Awakening - Ch.5
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V took Jin out to a party in one of his acquaintance's houses. The party was a squeeze since the host was very famous indeed. The place was literally packed with people. Loud music and voices fought for dominance over the room, sweaty bodies were dancing in the middle, the others were drinking in the corners and you can smell the cigarettes smoke among things. Jin was overwhelmed, he had never been to this kind of party before. Come to think of it, he was never at a party before, since he didn't have any friends, except Tae. He then realized he had lost V somewhere in the crowd, or maybe V simply left him to pursue his own fun. He was like that. He would drag Jin places and then just leave him to his own.
He went in search of V through different rooms, stopping suddenly in front of one of the mirrors hanging on the wall, admiring himself. He was doing that a lot - admiring his own reflection. V brought him a new wardrobe, more edgy and sexy. The new black skinny jeans showed his muscled tights perfectly. He was heavily checked from head to toe through the entire evening by both males and females. He was uncomfortable at first, but soon begin to relish the attention he was given.
He was observing a drunken couple in the middle of a steamy make-out session on one of the sofas when a deep, lazy voice stirred him up from his observation.
-'' Hey pretty boy!''
He turned his head to see a young mint-haired man. He was shorter than him and much thinner. He has one of those ageless boyish faces, even though Jin was sure he was in his twenties. Jin cocked an eyebrow at the nickname. The man smiled widely, his gums were showing, which gave him a certain charm.
-'' Sorry, but I don't know your name, so I used what I've got to draw your attention.'' - He spoke with ease. Jin liked the sound of his voice, it was calming.
-'' My name is Yoongi, but I'm also known as Suga.'' - He offered his hand to Jin, who took it and shook it quickly.
-'' Hi, I'm Jin.''
-'' Nice to meet you Jin.'' - Yoongi said, taking a sip of his drink. -'' So how do you know Seungri?''
-'' Who is Seungri?'' - Jin asked confused.
Yoongi's eyes went comically wide, and then he laughed. -'' Well he is only the host of the party we are attending at the moment.'' - His gums were endearing.
Jin blushed in embarrassment. -'' Oh, I didn't know. My friend V brought me here. He probably knows him.''
-'' Ok.'' - Yoongi nodded at that possibility. - '' So, what do you do? - He asked, still watching him carefully and Jin noticed that the man's eyes actually didn't drop from his face all this time, as if he was mapping his facial features completely to his memory. Jin felt a little uncomfortable.
As if noticing Jin's discomfort, Yoongi smiled apologetically.
-'' I'm sorry for starring.'' - He said. -'' I'm a fashion photographer, you see. I work with models and I'm naturally drawn to beautiful people, thinking of the way I could photograph them more to their advantage. The occupational hazard sort to speak. Sorry to say it so bluntly, but you are a very beautiful man. - Yoongi finished his monologue and Jin couldn't help it but laugh at Yoongi's honesty. It did a good job because it wasn't awkward anymore.
-'' It's alright.'' - Jin says with a smile. -'' I've got that a lot. And to answer your previous question, I don't do anything yet. My friend and I just moved here.''
Yoongi raised his brow in interest. -'' Oh, really? From where?''
Jin didn't know what to answer. He had no idea, but he thought of Japan all of a sudden. -'' Tokyo.'' - He said.
- ''Wow, cool. That's great. Do you speak Japanese?'' - The last thing he asked was in Japanese and Jin was surprised that he could understand it effortlessly.
-'' Enough for easy conversation.'' - He answered in the same language.
Yoongi grinned. -'' That's cool man.'' - He switches back to their native tongue.
Just then the group of people that were dancing became a bit too loud in their singing. Furrowing his face in discomfort, Yoongi looked at Jin and pointed at the balcony close by. Jin nodded and followed him outside.
-'' Ah, that's better. It's way too early for the can in the heat concert.'' - Yoongi said with dry humour and Jin put his hand to his mouth as he was giggling.
-'' So, have you ever worked as a model Jin?'' - Yoongi asked.
Jin hummed in thought. -'' Not that I know.'' - He said.
Now it was Yoongi's turn to giggle, but instead of voicing it, he just let his shoulders move up and down. -'' Who would know that if not you?'' - He asked amused.
Jin kept his silence, not really knowing what to answer. Yoongi didn't push it as he saw that he made Jin uncomfortable again, so he scratched his head and ask the very question he wanted to ask ever since the first time he laid his eyes on Jin. -'' Will you be interested to work as a model?''
He saw Jin's eyes widen in surprise and he quickly went on explaining, wanting to give as much information so Jin wouldn't think he was some kind of a lame scammer who wanted to get Jin alone.
-'' My agency is always looking for beautiful and handsome people. We have a photoshoot in two days. It's a local designer and one of the models quit on us, due to some personal reasons, so we are searching for a new one to replace him. You get paid after you finish the job. Everyone starts with the same amount, which is fair enough. If the designers and companies begin to ask for you, you will get paid more. Eventually, you would be able to sign your own contracts with some big company.''
-'' Umm, I'm not sure...'' - Jin began, but Yoongi raised his hand.
-'' Hey, tell you what. Think about it and let me know tomorrow. Here, take my number.''
He gestured for Jin to give him his phone and Jin complied. Yoongi carefully typed his information in and saved it. He noticed that Jin only has one contact saved in his phone, well, two now. He might need a friend. He thought.
-'' I think you have it. The looks, the height, the aura, the charm. I think you would go far in the modelling industry, but hey, even if you don't accept the offer and just need someone to hang out with, give me a call, alright?''
Jin smiled, nodding his head. -'' I'll do that. Thanks.''
Yoongi gave him his gummy smile. -'' No problem. Gotta go now, have some things to do.'' - And with a wave he was off in the crowd. Jin was staring at the place the mint-haired man disappeared, feeling slightly sad that he left. He was a pleasant fellow, easy to talk to, and not a pushover, which was what Jin liked. He touched the phone in his pocket suddenly feeling giddy about the number he just got. He wanted a friend, and maybe...maybe Yoongi could be one.
Later that night, V found him in one of the rooms. He decided to go home so he went in search of Jin. Jin was glad because he was very tired and slightly drunk. He told him all about the job offer on their way back home. He was sitting in the passenger seat, while V was driving. The man's brow kept furrowing with each slurred word Jin was uttering. In the end, he sighed deeply and told him to be careful. - ''The fashion world and a life of a model are not easy life Jinnie. It's a very overwhelming world where people tend to lose themselves and who they really are, especially if they hit big.''
Jin chuckles sleepily. -'' You talk like I would walk the runways. It's just a small photo shoot.''
V smirked defeatedly. -'' With your face and figure, dear Jinnie, you will reach the top quicker than you expected.''
Jin brightened at that. -'' You really think so?''
- ''Yes love, I do.''
Jin smiled gently. He loved when V was gentle with him like he is now. He loved when he called him love or darling in a gentle way. Most of the time it was mocking, but now, it sounded sincere. He brushed his fingers on V's hair and cheek. Something he would never do if he was sober. V huffed an amusing smile, not taking his eyes from the road.
-'' Don't be a lamb, love.'' - He said, removing Jin's hand away from his face, squeezing it gently in a comforting manner before releasing it. - ''Be a wolf.''
Jin blinked sleepily a few times before he closed his eyes and fell asleep. V heard the light snores coming from a passenger seat and turned his head to see Jin, curled under V's jacket, sleeping.
-'' Cute.'' - V murmured and continued driving home.
The next day, Jin woke up very late, with a slight headache, but he quickly remembered Yoongi and the offer. He thought it through and decided to accept the job since he was bored, and V wasn't around much anyway. Not that he was all that fun to be with, in the first place. Besides having nothing else to do with himself, Jin took the job mostly because he wanted to see Yoongi again. The mint-haired man intrigued him.
So he took out his phone and dialled Yoongi's number. It was picked up after the second ring.
-'' Yes?'' - Yoongi's deep drawling voice brought a smile to Jin's face, and after the short reacquaintance, they began talking. They must have been talking for some twenty minutes before Jin finally mention that he will take the job. The sound of Yoongi's smile was audible and Jin was very satisfied with himself.
-'' Great, I'll text you the address for tomorrow. Remember, 11 am.''
-'' Okay, great. But, umm...Yoongi, what are you doing now? - Jin asked, cringing inwardly about the neediness in his voice. - ''I mean, besides talking to me.'' - Jin added hurriedly.
There was a slight pause on the other side of the line before Yoongi spoke. -'' Umm, nothing much.'' - He let the sentence hang in the air for a few seconds, before adding. -'' I'm working on some music.''
-'' You do?'' - Jin was surprised, not sure if it was because of the sheer information that Yoongi is into music as well, or that he actually answered him. - ''I thought you are a photographer.'' - He said in the end, feeling a bit dumb to state the obvious, but wanting to keep the conversation rolling for a bit longer.
-'' Yeah well, I was in the music business before... you know, before the photography life.''
-'' Oh, that's cool.'' - Jin breathed. -'' What do you do? Write music? Sing?'' - The fascination with Yoongi only grew now, and Jin wanted to know everything about him.
- ''I write lyrics and music.''
Luckily, Yoongi answered that as well. Jin felt that the man was a more closed-off person with strangers, but weirdly Jin managed to keep the conversation rolling.
-'' Wow, awesome. I always admired people that can create something as wonderful as music.'' - Jin said honestly. He really loved music, as he often found comfort in it whenever he was alone. - '' Do you have something out already, so that I could hear?''
-'' Umm, no. No, not yet.''
It felt like Yoongi was hiding something, but Jin didn't want to press. Keep your secrets and I'll keep mine, or lack of them. Jin thought.
-'' Hey Yoongichi...'' - Jin spoke without thinking, giving the nickname that he wasn't approved of. Idiot. He scolded himself mentally.
But the mint-haired man was amused by it. -'' Yoongichi?''
-'' Yeah, umm... sorry, it slipped out. Sorry.'' - Jin started apologizing, but Yoongi cut him off.
-'' Hey it's ok, I don't mind.''
-'' Yeah, great.'' - Jin felt awkward now and he didn't want that. Still, he gather the courage and asked Yoongi to hang out.
-'' When, now?''
-'' Yeah, I mean... I'm new to this town, my friend is on a business trip, so I'm alone and I have no idea what to do. I don't know anyone else....umm sorry, I didn't mean that I'm only calling you because I'm lacking a friend or anything... but it does seem that way, I apologize, it's just...
Yoongi laughter could be heard from another side. -'' Hey, relax Jin-ssi, I know. It's okay. - He kept laughing and Jin relaxed a bit.
-'' Oh, please call me Jin.'' - Jin-ssi just seemed so formal, and Jin didn't like it.
-'' Sure, Jin, I'll hang out with you. Would you mind if I take a friend with me? We already have something planned, but he is cool and sweet, and he won't mind, I promise you.''
-'' I don't mind at all if you think he won't.'' - Jin answered truthfully.
- '' He won't mind. Jimin is the friendliest person alive. He'll love you. Plus, he is your shooting partner tomorrow, so it would be good to get to know each other.''
That surprised Jin, it made him excited and anxious at the same time. Still, he managed to would just excited, without the anxious part. -'' Really? That's great. I would love to meet him.''
-'' Great, that's settled then. We'll pick you up, say in two and a half hours, yeah? Cool, text me the address. ''
They exchange a few more words before hanging up. Jin sends him the location and went on getting ready. Shower, wash hair, shave, and look at what to wear, all while listening to very loud music, and the time was already up. Jin hurried out of the door, remembering halfway through the elevator ride that he forgot his phone on the couch.
Isn't V supposed to come back from his trip today? Jin wondered, completely forgetting to write a note to his friend about where he was gone. Not that he cares much anyway. It crosses his mind.
He rushed V out of his mind as he stepped out of the building. He wasn't this excited since he danced with Tae on his prom. The surge of sadness overtook him suddenly and he had to stop to take a few calming breaths, forcing the gathering tears from falling.
Just then, he noticed the black SUV parked in front of his building and put a smile back on his face. I'm fine. Everything is fine. You are fine.
He repeat that like a mantra in his head as he walked closer to the car and saw Yoongi standing next to it with a gorgeous man, with ginger hair. Under the stylish clothes, there was a strong muscled body. He was not very tall, but his face was so beautiful. This is probably Jimin. The man smiled widely when he saw Jin approaching. It was one of those smiles that made people warm inside, especially when his eyes disappears into moon crescent shape. It was so genuine, that Jin found himself liking him and smiling back before he even met him.
-'' Hello, I'm Jimin.'' - The ginger man spoke. His soft voice rippled through the air and Jin enjoyed every second of it.
-'' And I'm Jin, nice to meet you. Yoongi talked about you. I feel like I know you already.'' - Jin said with his best smile.
Jimin's mouth spread into a smile again, a certain cheekiness dancing on his expression. - '' I hope only the nicest things.''
-'' The best ones. He says that you are the friendliest person on the planet.'' - Jin retorted.
-'' Alright you two, get into the car.'' - Yoongi grumbled, his cheeks getting rosy as he walk to the driver's seat.
Both Jin and Jimin laughed at this adorable shyness.
-'' Yeah...'' - Jimin says knowingly, looking at Jin. - '' I think we gonna be great friends by the end of the night.''
Jin adored him from that moment.
They went driving through the city, stopping to grab something to eat before driving to the riverside, where they hang out with beer and snacks. Jimin was so funny and lively, completely the opposite of the calm and quiet Yoongi.
-'' Yoongi told me you gonna be my partner tomorrow.'' - Jimin says as if suddenly remembering that fact.
-'' Ah, yes.'' - Jin says, suddenly conscious of the lack of experience in that matter. -'' It's my first time, so I hope I won't disappoint.''
Both Yoongi and Jimin began reassuring him.
-'' Not a chance.'' - Yoongi voiced out, while Jimin went further.
-'' You'll be great, don't worry about a thing. You'll have me there and I'll walk you through everything. It will be fun, you'll see.''
And Jin felt much better after that. They had a great time together, laughing a lot. They stay up pretty late and when he eventually got home, he was faced with a furious V.
-'' Where the hell were you?!'' - He growled at Jin, but Jin was in such a good mood, that he didn't care for V right now.
-'' With friends.'' - He answered defiently.
- ''Last time I checked, you didn't have friends!'' - V grabbed the back of the chair to calm himself. His voice was low and menacing. He was really angry at Jin.
-'' Well I do now.'' - Jin answered nonchalantly, taking his jacket off and tossing it on the sofa. V narrowed his eyes at that.
-'' Who? That mint turtle and carrot boy?'' - He spat acidly.
Jin's eyes went wide and he stared at V. -'' What? How did you...?'' - The idea of V following him was absurd as it was infuriating. It was Jin's time to lash in fury. - ''If you already knew how they look, then you would also know where we went!''
V was in his space in instant - ''No I didn't know!'' - He growled, stepping closer and closer. - '' I've checked security cameras on our building and saw you driving to who knows where with mint carrot boys!''
Jin gritted his teeth in anger. -'' Don't call them like that! Their names are...''
-'' I don't care what their names are!!!'' - V shouted and grabbed him by the throat to push him backwards until his back hit the wall. V's furious face was so close to his, and Jin could feel the fire emanating from his skin. -'' You will not disappear on me like that again!'' - V growled. - '' Do you understand me, Seokjin?!''
Jin's eyes stared at him in shock. He only used his name when he was really angry at him. Usually, he would call him Jinnie, or love, or darling, but Seokjin was only when he was furious with him. An angry V is a dangerous V, so Jin tried to calm him down.
-'' I am sorry.'' - He began, forcing his expression to soften to an apologetic one. - '' I forgot to leave you a note, I was late, so I rushed out.''
- ''You have a phone dammit!'' - V spat, still holding Jin pinned on the wall. It seemed like a pattern, Jin thought. Every time Jin misbehaved, V would push him to the corner and cut any escape routes, forcing him to agree to everything V says. Sometimes Jin wanted to fight, but V's aura was so powerful, so damn strong, that Jin gives up soon after.
Right now, his blond devil was glaring at him, the icy blue eyes shone with some blue fire in them, it was magnificent and scary at the same time. Jin was so entranced with it that he forgot to listen to what V was saying, catching only a last bit about his phone.
-'' I've called you countless times, only to find your phone ringing on the couch of the living room!''
-'' I forgot, V. I'm sorry for worrying you. Truly I am.'' - Jin tried apologizing again, hoping that he sounds sincere as he feel.
V breathed heavily as he glared at him, eyes searching for any trance of a lie in Jin's expression. Finding none, he sighed deeply, bowing his head in relief, defeat, exhaustion, Jin didn't know which one, when the blond man spoke.
-'' Jin, you have no idea what you did the last time you disappeared on me, I ...'' - His voice sounded almost wounded, when he caught himself and stop talking, raising his eyes to glare at Jin again.
Jin wanted to know more. What did he do? What happened in the past? He couldn't even ask because V just brushed it off. Jin knew, though. Jin knew that V was worried about something. Something he's not telling. His eyes showed a hint of fear and relief at the same time.
-'' V, I have a right to know about what happened.''
-'' Enough!'' - V yelled, punching the wall next to Jin's head, which made Jin silent right away. V panted heavily, looking straight into Jin's soul. Jin could see different emotions surging through V's eyes. From fury, to fear and care, to relief, to lust until it got to his natural - "I don't care" - state.
-'' Never do this to me again Jinnie.'' - He whispered and Jin gulped nervously, V's voice never ceased to do weird things to his body. He shuddered and gasped when V placed his hands on each side of his face and put his forehead on his, closing his eyes.
Jin didn't dare to move even a muscle, so he kept quiet, allowing himself to feel V's presence, his warmth, his touch, and his alluring smell, that drove him so crazy all the time. All of it it was so inviting. I want to touch him. The thought flew through Jin's mind suddenly, followed by another, and another. I want to hug him, to hold him, to kiss him?!?!
The realization hit him like a truck. Oh God, what I'm I thinking, no. I don't want that. No, no, no, no, no, no... He stops the series of denials and wonders again. Do I? His body gave him the answer instead. He felt himself going warmer, his palms sweaty, and his breath was hitching, trying to stop a moan from escaping his throat. He was aroused, aroused by the mere thought of V's lip on his own, his tongue.
Jin gasped involuntarily, which made V move away from him, sensing his tension. He looked at him scanning him carefully and when his eyes fell on the obvious tent in his pants, he glanced up at his eyes again.
-'' You better take care of that.'' - He nodded towards Jin's pants and stepped back.
Jin felt cold suddenly, missing V's warmth already.
- ''Cold shower will help too.'' - V says tightly, his voice calm and cold, before turning and leaving without sparing Jin any more glance.
Jin just stood there, finally releasing a breath that was stuck in his lungs for God knows how long. He sank to the floor, hugging his knees on his chest. He was screwed. He was completely, utterly and definitely turned on by V. That knowledge was unnerving to him, it was confusing.
Was it the fact that he liked men as much as he liked women, or that V is the only man who has that effect on him, Jin wasn't sure? He didn't look at Yoongi and Jimin that way. But then again, he just meet them, maybe he might like them like that as he gets to know them better. Maybe. He couldn't remember a thing about his sexuality. He will have to rediscover himself again, but that's a job for future Jin. Right now, he really needs a cold shower.
He raised himself up from the floor and went to the bathroom, ready to drown himself in the water from embarrassment.
I hope you liked this chapter. Comment below if you like the story, I would like to know your opinions on it. Thank you and take care =)
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