40: Epilogue
Two years later -
"Rogue! Rogue! Rogue! Rogue! ROGUE!!!!" Sting's voice echoed up the stairwell and into the room of Rogue Redfox.
The shadow dragon slayer let out a long sigh as he gently put down his quill and pushed his piles of writing to the side. He stood up and turned to his door, where a moment later, the familiar blonde ran in.
"I got us a job!!" Sting grinned, shoving a flyer into Rogue's face. The man smirked as he pushed the slip of paper out of the way and looked to Sting.
"Already? What happened to that two weeks break we talked about?" Rogue asked.
"I can't wait that long! I'm bored out of my mind, Rogue. Come on, let's go help catch a criminal!" Sting pleaded.
"That's not even in our territory," Rogue asked, raising an eyebrow as he read the flyer. Some dragon lord was having issues catching a criminal of the state and was asking for assistace.
"Yeah!? So!? They're asking for help! Besides, it's close to Magnolia so we can drop in and see Yukino and Kagura!" Sting grinned.
Rogue chuckled and shook his head.
"Close to Magnolia?" Rogue questioned. "Sting, it's three days journey from thereto Magnolia."
Sting deadpanned and then laughed. "Alright! Then it'll be a long journey! But come on, Fairy Tail's so fun, it'll be worth it. We'll see Yukino and Sorano and Kagura and Laxus and Mira and Erza and Jet and Droy and that bastard Invel and his parents - "
"If they're not out on their own jobs," Rogue interjected.
"Then we'll just wait for them to come back. We can go to the castle after that and say hi to Minerva and the others!" Sting pleaded. "Come on! It's been forever!"
"It's been three weeks since we saw Sabertooth," Rogue deadpanned.
"Exactly, that's forever! Come on, come on! We'll catch a convict, earn some jewel, see some friends, have some fun, it'll be like the old days!" Sting laughed, grabbing Rogue by his arm and dragging him out of his room.
"Sting, I'm busy," Rogue sighed, knowing he was fighting a losing battle.
"Doing what?" Sting demanded.
"Writing," Rogue retorted.
"You can write anytime - "
"No, actually, there's this terrible thing called writer's block."
"Ah, come on, let's go on another adventure!" Sting dismissed pulling Rogue down the stairwell.
"If you two are going on another job, at least take some contact lacrima so you can call if you need us!" Levy's voice rang out from the library down the hall. The Redfox castle always had someone in the library.
"Alright, Mrs. Redfox!" Sting yelled grabbing said contact lacrima from a shelf and pulling Rogue towards the door.
"What about your parents!?" Rogue demanded.
"They're coming to hang out with your folks but they said I could go. ALSO, I'm a grown man who helped pull off a revolution, I can go on jobs without my parent's permission!" Sting cried.
"Mmm hmm," Rogue nodded, unconvinced. "So when did your mother tell you to be home by?"
Sting sighed, "Alright, so I've gotta be home in two weeks BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT! Let's gooooo!"
"ADVENTURE AWAITS!!" Lector shouted, flying out of one of the rooms with a pack over his shoulders.
"Adventure?" Frosch asked snoozily as they sat up from their cat nap.
"Apparently," Rogue sighed as he was pulled past and out of the door.
"Love ya, squirt! Be safe!" Gajeel yelled, poking his head out of the kitchen with a metal fork in between his teeth.
"He will be!" Sting laughed, pushing Rogue out the door with a large grunt. "COME. ON! LET'S. GO!!"
"STING! Wait for me!" Lector cried, flying out the door.
"Fro too! Wait for Fro!" Frosch cried, flying after Lector.
The boys ran across the castle lawn, arguing the whole time and racing past Lucy, Natsu, and Happy.
"Be safe!" Lucy cried as Sting carried Rogue past them, the shadow dragon slayer yelling at the blonde angrily, the blonde yelling back as the two cats flew around them.
"Don't destroy any mountains!" Natsu called after them.
"AYE!" Happy chirped from Natsu's shoulder.
The two dragon slayers barely acknowledged them in their argument, making the couple laugh before making their way towards the Redfox castle.
From the upper levels, Pantherlily watched the duo with their cats take off across the lawn of the castle, heading east towards adventure and chaos. The black cat chuckled and shook his head at their spirit.
He strode through the halls, stopping only once at Rogue's messy room, the one he had just been pulled unceremoniously from. The cat chuckled and began to pick up the man's room, stopping when he picked up a pile of papers.
It seemed that the young Redfox was working on writing his own novel. Pantherlily found the title of the book and chuckled once more.
The Tale of the Twin Dragons
Such a fitting title.
Pantherlily placed the papers back on the desk and walked out of the room, wondering what Gajeel was making for dinner.
Pantherlily laughed and jogged down the stairs as the front door flew open to greet the smiling faces of Lucy and Natsu and a grinning Happy.
As greetings were exchanged between the two families, the twin dragon slayers made their way down the road, towards their life of adventure and excitement.
(Well, that's it folks. Hope y'all liked it!! Just some self-indulging fanfiction of brotherly bonding. Have a great day/night and thanks for reading!!!)
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