Awakening - Ch.12
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It was a rough few months for Yoongi after that. He couldn't find a job which would allow him to pay for his apartment anymore, so Jimin offered to move in with him, to share the rent. Yoongi will never forget Jimin's help during that period of his life. He would be forever grateful.
He started working as the ice cream clerk at the "Sweet House". He was taking his break, reading the newspaper when he read the announcement about an opening of the new fancy club - "Atomic", which would be all the rage among the fashionable circle.
His jaw tightens when he saw the name of the owner. Old hate burst out again and he went to the club's opening after he got drunk. He made chaos, screaming insults at Mingyu in front of everyone and getting into a fight with Kyungsoo until he was thrown out. They haven't seen each other since that night. It's been a year.
Having him now, standing in front of his eyes, admitting that he was wrong, didn't feel satisfactory to Yoongi as he thought it would. They were childhood best friends. They were like brothers, which made the betrayal even more serious. He hated being in a fight with him. He missed him. Deep down, he still loved him. He was tired of hating him as well. Looking at him now, he saw a little boy he once knew, which brought old memories that Yoongi tried to banish, but was secretly always fond of.
-'' You were always a fool.'' - He said with a soft voice, which surprised Minghyu, who looked at him. Yoongi smirked and continued. -'' I had to use all of my intelligence just to keep you out of trouble when we were kids.''
That made Mingyu smile gently. -'' Well, you were always so boring, so I have to do something to lighten up the mood.'' - He answers in a lighter tone, which Yoongi appreciated.
Mingyu's eyes filled with tears. -'' I am sorry for everything, I truly am. I was about to pay you your share...''
Yoongi cuts him. -'' It was never about the money.''
-'' I know.'' - Mingyu nodded. -'' It was about our songs. Our blood and sweat, where we worked day and night creating and discussing...''
-'' Those were a great songs.'' - Yoongi pointed out.
-'' They were.'' - Mingyu agreed, bowing his head again in remorse. - ''I wanted to ask you to be my partner again, for the club, but you refuse all of my calls.''
Yoongi huff a laugh. -'' Can you blame me?''
-'' Actually, I can.'' - His voice becoming stern. - ''I did make a mistake in trusting her, which affected you as well. But you should have stayed by my side because that's what friends do!'' - Mingyu pointed out with a raised index finger. -'' They stay by their friends even though they make mistakes. But you left and you crashed my opening party, screaming at top of your lungs how much you hate me.''
Now it was time for Yoongi to feel ashamed. Still, he tried to defend himself. -'' You punched me in the face!''
-'' Well you deserved it, you provoking little ass.'' - Mingyu spat.
-'' Are you insulting me now?'' - Yoongi bristled.
-'' Are you saying you don't have a little ass?'' - Mingyu joked to lighten up the mood.
-'' Don't make fun now!'' - Yoongi warned and Mingyu grow serious again.
Instead, he says. -'' Besides, you punched me back, so... we're even.''
Yoongi was silent, looking at the ground, pondering. Mingyu did not take his eyes off him as he continued. -'' When I saw you at the party...'' - He began.
Yoongi's eyes widen at that. -'' I was drunk.''
-'' What sober think, drunk tells.''
Yoongi made a grumping sound on the back of his throat, murmuring so quietly that Mingyu couldn't understand a word, so he continued.
-'' When I saw your eyes I was shocked. I never knew you hated me so. You have hurt me so much.''
-'' I don't hate you.'' - Yoongi said quietly. - ''I never did. Even back then I never hated you. I was just so angry at you. I wanted to kick your ass for being so dumb. Seeing you there, smiling, felt like you didn't care. Like it didn't affect you...''
-'' It did affect me. It affected me very much, but I moved on. You never did.'' - Mingyu said.
They both went silent and as the silence dragged away. Mingyu studied his old friend's features. He didn't change much in the past year. Yoongi face was forever young, but his eyes became wiser and harsh. He missed his friend. He missed Yoongi and their talks and laughs, their work. He wanted him back.
-'' Is there any chance that I could redeem myself?'' - Mingyu's voice asked quietly, almost like a whisper. - '' Can you find within yourself to forgive me?''
Yoongi already forgave Mingyu a long time ago. He just didn't want to admit that to himself, until now. -'' I already did.'' - Yoongi says quietly.
Mingyu's eyes widen in surprise. - ''You did?''
Yoongi nodded. -'' Yeah.'' - He chuckles. -'' Do you think I would allow Jiminie to drag me here in the first place if I didn't?''
Jin heard Jimin huff at that, affronted, but kept his silence. Mingyu chuckled and said softly.
-'' I missed you brother. I missed you, very much.''
-'' Yeah, yeah...'' - Yoongi grumbled. -'' I tolerate you well enough.''
For Min Yoongi to say he tolerates you, had the equivalent of the word '' I miss you'' or '' I love you too.'' Clearly, Mingyu knew well about this, because he laughs and wraps his arms around the smaller man.
Suddenly they felt something crashing on them both, making them fall onto the sofa near the glass window, entangled together. Yoongi felt a smack on the back of his head and he yelped in surprise. Soon after, Mingyu as well shouted, holding his head. They turned to see a very pissed-off Jimin, coming at them.
-'' You bloody idiots!'' - He yelled. -'' How long had it taken you to say you're sorry...'' - Jimin smacked Mingyu's head again, then turned towards Yoongi to smack him. - '' And for you to forgive him!?!? A year!!!! The! Whole! Fucking! Year!!! - He kept slapping them with each word. Not just on the head, but on their arms and back as well. It was hilarious. Jin bit his lip, careful not to draw any attention to himself, while he tried to hold his laughter. Jimin was a small force of nature, not to be messed with.
-'' Yah, Jiminie!!!'' - Yoongi yelled but was cut off by furious Jimin.
-'' Don't you Jiminie me, you stubborn jackass.'' - He continued hitting them when the door opened and the dancer, J-Hope, entered the room with a huge smile on his face.
-'' When Kyungsoo told me you were here I ....'' - He broke off, staring at the furious Jimin slapping the shit out of huddled Mingyu and Yoongi on the sofa.
-'' What the hell?'' - His gaze fell on Jin, cocking an eyebrow up in question. Jin hurriedly explain that the two made up finally and Jimin was angry because it took them so long. The dancer looked at the mess of tangled limbs on the sofa again and started laughing loudly.
It was enough for Jin to burst off as well, not being able to hold laughter any longer.
The three men on the sofa became aware of a new presence in the room. J-Hope and Jin saw their shocked faces and roared with laughter even more. The dancer crumpled to the ground, laughing his heart out, even more, brushing the laughing tears from his eyes, barely catching his breath to address Jimin. -'' Jiminie, I swear to God, if I knew how furious you could be, I would set you on them a year ago.''
Jimin's eyes went wide when he recognize his sunny Hyung. -'' Hobi Hyung!!!!'' - He screamed excitedly and threw himself on the ground, engulfing Hobi in a tight embrace.
So this is Hobi Hyung. Jin thought with amusement. He liked the man at the first glance. His energy was amazing. He could see Jimin's happiness and Hobi's delightful screech as he hugged the younger man tightly.
-'' Jiminie! My Jiminie!'' - Hobi didn't see him for over a year and he missed him like crazy.
-'' You should have come sooner Hoseok.'' - Mingyu said, still rubbing the back of his head. - ''This little fury ball slapped the shit out of us.''
-'' And you...'' - Jimin point his fist at him. - '' Should be happy that I didn't use my fists!''
-'' Well I don't blame him at all.'' - Hoseok said, ruffling Jimin's red hair - ''I would have done worst if I were here a minute ago. You should be lucky that he was there instead of me.''
-'' You know.'' - Yoongi started - '' I first thought that I would be glad to see your horse face, at least, but now I come to think about it, I'm not sure that I'm glad at all.''
That drew Hoseok's attention to Yoongi, who screeched. -'' You damn bloody turtle!''
He untangled himself from Jimin and stood on his feet. -'' You bloody lazy sloth! I understand why you didn't want to see his sorry ass...'' - He points at Mingyu.
-'' Hey!'' - Mingyu shouted in protest.
-'' Shut up!'' - Hobi hissed at him and looked back at Yoongi. - '' But to ignore ME for a year!?!? I have done nothing wrong to you, I supported you, you ungrateful asshole!''
Yoongi felt his cheeks getting warm. -'' How could I ask you to choose between your cousin and me?''
-'' Why would I have to choose anyway? I have nothing to do with your shit, I stayed out of it. And you took my Jiminie away from me!''
-'' I had to leave and he chose to come with me.'' - Yoongi defended himself.
-'' But did you have to move to another city damn you?''
-'' Hobi, I had to leave, I'm sorry. I needed to calm down. I didn't ask Jimin to come with me, although I'm glad he did. He was the only friend that I...''
-'' I was your friend as well you fool!'' - Hoseok punched his shoulder with his fist, not so strong, but with enough force for Yoongi to grimace and grab the sore spot.
-'' Hobi Hyung.'' - Jimin's gentle voice came from behind Hobi and wrapped his arms around the man's shoulders, calming him. Hobi sighed.
-'' When did you return?'' - He asked.
-'' A few months ago.'' - Jimin answered.
Hoseok was astonished. -'' And you only come now?!''
He glared at Yoongi, but Jimin calmed him down again. -'' But we are here now, are we not?''
Hoseok's chest moved rapidly as he breathed. He was annoyed, yes, the corners of his mouth were turned downward, which is never a good sign. He was a very passionate man in everything he does, or everything and everyone he love. He loves to dance and to laugh. His positive energy always fills out the entire room, which is why some people called him ''The Sun''.
He was a year younger than Yoongi, and he looked up to him a lot when they were young. Yoongi knew about it and felt guilty for leaving him behind, by shutting him out of his life, especially because he didn't deserve it.
The two men share a long stare, telling all the unspoken words. There was always a great understanding between Yoongi and Hoseok. It was the same case now.
-'' You better not leave ever again!'' - Hoseok said, his words directed at Yoongi.
Yoongi nods, gulping. -'' We are here to stay!'' - He says.
-'' Good. '' - Hoseok nods.
-'' Good.'' - Yoongi agreed.
-'' Oh for fuck sake, just hug!'' - Mingyu snapped from the back.
Hobi chuckled, sliding his gaze from Yoongi to Mingyu, and then back at Yoongi again. -''This foolish cousin of mine thinks he knows how the real man conducts a truce.'' - Hobi shook his head.
-'' You should have seen how he hugged me. It was embarrassing.'' - Yoongi looked at pouting Mingyu. - ''He even cried a little.''
-'' I did not!!!!'' - Mingyu yelled.
-'' Ah, he is so sensitive.'' - Hobi said, returning back to his cheerful self.
-'' Yeah, he must have been neglected a lot when he was a baby.'' - Yoongi added. Both Yoongi and Hobi look at Mingyu with worried looks.
-'' Oh, yes.'' - Hoseok put his finger to his chin as he '' recalled'' things from the past. -'' I remember him stuttering a bit when he was young.''
-'' Mhm, I remember.''- Yoongi agreed. -'' Poor thing.''
-'' You two should be tied up and whipped!!!'' - Mingyu growled at them, which provoked strangled laughs from Jimin and Jin.
-'' Uuuh kinky, cousin, kinky. Should I be worried?'' - Hoseok laughed at Mingyu's expression and went to him with Yoongi at his heels.
-'' Should we show him how real men conduct a truce?'' - Hobi asked Yoongi.
-'' I think it's about time for him to learn and not embarrass himself with crying anymore.'' - Yoongi agreed.
-'' You are handsome!'' - Hobi bowed suddenly towards Yoongi and Yoongi replied the same bow towards Hoseok. Mingyu rolled his eyes and murmured - ''Idiots.''
The rest of the company roared with laughter.
A moment later the door opened and Kyungsoo entered. He witnessed the merry company and took a deep sigh. -'' Does this mean that you don't want me to throw Yoongi out?'' - Kyungsoo asked, looking utterly defeated.
-'' No, not this time.'' - Mingyu grinned widely.
-'' I'm here to stay bitch!'' - Yoongi said lazily with a grin.
-'' Oh, wonderful.'' - Kyungsoo said with emphasized sarcasm, nodding to himself, while he suppressed the urge to roll his eyes.
Hello! I will try to update as fastest I can, but lack of free time stops me to write as much as I want, so if I don't update in a day or two, please be patient. I will finish this story and I hope you like it so far. Take care =)
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