Awakening - Ch.9
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In order to avoid V as much as possible, Jin was spending almost every day with Yoongi and Jimin. They didn't mind, because Jin was a lively man, who was always ready to laugh and make jokes. Jimin found his jokes always hilarious, and he would often bend down in hysterics at something Jin said or did. Yoongi would just watch them adoringly with a smile, shaking his head in mute hopelessness. He didn't find Jin's jokes funny at all, but the cheerful enjoyment of his two friends made everything bearable. He loved the energy they had together.
Jin and Jimin became really close, almost like siblings, and Yoongi watch them evolve into it. It was so natural and easy that he was in awe. He and Jin, however, had more of that mature and understanding friendship, filled with long night talks and peaceful and quiet chill time on the sofa while watching some documentary about fishing.
When Jimin was there with them, it was always loud, because Jin, whose character was very flexible, would become very energetic as well, as soon as Jimin enters the room. And, as soon as Jimin would leave, Jin would mute it down to fit Yoongi. He was like that.
Yoongi first wondered how, but soon enough he saw that Jin was, besides being robust and loud, in fact, a soft and calm soul, prone to hidden embarrassment, which he hides behind public confidence. He was really something special. Yoongi thought.
Jimin would always playfully torture their dear Hyung, which called for protestations and demands of respect for their seniors and always ended with Jimin squishing his Hyung's cheeks adoringly. Yoongi would just shake with laughter.
They went around with the camera in their hands all the time, filming everything and everyone. They love to film themselves talking, singing and having fun.
Jin discovered that Jimin has a beautiful voice, which was very compatible with his own. Yoongi loved listening to them and would often play the piano for them to sing. Yoongi was also in charge of keeping the two in check most of the time. They were loud and troublesome, but deep down inside he didn't mind, even though he would lock himself in his room, working, whenever he needed some peace and quiet. He was their dear grandpa, all serious and disapproving, as they loved to tease him.
Jin soon realized that Yoongi nurture a very soft spot towards Jimin, but he wasn't sure what kind exactly. Yoongi often look at Jimin in pure admiration, but Jimin seemed completely oblivious to that.
Jin knew that Yoongi would often scowl at the choice of Jimin's dates.
-'' Bunch of stupid babbling hens.'' - He would often complain to Jin about the girls that Jimin dated. Jin only laughed, but deep down he was wondering why he disliked them so much. They weren't all so bad.
-'' That damn fool is in love with that carrot boy.'' - V's deep voice echoed in Jin's ears one day. Jin was talking about Yoongi and Jimin and V was annoyed by his lack of comprehension. -'' He drools over him and everybody can see it.''
-'' It's not true!'' - Jin protested.
-'' Only because you are too blind to see it.'' - V insisted. - ''He has eyes only for his carrot.'' - He started laughing. - '' Well that sounds weird.'' - He laughed at his own joke. Jin was not amused and smacked him on the arm.
-'' Stop calling him a carrot!''
V grew serious again, looking at Jin with annoyance.
-'' He has carrot hair colour, I rest my case.''
- ''Their names are Jimin and Yoongi.''
V gave him a bored glance. -'' Do I look like I care?''
Jin was annoyed. How dare he speak about his friends in that way.
-'' You don't even know them! You always refuse to meet them! How would you know anything?'' - Jin rose up from a chair, ready to leave the room. They always ended up their arguments with one of them leaving the room. Otherwise, Jin thinks, they would kill each other.
This time, just before he left, V's called his name. Jin stopped and turned to look at him.
-'' What?'' - He said with a sneer, disliking the look of superiority that danced on V's face.
-'' Just because you don't see me, my dear Jinnie.'' - He said contently with a grin. - ''It doesn't mean that I'm not there.'' - He winked.
V wasn't around much, but he did that thing, where he would just show up at the craziest places Jin was in. Jin had no idea how he managed to find him every time, it was puzzling. He wouldn't be surprised if V got a tracker on him somewhere. He checked the clothes in his closet but found nothing. He checked his personal belongings as well, like his phone and wallet several times, even his underwear, but couldn't find anything.
Months passed by and Jin became more and more famous in the modelling business. Pretty soon he was called to walk on fashion shows, signed contracts with some well-known fashion companies and start travelling in Korea, China and Japan first. Jimin was already a well-known model and was often on the road. Jin missed him on those occasions. He spent his time with Yoongi then, but Yoongi was always acting different when Jimin wasn't around. He was only happy when Jimin was at home, telling his travelling stories and anecdotes from his work and the people that he met. Yoongi hated those people, but he knew better than to say anything.
Jin watched his dear friend drown himself in unreturned love and wished there was a way to help him, but deep down he knew he couldn't. He could only be there if he needs him. To keep him company. He liked Yoongi. He was smart and hardworking. His feisty comments towards the world and people were always amusing. He never laughed at Jin's jokes, but Jin knew Yoongi enjoyed his company nevertheless. They would often go out. Pubs and clubs were always on their lists. They drank and had fun, well, at least Jin did. Yoongi was mostly sitting down drinking and observed Jin's silliness.
On some nights, they will just chill at Yoongi's. Drinking usually and talking till morning hours. Yoongi opened up for the first time to Jin and confess his emotions towards Jimin, who was straight and Yoongi suffered for it. He talked about him, how wonderful and awesome he is. The way he walked, danced and smiled. Sweet things he would do. The way he slept, ate and sang. Everything was perfect in Yoongi's eyes. Those were the words of a man in love and Jin felt deeply sorry for him.
-'' Dammit Yoongi, I'm sorry. I hope you will find someone who loves you the same way you love them. You deserve it.'' - Jin said one time when the other man was in a particularly sad mood.
-'' It could only be him. There won't be anyone else.'' - Was all Yoongi would say.
Everything was fine again when Jimin returned for a longer break. Yoongi was happy once more and Jin was simply glad to have both of his friends back.
One day, the two had a small argument, after which Yoongi stormed out and Jin, who was entering the room at that moment, raised an eyebrow at Jimin, who just shook his head and said it was nothing. -'' Yoongi Hyung can be stubborn sometimes.'' - He said.
-'' Oh don't I know it!'' - Jin added and they both chuckled at that.
-'' We are going to see some of our old friends later this evening. Want to come along?''
-'' If I'm not in a way, sure.'' - Jin nodded.
-'' Hyung.'' - Jimin smiled. - ''You are never in the way.'' - He hugged Jin slightly to prove a point.
-'' Are you ready for the new episode of ''Hwarang''? It starts in 10 minutes.'' - Jimin said to Jin.
-'' Why do you think I came?'' - Jin went to take the bottle of water from the fridge.
Jimin just smiled at Jin's answer, eyes playful. -'' To see the cute, sweet, charming me?'' - He yells, so Jin could hear him.
There were returning steps and Jin appeared, eyebrows raised. -'' Now, why would I do that?'' - He teased, and then started laughing when Jimin scowled at him.
Jimin put his hands on his hips. -'' There will be no popcorn for you!'' - He threatened.
That made Jin yelp, and rushed to apologize, hugging and kissing Jimin's hands, saying tons of compliments between each kiss. -'' Oh the precious one...''- He kissed one hand. -'' The most gorgeous one'' - He kisses another one. -'' He smartest one.'' - He kisses Jimin's elbow, making the latter laugh. - '' Oh, the second worldwide handsome one...''
-'' The second one?'' - Jimin stopped laughing, arching an eyebrow at that. He huffed.
Jin went to fix his mistake. - ''Aish, did I say the second one? I meant the most world wide handsome one. Please forgive your old silly Hyung for offending your magnificence.'' - Jimin was bending from laughter, but Jin didn't stop there with his theatrics. He was on fire and was ready to give everything it takes. - '' Spare him a popcorn or two so he won't starve on your couch, oh wonderful one.''
-''Aaah, enough.'' - He squeaked as he giggled. - '' I can't breathe anymore.''
Jin was grinning widely now, still in his role. -'' Say you forgive me!'' - He kissed his hand again. -'' Say it, say it!''
Jimin choked between his laughs. - ''Fine! Ah... I forgive you! You'll get your popcorn.''
Jin huffed a dramatic sigh and fell on the sofa, exhausted. -'' Oh I thought you would never say it. I was growing tired.'' - He looked at the clock. - ''Aish, we only have five more minutes.'' - And he dashed to the kitchen again to make popcorn.
Jimin chuckled. -'' Ah, silly Hyung.''
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