Butterfly - Ch.15
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Jin entered Mingyu's club through the VIP section. He was a regular now and security knew him as one of the Mingyu's closest friends. They let him in without a blink. The place was packed with people. The atmosphere was lit and everyone had a great time. No wonder it was one of the Hot spots in the city.
Jin caught a glimpse of the man he wanted to see. Mingyu was on the upper level, talking with his managers, and smiling. He had a microphone earbud in his ear and was saying something in it, probably to the security staff on the lower parts. He saw him then and Mingyu's face grew stern.
Mingyu was watching him for a few more seconds, blinking disappointingly before he turned and went to his office. Kyungsoo followed him soon after. Jin ordered a drink and finish it in one take before spraying his mouth with mint mouth freshener.
He passed through the crowd and went straight to Mingyu's office, but on his way up he met Kyungsoo, who watched him disapprovingly.
-'' Greetings.'' - Kyungsoo spoke politely. -'' I didn't expect you here tonight...or like at all.'' - He was really trying hard to hide the sarcasm from his voice, but failing.-'' I thought you are in France.''
Jin saw right through him and he snorted. -'' I just came back.'' - He said with a doze of venom.
Even though he and Kyungsoo had a respectful acceptance of one another, Jin still felt like Kyungsoo was intentionally keeping his distance from him. Sometimes, he thought that Kyungsoo could see right through all of his masks, through the carefully placed façade, right in his deepest darkness. Jin shuddered at the thought.
Kyungsoo forced a pleasant smile. -'' Then you must be tired, I'm surprised you are here. The flight from Paris must be some 11 hours or so, if I'm not mistaken.''
Jin tilts his head to the side, smiling teasingly. -'' You are carefully informed about everything as always, Kyungsoo. I'm impressed.'' - He says with similar politeness he was subjugated. He could see the nerve under Kyungsoo's eye twitch from annoyance. Jin loved it. -'' Yes, I am tired, but I want to see Mingyu. Is he inside?'' - He asks, the mask of innocence on his face.
Kyungsoo eyed him. -'' He is quite busy with work. Maybe you should return some other time.'' - He said through gritted teeth.
Jin laughed. -'' Ah, Kyungsoo, always so careful, so protective.'' - Jin reached and placed a hand on Kyungsoo's arm, patting it. Kyungsoo's eyes followed it like they wanted to burn Jin's hand off. -'' You worry too much. Besides, Mingyu knows how to take care of himself.'' – The look in Kyungsoo's eyes grew darker, which made Jin purr inside his mind. He loved rattling Kyungsoo's cage. Now I know how Yoongi always feels. Jin chuckles and pulls back his hand.
Kyungsoo knew this as well. -'' Not when you are around, no.'' - He says.
Jin bit his lip to stop himself from grinning.
-'' No, as you don't worry enough when I'm around or, no, as Mingyu doesn't know how to take care of himself...when I'm around?'' – He asked slowly, deliberately dragging his words, teasing Kyungsoo. His inner beast was awake, he wanted to play and Kyungsoo was an obstacle to his prey. Jin seriously considered whether to play along or simply lash out at Kyungsoo, when the latter spoke, drawing nearer.
-'' Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. It's an irritating habit of yours.'' - Kyungsoo's voice changed, becoming sterner and grumpier. -'' You use your beautiful looks on people, acting all sweet and silly, even dumb sometimes, so they will let down their guard and allow you to approach them closer.'' - He almost spat the words. Jin was surprised and utterly amused. Kyungsoo, on other hand, wasn't done. -'' You are one hell of a careful strategist. Your victims don't know what's hit them when you suddenly attack.''
Jin blinked a few times. That was the most perfect observation of his character ever. He purred satisfactorily. - '' Oh, Kyungsoo, do you think I'm beautiful?'' - He came closer to Kyungsoo, but the man only snorted.
-'' Your powers don't work on me, you know that.''
Jin laughed. -'' Oh, I do... but you seriously starting to get on my nerves by standing there, denying me the passage to the person I explicitly came to see tonight.'' - Jin hisses for the first time this evening. He leans closer, the voice becoming calm once more. -'' Why is that Kyungso? I wonder...'' - Jin feigns wonder, tilting his head and tapping his cheek with his index finger.
Kyungsoo was unmoved. He placed his hands in his pants pockets and look at Jin quite boringly. -'' No, one is stopping you.'' - He says coldly, but then he got another expression on his face, almost regretful and sad -'' Just don't break that fool's heart again.''
Jin raised his eyebrow at that.
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes in annoyance. - '' You are doing that again, you keep acting ignorant when we both know that I know everything that's going on in Mingyu's life. Everything.'' - He repeats the last word more pointedly.
Jin let an amusing chuckle. -'' Oh, Kyungsoo, if only you weren't such a moralist and perfectionist all the time, we could be good friends even.''
For the first time that evening, Kyungsoo had shown the smallest trace of humour. -'' Maybe in a parallel universe.''
Jin burst out laughing. Deep down he had a like/dislike relationship with Kyungsoo.
At first, they were quite alright. Their conversations were easy if a bit serious, but Jin didn't mind them. But everything changed after Jin started seeing Mingyu. Kyungsoo disapproved in the same way he disapproved of Yoongi. He was overly protective over Mingyu and Jimin, and that was that.
Hoseok told Jin that Jin reminded Kyungsoo of Mingyu's ex-fiancée when he saw how whipped Mingyu was for him. It took them all by surprise when Mingyu admitted that he liked Jin a bit too much to the entire group one night when they were having a hang out without Jin, with too much beer and takeout. They were all tipsy and Mingyu simply let it slip. Hoseok only laughed, since he already knew about them, while Jimin gaped openly, quite surprised, making mental note to tell Yoongi about it tomorrow... but Kyungsoo... Kyungsoo's brows furrowed, he was watching his best friend worryingly.
Now however Kyungsoo was warning Jin about the consequences of his actions towards his best friend. He silently conveyed to him the threat of pain if he hurts Mingyu more than he already did. Jin knew it has everything to do with the fight Mingyu and he had before his trip to Japan with Jimin. Jin just coldly left, causing dishevelled Mingyu to drown his sorrow in alcohol. Jin didn't call him for a month and a half since he was away, not even a message and Mingyu grew quiet. Kyungsoo felt intense fury towards Jin and deep sorrow for his best friend, but there is nothing he could do, but make sure that Mingyu always have something to occupy his mind with.
-'' Don't play with his feelings... Hyung.'' - He added the last part mockingly. Kyungsoo didn't feel an ounce of respect towards Jin anymore, but he was always best behaved.
Jin was too horny to even think about Kyungsoo's words at the moment. He will later on, but for now, he just wanted to punch his face. Instead, Jin just pulled the slyest facial expression and spoke in a low, alluring voice. -'' Don't worry, Kyungsoo, he is a big boy...'' - He said and then added pointedly. -'' MY big boy...''
Kyungsoo clenched his jaw and glared at Jin, but Jin walked pass him. Just before he reached the door, however, he heard Kyungsoo's words. -'' Be careful. Karma always comes to collect her dues.''
Jin turned to look at him. - '' Is that a threat?''
Kyungsoo just shrugged and left.
Jin took a deep sigh to calm the fury he felt and focus on his burning arousal that was on for a few hours. He had to have Mingyu now. His body was awake. All of his nerves were tingling in expectation. The dream he has was still thundering in his mind. He still could feel V's embrace, his words, his ownership, leaving Jin's body in a state of extreme alert, sending heat waves and he was horny as hell. Jin knew that V would never yield to the passion and the cold empty rooms showed that he hasn't been home for a week or more...
Right now, he wanted to be touched, to be filled completely. Mingyu was the obvious choice and Jin did miss him a bit too much. They were just sexually compatible almost to perfection and Jin wasn't crazy to let him slip his fingers over some stupid misunderstanding.
He typed the code of Mingyu's office and saw him sitting at his table, now looking at Jin standing at the door. Jin looked all sexy and desirable and Mingyu could barely hold himself back. It took all of his mind's power to stay cold and uninterested.
-'' What do you want, Hyung?'' – He said, lowering his gaze back on the papers in front of him, pretending to work.
Jin smirked wickedly, knowing exactly what Mingyu was doing. He was trying to make him wait, to show him that he is not Jin's toy and that he can resist him, but he was failing. Jin could feel the sexual tension emanating from Mingyu's body. He was whipped for Jin entirely.
-'' You.'' – Jin answered sensually.
Mingyu snorted, shaking his head slightly and continue to write down something. He heard a rustling sound and raised his eyes just in time to see something that made his dick throb in his pants painfully.
Jin unbuttoned his shirt and was now proceeding to take it off. He left it to fall to the ground as he took a few steps towards the table.
-'' What the hell do you think you're doing?'' – Mingyu asked with a raised eyebrow.
Jin tilts his head to the side. -'' What does it look like to you?'' - He asks teasingly.
-'' Hmm...it looks like you're trying to show me your naked upper body, but I don't understand yet why.'' - The man on the desk answered, his voice a bit strangled. His eyes never left Jin.
-'' Oh, is that so?'' - Jin smiles seductively. -'' Let me help you then.''
Jin unbuttoned his jeans. A small patch of hair was shown. That information burned deeply in Mingyu's mind. Jin came prepared, without his underwear, sending a very clear message of what he wanted. Mingyu wanted to send him off, but his body says otherwise, so he kept his silence, waiting.
-'' What? No words, Mingyu?'' – Jin teased. - ''Good boy...you know how I like you silent. It allows your eyes, your tongue and your hands to speak instead.''
Mingyu's jaw clenched. -'' Get out.'' – He said.
-'' What?'' – Jin asked, not in the slightest surprised.
-'' I said get out, Jin. I don't want you here...I don't want you ever again...''
Jin clicks his tongue in mild annoyance. -'' Now that's a lie, Mingyu and you know I hate lies...'' - He says, still approaching the desk slowly.
Mingyu's knuckles whitened from how strong he was clenching his fist. -'' It's not a lie.'' - He says hotly, his chest raising and falling rapidly. -'' I don't want you...go and fuck Andreas for all I care...''
He was jealous. Jin thought satisfactorily and went closer. He leaned onto the flat surface on the desk, never breaking eye contact.
-'' No...'' - He simply said.
Mingyu's brows arched incredulously. -'' What did you say?''
-'' I said no, Mingyu...''
Mingyu sighed exasperatingly, looking anywhere but at Jin.
Jin nudged him with his knee gently. -'' What will you do now, Mingyu? Hmm?'' - He asks quietly. -'' Call Kyungsoo to throw me out...we both know how much he aches to do so.''
At that Mingyu looked at Jin surprisingly. -'' You are wrong!'' - He says seriously. -'' Kyungsoo doesn't have anything against you.''
Jin barked a laugh. - '' Sure he doesn't.''
Mingyu frowns at that, which only made Jin grin wider. -'' Darling...'' - Jin began joyfully. -'' He disliked me ever since the first time you stick your pretty cock up my ass.''
Mingyu shifted nervously and licked his lips. He loved when Jin talked dirty. It turned him on so much. -'' I'm sure you are wrong. ''– He persisted stubbornly, eyeing Jin's lips hungrily.
Jin nods. -'' Sure, sure...'' - Jin let his words trail as he let his hand run across Mingyu's neck and chest, gripping tightly at his shirt and pulling him onto his feet. Mingyu stood, chest heaving. Jin ripped the buttons off Mingyu's shirt and sent them flying all over the office. Mingyu did nothing to stop him. He let Jin take it off and toss it behind his head, somewhere on the floor.
Now the two men eyed each other with obvious desire. Jin let his fingers roam around Mingyu's chest, sending pleasant vibrations through Mingyu's body, still watching Jin's eyes, trying to find any evidence of mockery and lie.
-'' You have no idea how much my skin was aching for your touch.'' – Jin said and Mingyu cast him a doubtful look. -'' It's true.'' - Jin continued. -'' No one ever touches me the way you do...trust me I've searched.''
He watched him erotically, and it was so seductive that Mingyu had serious trouble keeping up with his stern and cold act. He wanted him too bloody much.
Still, the two can play that game, and Mingyu put his best mocking mask on. -'' Oh baby, how much you must have been searching then to come to that conclusion I wonder?'' - He asks with a pinch of venom in his words. He clicks his tongue in fake wonder. -'' I'm surprised that my friend Andreas didn't prove his skill better.'' – He spat the word friend and Jin could feel the anger behind those, seemingly calm words.
Jin ran his fingers over Mingyu's collarbones. -'' I don't know Mingyu. I didn't check.''
Mingyu arched his brow, not believing. -'' No? How strange...I thought you take everyone in your bed...Hyung.''
The words were meant to hurt, but they just made Jin mirth. -'' Indeed so...you are right. But strangely, ever since I took a certain man in my bed, I find the taste of others, not enough satisfying.'' – Jin purred, his fingers sliding to Mingyu's waist and chest.
-'' Yeah?'' - Mingyu asked. -'' And who that man might be? I might want to try him myself.''
His self-restraint was extremely difficult to bare now, especially when he could see Jin's erection poking from his pants, his head glistening with precum. Mingyu bit his lip harshly after he saw that. Jin smiled wickedly and moaned slightly, shifting his body a little, so Mingyu could stand between his legs more comfortably. He looked at Mingyu and with practised innocent round eyes said. -'' Oh, I don't think you will enjoy him that much...'' - He leaned his chest so he could brush against Mingyu's.
-'' And why is that? Isn't he handsome?'' - Mingyu wanted to know.
-'' Oh, very much.'' - Jin says knowingly, hands touching everywhere from the waist up. - '' But I believe fucking a mirror would be a bit cold and hard, don't you think?''
Mingyu's sense of humour got the best of him and his carefully planned mask of sternness fell off easily as the wide smile adorned his handsome face, but he took a grip on his emotions quickly.
-'' I could just call someone to open their pretty little mouths for me to fuck while I look at myself in the mirror.'' – Mingyu said, caressing Jin's waist.
Jin groaned in pleasure. – ''Or, you could just fuck my pretty little ass. I know you want to.''
Mingyu echoes Jin's groan. -'' I can do many, many things with that pretty little ass of yours...'' - He murmured, their lips touching slightly in small feathery kisses.
-'' Do it. Take me.'' - Jin ran his palm on the bulge in Mingyu's trousers, which caused the other to gasp and press their lips together in a deeper kiss. They pressed tightly against one another, kissing and licking each other in a horny fever they both felt so strongly.
Jin undid Mingyu's pants and pushed the hand inside so he can stroke him. Suddenly Mingyu stepped back, breaking the kiss. -'' Sorry... I can't...I...I don't want to be your puppet... your sex toy to play with... fuck this.''
He stepped around the table, leaving Jin completely dumbstruck.
-'' You are not my sex toy, Mingyu!'' – He says, but deep down he knew he was lying. Mingyu was that, and Jin would kick himself because of it. Still, it didn't change the fact that Jin used Mingyu for his own desires.
At first. The small voice in his head said. What if it's not the case anymore? You did miss him, right? Well yes sure, but... Then there is no but...you want him...you care for him. It might not be love right away, but there is affection still.
Mingyu's words cut the trail of his thoughts. -'' Yes, I am... you come only when you want sex, Jin. I haven't seen you for fuck knows how long and you haven't sent me even a bloody message.''
-'' I thought you were angry at me.'' - Jin says.
-'' I was angry at you!'' - Mingyu bellowed in frustration. - '' I'm still angry at you! That shouldn't stop you from trying.'' - He says and run a hand through his hair. -'' I'm angry because I mean nothing to you. I'm just a hot body in your eyes and here I am bleeding my heart for how much I fucking love you!''
Jin felt shame and regret. He felt like shit for doing that to Mingyu. He didn't say it out loud but barely listened to Mingyu's upcoming words. -'' You have no idea what you do to me, Jin?! You have no idea how much I want to be with you!''
He grew silent. His hands were on his hips as he was staring at the ground, trying to compose himself. He sighed weakly before he bends down to get his shirt from the floor to put it on.
-'' Mingyu...'' - Jin began, but his words were cut with a stiff. -'' Don't! Just...don't...just leave.'' – Mingyu said and went to button up his shirt only to realize that all of his buttons were ripped off. He huffed and laughed in irony.
-'' Baby.'' - Jin said again and went to touch him, but Mingyu jerked away.
-'' Don't you fucking do that Hyung! Don't use that pet name! Don't use me for sex if you can't love me at least a little. Please go.'' - There was hurt in Mingyu's voice, desperation and disappointment. He knew he fought against his desires, but he was tired to have his heart trampled on and on. He went to fetch Jin's shirt and then points at the door. -'' I have a ton of work to do. Here is your shirt. – '' He placed the fabric into his hands. – ''You know your way out, Hyung, please leave me.''
He went back to his place at the table. He sighed, placing his face in his hands and rubbing his eyes, elbows on the table. Mingyu could see Jin watching him silently before walking to the door to exit the office. Mingyu cursed himself. He cursed Kyungsoo for advising him to do it. It was for his own good, he knew that. He means nothing to Jin, except fuck buddy and if his feelings weren't involved, Mingyu would quite enjoy that arrangement, but sadly they were and Mingyu got hurt more and more with each time spent with Jin. He already didn't see him for a month and a half. He missed him like crazy. Jin's lips made his entire body on fire and Mingyu wanted to scream.
He suddenly heard small beeping noises at his office door, but the sound was not for opening, but rather completely locking it down. He raised his head from his hands to see Jin's hand on the door pad on the wall. Jin just typed in the code that locked the office entirely, banning anyone from the outside to enter. Satisfied, he turned to face Mingyu again.
Mingyu just stared at him, he was so tense. Jin walked back, dropping his shirt on the ground again and stood in front of Mingyu's chair.
-'' You are not my sex toy, Mingyu.'' - Jin spoke seriously with determination. -'' You haven't been that for quite some time, even though it took me a while to realize that when I was in Paris. I care for you. I'm not in love with you, but I care for you, I desire you and I enjoy being with you.'' -Mingyu just stared at Jin as he spoke those words. Each word gave him new hope, warmth and butterflies. He wanted to slap himself, but he forced himself to keep listening.
-'' I hope you can accept that for now...and...maybe...in time...'' - Jin pauses, spreading his hands to the side and then letting them fall back to his hips. -'' I would be able to be something more to you. But you are not just the body to me. You are a person whom I learned to respect and like very much. Please, believe me when I say this. I'm not lying to you.'' – He was sincere. He really did care for the young man.
Mingyu observed him carefully, searching for a small waver in voice or glint in Jin's eyes which will indicate a lie, but he found none.
-'' I believe you.'' – He said finally, wanting to believe him and Jin went to kiss him gently on the lips. His hand slid down towards Mingyu's pants again, but Mingyu stopped him. -'' Maybe if we skip the sex tonight...and just talk...''
-'' And how about we have sex tonight and then talk as long as you want, with food and wine?'' – Jin suggested.
The offer was very tempting, but Mingyu wanted to have things on his own rules tonight. -'' I'll take a rain check on that offer, Hyung.'' - He says and leans back on his chair. Jin kept observing him, making him squirm.
He clicks his tongue again and said. -'' Tell you what. If you could resist me for a whole minute, I will put back my clothes and we can do whatever you want.''
-'' I feel there is a word but in there.'' - Mingyu said.
Jin chuckled. -'' Well of course it is...because if you don't, you will fuck me on this table like you never did before... how's that?''
-'' Fuck, Hyung...'' - Mingyu groans, rubbing at his jaw.
-'' Yes yes, fuck Hyung, I agree...'' – Jin teased.
-'' Shut up. – Mingyu chuckled tiredly. He was so tired of resisting him. – ''One whole minute?''
-'' One minute.'' – Jin confirmed.
-'' Ok, take your best shot.'' - The man relaxed into his chair and gripped his arm resters, waiting for the show. He just needs to resist for a minute. He can do this! The man thought.
-'' Oh, Mingyu, you shouldn't say that.'' - Jin teased.
Mingyu checked his clock. – '' The clock is ticking, Hyung.''
Jin smiled seductively, wetting his lips with his tongue deliberately slow. His hands roamed his chest, caressing and groping. His hand went down to his crotch. He pulled his member out and started stroking it slowly, sensually, making small whimpers and moans, which drew Mingyu crazy. His body started rolling ever so slightly as he thrusts his hips in his hand, the head of his dick kept popping out of Jin's fist. Mingyu kept licking his lips, not able to avert his gaze from Jin's cock.
Jin then turned, hooking his right leg across Mingy's lap, so Mingyu had a perfect view of Jin's ass. He bends down on the table on his stomach, arching his back beautifully, exposing his backside for Mingyu's admiration. Mingyu gripped the armrests of his chair, his dick answering Jin's invitation. He wanted to bury his face in that ass, lick him silly, but he held his ground, wanting to succeed, even though he ached for Jin.
Jin hooked his thumbs around the waistband of his jeans and started to pull them over, slowly, erotically, exposing his ass inch by inch. Mingyu was panting now, gnawing on his lip. He glanced at his clock, forty seconds and counting. He returned his gaze to Jin's ass and he wished he didn't.
Right there between Jin's ass cheeks was a pink heart-shaped butt plug. Mingyu gasped at the sight. Jin turned his head to look at him seductively.
-'' I bought it just for you...baby.'' - And that was it...Mingyu's body froze. He was a goner. This was too much. Fuck the restraints...fuck the control...fuck everything. He growled and stood, grasping Jin's hair and pulling it harshly up so Jin's back was on Mingyu's chest. With one hand around Jin's neck, squeezing it, Mingyu kissed him with the biggest sexual hunger he ever felt in his own life.
Jin smiled and moaned loudly, when Mingyu took a hold of the heart plug, teasing Jin with the small rotations, aiming at the prostate. Jin mewled at the sensation, his legs were shaking from desire and all he wanted was to feel Mingyu inside.
Having been waiting enough, Mingyu slid down his pants, exposing his fully erect member. He spat in his hand and ran up and down his length and with one quick movement, he yanked the plug out, causing Jin to yelp and then scream when he felt Mingyu entering him without any preparations. Luckily Jin took some time to prepare himself before coming here. He knew that both of them would be impatient enough, so he made sure to pour enough lube inside of himself and spread his muscles sufficiently wide before sealing it with the plug, but it still hurt.
When Mingyu entered him, he was welcomed with wetness and warmth and he nearly sobbed from the overwhelming feeling. He bucked his hips quickly and deeply. Jin screamed again, this time from pleasure when he hit his sweet spot. He doubted anyone could hear him, since the office was soundproof and the music was too loud outside, but even if they did, Jin didn't care. He wanted people to know how good was Mingyu fucking him. How much pleasure he was giving him. Jin was ecstatic.
-'' Ah, yes yes...oh, fucking yes!'' - Jin placed his head on the table, moaning loudly. He was fucking him so good. So fucking good. God!
-'' Oh my God, I missed this so fucking much!'' – Mingyu growled, fucking him with fast and deep, just like Jin liked, making their skin slap on one another, together with their grunts and moans, it created a sinister sound that both of them loved.
Jin groaned in response, buckling his hips back to meet Mingyu's thrusts eagerly and spreading his ass with both of his hands so he can take more of him, blood buzzing with electricity caused by Mingyu's perfected hits on Jin's sweet spot.
-'' Oh....my...God!!!''
-'' Scream, baby.'' - Mingyu growls in Jin's ear. -'' Scream how much you love my cock....scream.'' – He bit Jin's neck while whispering obscenities. Jin enjoyed every second of it.
Outside of the office, Kyungsoo stood, observing the locked state of the office. He knew what that meant. It happened before. He took a tired sigh.
-'' God dammit, Mingyu...you and that damn sluty dick of yours.'' - He huffed in annoyance and turned to go back.
At the same time both of the men inside, screamed as their orgasms hit them suddenly. One kept burying himself further and further, sending his seed deep into the man, who was bent across the table and was spilling his cum all over the papers underneath him.
-'' Oh damn...oh fuck...oh my God, Mingyu...fuck...'' - Jin was trying to catch some very needed breath, still lying across the table. Mingyu simply fell down onto his chair, panting, both of their bodies sweat, muscles twitching.
-'' Damn, that was intense.'' - Mingyu breathed, squeezing his eyes so he could clear his vision which was blinded by the intense orgasm.
Jin raised himself on his hands, muscles shaking. – '' I think I spoiled your documents. I hope none of them was important.''
-'' Well...they were serious ones, but... ''- He drew a breath. – '' That colleague of mine loves a good naughty joke...so he would probably appreciate having cum filled document sent to him.''
They both laughed. Jin switched so he could lean on the table, but Mingyu pulled him to sit on his lap, hugging him and pressing Jin's back on his chest. Jin didn't mind this at all. He shifted slightly to make himself more comfortable, tossing one of his arms around Mingyu's shoulders. That was bloody awesome sex and a nice cuddle is welcomed always.
-'' Do I know him?'' – Jin asked and Mingyu thought a little.
-'' Do you know Seo Eunkwang?''
-'' The owner of the BtoB entertainment company? Of course, he is a good friend of mine. He often jokes and flirts with me, saying that he would die happy if he could have one night with me.''
Strangely, Mingyu wasn't jealous at all, maybe because he knew Eunkwang pretty well. The man loved good perverted jokes, plus he was in a happy relationship with Minhyuk for almost three years now, so Mingyu just laughed. -'' Then I should definitely tell him it is your personal inner signature.''
-'' Do you want him to choke on his morning coffee?'' - Jin asks and they both chuckle at that.
Mingyu sighed contently, but Jin rose up, making Mingyu groan at the loss of his warm body. He took his hand. -'' Hyung. Stay, please.''
Jin smiled. -'' Finish your work and go home. I'll wait for you there.''
Mingyu tensed, not believing what he just heard. -'' What do you mean?''
-'' I think I need a nice bubble bath after this and your bathtub is inviting me, plus my lower back muscles are arching, so I would need a massage and yes I'm looking at you.'' – He pulled up his pants, not bothering to clean himself up, allowing Mingyu's cum to drip down on his thigh, enjoying the tingling feeling between his ass cheeks. Mingyu groaned at the sight.
-'' Stop bloody teasing me all the time. ''
Jin grins wickedly. -'' Oh, but you love when I do that!''
Mingyu groans, but Jin continues in a more gentle way. -'' Maybe we could order some takeout, I am tired of cooking right now. And then we could watch some show or simply cuddle and sleep, I let you choose. How's that sound?''
Mingyu's eyes filled with tears and he blinked them, pretending to brush on his sweat, but Jin saw and again felt warm affection towards the man.
Mingyu cleared his throat. – '' That's...umm... that sounds like an awesome plan.''
-'' Good.'' – Jin finished putting on his clothes and went to peck Mingyu on his lips, but Mingyu pulled him into a deep meaningful kiss full of promises for later on.
-'' Wait for me.'' - He whispered.
-'' Hurry up.'' – Jin pecked his lips again and walked towards the door. He made sure that Mingyu had at least his pants on before he unlocked the door and went out.
On his way, he felt Kyungsoo's death stare and turns to face it. He returns with the same intensity, with added teasing smirk on his face. Kyungsoo's jaw muscles twitched and he averted his eyes from Jin.
After Jin left, Kyungsoo went to see his friend. Seeing a stupid grin on his face made him roll his eyes.
Mingyu grins happily. -'' Don't say anything...''
He stood up and went to dig through his office closet in search of some spare shirts.
-'' You are an idiot.'' – Kyungsoo said and Mingyu chuckled.
-'' I told you not to say anything. I know everything you will say to me and I tried I truly did, but he changed.'' – Kyungsoo raised his eyes to the ceiling and sighed exasperatedly.
Mingyu went on talking. -'' I know how it sounds, but I felt the difference and he is going to sleep at my house tonight. We will just chill.''
-'' Of course, he could chill now.'' - Kyungsoo says with annoyance. -'' Your office was locked from the inside, which means only one thing, and it reeks of sex.''
Mingyu's hearty laugh bellowed in the closed space.
-'' Oh, God you are awesome!'' - Mingyu says through laguhter.
Kyungsoo's bored expression didn't change at the affection.
-'' I just hope that you know what you are doing, Min.''
Mingyu considers his decisions. They feel right to him. He nods. -'' I think I do...I honestly do.'' - He looks at his best friend. -'' I want this...I want him. Please understand that.''
Kyungsoo sighs tiredlyly. -'' I do understand. I just wished you chose someone better.'' - He shakes his head and went to the desk. '' Did you sign the documents? Can I send them tomorrow?'' – He reached for them when Mingyu shouted.
-'' No!!!''
Kyungsoo jumped, jerking his hands like he was burned. – '' Why?''
Mingyu opened his mouth and then close them, not knowing how to explain it, so instead, he just glances at the papers and then at his friend in hope that he will get the message.
Kyungsoo follows his gaze and looks more closely at the stuff on the desk. His face turns to pure shock and then disgust. He glares at Mingyu. -'' He did not!?''
Mingyu grins sheepishly. -'' It wasn't intentional... it was my fault really.''
Kyungsoo just raised his arms exasperatedly and let them drop. -'' You know what...send them yourself.''
-'' But...''
-'' No buts...I don't care...'' - He went to the door murmuring. – ''Fucking like a fucking rabbits...every single time.''
-'' Kyungsoo!'' - Mingyu called.
Kyungsoo glanced back.
-'' I love you!'' - Mingyu grins, sending him a kiss.
Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. -'' Go the hell!''
Mingyu grinned even wider at Kyungsoo's reply. -'' See you there!'' - He winked and Kyungsoo's face relaxed into a smile.
-'' You bet.'' - The man said and left the room.
Mingyu was left alone. He stretches satisfactorily, feeling giddy. He quickly cleaned up the mess, finished everything that needed to be done and for the first time after a very long time, he was glad of going home. He left his office in a hurry because he knew that Jin is waiting for him.
Forgive my poor attempts to undress Jin well enough in that picture above. I needed something steamy, so I tried...my Paint (yeah, I'm old school) skills are only that good since I don't know Photoshop at all.
Anyway I wanted something lighter...and I know smut might not be the light reading for most of you, but just to help Jin unwind a bit I send him here to try and fix things between Mingyu and himself. Mingyu grew on me, so he stayed.
I originally wanted to pair Jin with Namjoon, but the timing was off. Then Mingyu was added as a side character and I fell in love with him.
Still, the question remains, with whom would you love to see Jin in the future? Mingyu or Namjoon?
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