.
You were just always narcissistically horny for yourself. His mind supplies and Jin had to admit that the thought wasn't very pleasing.
-'' Have you kissed Kookie then?'' -He asks.
Taehyung shakes his head.
Jin was surprised. -'' No? But you are always so close and he is totally whipped for you.'' – He said matter-of-factly. – '' I thought you at least make out.''
Tae laughed. -'' God, no, can you imagine Kookie's blush if I suggested that we should make out?''
Jin laughed as well at that. -'' Well, no... poor Kookie would bury his head in a sand like an ostrich.''
They both laughed loudly at that image.
-'' So...'' - Jin says after the laughter died out. -'' When are you planning to tell him that you like him?''
Taehyung clicks his tongue. -'' I don't.'' - He says. -'' I want him to come to me.''
-'' What if he s too shy?'' - Jin asked.
Taehyung shrugs. -'' If he likes me, he'll come or at least show me.''
-'' Well, you got one huge thing going in your favour. You live together already. '' - Jin says.
Taehyung nods. -'' True.'' - He says, playing with his phone, twirling it around in his hands. -'' But he is so close to Jimin as well, and sometimes I'm not sure what to think.''
Jin looks at him. -'' Tae... Jimin and Kookie are like brothers, literally. Jimin feels nothing about the boy.'' - He says.
Taehyung shrugs. -'' I know, Jimin likes to talk about women a lot. It's not him I'm worried about. It's Jungkook. I've caught him sometimes, looking at Jimin intently.''
-'' Looking at him how intently?'' - Jin asked.
-'' I don't know. Like... like he is obsessed with him. I mean, I understand why, Jiminie is bloody handsome and awesome.''
-'' Hmm...'' - Jin hums in thought. - '' I think I know what look you're talking about. He had the same one with Namjoon, remember?''
Taehyung's eyes grew wide at that. - '' No, I forgot about that.''
-'' Yeah, Kook would always stare at Namjoon like he was obsessed. He admires him a lot, you know.''
Taehyung nods. -'' We all do. Jimin is obsessed with Namjoon, he wants to be like him.''
Jin huffs a laugh. -'' Everyone wants to be buff and intelligent like Namjoon, but my point is, both Namjoon and Jimin are just Hyungs that Kook admires.'' - Jin says knowingly.
A small affectionate smile appears on Taehyung's face. -'' You're right. Jimin keeps complaining jokingly that Jungkook is copying him in everything. He says, ''I was born in Busan first.''
They both cackles at that.
-'' Do you think Kookie looks at me like that?'' - Taehyung asks.
Jin shook his head. -''No.''
Taehyung's expression fell. Jin chuckles. -'' He looks at you like he wants to pluck the stars and give them to you.''
Taehyung was staring at him and then burst out laughing. -'' God, you are so cheesy, Hyung.''
Jin joins him with his windshield laughter.
-'' See, there's nothing to worry about Jimin.'' - Jin says. - '' Besides, he doesn't know yet, but he will have his bi awakening soon.''
Taehyung raised his eyes at that. -'' He is? Did he tell you something? I had no idea...'' - His eyes were round.
Jin mentally slapped himself for another slip-up. He didn't want to say it, but the thing with Taehyung is that he is so easy to talk to.
-'' He didn't tell me anything. He doesn't know yet.'' - Jin says. -'' He just looks like the type.''
Taehyung was confused. -'' But he changes girls almost every day.''
Jin nods. -'' He keeps changing because he is searching for the right one, and in his case, he is looking for the rarest of them all. Someone beautiful and petite, but who understands his needs and is not so girly-like. I know, I talked about that with him. He doesn't know what he wants yet, and it's exactly the reason why he will end up with the man in the end.'' - Jin says knowingly.
Taehyung looks at him unblinkingly for a few moments in utter silence. Jin thought that he screwed up big time, thinking about the best way to change the subject when Taehyung spoke again. -'' You know Hyung, your guesses are usually right. Sometimes I wonder if you are psychic.''
Jin just laughed, but deep down he thought. Oh, you have no idea...
The night Jin finally said goodbye to his virginity was at the party. The heavy snowing outside didn't stop all seven of them to go to Jackson's and Mark's place. Both men were famous for their awesome parties and even the biggest storm couldn't stop people to pile up in the apartment they shared. Namjoon looked specifically gorgeous that evening and the long and slowly built tension reached its highest peak that night.
Jin drank a bit much and was resting on one of the sofas when he noticed Namjoon watching him. The eyes filled with repressed lust scanned Jin from head to toe, making him shiver.
He was ready. Jin thought. Finally.
Jin was beautiful and he knew that. He knew that Namjoon wanted him for years, so he decided to take him. He wanted Namjoon to be his first. He wanted Namjoon to take his virginity away. He wanted to let go and drown himself in the lust he felt for him. The demon inside him purred sensually and Jin rose and went towards the subject of his desire, pulling him into a passionate kiss.
They ended up in Jackson's room. The man gave them a knowing look, and since he was a very good friend of Namjoon's, he gave them his blessing to violate his bedroom for tonight. It seems everyone knew how weak Namjoon was about Jin except Namjoon himself.
Unlike the first time in a parallel universe, the sex wasn't clumsy. With Jin's previous knowledge, it was hard to believe that this was his first time. He made sure to give Namjoon a night to remember. It was passionate, fun and erotic, and Namjoon was chanting Jin's name the entire night, kissing him deeply and always touching, enjoying the intimacy they shared. Namjoon was always a romantic at heart, and Jin knew that perfectly now.
This is why he wasn't surprised in the slightest when Namjoon acted all quiet the next morning. Moreover, Jin expected it and was okay with it. He knew that Namjoon is torn between his infatuation with him and his love for women.
He came and kissed Namjoon on the mouth, making the latter gasp, and say. -'' Thank you for being my first, Namjoonie. I had a wonderful time.''
Namjoon's eyes were huge. -'' What? First? But I thought... I mean, you were...fuck, Hyung, how is that possible?'' - He stammers and Jin laughs.
-'' I'm natural, I guess.'' - He lies.
The red cheeks told Jin everything he needed to know. He patted one of them. -'' Don't worry, we still continue as friends as before.'' - There was relief on Namjoon's face at that.
Jin smiles. -'' But, you know, if you ever want to lazily make out for the fun of it, let me know.'' - He winks.
Namjoon's dimples peeked through as he smiled shyly. -'' Alright, Hyung. I'll do that.''
He never did, but Jin didn't mind. There were several occasions when the opportunity arose for them to be alone, but Namjoon's need to romanticize things and Jin's practicality didn't always go hand in hand, which is why they never tried being together in a relationship. Besides, Namjoon was very much attracted to women still and was only gay for Jin and no one else, which was totally fine in Jin's book. He was flattered.
As for the other couple, Tae kept teasing Jungkook and Jungkook kept his silence and both Jin and Jimin wanted to slap them. Jimin was first surprised at the level of touchiness the two enjoyed from each other, but after he spoke to Jin about it, he was one of their biggest shippers.
-'' I seriously want to kick both of their butts.'' – Jimin complained one day and Jin nodded.
-'' I know, Jiminie...give them time.''
And the time came one evening when Jin and Jimin were at the movies with Hoseok and Yoongi. Tae came home early from his classes and went straight to his room, but as Kookie was in the room next to him, Tae heard moans and grunts clearly. The pang of jealousy and hurt surged through him and he rushed out. In mere seconds he was standing in front of Jungkook's door, prepared to enter without knocking and see with whom Jungkook replaced him when he heard his name spoken breathlessly. He froze, thinking suddenly that Jungkook must have heard him, but as the grunts continued Tae started to breathe again.
When Jungkook moaned his name again, Tae slowly opened the door and was rooted where he stood, mouth open at the sight of a very naked Jungkook on the bed. His head was tossed back, eyes closed, and his hand was wrapped around his length, while the other flicked one of the nipples. He was panting hard as he trusted in his hand. Taehyung felt enormous arousal hitting him hard and he had to grab the wall behind him to steady himself.
-'' Aah, Tae... Taehyung, please, mmm...''
The fire that was ignited by jealousy the moments before, now burned from lust and passion. Taehyung kept watching him pleasuring himself, while he started unzipping his own pants slowly.
He took off his clothes silently. Jungkook was so lost in his passion that he only heard the lock of his door. His eyes flew open and he jumped, covering himself as he stared at the door, eyes round like doe. But when he saw that it was Taehyung, in all his naked glory, pumping at his cock, Jungkook moaned. Kim Taehyung was magnificent.
-'' Taehyung.'' - Jungkook breathed wantonly. Taehyung loved when Jungkook called him by his name, without ceremony. They were equal after all, and so perfect for one another.
-'' Do you want me?'' – Tae asked in his deep and sensual voice.
Instead of answering with words, Jungkook moved his hands, revealing a hard cock. -'' Ask me again.'' - He says.
Taehyung arched an eyebrow, biting his lower lip as his fingers kept tracing his body.
-'' Jungkook, do you want me?''
The answering twitch of Jungokok's cock was all that he needed. He moved away from the door and towards the bed. Their mouths met in the middle, and their hands went on exploring each other's bodies.
-'' Fuck, Taehyung, you had no idea how long I wanted to do this.'' - Jungkook says between the kisses.
Taehyung smiles and licks Jungkook's mouth, swirling his tongue around the other, utterly enjoying the erotic dance they started.
-'' Show me.'' - Taethyung moans in his mouth, and Jungkook did.
Both Jin and Tae kept their connections with their childhood Noona. They were all in the same city, so they often saw each other. She met the rest of the men and as she adored the three youngest members and Jin, she enjoyed the long discussions and talks with Yoongi and Namjoon, but one person with whom she was on the edge of going completely mad, thorn between constant giggles and exasperation was Hoseok.
-'' Hobi how many times do I have to tell you that I'm too old for you?'' – It was more exasperation now than giggling though since it was the 20th time Hoseok asked her out on a date.
-'' But Noona, as I care for that. Just look at us, we look so beautiful together, won't you agree?'' – Hoseok said smiling his joyful smile, while his eyes shined like the tom cat he was.
She rolled her eyes but didn't complain. Even though she was against it at first, after a while she began to crack under his "Hope" charm, as he calls it.
-'' You can't deny it because you know it's true.'' - He says through a smirk.
He leans forward on the table, leaning on his elbows, and looking at her lovingly. -'' Come on, let's just go on one date and if you feel miserable afterwards I won't ask you again. I promise.'' - He says.
-'' Noona, I think you should give him a chance.'' – Jin said. Hobi had a habit of asking her out and getting rejected wherever they are and that's usually with the rest of the group.
-'' Yeah, I've never seen him so persistent before.'' – Yoongi adds as he sipped his coffee. Hoseok put his face on his palms and blinked at her adoringly.
She took a deep exasperated sigh and leans forward towards Hoseok. -'' You promise you'll stop asking if I go out with you!?'' – She asked, and he shook his head still smiling.
-'' No.''
She leans back in her chair, crossing her arms.
His smile widens. -'' I promise to leave you alone after we go out and you don't like it, but if you do, then I'll ask you for the second one.'' - He says in full confidence. Jin was in awe.
-'' You are extremely cocky and full of yourself.'' – She said shaking her head, but the corners of her mouth twitched in an unwilling smile.
-'' Well I'm your Hope, your Angel and plus, no one ever had a lousy time with Hope, so you are in very good hands, Noona. I'll pick you up on Friday at seven. How's that?'' – He smiled widely and everyone cheered when she finally agreed.
Needless to say, she agreed on a second date as well... and the third... and the fourth. They are together for a year and a half now.
-'' Oh, finally, he is arriving!'' – Hoseok yelled one evening when they all chilled outside.
-'' Who?'' – Jimin asked and Jin perked his ears, hoping.
-'' My cousin. He was in the States and now he is finally coming back.'' – Hoseok said and Jin's heart leapt with excitement.
-'' Mingyu is coming back?'' - Yoongi asked surprised. -'' Well...it took him long enough. I hope he broke up with that vixen.'' He adds. He didn't like Mingyu's girlfriend at all, and Jin knew why. However, she still didn't screw them over and steal their songs, and Jin planned for it to stay that way.
-'' I have no idea.'' – Hoseok said. -'' We don't talk about her when he calls.''
Jimin giggled. – '' Is she that bad, Hyung?'' - Jimin asked Yoongi, who sat next to him.
Yoongi looked adoringly at Jimin. Yup, some things never change, at least with Yoongi. Jin thought.
-'' She is the worst, Jiminie, a harpy of a woman.'' - The man grits his teeth. - '' Mingyu deserves better.''
-'' Hyung...what would you say if I told you that I...sort of...like...umm...Yoongi Hyung?'' – Jimin asked suddenly one day. They were in the kitchen, while Jin cooked and Jimin keep him company.
Jin turned sharply to look at him. -'' You are not joking, right?'' – He asked, even though he knew the answer. Jimin loved to joke, but he was never joking about Yoongi. He shook his head in no.
Jin grins. -'' I would say that's great and that you should definitely go and tell Yoongi.''
Jimin's eyes went wide. -'' What!?!? Are you crazy Hyung!!?!?!? I can't tell him that!!!'' - He spluttered.
Jimin went red as a tomato. He brushed his hair back and started fidgeting in his chair. Jin sighed.
-'' Jiminie, Yoongi is head over heels in love with you.'' - Jin knew it was so this time around as well. Even though he and Yoongi weren't as close as they were in a parallel universe, Namjoon and Hoseok confirmed it in this one. Plus, it was painfully obvious.
-'' What!?!?'' - Jimin gasped. -'' You are kidding me, Hyung?!!
-'' Would I be joking about that?'' – Jin asked tiredly.
Jin had a very special relationship with Jimin that was different from Taehyung's and Jungkook's, and even Namjoon's as well. Jimin was his happy pill, the one he loves to talk about everything and nothing. The reasonable and the responsible one. Jin knew that he could lean on Jimin with house chores and other obligations more than he ever could with the youngest two. Jimin was just a perfectionist and Jin loved that about him.
So, naturally, their long conversations were always meaningful, which is why Jimin knew that Jin would never joke about something as serious as this. It is, after all, why Jimin came to him in the first place to discuss his troubled emotions. If anyone could understand how he feels, it was Jin.
-'' N-no...'' - Jimin muttered in answer to Jin's question.
Jin nods. -'' There you go...go and talk to him.''
-'' But Hyung...'' -Jimin was fidgeting. He was nervous. -'' What if....what if you are wrong and he doesn't like me?''
Jin snorts amusingly. -'' I'm never wrong.'' - He says and then claps with his palms. - '' Go get your man, Jiminie!''
Jimin jumps from the chair and rushed past Tae, who just got in through the front door.
-'' Yah, Jiminah where are you going?''
-'' Out TaeTae, got to go...see you later!'' – And he disappeared.
Taehyung looks confusingly after his friend and then turns to Jin, who continued cooking lunch. -'' What was that all about?'' - Taehyung asks.
Jin continued to stir the meat that's been sizzling in the pan. -'' Oh, he went to confess to Yoongi that he likes him.''
-'' Finally! I told him to do that, weeks ago!'' – Tea said exasperatedly.
-'' Well, some people are difficult to understand their own minds.''
Tae thought a little. -''Like Namjoon Hyung? He is still in denial of liking men.''
Jin considers his words and then shook his head. -'' No...I don't think he is. I genuinely think he likes women and just women.''
Taehyung rolls his eyes. -'' Hyung, you don't need to pretend. I know something happened between you two, even though you won't tell me.'' – He said accusingly. He sat on the chair next to the fridge so he will have the perfect eye on his Hyung.– '' I tell you everything and yet you hide things from me, now how is that fair?''
Jin chuckles. -'' Oh, TaeTae, why would I bother you with my stuff? You have the stuff of your own to think about.''
Taehyung was affronted. -'' Because you are my best friend, Hyung and I want to know!''
Jin glances at him before returning his eyes to the food. -'' I thought Jimin and Kookie were your best friends.''
Tae shook his head. – ''No, no, no... Jimin is my soulmate, Kookie is the love of my life and you are my best friend.'' - Taehyung clarifies and Jin snorts. -'' Now, what happened between Namjoon Hyung and you, Hyung?''
Jin chuckled at Tae's words. He was so adorable and gorgeous at the same time. Jin was so proud of him. He grew up to be a great and beautiful man.
-'' Nothing much.'' - Jin says, adding mushrooms. -'' I lost my virginity with Namjoon.''
-'' What!?!?!'' -Taehyung almost jumps from his chair. His mouth was open in shock. -'' And you kept that information from me!?!?! Hyung!!! How could you??!?'' – Tae shouted.
-'' Don't shout, Tae.'' - Jin scolds gently. -'' I didn't want everyone to know, and besides it would make Namjoon embarrassed. You know how he is. The thing is, it just happened. It was one time only and that was it.''
Taehyung frowns. -'' Hyung, how could that be? You had sex...he was your first and yet, that was it?''
Jin shrugs. -'' Namjoon and I don't fit in a relationship.'' - He says while adding a bit of chopped kimchi to the meat. -'' Joonie could never be with a man.''
Taehyung clicks his tongue. -'' I never thought that Namjoon Hyung would be scared to admit that he loves you that much.'' – Tae said annoyed.
Jin raises his eyes to look at him affectionately. -'' Oh, don't be angry at Namjoonie.'' – He defends their friend. – '' He is really understanding towards everything. He is just not into men TaeTae.''
Taehyung wasn't buying it. -'' But you...'' – He begins but Jin interjected.
-'' Yes, yes, but Namjoon is only gay for me and no one else. He is not gay...he is not even bi... he is straight as he could be. He just had a long-time crush on me, that's all and now, we are both calm. He is dating one girl from his class and is happy with her. I'm truly glad for him.''
Taehyung grunts at that, but finally he accepts it. He looks worryingly at his favourite Hyung. -'' Are you sure you are okay?'' – He asks softly and Jin made an aww sound, turned off the stove and went to him. He pulled him onto his feet and hugged him tightly.
-'' Thank you for worrying about me, but there's no need. I am fine, honestly.'' - Jin says to Tae's shoulder before he leans back to look at one another. -'' To tell you the truth, I am more excited to meet Hobi's cousin. I wonder what he is like.'' – Jin pretends to wonder and Tae's eyes went wide again.
-'' You do? But he has a girlfriend.'' –Tae said, eyeing him.
Jin smirks. -'' For now...maybe they broke up, who knows. Nothing is certain.''
-'' You think you can seduce him?'' – Tae asked and Jin smiled wickedly.
-'' If I like him, and I feel I might, then yes. Yes, I do, but don't tell anyone.''
And sure, Hoseok's older cousin came. His charismatic nature and friendliness charmed them all in mere moments. Yoongi hugged his friend tightly, saying how much he missed him and asked if she came to Korea as well. Mingyu laughed wholeheartedly and say not at the moment. They were taking a break from their relationship.
Yoongi brightened at that, mentally giving himself the task of finding Mingyu a suitable replacement. He told him as much. Mingyu laughed again and Jin felt warmth hearing the sound of it. He missed it.
Mingyu looked so good, so sexy and beautiful. Jin almost slapped himself for his behaviour. He didn't properly meet the man and he already imagined their life together, the perks of living similar life before.
Mingyu bowed politely to all of those he didn't know before, but when he saw Jin, he stopped in his tracks. He squints his eyes. -'' Do I know you from somewhere?'' – He asked and Jin's heart quickened.
-'' No, I don't think so. I'm sure I would remember you.'' – Jin answered, smiling charmingly and Mingyu wasn't immune to it.
-'' No?'' -Mingyu asks through a handsome smile. -'' Well that's the shame. We will have to fix that.'' - He looks at Jin from head to toe and he liked what he saw. He liked it very much.
They sat together and talked, getting to know each other better. Mingyu said quietly to Jin how happy he is that Yoongi and Hoseok finally find someone to love, someone who loved them back. He liked Jiminie and Mei very much. He liked the rest of them as well, but he certainly very much liked Jin. He didn't lose time telling him just how much.
This time there weren't horrors of Jin's past, or his obsession towards V. This time Jin wasn't incomplete, lost and afraid. He wasn't cold and cruel. This time Jin was ready. He was ready to love and to be loved. He needed it and he wanted it and Mingyu was just right for him.
Jin was happy. He was surrounded by the people he loved more than anything. Together they will walk through some happy and some hard times, but they will always be together. Jin knew this...he felt this in his bones, in his heart and his mind...he felt it in his core being which was purring satisfactorily. His eyes found Tae's and the young man smiled with purest love towards his big brother, holding Kookie's hand in his. Tae was safe, Jin was safe, V was satisfied and everything was just right.
To all of you who are with me on this last chapter, thank you! Thank you for being patient and for all of your support.
I hope that the end was to your liking because I am a sucker for happy endings. The story was dark and realistic and it shows what could happen when you least expect it. How one's life could crumple and how often we wish that we could turn back time and do things differently.
I enjoyed writing this story. It helped me a lot to become a better writer. Thank you for reading all the way and I purple you very much 💖
Yours truly, Ssscilla 💖
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