Butterfly - Ch.4
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Hoseok and Jin arrived at Yoongi's apartment only to find a bunch of people, neighbours and pedestrians standing in small groups in front of the building, looking upwards, with worried expressions on their faces. There was a cloud of thick smoke coming from a few windows of the building.
-'' What's going on?'' – Hoseok asked, while Jin frantically searched for Yoongi among the crowds with his eyes.
The buzzing sound of many voices rambled. – "Have someone called the fire department?!" - One voice called.
-" Yeah they are on their way!" - Came the answer.
-" Is there anyone else in the building?!" - The third voice wanted to know.
-"I don't know!'' - The second voice answered as well. - '' I pressed the alarm as soon as I saw smoke coming from 8D!"
Both Jin's and Hoseok's eyes widen when they heard the number of the apartment.
-'' Sorry, did you say 8D!?'' - Hoseok asked the man.
-'' Yeah.''
-'' Yoongi!!'' – Jin yelled and started running inside the building, ignoring the protests and yells of the other people. Hoseok was on his heels.
It took them a while until they climbed Yoongi's floor since the elevators didn't work due to a lack of power.
The door of Yoongi's apartment was locked, but Jin could feel the heat emanating from it.
-'' Yoongi!!!!! Yoongi, open up!!'' - He yelled, feeling his eyes grow teary from the black smoke coming through the bottom of the door.
-'' Fuck! What are we going to do?! Do you think he is in there?!'' – Hoseok asked in a panic.
-'' When I left him, he told me he was going to sleep again!'' - Jin said frantically. -'' I don't think he left! But I pray that he did!'' - He said and turned to bang on the door. -'' Yoongi!!!''
Jin started hitting the door with his shoulder as harder as he could.
-'' I will call him, maybe he left!'' – Hoseok shouted, feeling his heart choking him in his throat. –'' Please pick up...please pick up... be out...be out... please, please, please...'' - He chanted while Yoongi's phone rang. -'' He's not picking up!!!'' – He shouted, tears brimming in his eyes, but Jin heard something inside the room.
-'' What are we...'' - Hoseok started, but Jin cut him with one loud shush.
-'' Listen...'' - Jin perched his ear on the door, bringing his t-shirt to his nose to protect himself from the black smoke.
-'' Call him again!'' – He said, coughing slightly and Hoseok obeyed instantly. A weak ringing sound within the apartment made ice daggers pierce Jin's body all over the place.
-'' No...no!!!'' - Jin wanted to cry from hopelessness. -'' Yoongi!!! Damn it!!!'' – He shouted and started charging at the door. One hit... two hits... three hits... he started hissing from the pain in his shoulder, but he didn't care. Yoongi was in there....four hits...boom the door crushed inwards at fifth, and Jin thanked his good reflexes because he stopped himself just in time not to stumble in the thick smoke that rushed out immediately, blinding them for a few seconds, tears streaming down their faces.
Jin squints his eyes, trying to see inside the room. -'' Yoongi!!!!'' – He shouted and coughed.
Jin pulled back to gain a better grounding.
-'' Stay here!'' – He said to Hoseok and then jumped into a burning room.
-'' Jin, no!!!'' – Hoseok shouted, but Jin didn't register. His eyes searched for Yoongi and he tried not to breathe, so he won't choke. He rushed to Yoongi's room and there he lay on the floor, unmoving. His bed, piano and table were ablaze...burning down completely. It was unbearably hot in here.
-'' Shit Yoongi....fucking shit...you fucking asshole... '' - Jin reached down to grab the man. - ''You stupid bloody fool... how dare you!? Fucking hell!'' – Jin cursed while dragging Yoongi from the pit of fire out to safety.
-'' Don't you fucking dare die on me Min Yoongi!!! Shit...'' - Jin growled as he struggled. -'' You better be alive, you asshole, so I could kick your ass bloody...'' - Jin shouted and coughed from the smoke. He picked up Yoongi on his back. He was so limp and lifeless. Jin continued to curse him through gritted teeth, so he wouldn't scream from the fear and panic he felt. He coughed heavily. The door seemed so far away.
-'' Jin!!!'' – Hoseok shouted and Jin ran, as much as he could, with Yoongi on his back. He couldn't breathe properly, he felt weak all of the sudden. He was suffocating, the smoke was too big. He felt his knees buckle and he nearly stumbled down, when someone grabbed him for his arm. Jin looked up and saw Hoesok, pulling them out.
They reach the building hallway and continued downstairs. They almost collided with firefighters that were rushing up to extinguish the fire. One of them took Yoongi from Jin's back and Hoseok helped Jin, who has difficulty breathing.
The fire department, police and ambulance were outside. Jin couldn't register what was going on, because his throat was burning from inhaling too much smoke and every breath was painful. He panted, body spasms shook his body and then he fell.
Jin awoke in the hospital. He looked around, trying to set his thoughts straight. What's happened? Why I'm I here? He thought, but the last images hit him harshly and he croaked.
-'' Yoongi...Y...Yoongi!''
-'' Jin...'' - Jin recognized Mingyu's voice. He turned his head and there he stood red eyes and a face full of pain and worry.
-'' Min...Mingyu?'' - Jin blinked a few times, trying to figure out whether he is still sleeping or not. -'' Where is Y-Yoongi? Is he...? Is he...alright?'' – Jin barely croaked.
Mingyu's face was very serious. -'' He is taken care of...here in the hospital.''
-'' Is he going to be alright?'' – Jin asked again, wanting to slap Mingyu for not giving him all the information right away, but making him ask.
Mingyu shook his head. -'' We still don't know...'' - He almost but cried. -'' The doctors said that he inhaled too much smoke, it...it caused some lung damage. He was put on a respiratory machine, to help him breathe.''
Jin felt his heart sink at this information. -'' H-have you seen him?''
-'' Yes...he is in a coma now.'' - Mingyu answered and Jin felt like his entire world is crashing down again.
-'' Coma?'' - His voice trembled. -'' For...for how long?''
-'' We don't know that either.'' - The tear fell down Mingyu's cheek. -'' Hobi and Kyungsoo are with him now. We need to wait until he wakes up...''
-'' How did it happen?'' - Jin needed to know. -'' The police... what did the police say?''
Mingyu bend his head down, gnawing his lip. -'' The fire department said that the fire was set, with gasoline. It started on the bed.'' - He raised his eyes. They look at each other for almost a minute, Jin already knowing the answer he didn't want to hear.
-'' Yoongi...'' - Mingyu's lip quivered. -'' Yoongi tried to k-kill himself...'' - He said and Jin started crying.
-'' Fuck no...'' - Jin covered his face with his hand, face scrunched in pain. -'' No Yoongi no...you fucking asshole...no...''
Jin sobbed and Mingyu held him in his arms, tears streaming down his face. Bloody fool! Jin screamed inside.
-'' Tell me he is going to be fine, please...please, tell me...'' - Jin begged inconsolably.
Mingyu choked out a sob. -'' I cannot Hyung. There is a chance for him to recover, but...all that smoke...he was there for too long....his lungs could collapse...he...he could die Hyung.''
Jin cried even more...deep, harsh sobs shook his entire body. He remembered the feeling of Yoongi's body in his arms as he dragged him out of the fire. The ashen-looking face that looked like it was...lifeless... Jin was shaking and having problems with breathing. He started panting.
-'' I can't... b-breathe...'' - Jin grasped at Mingyu's hand, barely managing to breathe the words out. Panic taking over him, he started tossing, clutching his throat. Mingyu couldn't make him calm down so he shouted for someone, Jin didn't know...he couldn't hear and comprehend anything. Yoongi tried to kill himself... fuck...fuck... The voice echoed in his mind, amplifying until it was booming so loud... Kill himself... kill himself... Yoongi tried to kill himself...Tae...Tae!!!
That's when memories strike Jin with the force again...they were stronger this time. The pain he felt erupted and came crashing through his mind, dragging him deep into dept. Jin was helpless.
-"Jinnie Hyung, please come with me! I want to go!" – Tae whined, pleadingly, but Jin was already shaking his head.
-"No, Tae I don't want to, go alone."
-"But Hyung, it's too late!"
-'' Then don't go Tae! I really don't want to go."- Jin stood in his courtyard and watched the young boy, twisting his shirt and watching him pleadingly. Tae was stubborn.
- "Jinnie Hyung, please come with me! I really, really want to go!"
-'' Why do you want to go to that stupid party so bad, Tae? There are going to be some older kids that I really don't like. They smoke and drink and some of them use drugs even. Why do you want to go?''
-'' Because it's the first time I'm invited to one. Please Hyung, it will be fun.'' - Came a pleading voice of his dongsaeng.
-'' Tae, it's a house party and Minho Hyung is famous for throwing wild parties when his parents are on business trips...'' -Jin started, but Tae interjected.
-'' But Minho Hyung is so cool. He is really nice to me.''
-'' Tae I know he likes you... he is a good guy, but he is a popular one and whole other different kinds of kids will be there. Some of them are really real troublemakers. Don't go Tae. Don't be silly. There will be time to go to parties.''
-'' But Hyung...''- Tae started again.
-'' Tae Tae...enough.'' - Jin says sternly. -'' I promise I'll make it up to you. I will take you to the Arcade tomorrow. We will spend the entire day playing and I'll buy you an ice cream. How's that sound?'' – Jin tried and he could see the gears in the boy's mind spinning as he weighed his options. His first party or Arcade with ice cream?
-'' You will have a much better time with me, be sure of that. '' – Jin added and that was a mistake since Tae pouted.
-'' But Hyung I've been to the Arcade and I know that we always have fun, but I've never been to a party before. If I don't go, I will die of curiosity. Please...pretty please...just for half an hour...just to see how it is...'' - He placed his palms together in a pleading manner. -'' Please Hyung and then we will go home.''
-'' It's already 10:30, Tae. My parents would never allow me to go out so late. I am sorry.''
-'' But we could sneak out... no one will know.''– Tae's eyes gleamed with mischief.
-'' No, Tae!'' – Jin was stern. – '' Go home and go to bed!''
-'' But Hyung...''
-'' Tae...Don't test my patience. Forget that stupid party and go home. You will have other chances for partying, when you are a little older, I promise you that.''
Tae scowled. -'' What? Like you do? Hyung you never go to parties and I know you get invited.''
-'' It's because I don't like to go there...they are no fun...no one knows how to play games... everyone wants to flirt and drink and shove tongue into your mouth...''
Tae's eyes were huge from curiosity. -'' Did someone do that to you?''
-'' What? No Tae... no...I'm just saying... It's not very fun.''
Jin sighed when he saw Tae's expression.
-'' Tae. Go home.'' – He said gently, patting Tae's hair. – ''Sleep well and I'll see you tomorrow. We will have fun. I promise.''
-'' Pinky promise?'' – Tae asked defeated, raising his little finger in front of his Hyung.
Jin smiled at his cuteness and wrapped his small finger around Tae's.
-'' Pinky promise.'' - He said.
The memory flashed forward. Jin was in his room, in his bed, ready to sleep, when his phone rang. It was Tae...
-'' Hyung... Hyung h-help me...'' - Tae was barely audible through the phone. Jin jumped from the bed.
-'' Tae! Tae, where are you? '' - He shouted frantically. -'' Tell me where are you right now?''
Tae sobbed. -'' I don't know Hyung...it...it hurts...''
-'' Tae! Try to calm down and describe to me where you are...'' - Jin tried to be calm for Taehyung's sake, but his heart threaten to bust out of his chest.
-'' I'm bleeding Hyung... I'm.... oh God...'' - He began sobbing and squealing.
-'' Tae! Tae!!!'' - Jin shouts.
-'' Jin!?'' - Came his father's voice from the hall. He rushed into Jin's room, eyes wide, with his mother behind. She was worried.
-'' Jin, what's wrong? Where is Taehyung?'' – She asked.
Jin turned to look at them, eyes filled with panic. -'' I don't know, mum. He's not telling me.'' - He answers them, clinching his phone to his ear. -'' Tae! Are you at the party?'' - He asks.
-'' No...'' - Came the weak answer. -'' I... I was...but they dragged me away... they...'' - He was crying heavily now. Jin couldn't understand him.
-'' Abuji! Please, we have to go to Choi Mihno's house!'' - Jin turns to his father. -'' Tae must be there! Tae! Tae! Can you hear me? We are coming to get you!''
-'' You are staying at home! ''– His father pointed a finger at him. - '' I'm going to search for him. Call his parents!'' – He told his wife.
-'' I am coming with you!'' – Jin said.
-'' No you are not!''
-'' Abuji! Tae is hurt, we need to get him! If you make me stay I will just be right behind you!''
-'' Seokjin!'' – His father warned, but Jin cuts him.
-'' Abuji, you can ground me later, but now Tae needs us.'' - He turns his attention to his phone again. -'' Tae! I'm coming! Hold on! Tae!?'' - But there was only silence on another line. Jin called again, only to be notified that the caller is unavailable.
-'' Abuji! Let's go! Hurry! ''
Jin twist and turns, body shaking in the hospital bed. The veins on his neck looked like they are going to burst.
-'' Doctor, he is having a seizure!'' – The nurse said. Jin's mind was in a swirl...he rush in and out of his consciousness. He could hear the bustling of the doctors and nurses around him, but at the same time, he was deep into dark memories he had locked deep...deep inside his mind.
-'' Tae!'' - Jin was panicking severely. They came to Minho's house, only to find out that Tae wasn't there anymore.
Minho, who was quite surprised seeing them here, said that he left Tae near the snacks since he had to mingle with his other guests as well, but couldn't find him there when he returned. He just thought that Taehyung wandered somewhere and was having fun.
-'' He is a fourteen-year-old kid!!! How could you just leave him there!?'' – Taehyung's father yelled at him, but Minho snapped back.
-'' Why did you let him come then?!''
-'' I did not!! He sneaked out!''
-'' Well that's not my problem!'' – Minho shouted back, but suddenly remembering to whom he was talking to, he bowed a little in apology. -'' Forgive me, Mr Kim, I cross the line. I apologize. Taehyung must be here somewhere! We will search for him! ''
The music was too loud, but they looked over everywhere. They found many tangled bodies of kids making out... some of them were dozing off with open mouths...some were completely drunk. Jin's father watched this with disgust, but even though he was looking composed, Jin knew he felt anxious. He loved Tae. Tae's father and brother were frantic.
When they searched the entire house and there was no sign of Tae anywhere, the police were called as well. Taehyung's battery died, so Jin couldn't reach him.
Everyone at the party was interrogated at the scene. Few of them witnessed a boy, Teahyung's description was at the party, in the company of a few older boys. Only one saw in which way they went and pointed it out.
Jin rushed there behind the police with his and Tae's fathers and brother. It was a few yards from the house, in the unlighted part of the neighbourhood, near the parking lot, when they found him. Jin's heart screamed when his eyes fell on his bests friend.
Tae was bruised and bloodied, half-naked from the waist down, panting from pain.
-'' Tae!!!'' – Jin screamed, but was caught by his father's strong arms. – '' No! Tae! Let me go! He needs me! Let me go!!!''
-'' Taaaaaaeeeee!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!'' – Jin screamed.
-'' His heart rate is extremely high! He will fall into epileptic shock!'' - The nurse announced.
Tae was rapped by four older boys. He was always beautiful and handsome, with a thin waist, long limbs and an innocent face. He was mischievous but never mean. He gave his friendship and trust easily and Jin adored him. Everybody did, he was so easy to love. His bright nature drew people to him and that's why, the idea of someone hurting him like this, was terrifying.
-'' I am so sorry Tae... I am so sorry...'' - Jin cried, holding Tae's hands. They were in the hospital, where Taehyung lay. They were both crying.
-'' Hyung...'' -Tae said weakly.
-'' They caught them... '' - Jin says, thinking of the four monsters that did this. Jin wanted them to pay. He wanted to hurt them. -'' They caught the bastards that did this to you... everything is going to be fine Taehyungie... You are going to be fine...''
-'' Hyung... '' -Taehyung whispers. -'' Nothing is going to be f-fine...''
A few months later, Jin came into the living room and saw his mother crying and his father on the phone. His face was deadly serious, but his eyes were sad.
-'' What's going on?'' - Jin asked and his mother raised her face from her handkerchief.
-'' It's....it's Tae, honey. He...he killed himself...''
Three people were killed and five of them badly injured in Gwacheon Tuesday afternoon when a fourteen-year-old K.T.H. fell from the bridge on the busy highway road at 16:20, local time. The body of the young boy fell directly on one of the vehicles passing under. The impact caused the vehicle to collide with several other vehicles, before it run off the road and flew across the concrete wall, falling off the cliff. The vehicle, which burst into flames, killed 48-year-old Kim Sejun and his wife 47-year-old Jaeun, leaving their only son Kim N.J (15) to receive the devastating news.
The police believe that the fourteen-year-old boy K.T.H. previously known to the public as a victim of sexual assault, a few months ago, died from injuries caused by the force of the fall. The police suspect it was a suicide.
-"Namjoon changed when his parents died in a car crash. There was a story about a boy, who committed suicide by jumping from a bridge on the road. Namjoon's parents happened to drive under it at that moment. It was all over the news." – Jisung said.
The pain in Jin's head was splitting him in half, it was too much... too...fucking...much.
Yoongi tried to k-kill himself...kill himself...Yoongi... kill himself...kill... It's....it's Tae honey. He...he killed himself...Tae...Tae...Yoongi...Tae...killed himself...killed himself...Tae!! Yoongi!! Tae!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
Should I prepare for my funeral? Or will you give me a chance to write some more? Life always has good and bad periods. Sometimes people we love the most leave us first, leaving a huge hole in our hearts. Thank you for reading.
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