Chapter One
This is the origin story of Matt and his ability that they keep hidden from everyone until one incident. In this whole thing Chuuya has left the Port Maifa and is living with Dazai and works in the Detective Agency. It will make sense later in the story once you learn more about Matt and what their ability is.
Now let's start
Part 1
It's dark and cold. I can't see a thing. All I can hear is footsteps on the cold tile floor. It was me who was running, but from who? I turned around and saw flashes of light and yelling to bring me back (to the horizon (✓•u•)✓) to the lab. It seems like hours of me running in this hall until I see a sliver of light at the end. 'Come on Matt you can make it' I think to myself as I come closer to the light. I run and run until..... I fall off a cliff. And all I hear before I hit the ground is, "We lost them."
2 days later
I wake up under a tree. I remember what happened and quickly got up to study my surroundings. I didn't see anything but trees, bushes, and birds. Then suddenly *Snap* 'Wtf was that' I thought to myself. I was bracing myself in a fighting stance as the noise drew closer and closer. "WHO'S THERE!" I say with a growl. Then I saw a hat and some orange hair. "Hello, are you okay? I'm not supposed to be here, but I saw your bruises and wounds and thought you might need some help." I hear a voice say to me. "Who are you and how am I sure that you really want to help me and not take me back to there?" I say to the person. "Your lucky I'm not getting called in right now for my job. I'll show myself to you so that you can understand that I'm not trying to hurt you." The person came out and looked ummm how do I put this nicely.... ummm less than the average height for males. He was about 5'3, orange hair laying on his right shoulder, a hat or some sort of fedora, and what looked like a formal suit with a coat over his shoulders. "My name's Chuuya Nakahara. Wh-" "OMG YOUR CHUUYA!! I'VE ALWAYS HEARD ABOUT YOU!! YOU'RE LIKE MY IDOL!! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO ME- ow fuck, my head." I say as I'm holding my head from the pain. "Listen kid, I'm not supposed to be here in the first place, but just calm down and I can actually help you and take you in. Now care to explain why your in near the Port Mafia territory and why you only have a bar code on your wrist." Chuuya says to me. I calm down a bit, but my head still have the sharp pain and it's getting more and more intense. "Fuck it hurts." Tears are rolling down my face at this point from the pain. Then I feel Chuuya pick me up and starts running. "Okay, I'll take you back to where I work to see what's going on with you and to see if someone I know can help." (Y'all might know who it is) "Okay" I say through the pain as he starts to use his ability to get there quicker.
Time skip cuz y not
We get to a place that looks like a office and Chuuya runs right through the door and bolts up the steps. The pain is now not only in my head, but all over my body and it feels like I'm burning from the inside. "Can we hurry, I feel like I'm being cooked from the inside and the pain is getting wor-" I start coughing up this black liquid. I don't know what it is but it has this metallic taste to it."Oh shit okay then we're almost to where we're supposed to be, just hold on a little longer." He says as we reach the third floor. "OI DAZAI COME HERE AND GET YOSANO! ITS SERIOUS!" Chuuya yells as he slams the door open. "Chuuya~. What's wro-" The bandage covered person stops mid way and looks at me and calls for a doctor before I black out from all the pain.
Pt 1 end
OMG THIS IS SOOOO OVER DUE IM SO SORRY!!! A lot of thing happened when I was gone, and I haven't been able to write anything within that time I was off. That Mysterious Ghoul is still under development for the first two chapters. Part two of this chapter will come out soon, I promise. Hope you guys like it.
-Vincent/Matthew (The Admin)
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