Awakening - Ch.8
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They never mention that kiss to anyone, even Yoongi. It was their little secret, in a way. V knew though, although Jin had no idea, how. Maybe he guessed somehow, or maybe Jin wasn't careful enough and let it slip or showed on his face. V's devious mind would pick up on everything. His eyes shined wickedly.
-'' We are starting to figure out ourselves now, don't we?'' - He teased and left the room with a chuckle. He was always going somewhere. It drew Jin insane. He would never tell him where he goes. Jin even tried to follow him a few times, but he would always lose him as soon as he reached the street filled with people.
He would often complain to Jimin and Yoongi about V and they would listen, looking at each other from time to time, in silent communication. They both started to think that V doesn't exist, but Jin's fury and annoyance at the guy, seemed legit and real to them, so they just let it fly by, hoping one day, they will be lucky enough to have at least a glimpse of him.
-'' Try taking a picture of him while he isn't watching.'' - Yoongi suggested and Jimin nodded in excitement.
-'' Yes Hyung, try to catch him unprepared.''
Jin tried, but every shoot was a failure. Or he would walk too fast, causing the photo to be very blurry or he would simply look at Jin, stopping him from doing anything. Ever since Jin requested him to take his picture and V refused, he was on the constant lookout for Jin's camera.
-'' Why don't you like being photographed? '' - Jin would ask over and over again and V would reply the same each time.
-'' I don't like it. Oh and get ready, we are going out tonight. There is one place I would like you to see. It's owned by my friend. Dress dark and sexy for me, love.''
Jin rolled his eyes but did as he said. V's sense of style was impeccable and Jin knew he would look sexy as hell whenever V approved of his attire. He always did what V said, he couldn't help it. His will was just too strong, too powerful and dominant. He was a true alpha. He always possessed that air of greatness and Jin often wondered if he always was like that. He knew Tae wasn't. He had no idea where V came from. Did he just pretend to be Tae to drawn Jin's attention or was he always Tae, but his dominant side? Jin read about split personalities or multiplied personality disorders and hoped there aren't more personalities in V. V was more than enough, he was enigmatic and mysterious and Jin was very curious about him. He wanted to know the real V. His real name, where is he from, who are his parents, does the have siblings, what's his favourite food, which blood type he is, his favourite colour etc... but V just glared at him without a word.
One day, Jin woke up early to grab a glass of water, but one detail caught his attention when he passed by V's bedroom.
The door was slightly opened. V usually always locks the door of his bedroom, but this time he forgot. Jin didn't hear him come home last night from a party, so he figured that he must have come really late or even early in the morning and just gone straight to sleep. He couldn't curb his curiosity and he peaked in it. He never saw V's bedroom before. It was big and bright, with plenty of expensive paintings and mirrors on the walls, carpets and closets filled with haute couture and high fashion clothes and accessories. A huge king-size bed was in the one corner of the room, under a huge mirror on the ceiling, with golden and white sheets and V sprawled in the middle, under the covers.
Jin tentatively moved towards the bed, eyes wide. He never saw V sleeping either. He was on his back, one arm resting near his head, mouth slightly opened in a sweet dream. He was so angelic but hot at the same time. Damn him! How could anyone look so good while they sleeping, Jin wondered?
A sudden idea came to him and he rushed out quietly from the room to get his camera. He approached him again quietly as he could and stood near the bed. He turned the camera on, completely forgetting about the small sound the camera plays at the start. He cringed at the sudden sound and V's eyes opened. Before he could snap the picture, Jin felt something yank him onto the bed, and the camera flew from his hand crashing to the ground. What he saw was V's irritated face, glaring at him from above, straddling his waist, and pinning both of Jin's hands above his head with one of his own. Soon, the other hand found its way to Jin's throat to hold him still.
-'' What part of "No photos!" you don't understand, Jin!?'' - He asked in a low furious voice.
-'' I don't know what's a big deal.'' - Jin spat back, acting more bravely than he actually felt.
-'' No means no Jin!'' - V growled.
-'' Why?! Because you said so!'' - Jin felt defiance raising in his chest, causing him to be reckless.
-'' Exactly!''
-'' Well I don't care! I want a picture of you!!!'' - He insisted. It was important to him to stand his ground in this argument, or lay his ground, considering his position at the moment.
-'' So you can show me off to your carrot friends?'' - V's voice switched from furious to slightly annoying, with a pinch of amusement at Jin's weak attempts of defiance.
-'' Stop calling them that! And yes, if you must know, yes! If you weren't such an asshole and actually spare a moment to meet them finally, maybe I won't have to chase you around with the camera! Now get off me!''
V was now completely amused. Jin's flushed cheeks and struggling fury were adorable. No matter how hard he tried, Jin could never look intimidating, merely beautiful. V released Jin's throat and placed his palm against the man's chest. V's eyes slid down Jin's body slowly, in an appreciative manner, pausing on certain parts to make Jin more conscious and flustered. And then up to his adorably irritated face. Cute. V thought.
-'' Damn, you are beautiful Jinnie.'' - He spoke in a deep rasping morning voice, still holding Jin's hands with one of his own and brushing one of the nipples through the shirt with his fingers. Jin gasped, his heart pounding fast. He is doing that again. He thought. He felt his body reacting to his voice and touch instantly. The shudder ran through him, tingling on its way to every nerve in Jin's body. The sweat was beginning to erupt when the sudden realization of the position they were in hit him. V on top, looking teasingly at him, thoroughly enjoying his discomfort, while seductively wetting his lips with his tongue, sliding his hand down, under Jin's shirt to grasp his waist, being dominant as hell, made Jin's mind scream in panic. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, please don't!
He felt a traitorous twitch in his groin. His breathing stopped for a moment in silent prayer that V didn't notice anything yet, but V raised one eyebrow and cocked his head a little, letting a low humming sound from the back of his throat.
-'' Ah, shit.'' - Jin swore and a slow wicked smile appeared on the blond devil's lips.
Jin groaned. He went from the semi, to full hard in a second. V's eyes narrowed and his smirk widened to show nicely white teeth. He was the personification of lust itself.
-'' Oh Jinnie, how nice you react to me.'' - He spoke seductively, rolling his hips in a very slow manner against Jin's. Jin's eyes roll at the back of his head as he gasped from the sudden pleasant feeling he felt. He buckled his hips up to meet V's and they brushed like that a few times.
V lowered his head close to Jin's so their noses were almost brushing. No, this is...I don't want this... It flew through Jin's mind suddenly and he opened his eyes to see the blond strands of V's hair so close to his face, tickling him as they moved. V's breath was on his skin, and his scent, oh God, his scent drove Jin crazy.
But I don't want this. He's gonna leave me as soon as he gets what he soon as he uses me. No, I don't want this.
-'' V, stop, don't ... don't do that... ah ah...'' - The last part turned into a moan and he closed his eyes again, feeling his entire body was on fire. Damn, I want to feel him. I want his naked skin on mine. I want him. Fuck, I do. Jin's thoughts were all over the place, torn between lust and reason.
-'' Stop, what?'' - He straighten himself up so he could see Jin's face, the devious smile still on his lips. -'' This?'' - He ground harder, even more slowly. Jin gasped loudly, almost moaning at the feeling. I want you! Jin's mind screamed. He struggled against V's hand, wanting to grasp the man's blond hair and pull him into a kiss.
He will use you. The reason kept telling him. I don't care, I want him. The lust spoke. He will grow bored of you, and leave you! The reason spoke again. Jin wanted to cry. But it feels so fucking good.
-'' Do I tease you Jinnie?'' - V's voice sends an electric current through his body in waves. Jin felt like his entire body was on fire. He was painfully hard and ready for anything V could give him.
-'' Mhm. '' - He manages a weak response. He couldn't speak properly, the words didn't want to come out.
Don't do this! Not like this! Not with him! Don't. Jin wanted to groan annoyingly at his mind to shut up, but... it was right. This is not right. Not like this. Not with V. Not with a man that doesn't want him. Doesn't love him but just plays with him. I'm not a toy!
-'' S..s....stop!'' - He croaked weakly. He knew that was the right thing to do, but deep down, he didn't want him to stop. Not really. He wanted him to take him, completely, the reason be damned. With every roll of V's hips, Jin was losing more and more of his logical resolution. At that moment, Jin wouldn't mind anything V would do to him, except maybe, the very thing he did actually do.
-'' Oh, very well Jinnie.'' - V spoke, raising himself from Jin and off the bed, breaking the spell momentarily. Jin was utterly bewildered. He raised his head to look at V, who was putting on his slippers. He noticed Jin's shocked stare and said with a grin. -'' You better take care of that darling.'' - He nodded towards Jin's sleeping pants.
-'' What just happened?'' - Jin asked, blinking confusingly at this rapid turn of events. One moment they were at it, and in the next V was gone from his reach.
V made a fake face of deep concern. -'' Oh darling, I would never make you do something you find distasteful.'' - He shook his head and click his tongue. -'' Noup. You told me to stop and I did.''
His face was serious, but his eyes were playful. This...this is just a game to him. Jin realises disappointingly. - ''You son of a bitch.'' - Jin said with a bitter laugh. He was still painfully hard, he needed him. Wanted him, dammit!
- ''Come back.'' - Jin raised one arm in invitation. He was dishevelled, eager and utterly sexy. V's expression changed and Jin suddenly saw a raw need as well in V's blue eyes.
-'' V, please, come to me.'' Jin spoke again, his palms caressing his chest and hips, while his eyes never left Vs'. - '' I need you, please.''
V gulped and took a step closer, but went too further. - '' You need me? How?'' - He asked. There was a desperation in his voice, the one Jin never heard before.
He wants me as well. He thought with a spark of hope. He finds me desirable.
He slipped his hand across his chest, unclasping a few buttons of his pyjama, and brushed at his nipple, his chest tensing at the feeling. He bit his lower lip, making it red and kissable, while he pulled his shirt up to reveal his waist and a protruding hipbone. The obvious tent in his pants was unmistakable.
-'' I want you, please.'' - Jin looked so vulnerable. Oh, V wanted him as well. He wanted him since the first time he met him. He looked at his pleading eyes. His desire for him was evident and V's ego spread like the wings of the eagle.
He watched the man on his bed. He watched the hand sliding to cup the bulge and give it a little squeeze.
-'' Fuck me, please.'' - Jin pleaded.
Ah, not like that, Jinnie. I don't need you like that... V signed. Not yet... He is not ready yet.
Jin could see something shifting in V after that last word. His expression became unreadable and his icy eyes harden even more. He straightens himself and put the indifferent mask back on.
-'' That's not my problem, darling.'' - The blond man said. His wonderful soulful voice was so detached and cold when he said it.
Jin felt it like a slap. The pang of embarrassment hit him even harder, and his annoyance rose once more. -'' What do you mean it's not? Look at what you did!'' - Jin yelled pointing at his very painful boner.
V pretended to be affronted, exaggerating it. -'' I can't be blamed for every "hard" moment in your life.'' - Purpousley accentuating the word hard, V grinned wickedly. - ''Now stop whining and fix that yourself.''
He turned and went to the bathroom door, but stopped before entering to glance at Jin, who looked like a gorgeous piece of art on his bed, all frustrated and horny. He would give everything to see him naked at that moment, but no, no... -'' Oh, and by the way, stop dripping sweat on my clean sheets.'' - He turned to enter the bathroom, adding: - ''And get the hell out of my room.''
The door slammed after him.
With one wild scream, Jin jumped from the bed, furiously ripping the damned sheets from V's bed, crumpling it sufficiently and throwing it on the floor, while kicking it to the other corner of the room. A litany of curses came from his mouth, all directed at his damnable flatmate.
-'' Here is your damned sheets!'' - He tossed the pillow as well, which hit the wall and fell on the ground. - '' Go and fuck yourself with them!''
He then stormed out of the room and into his own, slamming the door, and accidentally knocking the vase with lilies from the small table near the door in the process.
The vase broke into pieces and lilies scattered all across the floor. Completely defeated, angry and frustrated, Jin slid to the floor and lean against the wall. His body ached uncomfortably. He needs to clean this mess, he thought. But first, he needs to take care of himself.
Fucking, V! Screw you, fucking asshole. He groans, burying his face in his palms, trying to calm down the raging emotion in his chest and his pants. He takes a deep exasperated sigh and leans his head back on the wall. I'm so tired of this shit.
Why does he always do this to him? Why does he always tease him, arouse him and leave him, Jin thought. His body ached from desire. He trembled, needing the touch, wishing for release. He needed him very much. Was there something between them in the past? Is that why he acted like he cared in one moment, only to become an asshole in the next? Is that the reason why he never wants to kiss him?
Did he hurt V in the past? The idea of him hurting V was absurd, almost impossible. But something must have happened in those three blank years. He could see the desire in V's eyes, but he would always pull back. He sighed deeply, running his fingers through his hair. His body calmed a little, but his head ached from all of the questions roaming in his mind. He needed the answers, but at this very moment, he needed a very cold shower more.
Damn you V! He cursed him again and rose to his feet, stripping down his sweaty shirt and heading towards the bathroom.
I hoped you've enjoyed!
For those of you who don't know what the word "Hyung" or "Dongsaeng" means, which I use often in my story, especially the first one, I shall explain.
-"Dongsaeng" - means being younger. It can be referred to as both male and female. It can be used among siblings and friends.
-"Hyung" - means older brother (used by males). It could be used among friends and siblings.
There are others as well... if you are a girl and you have an older sister or girlfriend, you would call her Unnie, but if you have older brother or boy-friend, you would call him Oppa.
But if you are a boy and you have older sister or girl-friend, she would be your Noona, and as I've said before, for the boy, the older brother or guy friend would be Hyung.
So when you read that Jimin use the honorifics "Hyung" to call Jin and Yoongi, it's because they are older and he is showing them respect. It's usually goes with the name Yoongi Hyung or Jin Hyung, but a simple Hyung is quite enough. V mocks Jin when he say "Hyung" to him, because he feels that Jin is his "dongsaeng" in many levels, instead his Hyung.
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