Sting focused on the tree he was climbing and bit his lip as he climbed higher and higher. A few feet away Lucy sat and behind her lay a grand white dragon; Weisslogia.
"He's a curious one, determined too," Weisslogia noted aloud.
"Yes," Lucy began, she was going to say more but she caught herself and stopped. Weisslogia sensed it and finished her sentence for her.
"Just like his father."
Lucy gave a small nod and took a deep breath.
They had just barely reach Weisslogia's haven. It had been three days since she had lost Natsu and Happy.
"And his grandfather," Weisslogia chuckled as Sting fell to the ground, roared at the tree and went to climb it again.
They sat in silence for a little longer, Lucy held the key of Gemini and was turning it in her hands over and over again.
"You mustn't ponder it too much," Weisslogia warned.
"Gemini said that The Dragon King's forces had already reached the Redfox's... they're home was destroyed but they didn't see any bodies..." Lucy muttered. She wanted so badly to search for her friends.
"If you leave my territory, you will be at The Dragon King's mercy," Weisslogia reminded her. "This enchantment shields my home from the monster's gaze but if you leave... and worse yet if you are captured... you put my home, and your son, in grave peril."
Lucy nodded, " I just wish I could know... I hate not knowing," she muttered a sob catching in her throat.
Was Natsu dead?
Had they killed Happy?
Was Levy gone too?
What about Gajeel?
And their young son?
What was she supposed to do now...?
Lucy held her head and released it all in a pained breath.
"Well... I've heard nothing of the Redfox's capture, and no news is good news," Weisslogia sighed laying his head down.
"And Natsu?" Lucy asked.
Weisslogia looked away and did not respond. Lucy stood up knowingly.
"And Natsu?" she asked more forcefully.
"You must swear that you will not do anything foolish if I tell you," Weisslogia sighed.
"I swear," Lucy said eagerly.
"...He is alive," Weisslogia said slowly.
Lucy let out a relieved sigh and put a hand to her heart.
"Then the Dragon King has found use for him... that gives me time-" Lucy began.
"But he is to be executed in four days," Weisslogia murmured.
Lucy froze.
"Executed," she repeated slowly.
Weisslogia clenched his jaw and looked to her.
"He's going to hang him?" Lucy asked her voice trembling.
"It is what the proclamation states," Weisslogia answered slowly, "I suppose we must be happy it is not a game's death."
"I have to stop this," Lucy breathed turning away.
"How?" Weisslogia challenged, "How will you do that!?"
"I'll find a way," Lucy answered pacing.
"This is one of the King's games. He knows you're out there and he knows you're listening. If you go and try to stop it he will interrogate you and he will get what he wants. And then he will come for you son and I. Is that what you want?"
"Natsu would've gone," Lucy breathed, "He would've gone to save me."
"Yes, but you are not Natsu." Weisslogia growled, "Perhaps Natsu could've pulled it off but he is Igneel's son for the love of all things good. I do not mean to sound harsh but you stand no chance."
Lucy stood trying not to cry. Weisslogia's words were true, but it only made the wound in her heart hurt more.
"I can't stand and do nothing," she answered looking to the horizon, tears slipped down her cheek, "How would I ever be able to live with myself... How would I explain it to Sting?" he voice shook and the tears fell faster.
"Natsu wouldn't want you-" Weisslogia soothed.
"I have to try..." Lucy stated.
"And what about Sting?" Weisslogia demanded.
Lucy turned slowly to face the white dragon, "This is for him too."
There was such determination in her eye that Weisslogia's next words caught in his throat.
"I am the last connection Sting has to the Dragon King... You may be able to hide him, but my magic power and scent are too obvious... too recognizable." Lucy began explaining her plan to Weisslogia, she stilled cried and clenched her fists as the emotional pain became almost too much to bare.
"This... Is this truly what you want?" Weisslogia asked sitting up.
"Yes," Lucy nodded.
"Momma," Sting called running up. She quickly turned to him and leaned down. Sting stuffed a handful of wildflowers at her and smiled. "I found em' behind the tree!"
Lucy took them lovingly and kissed his head, "They're beautiful, thank you Sting."
"I can go find some more!" Sting offered hopefully.
"No," Lucy's voice quivered. She knelt down and looked into her son's eyes. "Sting... I have to go get your father... can I trust you to be good for Weisslogia while I'm gone?"
Sting looked from his mother to Weisslogia and shook his head no slowly, "I-I don't want you to go."
"I know," Lucy choked running a hand through his blonde locks.
"Can't you stay?" Sting's voice shook as he grabbed his mother's hand.
"I have to go get your father," Lucy said softly.
"No!" Sting yelled indignantly running and hugging his mother, "You're gonna go away just like Daddy and Happy! I... I don't want you to go!!!" he cried and then he began to cry into Lucy's shirt.
"Oh Sting," Lucy smiled her voice wavering. "Daddy and Happy aren't gone, and I won't be gone either."
Sting continued to cry.
Lucy pulled Sting off her gentle and put a hand to his chest. "We'll all be in here alright? We'll be there when you need us... Okay?" she cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead, "You'll be good for Weisslogia alright?"
Sting, still crying, gave a slow nod.
"That's my good boy," Lucy smiled. Then she stood up and looked to Weisslogia. "I'll forget once I've crossed the border right?"
"Only as to the location and my identity," Weisslogia answered, "You won't remember who you left Sting with or where you left him."
"That's enough," Lucy nodded. She began to walk away.
Sting ran up and hugged her legs.
"Sti-" Lucy began.
"I LOVE YOU MOMMA!" Sting cried.
Lucy smiled, pried him off her legs and kissed his forehead again.
"I love you too," she smiled. She turned briskly and walked into the forest leaving her son crying in the care of a white dragon knowing that she'd most likely never see him again.
Natsu looked through the bars of his cell and growled.
"So? Any of you know the time?" he asked looking to the two guards that guarded his cell.
They didn't answer.
"Oy! Come on? None of you guys got a watch?" Natsu pressed.
They still remained silent.
"Oh come on! Is it too much to ask how many hours I can sleep before my death?" Natsu laughed, it was a laugh with a hint of desperation behind it... maybe that joke hit a little to close to home.
Another guard walked up and whispered something in one guards ear.
"Oy! Do you have a watch?" Natsu yelled.
The guard nodded and the new one briskly walked away.
"OH COME ON!" Natsu yelled.
The two guards by his cell turned and opened the cell door.
"Alright guys... I don't need the time that badly," Natsu laughed nervously.
They went to grab him... and then he smiled. He punched one and sent him to the ground and was able to tackle the other without a sound. He ran out of the cell cursing the anti-magic collar that was on his neck.
He turned his corner and froze, he didn't need magic to recognize that scent.
"LUCY!" Natsu called throwing stealth out the window. He ran by ever cell and looked inside them all frantically, "LUCY!" he yelled again.
He stopped by a door that reeked of her and he barged in.
He was in what looked like an unfinished part of the castle. The cobblestone stopped and opened into a cave; a better word is a pit. The chasm descended out into blackness and standing at the edge of it was the Dragon King. But what made Natsu's heart stop this time was who he held. His hand was wrapped around Lucy's neck, the brave blonde struggled and screamed and swore but the Dragon King held her all the same.
"It's about time you join us Fire Lord," Acnologia chuckled.
"Let her go," Natsu growled walking forward cautiously.
"Alright," Acnologia laughed and he released Lucy and pushed her off the edge.
"LUCY!" Natsu roared.
Lucy screamed but her scream was cut short when Acnologia grabbed her wrist and left her dangling off the edge. She muttered a prayer under her breath and tried to look for something to cling to but she was hanging in open space.
"Please don't-" Natsu began.
"I won't," Acnologia interrupted, "As long as you answer my question."
"Don't do it Natsu!" Lucy screamed.
Acnologia let her go for a moment but caught her quickly making her let out a small shriek.
"What do you want?" Natsu demanded.
"What dragon's are you affiliated with?" Acnologia ordered.
"Why on earth does that matter!?" Natsu cried.
"What. Dragons." Acnologia pressed.
"I don't remember them all!" Natsu cried.
"Let's try this again," Acnologia growled, "What dragons would your mate leave your son with?"
Then it dawned on Natsu.
Lucy had gone to a dragon... either Weisslogia or Grandeeney... left Sting... had her memory erased and returned to save his skin.
Lucy looked into the pit a closed her eyes, she was okay if it ended this way.
"What dragons?" Acnologia pressed.
Natsu looked up and growled, "I. Don't. Know."
"And if you did?" Acnologia growled.
"He wouldn't tell you," Lucy bit, "So drop me!"
"No," Natsu ordered.
"Goddammit Natsu just let him drop me!" Lucy cried.
"You both are unfortunately predictable," Acnologia growled, "But rest assured I will find your son, and when I do, I'll be sure to show him where his parents corpses lay." With that he tossed Lucy over the edge. Natsu ran to the edge and jumped after her. He caught her and tried to slow their decent but without magic both where useless. Lucy wrapped her arms around him and held him.
"I got you," Natsu breathed into her ear.
"I love you," Lucy smiled.
None of them noticed Acnologia's smiles as he tossed them over the cliff. It wasn't the smile of a murderer.
"Until I find new use for you, Dragneels," Acnologia chuckled walking off the edge, "Block it off!" he ordered of a guard.
The guard slammed a rune and immediately the pit was covered with a rune barrier locking the two away.
It wasn't until I was much older that Weisslogia would fully explain to me why my mother left, but I never felt abandoned by her. I always knew she left me for a reason, but that doesn't make it easier, actually... I wish I could blame it on me, maybe that could've made my life less painful, but the fault landed on someone else. Someone much more powerful and dangerous then I could ever be.
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